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Masonic Tao^le
AsBOclatlon of Pet:
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186 7.
Index to Volume II.
AeaeU .........
▲ddrtM of 6«a B. Bnsworth, W. M. of AaUw Lodge, No. 91
Addreu <A M. E. Michael Shoemaker, 0. H. P. .
AJlegtanoe, Tme to fte .
Amerlean Adoptive Rite ......
A Moral ......
Anoleot and Aoeepted Rite .
A New Qoallfieatlon ......
AppttoKDtfl, Releetod .......
Aahlar Ijodge, OonatUotlon and Cooaeorafeion of
AaUar (The) — Paet, Preeeot. and Future . . . .
Attack and Befenite .......
A Wooiao*« Thoafchte on Maaonry . . . . .
BiJlot, Secrecy of the
Banquet at Hartford
Bigotry in Maaonry
Brown, Bro. Ohapel W.
80, 102
. 522
OaJdwell, James D. . . . . .
California, Masonry in .... .
Canada, Independent Grand Lodge of
Canada, Independent Grand Lodge of, and Grand I»lg<p
Canada^ Proceedings of New Grand Lodge of
Canadian Provisoes, Masonry in . .
Candidates, Proficiency cA . . . ^
Candidates, Ballottng for In Chapters
CarieUNi, Death of Bro. Israel*
Case, Letter fh>m Bro. Lewis ....
Oaswall, Bro. D
Centennial Oelehration at Providence, &. L .
Ctapman, Bra H. Clay (Ofaitnary) .
chapter, PaninsiMWf N'o. 16 ....
Chapter of Michigan, Proceedings nA the Grand .
of Distrlft
140, 186
of Columbia 75
Ihdsx to Volums II.
Ohstfald, Our Late Bn. CO.
Oh1o«so UnlTsnlty) Lajlag the Fo«ndatl(m Stoie of
Oollega, HMonie Female ......
OongreflB, UniTpnal MmodIc .....
Conneetiont, Orand Chapter of .... .
Cook, Death of Bro. J. V
Correepondeiioe, Iowa .......
Ciu(om« aod I^geDds.— Bxtraot traax Bevalations of a Square
408, 488. 4»
Death— The Allegory
Dedieation of Lodges .
Degrees, The SymhoUo
Detroit, Offloers of MmodIc Bodies in
Dtonysiaa Mysteries .
Does, Piinishmeot for NoD-payment of
Dotlea, Masonic
42, 88, 186, 180, 181, 226, 872» 864, 411, 467
Bdltortal Correspondenee
Editor's Table
Bncampmeat, Oeoeral Grand .
Bncoorsge Those who Labor
England, Grand Lodge of . . .
England, Grand Lodge of, and Craft In Canada
England, Grand T^odge of— Power of G. M.
Ensworth, Address of Geo. B. . .
Expelled ......
Expulsions, Pablishing Kotloes of
. 28, 80, 206. 246, 801, 408, 440, 406, 618
4a, 00, 187, 182, 228, 27S, 820, 800. 412, 468, 606, 668
88, 868, 468, 602, 662
Feast, The Annual ....
Franklin Statue, Insagufation of .
Freemasonry and the .Archbishop of Dublin
Freemasonry, MltohelPe History of .
. 810
110, 160, 200
. 183
General Grand Bodies .....
General Grand Encampment ....
General Grand Chapter, Proceedings of
General Grand High Priest, Authority of
Geographical Jnriedlctiou of Lodges
Grand Gounoil of Royal and Select Masons of Ohio
Grand Lodge. Requirements of . . .
Grand Lodge of TllinoU .....
Gnnd Ixidge of Illinois, Extract from Oration by Bro
Grand Lodge of Michigan .....
Grand Lodge of MassachusettM . . . . ,
Grand Lodge of New York — Articles of Union Rejected. Ox.
Chrand Lodge of Ohio .......
Grand Master — His Power .....
Chave, The .........
Guard the Entrance .......
A. Johnson,
116, 280
. 386
. 173
. 648
221, 267
. 308
. 316
. 270
IfeUta In tlM Lodge — UMtofTolMeeo .411
Butfbrd, llMontc Banqvei at 64
HmM, Bra John T. 466
HooM not Bnllt with Huid« 461
IIUools, Or»nd Lodge of ... .
■ •
. 316
Impoeten ... ...
Inauguration of the Ftanklin Statute
• •
lie. 166. 900
Indiana, Grand Ijodge ....
• ■
Initiation. Diiquallfieationa for ...
• •
Initiation of the King of the Sandwioh Islands
• •
Initiation, Otjeotion to
• •
. 646
Iowa Correepondence ....
• •
Iowa, Grand Lodge of .
. 666
Jnriedlction. FenaL of Lodsee ....
Kane, Arctic Expedition of Bro.
, «
. m
Kane, Death of Dr. .....
• • • WV0
Kane, Monument to Dr.
• ■
Kane, Our Bro. .....
, .
■ ■ • vvw
Kntghte Templan, fiiitory of the Order of
Knights Templars in PennsylTania
• •
Leoturers, Itinerant .....
, _
. 124
Ibee, The late Bro. B. Smith
Liberty of Security as Uasonioally understood
• •
Lodges, Dedication of ... .
■ •
Lodges, Master of- Who eligible
• »
Lodges, Jurisdiction .....
• •
. 8», 880
Lottery, Masonic ......
» •
07, 180
Maine, Grand Kncampment of . . .
• •
. 176
Maine, Grand Lodge of .
" . " .
• • • *^W>
• ■
. 80, UO, 236, 310. 364
Masons, Distinguished .....
• ■
. 101
Masons, Death of Distinguished— Dr. Kane and A.
P. Pflster
Masonry in Turkey .....
, .
. 166
Masons in Turkey .....
■ «
Masonic Duties
■ 4
. 104
Maaonie History
• •
Masonic Hobbies ......
• •
Masonic Trials
Masonry, Antiquity of .
. «
Masonry and Politics ....
, ,
Masonry, Defense of .... .
• ■
. 120
Masonry— Does it Shield the Guilty?
• •
lfMoiii7—H«r IDvfltrloat Ifuam
IfMonry In OalHbml*
Idaonry In Qrest Britain
ICaflonry in Midhlgui
IfMonry in Sootb OaroUn*
ICMonry— Ita BeneflU
Maaoarj^lU PrcMperity
Mttonry, Origin of .
ICnaonry, Prinolpln of . . .
ICMonry— What la It doing fbr IntaUaotnal
Mason under Charges— Hla Rights
Ifassachosetts Grand Lodge
Monro, M. W. Oea 0. ■
Progress f
Ptige 9n
. an
at, 77, Its, SIB
If arrow Rseafke— Oonrtesfea to a Broi In a Fordirn Land
New York, Dlffloultlea in .... .
Kew York, Orand Chapter ei . . . .
New York, Proposed Union In ... .
Noble, Death of Oharlea B. . . .
4ii, 4<a
OAoers of Lodge
Ohio, Orand Lodge of
M, UA, M4« 506
PennsylTanla, Orand Lodge of
Pennsylvania, Knights Templars In
Peninsular Chapter, No. 16^ of R.
Porn, Grand Orient of .
Petition, Presentation of
PAster, Death of A. P. .
Pillars, The two Brasen
Pomr :
A Flight ....
Alone ....
Alone ....
Funeral of Old Mister Orey
Hope .62
Infancy and Growth of Masonle
Sofonoe .76
Kind Words . . . 84S
Lamentation for Hiram 147
Masonic Ode ... 467
Principles of Masonry .
Proficiency of Candidates .
Progress of Life ....
Proposed Union in New York
Proscription ....
Pythagoras ....
A. Maaoni
Memories of Home .
Mortal Flowers
Sad Hours .
Sorrow and Consolation
Thanks to the Deity
The Beggar Girl
The Bed Cross Knights
The Grave in the Wildwood
The Trial .
True Frlendu .
Rejected Applicants .
BevelatiooB of a Square, Bjctraots from
Tbe most exalted tbeme tliat oao engaga our attentioii, is the con-
dition of homan nature.
"The noblest atndj of mtukind is mui" —
a Htad; tbat lias taxed the intelleota of philosophers for thoasands of
;ean, and jet presents a vast field for reaearoh, which is oneTplored.
It is a lamentable foot, the oaiises of vhioh we need not disouss, that
in every country and every state of society thtoagbont the world, an
immense amount of crime and miseiy exists. The seeds of sin are
daily sown and are constantly springing np and bringing forth fhiits
of sorrow and angaish. Man wars against his brother-man, and the
indiridnal is too often gaided by his own selfish interests, however
great may be the injastice done to others. Snch is the oondltion of
human nature after centuries of progress and improvement
It is now establidied by experience beyond dispnte, that manUnd
cannot advance in oiviliiation, in intelligence and goodness to any
considerable degree without the ud of some Und of government.
1 — vot~ n. NO. I.
Hence, for the accomplisbment of almost all purposes, men in civilized'
countries combine and form societies. In our own land, they are
numerous. They concentrate action and cause the views of the ma-
jority to control and regulate the conduct of individuals who might
otherwise exert little influence for good. Governments and societies
are necessary helps to improve man; they are necessary helps to
make him more intelligent and morally better. As their true object
is to combine his efforts for the promotion of worthy aims, and to pre-
vent his interests clashing with those of his neighbor, there has arisen
the maxim, *^ that government is best which governs least" — which
restrains the individual as far only as is necessary for the public good.
We need not say that this is generally advocated by the citizens of
our Republic.
Of all human establishments intended to promote the welfare and
happiness of our race, the institution of Masonry stands pre-eminent.
Considering the end for which it is designed, it is more faultless than
any other organization. One great evidence of this is its existence
to-day, after having been subjected to every vicissitude which time
and opposition could create. Age is cited to prove the purity of
political governments and ecclesiastical societies ; with what propriety
and force, then, may it be adduced in favor of our Order 1 Indivi-
duals differ as to its origin ; while some gaze through the long vista
of ages and trace its history beyond the temple of Solomon, each
one can behold it extending back for centuries till it gradually dis-
appears, as it were, in the mist of time. It is generally admitted that
Masonry has come down to us from remote ages, having withstood
every opposition and persecution from that of popes and princes to
that of an indignant people in this land of liberty — ^having " survived
the lapse of time, the ruthless hand of ignorance and the devastations
of war." More conclusive evidence could not be adduced to refute
the arguments of our opponents. But we have not said all— our In*
stitution does not found her claims on a negative character. Masonry
has not merdy out-lived the most powerful dynasties and the most
distinguished nations of the earth ; she has not merely survived the
most stupendous works of art, reared by the utmost exertions of human
genius and intended to endure for ages yet to come ; she has done
far piore ; — she has left her foot prints bright and enduring on many
ages ; she has left behind her a glorious history, whose every page is
emblazoned with deeds of charity and brotherly love ; she has followed
in the bloody path of unrelenting war, and like a good angel adminis-
tered comfort and consolation to the widow and orphan; she has
"dwelt alike in the palaces of royalty and the hnts of poverty, alleriat-
ing the distresses of their inmates and teaching them prinoiples of
the purest morality ; she has gone heyond the sphere of refinement
and plenty, and, like the pioneer with the bible in one hand and the
olive branch in the other, she has been the first to plant her foot
among the rude and barbarous, irradiating the darkness of ignorance
and bigotry, and scattering in her path--«s it were brilliant a&d
priceless gems-^the thousand virtues whieh ennoble and purify nuuk
Such is the ohfiracter of our time-honored society in the fifty-seventh
year of the nineteenth century. In comparison with it, all other in*
stitutions are short-lived and fleeting ; it alone stands a relic of the
J past, possessing the vi{;^or and freshness of youth and adapted to all times
and every people. Its good work is not finished, and will not be till
the predicted millennium shall arrive, or time shall be no more. As
long as the human race exists and is subject to the influences of its
present impulses and passions, so long will Masonry continue to shed
her rays of peace and comfort among mankind*
Leaving the individual, as a general rule, free to adopt such politi-
cal, theological or sociu views as he may deem best, Masonry im-
presses upon his mind those great truths which find a ready response
in the hearts of all good persons. Bringing together under such
influences **men of every country, sect and opinion," it causes
them to mingle as brothers. What other institution presents such a
spectacle er such results 1 Not one. It cannot fail to be obvious to
the most cursory observer, whose mind is free from bias, that Mason-
ry has done, and is doing, much to preserve peace among nations, to
subduo passions, and insure tranquility among men of the same country
and community: Such an influence, she exerts without interfering
with the duty which any member owes to his God, his country, his
neighbor, his family or himself. In this respect, then, we claim that
she has conferred priceless blessings on our race, which should entitle
her to everlasting praise.
We have not space, nor is it necessary, to dwell upon the silent
and unseen influences which our Institution constantly exercises for
the benefit of mankind. On those who enter her portals, she throws
a brilliant and life-giving light. On their minds, she forcibly im-
presses the great moral truths which seldom fail to guide their steps.
It is folly to claim that the mere fact of passing through the forms
and ceremonies of our Order, makes a man morally a Mason. This we
do not claim ; we do however believe and assert, that but few who be-
long to the Institution and visit Lodge meetings, are not thereby made
better than they otherwise would be. As indiyiduals differ in worth
among the profane, so do they among the initiated. The Institution
numbers among its members some who are far from being its orna-
ments. By suoh, it is wrong to judge Masonry. They may be im-
proved, and generally are, by their connection with the Order. Do
you condemn a religious sect or a church, merely because some of its
members are not, in your estimation, worthy persons, and do not live
up to the principles which they profess ? The truth is, " human nature is
nature;" it can be improved, but seldom, if eyer, perfeetecL The in-
culcation of the principles of our Institution, which Wikshington de-
clared to be " founded in the immutable laws of truth and justice,''
tends to guide the best men into paths of righteousness and peace,
and to correct the errors and foibles of those who are prone to go
astray. As a moral teacher and a school of science, Freemasonry
deserves the gratitude and reverence of its devotees.
Of the social benefits conferred by our society, its influence in
allaying discord, in stifling and eradicating bad passions, in causing
men to meet on a common platform in the bonds of friendship and
brotherly love — none but its members can have more than a faint
idea. Its power in this respect has always been underrated by the
uninitiated. The Institution levels all distinctions between man and
man. " Freemasonry," says another, '* regards no man for his worldly
wealth or riches. It is, therefore, the internal, and not the external,
qualifications which we cherish and admire. The hand that grasps a
spade, and the hand that wields a sceptre, are equally entitled to our
friendly grip. No matter whether an African or an Indian sun may
have burned upon him ; no matter in what disastrous battle his liber-
ties may have been cloven down ; no matter if, like Lasarus, he has
lain at the rich man's gate and the dogs have licked his sores — the
moment he enters a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, the dis-
tinctions of wealth, of rank, of power flee before him, and he finds
himself among friends and Brothers, ready to assist, defend and pro-
tect him."
Do you ask for instances of the practical benefits of Masoniy?
Turn over the records of the past — trace the history of nations, to its
origin ; do you find thrilling accounts of virtuous actions, of heroic
deeds that make you prouder of your manhood % There you find the
evidences which you seek.
It is by an universal language spoken and understood by Brethren
of every dialect, that Masonry often confers lasting benefits. An
iUustration of this fact may be found in the following account given
by lamUionB, of the means of oommnnioation praetibed unong the
disciples of Pythagoras :
One of the Fraternity, travelling on foot, lost his way in a desert,
and arrivmg, exhausted with fatigae, at an inn, he fell seriously in-
disposed. When at the point of death, nnable to recompense the
care and kindness with which he had been treated, he traced some
aymbolical marks, with a trembling hand, on a tablet, which he di-
rected to be exposed to view on the public road. A long time after,
chance brought to these remote places, a disciple of Pythagoras, who,
informed by the enigmatical characters he saw before him, of the
misfortunes of the first traveller, stopped — ^paid the innkeeper the
expenses he had been at, with interest, and then continued his journey.
We need not seek far in modem times for illustrious examples of
fidelity to Masonic obligations, which has " converted the up-lifted
tomahawk's sanguinary blow into a fraternal embrace,'* which has
*^ unnerved the warrior's arm on the shores of our inland seas," and
caused the bloody and hardened pirate to pause in his work of human
butchery, and spare the life of his fellow-man. Tecumseh, in the
midst of the horrors of the bloody battle, when his wild and untame-
able nature is excited apparently beyond control, reads the mystic
language, and at the risk of personal injury, stays the blow directed
at a fallen enemy whom he recognizes as a Brother. The savage
Brandt, amid his wild and ferocious tribe, with the fierceness and
deep-seated hate peculiar to the Indian character, heaps upon the
pile, the fagots which are to consign to an ignominious death the
brave and noble-hearted McKinstry who fought the battles of our
country's revolution. There stands the victim — ^a man of athletic
frame— bound hand and foot — helpless as a child — amid the yelk of
the infioEriated savages. The pile is completed — ^the torch is to be
applied — one instant more, and no power can save. As the last — the
only — ^hope, the mystic appeal is given. What magic does it possess?
The warrior Brandt is converted into an angel of peace, and, at the
risk of his own life, he rescues his Brother. More striking and im-
pressive is the preservation of Capt. Harris when captured by the
pirates. From an American port, puts forth a neat and comely brig
for foreign lands. Favorable breeses waft her over the ocean, and
she nears her destined haven. Who can foresee when the pleasures
of hope are to be blighted ? At nightfall, the blithsome crew behold
in the distance the dread harbinger <>f ill — a low, black hulk. Ef-
forts are made to escape, but they are made in vain — the brig and
her hardy seamen are the prize of the pirate Gibbs and his hardened
and demoralized band. To prevent the communication of any intel-
ligenoe, the desperadoes at once decide that their innocent prison*
ers shall die. " Dead men tell no tales.*^ There is no delay — the
horrid work of death commences. Calmly and coolly Cajjt. Harris
sees his faithful men led forth — one after another — and foully mur-
dered in cold hlood, till his heart sickens. Kecollections of home
— of a loving and beloved wife— of precious children — crowd upon
him, and an unutterable anguish fills his soul. Is there no means of
escape — no hope ? Alas ! none. His turn has come — he obeys the
awful mandate and steps forward amid the blood and gore of his
murdered companions, with a feeling of despair. One moment
more, and the instrument of death will do its work. In that trying
instant, the thought of the mystic appeal comes over his mind like
a ray of hope — 'tis given — and not in vain. The hard-hearted,
soul-calloused Gibbs reads the language — ^he pauses — his manhood
returns — the work of death is stayed — and his Brother is soon set at
liberty, and on his way to his family to live many years in peace and
happiness. It is but a few months since he died within the limits of
Michigan, where he had resided since eighteen hundred thirty.
Such are but a few of the instances which can be cited, illustrating
the practical usefulness of Masonry. Cases less striking occur al-
most every day. Are life and liberty valuable to you ? None can
tell how often, and under what circumstances, you may be able to
preserve them by the aid of our ancient art
To those within its pale, the benefits conferred by our ancient and
time-honored Institution are apparent. Their record, stretching back
to remote times, adorns the pages of history, and, with a knowledge
of our principles, should be sufficient to convince the most skeptical
of the value and usefulness of Masonry. To-day, our Order, which
has been the means of alleviating the distresses of mankind and
promoting their happiness from time immemorial, flourishes beneath
the smiles of popular favor. Brethren, what a sacred trust have you
to guard ! Are you faithful to that trust 7 Do you regard it as a
priceless legacy, and are your best endeavors made to transmit it un-
impared to those who shall come after you ? If her members are
true to their professions and obligation, Masonry can suffer no ma-
terial check ; her course, as in the past, will in the future, be on-
ward and upward, till all disinterested lovers of religion and virtue
shall look upon her and bless her — aye, shall salute her in the words
of the poet:
Hail to the OnSt, at wlioee ierere oomiuttuU
The gentle arts in glad obedience stand ;
Hail sacred Masonrj I of source divine.
Unerring sovereign of the unerring line ;
"Whose plurab of truth, with never-failing sway.
Makes the joined hearts of STmoietry ohdj ;
Whose magic stroke bids fell confusion cease.
And to the finished orders gives a place ;
Who calls vast structures from the wumb of earth.
And gives imperial cities glorious birth.
To works of art, her merit not confined.
She regulates the morals* squares the mind ;
Corrects with care the sallies of the soul.
And points the tide of passions where to roll.
A oorrespondent thas writes of the condition of the Masonic Order
in the State of California to the Mirror Sf Keystone :
Auburn, May 18th, 1866.
My Dear Brother: — ^The Grand Lodge of California held its
sixth annual oommunioation in the city of Sacramento. It commenced
its session on the 6th of May and adjonmed on the 13th. Upward
of fifty subordinate Lodges were represented. The utmost harmony
and good feeling prevailed, although there were several subjects be-
fore the Grand Lodge calculated to create sectional feelings, among
which was the Question of the permanent location of the Grand Lodge,
which was deciaed in favor of Sacramento City. I am unable to give
you a synopsis of the proceedings, but will forward you printed copies
at the earliest moment The address of the Grand Master and re-
port of the Committee on Foreign Correspondence being printed, I
forward copies of those by the present mail The growth of Free-
masonry in this golden country is really astonishing, and the people
of the Atlantic States would hardly credit that the Institution is more
safely guarded here than it is in most other places, yet such is the fact
The man who passes the outer gate of the Temple, must be of good
report^ of unblemished character, and as the people never do anything
by halves, the character of applicants is fully sifted, and not until the
committee are fairly satisfied, will they report The Craft, too, are
generally well acquainted with Masonic history and jurisprudence, as
they are mostly well read Masons; indeed, in this particular they
would put to the blush many of the prominent members of the Fra-
ternity in the older States. The Masons in any of the small towns
where there is a Lodge, are better informed on Masonic subjects
than the great bodies of the Empire City or the city of Brotherly
Love. This is a country of enquiry, the mind is active, and it will
have food to satisfy its cravings.
I enclose you a list of the officers of the Grand Lodge who were
elected on the fourth day of the session.
Your devoted brother Mosbs HnnoiAii;
From the drear, the misty darkneaiy
Of the night in irhich I etand.
Listening to the pattering raindrops,
Making mnsic thromgh the land, —
Gomes a voice, whose myBtie meaning
Strikes my heart with awe and pain;
For I know the light that glimmen
On mj path sh^ fade again.
Nature hath her songs of warning,
Which the saddened^eart must hear;
Eindlj singing of the shadow.
Ere the uiadow draweth near!
Wise are they who take the warning,
Nerving up their souls to bear
All the sorrow, all the anguish.
Stooping never to despair!
Faster, fiister fall the raindrops;
Not a star is seen above;
And the great night seems to shudder.
Like a neart.shut out from level
Seel the stifling mists are gathering,
Qhostlier, ghastlier than before; r
And the wind moans like a lazar.
Spumed and cursed from door to doorl
But I know the dreary darkness
Soon will blossom into day; '
Crowned shall be the mists with splendor;
Kissed the night's white tears away.
Then the day sha^stsnd in glory,
Smiling from the orient huls;
On his face such radiant beauty
As a tranquil spirit fills.
Now I list in vain — ^the voice is
Dead, that smote my spirit so.
And the sunny tides of gladness
Flood me with their golden flow I
I have read aright the shadow,
And the voice not heard in vain.
And I trust the light will glimmer
Somei^here on my path again!
FraDklin was an observing and sensible man, and his eon-
olusions were seldom incorrect. He said : " A newspaper and a Bible
in every house, a good school in everv district, all stnaied and appre-
ciated as they merit, are the principal support of virtne, morality and
civil liberty."
t)n the moral obaraoter ef Masonry Tolumea might be written with-
out ezhauating the snbjeci Thia aspect of our Institation is too
often slighted, while its work andyt^rupn^^Moe monopolise attentioii
and research. On the mbd of every member who is at all fitted for
the position whibh he has gained, the prineiples and preoepts of the
Order exert an inflaenoe potent for good. This power may not for a
time be openly manifested, or so exerted as to be peroeived by the
tsasnal obsenrer ; but ^evidences are manifested sooner or later that it
is alive and active.
The religious and moral prineiples inculcated by our Institutiou
«re pure and lofty ; they are acknowledged by all good men, whoso
minds are unbiassed, to be onexoeptionable. Their inestimable value
the intelligent and thoughtful cannot fail to remark on his initiation.
Brotherly love, relief and truth ; temperance, fortitude, prudence and
justice; "to regard the whole human race as one family, who, as
oreated by one almighty parent, are to aid, support and protect each
other ;" '^ to relieve the distressed, to soothe the unhappy, to com*
passionate their miseries and restore peace to their troubled minds ;"
to restrain our passions and circumscribe our desires — are these com-
mendable virtues? They are what Masonry inculcates.
Is it right to do good unto all ; to assist the needy ; to deal justly
with every man ; to observe our duty to God in never mentioning
His name but with that reverential awe which is due from a creature
to his creator ; to dry the tears of the widow and the orphans ? They
are what Masonry inculcates; and inculcating such virtues, it says
to the candidate on his initiation: "In the State you are to be a
quiet and peaceable citisen, true to your government and just to your
oountry; you are not to countenance disloyalty or rebellion, but
patiently submit to legal authority, and conform with cheerfulness to
the government of the oountry in which you live."
The great virtue encouraged and enjomed by Masonry, although
often extolled in eloquent language, can never be mentioned without
interest and instruction. From the earliest ages it has been held in
high estimation. Even the ancients who did not enjoy the blessed
light that has beamed on us, revered charity above other virtues.
''They used to depict it," says Hutchinson, "in the character of a
goddesSy seated in an ivoiy chair, with a golden tire upon her head,
set with precious stones. Her vesture, like the light of Heaven, re-
presented universal benevolence; her throne was unpolluted ssd m-
2 — ^VOL. IL NO. I.
spotted by passionB and prejudices ; and the gems of her fillet repre-
sented the inestimable blessings which flowed variously from her
bounty." The ancients ''also represented the charities, otherwise
ealled the graces, under three personages. One of these was pointed
with her back toward us and her face forward, as proceeding from us;
and the other two with their faces toward us, to denote that for one
benefit done, we should receive double thanks. They were painted
naked, to intimate that good offices should be done without dissem-
bling and hypocrising ; they were represented young, to signify that
the remembrance of benefits should never wax old ; and also laugh-
ing, to tell us that we should do good to others with cheerfulness and
alacrity ; they were represented linked together, arm in arm, to in-
struct us that one kindness should prompt another, so that the knot
and band of love should be indissoluble. The poets tell us that they
used to wash themselves in the fountain AddaliuSj because benefits,
gifts and good turns ought to be sincere and pure, and not base and
This virtue, so highly esteemed by the ancients, superior knowledge
has taught us, is the chief characteristic of a good man and covereth
a multitude of sins. The bible inculcates it in the strongest terms
as essential to our well-being and happiness. Masonry teaches us to
exercise it in all our dealings with our fellows, in all our relations in
life ; it teaches us to be charitable toward the destitute and suffering,
charitable in our thoughts and opinions, in our judgment of others.
What peace, what joy, what prosperity does the practice of this virtue
confer 1 It subdues strife ; it checks bad passions ; it makes the in-
digent comfortable; it drys the tears of the widow; it educates the
orphan; it sows everywhere (unseen often by mortal eyes) seeds
which spring up, blossom and bloom and bring forth the choicest
blessings. It is greater than faith, it is greater than hope ; for ^ our
£aith may be lost in sight, hope ends in fruition, but charity extends
beyond the grave through the boundless realms of eternity." The
Brother who fails to regard and exercise this virtue, so far violates
one of the strongest injunctions of Masonry; beneath the mantle
which ho refuses to throw over the faults and foibles of others, he
will, at no distant day, desire to hide his own short-comings and im-
The duties enjoined by our Institution in the practice of charity,
deserve particular attention. Almost every day, Brethren who live
in large cities or thickly populated towns, are called upon to relieve
the wa&ts of distressed travellers ; almost every day, there is an op-
pottimity for each of ns to appropriate a portion of his worldly po0-
sessions for the benefit of the needy, or to administer oonsolation to
the afflicted ; and constantly is it necessary for ns to exercise for-
bearance in onr actions, thoughts and sayings. It is not sufficient
for ns te pay our Lodge dues, and give a pittance of gold or silver
when the subscription paper is placed before ns ] that is the very
minimum of our duty — ^that almost any man, were he ever so sordid
and worldly minded, would do. The true Mason does not confine his
gifts of gold, of consolation, of advice to the Brethren ; he does not
confine them to any particular time or place; they are scattered
around him in his daily walks, wherever he sees a fellow-being in
want, whenever he sees that his efforts can relieve a sufferer or confer
a benefit. He knows little of onr Institution who thinks it limits or
restricts a man's charities or sympathies; and he only comprehends
its design who realizes that ckarities are as boundless as the universe,
and its cardinal principles require us to deal justly with every man
and do good unto all.
To faithfully perform the duty referred to, requires careful obser-
vation and sound judgment Impostors are so numerous, and so
many unnecessary calls are made upon us, that we are often placed
in delicate positions. There is but one rule to adopt; whenever
solicited by strangers professing to be Masons, to render them assist-
ance, examine them by the one unerring standard. If they are dear-
ly not true metal, let tham pass on with the dross of the world, with
such advice as under the circumstances may be deemed expedient ; in
all other instances the nature and attending incidents of each case
should determine your action. Masonry seldom specifies what in-
stances of suffering or want demand our help ; it can do nothing
more than inculcate the great virtue of charity, leaving each member
to regulate his conduct as he may deem best to promote the desired
object. He is therefore amenable in almost all cases only to his God
and his conscience for a violation of the duty under consideration.
How many of us. Brethren, can say, we have been faithful in this
respect? Let each answer to himsel£
Our English Brethren relate that a vessel was wrecked in
the Persian Gulf and the crew about to be plundered, when the cap-
tain gave Masonic signs which were recognized by an Arab chieftain
and they were protected in consequence. They were clothed, fed
conducted to Muscat and set free. '
From the Masomc Review.
Thifl ancient festival-daj was celebrated this year more generally
and with more animation, than for many years past. At many pro^
minent points there were processions, orations, music, with banners,
&c. ; and the Craft seemed to enter into the spirit of these festal
scenes with a zeal and enthusiasm unequalled in past days. It would
require yolumes to giye the detaOs of all these celebrations, and we
can only make note of a few of the many interesting ones that hare
come to our knowledge.
Our intended visit to Minnesota, which was prevented by unfore-
seen events, compelled us to decline the many invitations received to*
participate with our Brethren in some one of these demonstrations.
We reached home in time, however, to share with our Brethren in
Oumminsville and vicinity in a pleasant *^ Pic-Nic" on that day. We
shall not attempt to describe what took place there. The Graft and
their families were gathered in a beautiful grove, each with baskets
full of good things to eat, and their hearts full of kind feelings, and
every face radiant with pleasure. Thus was the day spent in one of
the most beautiful groves we ever saw, and by as happy a company
of men, women and children as ever kept holiday in the country. It
was a new way of celebratmg St. John's Bay, and came in admirably
by way of variety. From the expressions we have heard, we should
not be surprised, if a much more general Pic-Nic should occur on the
same ground next year.
At Springfield, Gkrmantown, Ashtabula, Logan, New Lexington,
and many other points in Ohio, there were regular old fashioned
Masonic celebrations, but the Brethren have not reported th^ par-
ticulars to us. At New Lexington, we have incidentally learned,
there was an immense gathering of the people as well as of the Craft,
Our old friend and P. G. Master, W. B. Thrall, delivered one of hiB
best orations, and
" All went merry as a marriage bell."
At Maysville, Ky., the Craftsmen were out in force, and made sud»
a display as had never been seen in that city before. The oration,
too, is said to have been one of the most eloquent ones ever delivered
in the State, and we regret we are not able to give the name of the
At Clinton, Miss., the day was appropriately observed. A vast
crowd attended, and listened to an address which made its mark upon
the minds and hearts of the multitude^.
Ai Chicago there waa sach a gathering as probably lUinoia had
never Been before. A gentleman from that city informed ns, thero
were three thousand Craftsmen in procession 1 The new and beaatiful
Masonic Hall, the most chaste and elegant one in the whole North
West, was dedicated in ample form. We shall famish a fine engrav-
ing of this model Hall, among many others, in our next volume.
From the accoonta that have reached us, it was the greatest Masonic
demonstration ever made in the North-West.
Indiana was not behind any of its sister States in the observance
of the 24th. At various places the Craft assembled to celebrate the
day. At Williamsport they had a delightful time, and the sealoua
Masons of the Wabash valley were out in their strength, to mark
their regard for the memory of one of the patron saints of the Order.
But probably the greatest demonstration made in Indiana on that
day, was at New Albany. The Brethren of that beautiful and grow-
ing city generally perform whatever they undertake '' with a will,"
and it is not to be wondered at, therefore, that 8t John's Bay waa
celebrated there as it had hardly ever been before in Indiana.
We cannot forbear to mark the outlines of the procession at this
place, as it embraced some new and very commendable features.
After the usual arrangements in the front of members of the different
degrees up to Templars, followed by the Grand Lodge, there were
*^ carriages containing aged and disabled Brothers, another with Past
Grand Officers, and another with the Chief Magistrate oi the city."
These were succeeded by the " members of New Albany Encampment
No. 5 and visiting Sir Knights, on horseback, and carriage containing
the orator and clergy."
The procession moved to the Centenary Church, where a most
admirable oration was delivered by Bro., the Rev. John W. Sullivan,
which was listened to with deep interest by the immense throng as-
sembled in that beautiful and spacious church.
The procession was then re-formed and proceeded to the dinner
table, where ample justice was done to a most sumptuous entertain-
ment prepared by Messrs. McCurdy and Fox. This was succeeded
by music, sentiment and speeches, winding up with a toast to woman •
*' Whom God created with a smile of grace.
And left the smile that made her on her face."
and then all united in singing ^ AtUd Lang Syne?^
Prominent among the assembled Brethren were the following dis-
tinguished members of the Order : CoL Posey, of Corydon, one of the
oldest Masons in Indiana, and a member of the first Lodge organised
in the State ; Hon. E. Newland, P. D. 6. Master ; Major Winn, of
Orawfordsville ; G. Schmidlapp, of Madison, and that ardent and
true-hearted Mason, Harry Hudson, of Loaisville, with others whose
names we have not
In the evening the Masonic Hall was crowded with the Brethren
and their lady-friends to witness the installation of the officers of
Jefferson and New Albany Lodges. P. M. John B. Anderson offici*
ated, assisted by Bros. McMahon, of Salem, and Winn, of Crawfords-
yille. The ceremonies were interspersed with several Masonic odes
sung by a choir of young ladies and gentlemen, Prof. Nutting pre-
siding at the melodeon. Altogether it was an occasion of great inter^
est, and one that will tell on the prosperity and character of the
Order in Southern Indiana for long years to come.
From the Mirror and KeyBtone.
This expression, we opine, might seem enigmatical to an uninitiated
mind — ^to any person not acquainted with our mysteries — inasmuch
as its very terms admit of a strong and forcible contrast, and in the
profane world are not usually, if ever, associated. Yet the Free and
Accepted Mason knows that security is the essential element of all
true liberty, and markedly distinguishes the freedom of the highest
civilization from the restraint of savage life ; and the freedom of a
government based upon constitutional guarantees £rom that of a des-
The savage is not free, even when he in apparent security roams
the boundless forest or the endless prairie, unless he is safe from
surprise, assault and captivity, and is ever on the watch to guard
against the one, or the other, or alL And the dwellers under despotic
governments, however actually exempt from their direct oppressions,
merely hold their nominal liberty upon the uncertain tenure of a
capricious will, instead of that security the guarantees of a constitu-
tional government ensure.
True liberty, as Masonically understood, consists in the enjoyment
of equal rights, equal laws and equal privileges. According to this
definition, we hold the freest spot upon the surface of the globe which
we inhabit, is the FreemasovCs Lodge; and we believe it has ever
been so, in all ages and climes— before the Saxon set foot on Britain
— ^before the Franks had passed the Rhine — ^when Orecian eloquence
still flourished at Antioch — ^when idols were still worshipped in
Mecca ; by the inhabitants of the torrid sone, or of the ioe-bonnd
regions of the world, no matter by what cruel and formidable des-
potisms it may have been and may still be surrounded. It is thus
that the members of our ancient and honorable Fraternity are pre-
eminently entitled to the proud distinction of the Free! For although
this distinctive appellation was, according to our legends, originally
conferred only upon worthy Craftsmen, among the enslared multi-
tudes of ancient laborers, when duly initiated into the Councils and
taught the science of the master builders, it has from the beginning
implied every privilege, every enjoyment and every security which
perfect liberty can confer. Strict equality of individual rights and
opportunities of advancement; a perfect liberty of conscience on
politics and religion, which is entirely exempt from all enquiry and
disparagement, and the exalting consciousness which fills every Ma-
son's heart that his fair fame, whether he be personally present or
separated from us by boundless oceans, that his nearest and most
cherished ties in domestic life ; that his business interests and most
pressing exigencies, together with every lawful secret of his breast,
are secure and sacredly safe in the hands of his Brethren, constitute
a kind and degree of reciprocal liberty which no state or phase of
society, in the vague world of mankind, could possibly afford. And
thus it is, that our Institution has ever been the purest, the most en-
during and the most universal of republics that ever existed within
the history of the human family. The Masonic Institution, governed
by its own organic laws and codes of mutual obligation, and conscious
that no earthly power, not even the greatest, can annull them, since
they are deeply engraved and impressed upon every Mason's heart,
has flourished amid the deserts of despotism, and desires no new
favor from politicfl power in this happy land, so fertile in freedom
and prosperity.
Bro. Hjneman says that the Masonic Temple to be raised
in New York city, will surpass any edifice of the kind in the
world. It is to be five stories high, one hundred feet front, and one
hundred and twenty-five feet deep, and will contain ample accommo-
dations for the Orand Lodge, and all the subordinate Lodges, Chap-
ters. Encampments and Councils. It will be built of brown sand^
stone or marble, and will cost, it is supposed, $400,000.
For tlie A«hkr.
The penal jnrifldiction of a Lodge is far more extensive than many
suppose. It is not confined to its own members, bat extends in some
degree over all Masons who reside within its geographical jurisdiction.
The geographical jurisdiction of a Lodge, radiates on all sides from
the common centre, extends in every direction half way to the nearest
L^dge. Each regular Lodge of Master Masons has personal penal
jurisdiction over all Master Masons residing within its geographical
jurisdiction, but belonging to a distant Lodge ; and although courtesy
requires that the Lodge, near which he resides, should rather make a
complaint to the Lodge of which he is a member, than itsdf institute
proceedings against him, yet such a reference is simply an act of cour-
tesy, and may or may not be made in accordance with the circum-
stances of the case.
The Lodge of which any Master Mason is a member, and the
Lodge within whose geographical jurisdiction he resides, have oo-
extensiye and concurrent jurisdiction over him, and he may be charged
and tried before either ; and an acquittal or conviction had before the
one will be a valid bar td all proceedings before the other upon the
same charge. The only exception to this rule is where two Lodges
have the same geographical jurisdiction by reason of their great prox-
imity, as where two or more Lodges are located in the same city.
Such a power is necessary for the well-being and protection of the
Fraternity, and the Lodges, if deprived of it, will be unable to reach
and correct a large class of evils, or to maintain that high-toned and
moral character to which the principles of Masonry ever admonish
them to aspire.
When Masonic crimes are committed, the course of justice should
be swift and sure. In no other way can the purity and reputation
of the Institution be protected.
The power to exercise personal penal j^sdiction over all Mas^r
Masons belonging to a distant Lodge, who reside within their geograph-
ical jurisdiction, is necessary, for the self-protection of the Lodges.
Master Masons who are not members of a Lodge, and who live within
its geograplucal jurisdiction, have accorded to them the privilege of
visiting its meetings and sitting among its members, and when by
their acts they violate the moral law and bring disgrace upon that
Lodge, it should have the power on the spot where the act was com-
mitted and where the evidence is to be found, to punish the offender
in dae fonn. If in all sneb casea the charges had to be made in the
Lodge to which the offender belongs, situated perhaps at a great dis-
tance, rendering it necessary to transport the evidence to a remote and
inconvenient locality, the coarse of jostice wonld not only be hindered
and delayed, bat in molt cases entirely defeated^ and in the meantime
the reputation of the Institution deeply injured.
In the words of a distinguished writer upon Hasonie law, ^^ this
doctrine is founded upon the wholesome reason tiiat, as a Lodge is
the guardian of the purity and safety of the Institution within its
own jurisdiction, it must, to exercise that guardianship with suooesi,
be inrested with the power of correcting every evil which ocean
within its precincts."
Mackey, in his work on the principles of Masonic law, uses the
following language in relation to the power of Lodges in this par-
ticular: *^ The personal jurisdiction of a Lodge extends oyer all Ma*
sons liviog within its vicinity. A Master Mason belonging to a dis-
tant Lodge, but residbg within the geographical jurisdiction of an-
other Lodge, becomes amenable for his conduct to the latter as well
as the former Lodge. But if his own Lodge is within a reasonable
distance, courtesy requires that the Lodge near which he resideSj
should rather make a complaint to his Lodge, than itself institute
proceedings against hiuL BiU t?te reputation of the Order must not
be permitted to be endangered^ and a ease might occur in which it
would be inexpedient to extend this courtesy, and where the Lodge
would feel compelled to proceed to the trial and punishment of the
offender without applying to his Lodge. The geographical jurisdic-
tion will in aU cases legalise the proceedings."
This, in my opinion, is the true doctrine of the Masonic law upon
this subject
It has been thought by tome that Section 4 of Art 8 of the Con-
Mitution of tho Orand Lodge of Michigan limits the penal jurisdiction
of subordinate Lodges in this State to their own memb^s. If the
power of the subordinate Lodges to exercise personal penal jurisdic-
tion over their own members was conferred by and derived solely
from this clause in the O^stitution of the Orand Lodge, then it
would be unsafe to clothe tie Lodges by implication with any powers
not therein expressly granted. Bnt such, is not the case. The penal
power of Lodges over their own m^beurs is not derived ftom the
Constitution of the Grand Lodge. The Lodges possess that power
independent of the Constitution.
3— VOL. XL NO. X.
The power of Lodges to exercise penal jurisdiction oyer tbeir ows
mem'bers arises from the necessity of things and the law of self-pre-
serration. It is derived from aneient usage. Section 4^ therefore^
does not confer any new power ; its whole scope and effect are simply
to regulate the exercise of a power possessed before, and goes no^
iJEbrther than to fix the number of votes necessary for a suspension,
expulsion or restoration. It will also be observed that the whole
scope and force of Section 4 is confined to matters of difference be^
tween members of the same Lodge. <* Each Lodge shall have power
to hear and determine ijl matters of difference between its own mem^
bers,'* &o.
Now, the class of cases under consideration does not involve matters
of difference between members of the same Lodge. On the contrary,
where a charge for any Masonic crime is made against a Master
Mason who lives within the geographical jurisdiction of a Lodge, but
who belongs to a distant Lodge, the matter of difference exists be-
tween him and some person or persons not belonging to his Lodge
I am, therefore, clearly of the opinion that a clause in the Con-
stitution which relates solely to the jurisdiction of tho Lodges over
'' matters of difference between their own members," can have no ap-
plication whatever to the class of cases under consideration.
Having thus discovered and defined the extent of the power and
authority of Lodges in this particular, it remains to consider how far
courtesy requires the Lodges near which the offender resides, should
make a complaint to the Lodge to which the offender belongs.'
Such a reference to the Lodge to which the offender belongs, is no
more nor less than an act of courtesy, and should the Lodge near
which he resides, refuse or neglect to apply to the Lodge to which he
belongs, before itself instituting proceedings against him, it would at
the most be guilty of a want of courtesy to a sister Lodge. The
proceedings in such a case would be perfectly valid, for in the language
of Maokey, ^ thet geographical jurisdiction will in ail cases legalise
the proceedings." The rule, in my opinion, is this : that in no ease
where a Lodge would be put to serious inconvenience, or where the
course of justice is in danger of being Mndered, delayed or defeated
by an application to the Lodge to which the offender belongs, doe»
courtesy require such an application to be made; but the Lodge
within whose geographical jurisdiction tho offender resides, may pro-
ceed to charge, try and punish him in due form.
Detroit, July 1856. R. H. B.
llHB A8&LA&. t«
Ithe beantifal steel plate engraTing which adonui this namber of
ITre Ashlar, presents oar readers with an excellent portrait of the
Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Michigan.
Bro. Geo. G. Mtmro was bom in Onondaga County, State of New
York, on the twenty-second day of January, 1814 — ^forty-two years
ago. At the age of sixteen, he left school, and as a clerk in a store
commenced a business career which has been crowned with success.
Confining his attention principally to mercantile affairs, he removed
to Michigan in 1834, and for the past twenty years has resided in
JonesTille, Hillsdale County. His attention, during that period, has
been almost entirely directed to his business which has been managed
irith such skill and good judgment, that his labors have been rewarded
with large pecuniary profit. Prosperity could not have crowned the
efforts of one more worthy. With a liberal hand, and in the spirit
which has characterized the lives of many American merchants, he
has dispensed charities, and given assistance to the destitute.
In the community where he resides and is best known, Bro. Munro
is highly esteemed as a citizen, a neighbor and a friend, and in a few
instances he has been induced to accept offices of trust and honor.
Two years, he acted as one of the Executive Committee of the State
Agricultural Society, and in 1853 was chosen president and served
in that capacity one year. At the end of that time, he was re-elected)
but declined longer to hold the office.
In July 1848, Bro. Munro was ^initiated" in Lafayette Lodge,
No. 16, at Jonesville, and was ' raised" in August following. From
that time, he has been an ardent and active friend of our Institution,
giving much time and attention to the study of its history and prin-
oiples, aidmg it liberally with his worldly means, and illustrating by
his life, its practical teachings.
On the St. John's Day succeeding his initiation, he was eleeted
Secretary of Lafayette Lodge. In this office, he served till the end
of the year, when he was chosen Senior Warden. He was next pro-
moted to the office of Master and sat in the East during the foUowmg
four years. He was then re-elected, but found it inoompatabla with
his duties to his fUends and himself, to aooept the office again.
Id the Chapter at Jonesyille, the subject of this sketch has saecess*
ivelj served as King and High Priest, and in the Ghrand Chapter of
the State, he has acted as Grand Treasarer.
In the Grand Lodge, he held seyeral mbor offices, prior to 1853,
when he was elected Senior Grand Warden, and filled that office two
years, when he was advanced to the position of Deputy Grand Master.
This station he occupied two years.
Appreciating the ceal, ability and sterling qualities of the man, at
the last meeting of the Grand Lodge, the Brethren comprising thi^t
body and representing the Fraternity of the State, conferred upon
Bro. Munro the highest gift in their power to bestow, and he now
enjoys the honor and experiences the responsibilities attached to the
high and l^onorable office of Grand Master. In the discharge of his
duties, he has manifested his usual zeal and ability, and under his
guidance the Craft in Michigan are pursuing their labors diligently
and harmoniously. May the future be as profitious to him and them,
as has been the past !
The eomer atone of the Massachusetts State Hospital for the In*
sane at Northampton, Mass., was kid July 4th, 1856, with Masonio
ceremonies conducted by the officers of the Grand Lodge of that State.
The entire account of this interesting event is too long for our pages ;
we therefore copy only that portion of most immediate interest tq
members of our Order and readers of our Magazine generally.
After an address from the Grand Master appropriate to the occa-
sion, the oeremonies prooeeded thus, (we copy from the Frtemasow^
Mcnihly Magazim):
Grand Master, Bight Worshipful Senior Grand Warden: The
Grand Lodge of this Commonwealdi having been invited by the State
authorities to lay, in due and ancient Masonio form, the Foundation
Stone of an edifice here to be erected as an asylum for the alleviation
of human sufiering, and that invitation bavins been accepted, I now
order that tiiis Grand Lodge assist me in the performance of this
work. This my will and pleasure you will prodain^ to the Junior
Onnd Warden, and he to the Breihren and othera present, thai all
having due notice may govern themselves accordingly.
Senior Grand Warden. Bight WorshipfalJunior Grand Warden:
Jt is the order of the Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Grand
Lodge of the Commonwealth of Massaohnsetts, that this Comer Stone
be now laid with Masonic honors. This his will and pleasure you
will proclaim to all present, that the occasion may be observed with
due order and solemnity.
Junior Grand Warden. Brethren, and all who are present, w31
take notice that the Most Worshipful Grand Master will now deposil
%hia Foundation Stone in Masonic form. You will observe the order
and decorum becoming the important and solemn ceremonies in wiiiolfi
we ar^ about to engage.
[Invocation by the Grand Okaplaiin,\
H T M N.
CBoaca. — Let notes of gladnefls tejl
Thoughts that each bosom sweU,
The work began I
PpxT.— Hope's joyous thoughts we bring,
While to our HesTenly King
Chokvs. — ^Friends nov united sing.
Heart's joined as one.
CHOBji^a. — ^Where laid the Comer Stone*
Ever in kindness kno^n
Be man's best soodl
Duet. — Though vears shall pass away.
Though human -woras depay,
CROBp&^Ever by Hear'ns own ray
Be truth renewed!
Csoaus. — May, in proportions true,
Bising to grateful view.
The work aseeadi
DpsT. — ^Long may it safely stand,
Untooched by ruthltjes hand,
CHoam. — Till at Heaven's last command^
All time shall end.
Grand Master, Bight Worshipful Brother Grand Treaaurer:
Ton will read the inscription upon the plate which is to be depositea
nnder the Foundation Stone.
The Grand Treasiirer read as follows :
The Comer Stone of an edifice for the TmsD Statx Lun atio Hosbttal. estab-
lished under Act of the Legislature of Massachusetts, passed May 21, laid by
the Moat Worshipfbl Qraad Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Maaasohu-
setts, M. W. Winslow Lewis, M. D., Grand Master, on the 4th of July, 1856,
the 80th AnniTersaiy of American Independence. Henry J. Gardner, Governor
of the Commonwealth. Commissioners: Luther Y. Bell, H. W. Benchley«
SamL J. Standley.
Grand Master. There being no objection, I now order you, Bro.
Grand Treasurer, to deposit the plate with the papers ia the place
prepared for their reception.
[Ibaic by the Band during the ceremony cf making the dgmitJ]
The principal Architect then presented the working tools to thd
Grand Master, who directed the Grand Marshal to present them Uf
the Deputy Grand Master and Senior and Junior Grand Wardens.
The Grand Master, the Deputy Grand Master and Grand Wardens
then descended from the platform, the G. Master taking the Trowel,
the Deputy Grand Master the Square, the Senior Grand Warden the
Level, and the Junior Grand Warden the Plumh, the Grand Master
standingat the East of the Stone, his Deputy on his right, the Senior
Grand Warden at the West and the Junior Grand Warden at tho
South side of the Stone. The Grand Master then spread the cement,
and when that had been done, he directed the Gnind Marshal to order
the Craftsmen to lower the Stone. (This was dShe by three motions,
▼iz: Ist, by lowering a few inches and stopping, when the public
Grand Honors were given ; 2d, again lowering a few inches and giving
Grand Honors ; 3d, letting the Stone down to its place and giving
the Grand Honors as before. The Square, Level and Plumb were
then applied to the Stone by the proper officers^)
\^Flourish of Musie-I
Grand Master, llight Worshipful Deputy Grand Master: What
is the proper Jewel of your office ?
I>piUy Grand Mailer. The Square.
Grand Master. Have you applied the Square to those parts of
the Stone that should be square?
Deputy Grand Master, I have. Most Worshipful Grand Master,
and the Craftsmen have done their duty.
Grand Master. Right Worshipful Senior Grand Warden : What
is the proper Jewel of your office ?
Senior Grand Warden, The Level
Grand Master. Have you applied the Level to the Stone ?
Senior Grand Warden, I have, Most Worshipful Grand Master,
and the Craftsmen have done their duty.
Grand Master. Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden : What
is the proper Jewel of your office ?
Junior Grand Warden. The Plumb.
Grand Master. Have you applied the Plumb to the several edges
6f the Stone ?
Junior Grand Warden. I have, Most Worshipful Grand Master,
and the Craftsmen have done their duty.
Grand Master. Having full confidence in your skill in the Royal
Art, it remains with me now to finish the work.
The Grand Master then gave three knocks upon the Stone, and
^ I find this Foundation Stone well forked, true and TRtnrrr,
and may this undertakbg be conducted and completed by the Crafts-
men according to the grand plan, in Peace, Love and Harmonv."
The Deputy Grand Master then received from the Grand Marshal
the Cornucopia containing corn, and spread the corn upon the Stone,
saying :
^ May the health of the workmen employed m this undertaking be
preserved to them, and may the Supreme Ghrand Arobiieet bleia and
prosper their labors."
The Grand Marshal then took the Wine from the Altar and pre*
sented it to the Senior Grand Warden who poured it npon the Stone,
saying :
^^ May plenty be showered down upon the people of this ancient
Commonwealth, and may the blessing of the Bounteous Girer of All
Things attend all their philanthropic undertakings."
The Grand Marshal presented the Oil to the Junior Grand War-
den who poured it upon the Stone, saying :
" May the Supreme Buler of the World preserre this people in
peace, and vouchsafe to them the enjoyment of every blessbg."
Grand Master. ^ May corn, wine and oil, and all the necessaries
of life, abound among men throughout the world, and may the blessing
of the Almighty God be upon this undertaking, and may the structure
here to be erected, be preserved to the latest ages, in order that it
may promote the humane purposes for which it is designed."
The Grand Master then presented the Implements to the Architect,
saying :
" To you, Bro. Architect, are confided the Implements of operative
Masonrv, with the fullest confidence that by your skill and taste a
fabric shall arise which shall add new lustre to our honored Common-
wealth. May it endure for many ages, a monument of the liberality
and benevolence of its founders."
^^ Old Hundred" was here suog by the assembly, and the ceremonies
were closed by a Benediction bv the Rev. Dr. Stearns.
The procession was then agam formed and marched to a beautiful
grove in the vicinity, where a bountiful collation had been provided
by the citizens. The procession returned to the town about 6 o'clock,
and the festivities of the day were closed by a free Promenade Con-
cert at the Town Hall, and an exhibition of fireworks in the evening.
We have little space for remarks, but cannot close without expressing
our thanks to the Brethren of Jerusalem Lodge, of Northampton, for
their kind attentions and successful endeavors to render the visit of
the Grand Lodge to their beautiful village an agreeable one.
MoDESTT. — It is a sure sign of good sense to be diffident of it.
We then, and not till then, are growing wise, when we begin to dis-
cern how weak and unwise we are. An absolute perfection of under-
standing is impossible; he makes the nearest approach to it who has
the sense to discern and the humility to acknowledge its imperfections.
Modesty always sits gracefuUy upon youth ; it covers a multitude of
faults and doubles the lustre of every virtue, which it seems to hide:
the imperfections of men being like those flowers which appear more
beautiful when their leaves are a little contracted and folded up, than
when they are full blown and display thttcaselves without any reserve
to the view.
BaoTHBE C. Moore, — Sixty years bavo almost passed over my
'head since landing on the site of this city. In Febrnary, 1793.1
first descended the Ohio riyer from PittsbnrgL The arrival of the
centennial anniversary of the immortal Washington's uniting with
the ancient and honorable Fraternity of Freemasons, and the cele-
bration of that event on the 4th inst , has brought me here. Wash-
ington died in December, 1799. Funeral honors were paid him in
all the principal cities, Philadelphia being at that time the seat of tb^
Federal Government^ and of which place I was then a resident, and
a writer in the public offices, excelled all others in the pomp, splendor,
solemnity and expense of arrangements. Both Houses of Congress
wore in full attendance in the procession. The President — John
Adams — and his Cabinet, with all the Executive Officers and Clerks,
Foreign Ministers, Consols, officers of the Army and Navy, and dia-
tinguished strangers and citizens, were there to honor the memory of
the illustrious dead. The Freemasons were out in large numbers,
and had a conspicuous place assigned them in the procession, next to
the hearse and horse of the deceased. I was Secretary of Washing-
ton Lodge, No. 59, that year. Brother William Gamble, who died
in this city three or four years ago, and at the time a member of the
same Lodge was with me in the procession. General Henry Lee,
then a member of the House of Representatives of the United States
from Virginia, and a distinguished partisan officer of the American
Revolution, delivered the eulogium by appointment of Congress.
Dr. Samuel Magan, the Episcopal minister of St. Paul's Church, by
appointment of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, pronounced an
appropriate discourse to the Freemasons.
Washington continued a member of Fredericksburg Lodge, No. 4,
Virginia, to tho time of his death, in December, 1799, and is re-
ported to the proceedings of the Grand Lodge of the State, amons
the deaths of that year. I owned a printed pamphlet containing afl
the proceedings, with a list of Lodges, their numbers and location,
with the names of officers and members respectively. On my leaving
Pioua some years ago, I presented this relic of ancient Freemasonry
in Virginia, to Warren Lodge of that town.
The Hon. Jonathan Bayard Smith, one of the Judges of Pennsyl-
vania, was Grand Master of the State at the time of Washington'a
death. His signature is affixed to my Masonic Diploma, bearing date
December 24, 1798, with George A Baker as Grand Secretary.
Your Friend and Brother,
John Johnstoit.
Gineinnati, Not. 9, 1862.
• From Oinoimiati Beviaw 1852.
It has been our oonstant endeavor since we ooromenoed the pnbli-
<Bation of Thb Ashlae, to lessen sn eyil prominent in every section ,
and awaken our readers to the dangers which will sooner or later follow,
if it go on unchecked. Others, far and near — through the length and
breadth of our land — ^have sounded notes of warning. Masonic jour*
nals, addresses of Grand officers and reports of Committees on Foreign
Correspondence have given frequent alarms, and called in tones of
eloquence upon Brethren to avert the threatening disaster. Are all
these cautions heeded ? Are care and prudeDce generally exercised,
when members are called upon to ballot for candidates? Brother,
what does the experience of your Lodge answer 1 Have you known
instances in which a little more investigation, a little more time and
caution would have brought to light facts derogatory to the petitioner,
and caused his rejection 1 If you know of no such instance, are you
satisfied, on reasonable grounds, that every one admitted is worthy and
well qualified ? These are serious questions, and we are forcibly re-
minded of their importance, when, travelling through the 'Country, we
perceive the vast increase of membership in every locality. There is
need of more care. As a Masonic journalist, we consider it a duty
to continue to warn our readers against the impending, not to say
growing, evil ; and we believe the day is not far distant when it will
be incumbent on Orand Lodges to impose restrictions in the making
of Masons, which shall stop the *^ hot haste" of Lodges. There are a
few regulations, which, if enforced, would probably effect a cure and
remove the disease.
In the first place, let every applicant be required to be thoroughly
informed in what is to be learned of the ritual of each degree, before
be advances to the next, and let him, according to the old rule, wait
a month between the degrees. Under such salutary restrictions, the
rapid and dangerous growth of the Order would be checked, and none
but the best material would be introduced into the building. No
one could reasonably complain of the stringency of such rules. We
hold that the secrets of Masonry, when properly unders^od, are a
priceless boon which no amount of money should buy,, and he who
receives them, should place upon them their proper value. If he do
so, he will be willing to endure delay, and study long and laboriously,
in order that he may qualify himself to advance. The man who is
not willing to exert himself to gain a knowledge of the ritual, or who
has not sufficient mental caliber to acquire it, is not fitted to receive
4— VOlk. U. NO. L
the second or third degree. The adoption of the course indicated
would undoubtedly lessen the member of Lodges as well as check the
work. 80 much the better — ^no harm can result from that. Lodgea
are too numerous, and Masonry- -or rather its degrees are becoming
too cheap.
We have perused with pleasure the following graphic remarks of
the Grand Master of Massachusetts, which were delivered to a new
Lodge. We commend them to our readers as enforcing by illustra-
tion the truth of our sentiments :
Do not bv beat of drum entice or entreat any one to join with
you. Let all come with free will and accord, deeming the cause a
good one and the pay and reward certain. Let them be scanned
singly and scrutinised individually ; not coming up in whole squads,
begetting confusion and error; but marching up war-fashion, with
body errect to his future Captain, there pledging himself (and under-
standingly so) to the great action for which he is willing to engage.
Let him fully understand the implements of his profession. Teach
him, these are tools apparently insignificant, which may be wielded
witili the mightiest effect, acting noiselessly, but penetrating deeply ;
and that they should enter even into the heart, ere their full power is
effected. That even the uniform they wear is highly symbolical and
impressive, and that the Masonic Soldier can assign some efficacy,
some intent and meaning in his decoration, which his more warlike
Brother would find it difficult to do, as regards his own. Let him
be well drilled as a subaltern, before he aspires to be the officer, and
at every roll call, let him be in his placa Caution him to keep and
conceal the pass-words and countersign entrusted to him; and be ever
on the watch for spies and enemies, that he should support and main-
tain that Constitution under which he has enlisted, and the especial
regulations of his own Company. In short, that by his loyalty, de*
▼otion and upright conduct, he may gain that proud distinction which
is awarded to the ** accepted" Soldier of our Faith. • ♦ • • •
'^ In these piping times of our peace and prosperity, no foes to be
assailed, no enemies to be overcome, be not the less watchful. Let
the outposts be vigilantly guarded ; sentinels on erery watch tower.
Lower not ihe draw-bridge to your inner works, for too ready ad-
mission. Examine all through the loop-holes of a well guarded jea-
lousy. Every Masonic soldier should be a Cerberus to his trusts, an
Argus to his Order, a Briareus, feeling with an hundred hands the
pulsations of the motives of all who approach his sacred retreat As
your official Head, then, I say unto you — watch !
j^"*^ " J\.ecp huj wjugUB iruiu cvii auu uuj iipo uuiu Dp^rcukiu^
guile; depart from evil and do good; seek peaoe and pursue iV*
Suieh are the injunoiiooB of Maionry.
The annual oonrocation of the Orand Bojal Arch Chapter of Con-
neoticat was held at New Haven in May last We hare received
from Comp. E. G-. Btorer the official report of its proceedings. The
M. E. Isaac H. Coe, Grand High Priest, opened the Chapter. In
his address he thas appropriately alludes to the decease of an old and
&ithful workman :
<< The Masonic Fraternity in this State have within the past year
been called to part with one of its oldest and most unwavering de-
fenders—one who has stood for many years as a pillar combining
'^Wisdom, Stren^h and Beauty." I refer to our Most Excellent
Companion and Past Grand High Priest, William H. Ellis, of this
city. Although information of his decease has been very generally
communicated by our Grand Secretary, yet I should be considered
derelict in my duty, did I not at least notice briefly his Masonic
Barely, if ever, has he failed to attend our annual gatherings, while
his firm and unflinching adherence to the *^ ancient landmarks of the
Order'' has become proverbial with the Craft Were the workmen
at a stand — he was always ready with some excellent design drawn
from the great Masonic Trestle-Board, and all again resumed their
labors. Did confusion for a moment threaten to disturb the quiet of
the body — he would never fail to direct attention to some portion of
Masonic Law, and thus poui oil upon the waters and still the rising
He was one to whom it was an honor to defer. True, he had his
faults, — and who has not ? — but as the gold contrasted with the alloy
appears more beautiful, so do the virtues of the good man appear
more excellent when contrasted with the few faults that may appear
in his character. But why should I, comparatively a novice in Ma-
sonry, speak of the Masonic virtues of one who has been so long a
living epistle, known and read of all the Fraternity ?
Companions, his seat in the East is to-day vacant; his cheerful
countenance greets us no more ; his voice is no longer heard in our
councils To him the hour of retiriog from labor to repose hascome ;
he has gone to carry up for inspection the labor of his life, to be tried
by the unerring rule of truth. While his body reposes in peace amid
the graves of his kindred, let his Masonic virtues be engraven upon
our hearts. Companion and Brother, rest thou in peacel"
The report of the Committee on Foreign Correspondence, like all
productions from the pen of Comp. Wm. Storer, is an elaborate and
able composition. He quotes with approbation from the address of
G. H. P. Shoemaker, of Michigan, delivered in January 1855. We
have not space to comment upon the report more at length in this
number, but may refer to it again in our next
In Bcoordance wiih a resolution adopted, a oommittee of nzteeD^
of which High Priest I. A. Coe is chairman, waa appointed to make
preparations for the reception and entertainment of the officers and
members of the General Grand Chapter of the United States which
will hold its triennial session at Hartford on the second Tuesday of
September current
The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: M. B.
Isaac H. Coe, G. H. P. ; David Clark, D. G. H. P. ; Samuel Tripp.
G. E. ; Alexander Hamilton, G. S.; Horace Goodwin. G. T. ; R O.
Storer, G. S. ; Chester Tilden. G. C. ; Fred. J. Calhoun, G. C. of
Host; Nathan Dikeman, Jr., G. R. A. Capt
There are according to the returns eighteen Chapters in Oonnecti-
eut, oompristng about one thousand members.
Jackson, August 3d, 1856.
Here I am, dear Ashlar, in a city renowned for the number and
intelligence of its Masons. At this place reside M. S. Shoemaker,
Grand High Priest; Benj. Porter jr. Post Grand Lecturer, High
Priest of the Chapter in this place and Master of Lodge No. 17;
Jas. A. Dyer, P. M. ; J. C. Wood, P. M. ; R. S. Cheney, W. M. of
Lodge No. 50 ; J. T. Titus, and many other lealous and faithful
members of the Fraternity. Having arrived in town late last evening,
I have seen few Brethren ; I learn, however, that the various Masonic
bodies here are doing a large amount of work. There are at this
time six petitions before the Chapter.
I left Detroit on Monday last, the 28th of July, and rode in the
cars to Wayne. Then I took passage for NorthvUle in an uncovered
wagon, dignified by the name of ^ stage." Long before we (that is
the other passengers and myself) reached our destination, the rain
poured in torrents. The consequence was a very natural one — I got
wet and experienced my first fever and ague chilL After a night's
rest, I found myself able to circulate among the Brethren. Dr.
Gregory was absent, but I had the pleasure of meeting Bro. W. D.
Whalen and other worthy membersL Northville Lodge is composed
of good materials, but labors under a disadvantage to which many
country Lodges are subjected — ^its members are scattered over much
territory. Several of them reside at Plymouth, where I had the
pleasure of meeting them.
Taeflday evening fotind me among old friends at Ypeilanti. The
Lodge waa convened and worked in the third degree, Bro. D. Ed-
wards in the East. We have so many times spoken favorably of
this Lodge, that it wonld be superflnoos to add further praise. No
where in the State have we met with more Masonic zeal than in that
I also had an opportunity, which was joyfully improved, of visiting
Belleville Lodge. This is situated in an easterly direction about
seven miles from Ypsilanti, and is an offshoot from Phoenix Lodge.
Bro. L. J. Ford is Master, and Bro. Dean is Senior Warden. From
appearances, I should judge that this young sister is doing well
She has among her members some excellent men. Bro. H. E. Cham-
pion is a host in himself; the latch string of his door is always out,
and his generosity knows no bounds.
A short ride in the cars carried me to Ann Arbor, the abode of
literature and science. It is a dpot well chosen for the University.
The scenery around it is beautiful and such as might inspire the
dullest minds with a love of the beautiful The city is quiet, and the
retired situation of the University renders it free from the noise and
bustle of business. I am not personally acquainted with the Pres-
ident and professors, but believe they are able and cultivated men,
competent to fill the stations which they occupy. One of them cer-
tainly has a world-wide reputation and should make the name of
Ann Arbor known wherever a knowledge of science prevails I refer
to Prof Brunnow, the astronomer who recently left Europe and came
to this State to take charge of the observatory. Michigan should be
proud of her University and proud that she has within her borders
such a man as Brunnow. At Ann Arbor a new Lodge has recently
sprung into existence ; Bro. J. N. Gott W. M. The old Lodge is
still flourishing. We had the pleasure of meeting Bros. Gott, Shat-
tuck, Sprague, Guiterman, and others who displayed a praiseworthy
zeal for the Craft. I also saw Comp. Piatt, High Priest of the Chapter,
who informed me that that body was prospering.
I made a short stay at Dexter where I found W. M. Carlisle in-
disposed and somewhat ^ shaky." He improved rapidly, and I doubt
not he is quite convalescent by this time.
From Dexter I went to Pinckney. It was my first visit to that
village. Bros. Haze, W. M., M. B. Wilcox and others gave me a
cordial welcome. The Lodge in this place is new, but it has a good
room and about thirty members of the right stamp. It is progressing
and will be one of the best Lodges in the State ere long.
On the whole, I judge that the Graft is prospering. The weather
is beautiful ; nature has put on her finest robe and smiles almost con-
stantly. Little does he who is encased between the brick walls of a
city, know how to enjoy life at this season of the year. Every body
in the country looks happy, and well may each one. The crops arc
good and abundant ; the farmer has harvested his wheat and much of
his hay ; his com and potatoes are doing well, and he sees pUnty
near at hand. Ah I merry people of the country, you may, at this
season, look upon your city neighbors with a sensation akin to pity.
A. W.
Ionia, Mich., August 10, 1856.
Since my last letter, written a week ago, I have not made very
rapid progress geographically. Among the warm-hearted Masons of
Jackson I spent three days very pleasantly, and had an opportunity
to meet many Brethren from various parts of the State. Bro. Titus
laid me under renewed obligations, and for his kind services any ex-
pression of thanks is but a poor return. I trust he will accept them,
however, " taking" — as the common saying is — ^' the will for the deed."
I left Jackson Wednesday evening, the 6th inst, in company with
Bro. W. E. Owen, J. W. of Union Lodge of Strict Observance, No. 3.
A pleasant ride through a beautiful country landed us at Eaton
Bapids. This is a very flourishing village, and should the projected
railroad from Cincinnati to Mackinac pass through its territory, it
will advance rapidly in the path of improvement and prosperity.
Masonry, I should judge, flourishes well in this place. The Lodge
has about fifty members, and the Lodge-room is one of the best in
the State. It is, I should think, the longest " oblong square" in the
jurisdiction — ^being in this respect a little faulty— or rather running
into " the extreme." The ante-rooms are well arranged, and, when
some improvements shall have been made in the equipment of the
Lodge-room, our Brethren may well feel proud of it and challenge
comparison. Bro. Vaughan, Secretary of the Lodge and one of its
pillars, received me in a truly Masonic spirit, and made my short stay
an exceedingly agreeable one. Bro. V., I shall not soon forget your
welcome, nor fail to reciprocate it when an opportunity ofiers.
Thursday, the 8th inst., I found comfortable quarters at the Benton
House in Lansing, kept by Bro. E. H. Peck. I was fortunate enough
to be present at a meeting of Lansing Lodge, No. 33, the same even-
ing, and had the pleasure of seeing the Brethren work in the second
degree. Bro. E. B. Merrifield is Master of this Lodge and presides
with dignity and ease. Excepting the performances of the Senior
DeaooQ — magna pars fui^tha ceremonies were well and accurately
condacted, and could not fail to produce a deep and lasting impression
on the candidate. Beside Bros. Merrifield and E. H. Peck, I had
the pleasure of meeting — ^grip and grip — many gentlemanly and warm-
hearted memben§ of the Craft Bro. Pinckney, W. M. of Capitol
Lodge of Strict Observance, No. 66, was absent which I regretted
very much. In Lansing there are two Lodge-rooms ; both are well
fitted up. The Chapter in this place, of which Comp. Havens is a
leading and active member, is progressing harmoniously. Its work
is good, and its ^ timber," I am informed, is of the best quality.
Friday morning, I left Lansing in the stage and arrived at Port-
land about noon. I searched in vain for my old friend Bro. Geo.
Hill, a Mason whose heart is engaged in the work of his hands. He
had removed to Ionia, In his place, however, I found the happy
countenance of a true member of the Order, Bro Sam. Sutliff. The
exchange of a few words, a shake of the hand, and I was again seated
in the stage on my way to Lyons. The road was at times quite rough,
but I felt perfectly safe under the guidance of Bro. P. B. Haight
who held the reins and directed the spirited steeds over the rough
and rugged paths. In company with Bro. J. C. Hall, I arrived at
Lyons about 3 o'clock P. M. It is said that haste makes waste.
This may be true generally, but I cannot admit it when applied to
my own movements ; for I have been in haste wherever I have travelled,
and have made no waste to my knowledge. At Lyons I circulated .
among the Brethren in a great hurry, and two hours after my arrival
among them, was on my way to this place.
Ionia is delightfully situated, being surrounded with much wood-
land whose verdure at this season is very refreshing to a person ac-
customed to the brick walls and hot air of a thickly populated city.
Every thing looks well here, notwi^standing the light rains and the
dryness of the soil. The wheat crop in this region is light, but good.
The Lodge in this place is large, having about ninety members.
Under the guidance of W. M. Palmer H. Taylor, it is doing con-
siderable work, and its material is of the best kind. The new Chap-
ter, which has been in operation but a short time, already embraces
about thirty members and is doing remarkably well Its officers
have made great proficiency, and manifest the deepest interest in its
welfare. Geo; W. Wilson is High Priest and fills the office with
honor to himself and credit to the body over which he presides.
Bros. Fred. Hall and S. W. John K. Croswell extended to me the
hand of welcome. Both will receive my thanks for their kind services.
A. W.
On the 1 1th of September 1801, Zion Lodge met at the house of
Bro. Jafl. Donaldson. Bro. Joseph Campao, who is now Imng, a
hale and hearty gentleman of the old school, and is daily seen in the
streets of Detroit, acted as Senior Deacon. Bro. R. G. Barde was
passed, and Bros. T. MoCrea Jr., John Askin Jr., Jonathan Schiep-
pelin, M. F. Dumas and R. G. Barde were raised. This was certain-
ly a large amoont of work for one eyening. '' Bro. Campaa," says
the record, ^ assigns illness as a reason for his late neglects of sum-
monses and absences from regular Lodges. The body deem the
reason sufficient."
The next meeting took place on the 5th of October 1801, Bro.
Joseph Campau being present. It was resolved unanimously that
the Tiler " be allowed for each Lodge night the sum of seyenty-five
cents, and for each initiation the sum of one dollar." '' Bro. Barde
enters and makes a satisfactory apology for his tardiness." ^ A copy
of a letter from Jas. May, formerly a member of this Lodge, bearing
date the 3l8t August 1799, was receiyed; ordered that the Secretary
cause it to be re-delivered to Mr. May in a blank cover." ^ The
Master's Lodge was closed, and an Entered Apprentice opened, when
the W. M. delivered a lecture on the first degree." This example is
worthy of imitation at the present time. ^ The Lodge resolves," ac-
cording to the record, "that on Tuesday the 20th inst., at 10 o'clock
in the morning, they will meet in full dress at the room which they
at present occupy, and go in procession to the one prepared for our
future meetings. ' Resolved also, that Bro. Scott officiate on that day
as Chaplain, that Bro. Bates perform the office of Orator, and that
Bros. Scott and Askin Jr. be a committee of invitation."
Oct. 20th, 1801. The Lodge ''convened, as resolved on the even-
ing of the 5th inst., at the house late the property of our deceased
Bro. Jas. Donaldson." After the despatch of ''some preparatory
business," the members ^ went in procession to the Council House,
where Bros. Scott and Bates officiated, ss appointed by the last re-
gular Lodge. The body then proceeded to the Hall lately prepared^
in the house of our W. M. McDonnell. Thos. Martin, Major in the
1st U. S. Regiment of Infantry, after performbg a certain cai^gmony,
is admitted as a visiting Brother." ^ The Lodge requested Bro. Bates
to supply them with a copy of his address for publication, who con-
scious of much inaccuracy, begged time for consideration."
Not. Sd, 1801. At this tneetiog a Oommtttee, consisting of Bros.
Abbott and Askin, reported that Bro. Bates "will supply a copy of
his address for publication, and Bro. Sohieppelin is requested to have
a few hnndred copies thereof printed in such manner as he shall deem
most advisable." It was ordered that a special summons be sent to
Bros. Jona. Nelson, Jno. Snow and Gabriel Godfroj, requesting their
attendance at the next regular Lodge. Bro. Schieppe^in was directed
to purchase books for the Lodge ; and a committee was chosen to
inquire into the conduct of Bro. Jas. Wilkinson.
At the next meeting on the 7th of December, the committee report
fayorably respecting Bro. Wilkinson, and he is admitted a member
af the Lodge. Nemon Pinckney was initiated. The following officers
were then elected for the ensuing year :
Wm. McDonnell Scott, Master.
Geo. Wallace, Jr., S. W.
Fred. Bates, J. W.
John Askin, Jr., T.
R. G. Barde, Sec.
Rob. Abbott, S. D. ^ , „
J. Wilkinson, J. D. \ *°^ Stewards.
Dec. 21 St, 1801. "Emergency," says the record, "oonyened by
order of the W. M. for the purpose of bquiring into the validity of
the late election of officers and other purposes." " An inquiry now
took place into the late election of officers, on a suggestion of unfair*
ness. After an ample investigation of the subject, the Lodge are
satisfied of the validity of said election." Bro& Martin and Pinckney
were passed.
Deo. 27th, 1801. At this meeting Bro. Wallace was fined twelve
and one half cents for tardiness. " Israel Ruland offers such reasons
for the non-payment of his Lodge accounts as to excite lenity."
" The Apprentice's Lodge removed for some time down stairs, to
give an opportunity for instaUing the officers elect A Past Master's
Lodge was then opened, when Bro. Scott was installed Master accord-
ing to ancient custom. The W. M. Scott then proceeded to invest
his different officers." " The Past Master's Lodge then dosed, when
the Brethren then generally returned to the Hall to resume the labom
of the day as apprentices.''
"The^W. M., in order to solemnize the day so long honored by
Masons, addressed a prayer to the Father of Nature, elegantly and
happily suited *to the anniversary of our patron saint. The body
then formed and marched in procession to the house of Bro. Jos.
5-— VOL. IL NO. I.
Harrison where they partook of an entertainment yery bandsomelj
provided, and that with much convivial harmony and flow of sodl.
From thence about sunset we returned in orderly procession to our
Hall, closed the Lodge in charity and Brotherly love on an adjourn-
ment until the next regular Lodge night barring emergencies."
On the 4th of Jan. 1802, Bros. Godfrey and Pinckney were raised.
On the 1st of Feb., Bro. Martin was raised, and at meetings, held
on the 1st of March and the 5th of April, sundry excuses for absence
were given and accepted.
Masonic Female Colleoe. — Of all the charities of Masonry none
presents the OtAer in a more amiable light, than its efforts in behalf
of the education of the children of deceased Brothers. The Signet
and Journal brings us an account of the Fourth annual commence-
ment of the Southern Masonic Female College, situated at Marietta,
Ga., which took place June 23th and 24th. This institution is re-
presented as very flourishing, and rapidly establishing an enviable
reputation. The writer thus describes the present grounds and the
necessity for enlargement :
'' We have never seen a more beautiful and rural spot than the Col-
lege grounds. The fine well of limpid water, the old oaks, spanning
with their gigantic arms the entire campus, with the antique work-
manship of the College buildings — all these things combined give to
the place quite a picturesque and rural appearance, and make it a
place in which the fairies might delight to hold their moonlight revels.
But it appears that something still remains to be done before this
plot of classic ground, with its appendages will become all that the
Fraternity could desire.
With the intense interest manifested in the success of this favored
institution, and its increasing patronage, it is even now manifestly ap-
parent, that the buildinga must be enlarged, or the prosperity of the
mstitution will be permanently checked. A want of more commodious
buildings was more apparent from the vast number of persons in at-
tendance who could not get to see or hear any portion of the com:
menoement exercises. Would it not be well for the Masonic Frater^
nity of Georgia to take this matter under serious consideration, and
to devise ways and means by which to raise funds for the erection of
a chapel ?"
Let this and similar institutions stand as permanent answers to the
objections to Masonry based upon its exclusion of females from its
mystic ceremonies. '^ By their works ye shall know them," applies
to bodies as well as to individuals, and proudly can the Order point
to these monuments of enlightened, well regulated benevolence, as
proofis of the benign influence of its precepts.
Prom the proceedings of the Grand Lodge of California at its last
eommanication, we gather some information relative to Lodges in tibe
West Indies.
There are at Honoldn, the principal island, two Lodges. A brief
history of each may be found in the following extract taken from a
communication addressed to the G. M. of California by Hawaiian
Lodge :
In the year 1843, a Brother named Le Tellier, then commanding a
French whale ship in this ocean, duly empowered by the Grand Comicil
of the 33d of France to institute Masonic Lodges in the Pacific, in
places oyer which no other jurisdiction had previously been extended,
granted a warrant to certain Brethren to open a Lodge in this city
under the name of " Le Progres de L'Oceanie." For some years
this Lodge prospered uid added to its iist of members the names of
many of our first and most estimable citizens, being considered a
legitimate Lodge and legally constituted, which, indeed, it undoubted-
ly was.
About the year 1850 or 1851, several causes combined to break up
the Lodge, and it ceased to work or to meet ; the warrant hty ne-
glected in the Lodge chest, and the Lodge was, considered extinct.
This state of things continued for nearly two years, when, in 1852, a
number of the old. members of the Lodge ^ Le Progres," together
with a few recent comers, met and agreed to ask for the jurisdiction
of the State of California over these islands For this purpose they
applied to the M. W. Grand Lodge of California for a dispensation to
open a Lodge, which was granted, and the following year they re-
ceived a charter under the name of Hawaiian Lodge, No. 21, which
is our present flourishing body. At the time of its formation, the old
members, then surviving, of ^ Le Progres," formally made over the
jewels and appurtenances of that Lodge to the new one, and them-
selves became active members, to a man, of Hawaiian Lodge.
It appears that about a year and a half ago several members of
Hawaiian Lodge withdrew, and raking the old charter from the rub-
bish, organized and sent to France for a new charter or an
endorsement of their proceedings. The Hawaiian Lodge chose a
committee to examine the charter of the revived Lodge and ascertain
whether that body was regular. They subsequently made a report
respecting the documents shown them, frt)m which we make an ex-
A paper empowering one Brother Le Tellier to establish, under
authority and jurisdiction of the Supreme Council of France, Lodges
of Freemasons of the Scottish rite, 'in such places as he might deem
useful and just, throughout the Pacific Ocean, wherever no other
Masonic jurisdiction at the time existed. This paper also gave him
the privilege of wearing, under certain circumstanceB and for certain
purposes, a flag with specified Masonic symbols and import. &c. It
bore a seal and several signatures, and purported to emanate from the
Supreme Council aforesaid ; and it bore date (as nearly as we remem-
ber) in April, 1842.
Another paper bearing as signature the name of Bro. Le Tellier,
empowered certain Brethren to congregate and act as a Lodge of
Freemasons at Honolulu, the said Lodge to bear the distinctive ap-
pellation of ^ Le Progres de L' Oceanic." This papei bore date (as
nearly as we remember) in March, 1843.
A third paper bearing also as signature the name of Bro. Le Tel-
Her, informed his Brethren of the " Progress de P Oceanic" of the
favorable notice taken by the Supreme Council of his (Le Tellier^s)
labors in the cause and propagation of Masonry in the Pacific Ocean.
It states also that the said Supreme Council had conferred upon him
(Le Tellier) the 30th degree in Masonry, as a token of their apprecia-
tion of his services rendered,
A fourth paper bore a seal and signatures, and purported to ema-
nate from the Grand Orient of France. This paper bore date (aa
nearly as we remember) in December, 1854, and appeared from its
tenor to be in answer to one received from the Brethren of the ^^ Pro-
gress de L'Ooeanie," and contained substantially what we now write
from memory.
It commenced by acknowledging the receipt of a communication
(planche) addressed to the Most Worshipful Grand Master of the
Grand Orient of France, and then proceeded as follows :
'^ The Grand Orient would be giutified to add another Subordinate
Lodge to its jurisdiction. But the warrant of constitution (iepouvoir
canstittUif), of which you have sent us a copy, does not emanate from
this body, which has the supreme control of all Masonry in France.
There exists in France another Masonic power which has created your
Craft {cree votre metier). We have therefore thought it our duty to
give no sequence to your request, until your wishes shall have been
more definitely expressed to us, <&c., &c."
On receiving the report of its committee, the Hawaiian Lodge
passed a resolution requesting its members not to visit the revived
Lodge till the decision of the Grand Master of California should be
given on its genuineness. A commnnication was addressed to the
Grand Master respecting the matter, which was laid before the Grand
Lodge of California and referred to the Committee on Masonic Juris-
prudence. Their report fully sustains the action of Hawaiian Lodge,
and recommends a resolution, which was adopted, that all intercourse
between that body and Lodge ^ Le Progres de L'Oceanie" be inter-
dicted. The ground on which the Committee rest their opinion that
the revived Lodge is clandestine or irregular, is the fact that it at one
time had not a single member, and therefore ceased to exist This is
certainly sound ; but the Committee might, without overstepping its
authority, have also stated tliat the sonrce, whence the old charter
originated, was not such as is recognized at the present time as legiti-
mate. There is, as far as we know, hut one genuine and regular
Lodge in the West Indies, and that is Hawaiian Lodge^ acting under
the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of California.
The " Independent Grand Lodge of Canada,*^ of which W. M.
Wilson is Grand Master, held its first annual communication in the
citj*of Hamilton on Wednesday, the 9th day of July last We find
an account of its proceedings in the Masonic Pioneer,
Representatives from thirty- two Lodges were present David
Brown presented his credentials as representative of the Grand Lodge
of Vermont
The Grand Master delivered a well written address, giving a hrief
account of his doings. He recommends that action he taken to pro*
duce uniformity in the work, and suggests that a committee "• take
into consideration and report upon the propriety of adding the ' mark'
to the Fellow Craft's degree." He congratulates his Brethren on the
*^ recognition" accorded them by the Grand Lodge of Ireland, and
some of the Grand Lodges of the United States ; says that the de-
cision of the Grand Lodge of England will not a£fect the validity of
the new Grand Lodge, and that no arguments, but ^^ worthless and
specious" ones, have in any instance been adduced against the '* cor-
rectness" and ^^ present constitutional position" of the new body. He
recommends that the members of Subordinate Lodges continue to
affiliate with those Masons in Canada who have not as yet seen fit to
recognize their action as legal, and expresses the opinion that Grand
Master Evans of New York must have been misinformed as to facts
when he wrote his letter condemning the " Independent Grand Lodge."
The address alludes to the circular of the Provincial Grand Lodge
respecting the new body, and says it is incorrect in its statements.
A constitution, reported by a committee, was adopted, after which
the following were elected officers: W. Mercer Wilson, G. M. ;
A. Bernard, D. G. M. ; J. H. Isaacson, G. S. W. ; Charles Magill,
G. J. W ; Rev. St George Caulfield, G. C. ; Wm. Bellbouse, G. T. ;
T. B. Harris, G. R. ; John Osborne, G S. An open vote having
been taken for Tyler, John Morrison was elected.
A committee appointed to arrange the numbers of the warrants of
the affiliating Lodges, presented the following report, which was
adopted :
1. Social A Military Yirtues, Montreal. 21 . St. Thomas, St Thomas.
2. Niagara, Niagara. 22. Brant, Brajitfordu
3. Barton* Hamilton. 23. Great Western, Windsor.
4. Union, Grimsby. 24. Wellington, DnnnviUe.
5. Norfolk, Simcoe. 25. Shefford, Waterloo.
6. Sussex, BrockviUe. 26. Yaughan, Maple.
7. Prevost, Dunham. 27. Harmony, Binorook.
8. Golden Rule, Stanstead. 28. Wellington, Stratford.
9. St. George, St. Catherine. 29. Hoyle, La Colle.
10. Prince £dward, .... Picton. 30. Acacia, Hamilton.
1 1 . Nelson, ClarenceTille. 31. St. Andrew's, Caledonia.
12. St Andrew's, St Andrew'a 32. Kilwinning, London.
] 3. St. George's, Montreal. 33. Rehoboam, Toronto.
14. St. Johns, London. 34. Jacques Cartier, .._ Montreal.
15. Zetland, Montreal. 35. St Francis, Melbourne.
1 6. King Solomon, Toronto. 36. St. John's, Ingersoll.
1 7. Strict Observance,. . Hamilton* 37. King ^^^ug*
18. St John's, Cayuga. 38. Victoria, Sherbrooke.
19. ThisUe, Amherstburgh. 39. Alma, Gait
20. St. John's, Hamilton.
A report was made by ^ a committee on the address of the Grand
Master " in which they endorse his sentiments.
Nothing else of importance was transacted.
The Power of Friendship. — The fortifying and motive power of
friendship is varied, immense and incxhanstible. It has strengthened
patriots to lay their lives on the altar of freedom and country. Its
glowing cordon was around Tell, and Fnrst, and Arnold, and their
compeers on the field of Orutli. when, breast to breast, in the shadow
of the Swiss Alps, they swore to free the canton from Austrian thral-
dom, or to die together. It has encouraged philosophers, poets,
artists, inventors in their rejected teachings and unappreciated labors.
The description, by his great disciple, of the last moments of the
poisoned sage, in his prison, amidst the group of admiring friends, is
an illustrative picture whose colors fade not with the sun of Athens,
and which the world will never let perish The public career of the
great sonled Gracchus plainly owed its chief impulse to the ardent,
ever animating friendship of Caius Blosius. This communing en-
thusiasm still sustsdns the true and good when evil days come and
the persecutions of evil men prevail. It has ever been — ^while
humanity remains in man it ever will be — companionship to the
captive, wealth to the poor, impulse to the struggling, support to the
suffering, solace to the wretched, joy to the prosperous, and to all who
deeply know it an inspiring presence through life, and. in death a hope
full of immortality. — Wm, R, Alger.
In the faithfnl adherence to the principle of the secrecy of the
ballot lies the secnrtty of our Institution. Violate that, and you
remoye the great safe*guard of the Order. It is not only the right,
but the duty, of a member to cast a black ball whenever he is not
satisfied beyond reasonable doubt that the petitioner is worthy and
well-qualified ; and that ball he has a right to cast secretly and in
such a manner, that no one can know his act Members cannot law-
fully or properly question each other as to their manner of balloting,
and any efforts to ascertain who caused the rejection, is wrong and
contrary to the great principle of our Institution.
In order to secure perfect secrecy, the mode of balloting in each
Lodge should be carefully considered. Our attention has been di-
rected to this subject in our recent travels, and experience has taught
us that there is need of a reformation. In many Lodges the ballot
is taken in such a manner, that it is in fact no secret; the Senior
Deacon, or some other member near the box, can see the balls as they
are deposited. Either the boxes should be differently constructed,
or they should be placed on the altar and the ballots deposited there.
This mode is practised in several. Lodges in Michigan, and while it
facilitates operations, it secures perfect secrecy.
This subject should receive the careful consideration of Lodges.
It has been commented on in some jurisdictions by those high in author-
ity. ^ I deem it important," says the Grand Master of Massachusetts,
"^ to call the attention of the Lodges to the matter of balloting for the
admission of candidates. First, as to the mode. This ballot is, and
is to be, strictly secret It is the Mason's great prerogative. It is a
right which every member enjoys, and which he is bound to exercise
faithfully, impartially and conscientiously. With him alone, rests the
responsibility of its use. This prerogative is of a two-fold character :
a Mason has a right' to cast a ballot, which shall reject the application
of a candidate, but, moreover, he is entitled to do this in a manner
that shall be a profound secret to all his Brethren. This is another
and an important part of his privilege.
^* The ballot is taken in some, and probably in most Lodges, in such
a manner that really it is not so secret at all. I would recommend
such a construction of the ballot boxes, as will make the ballot what
it is intended to be — ^profoundly secret to all persons, whatever.
" In this connection allow me to say further, that every member
should feel that the welfare of the Institution is in a great degree
committed to bis keeping, so far at least as the admission of candidates
involves its welfi$re. The humblest member holds the key of the
door, in the form of a black ball, which is more effectual than bolts
and bars, or armed sentinels can be. On the other hand, thej should
be watchful over themselves, that this great power be never exercised
bj them under the impulse of unjustifiable motives."
Without a proper arrangement of the ballot, it is a farce, and the
principle which has been sanctioned by immemorial usage, and on
which rests the security of Masonry, is violated and set at nought.
Brother ! consider this matter; is yowr Lodge at fault? If so, seek
to apply the proper remedy.
Frbeuasonrt and the Aechbishop of Dublih. — The Boman
Catholic Archbishop of Dablin has issued a pamphlet condemning
the Institution of Masonfy and prohibiting any of his church people
from belonging to the same under very severe penalties. The tract is
set forth as '' what every Christian must know." In connection with
remarks on Freemasonry, it says: '^Mortal sin makes us lose the
grace and friendship of God, and bum forever in the fire of helL * *
It is a mortal sin to be a member of a secret and forbidden society,
such as societies of Freemasons."
The Evening Packet says: "It does not appear that any good
Masons have taken fright at this conflagatory decree from Paulus
CuUen, Archiepiscopns in Ntdnbus; and they show sense. They
are not a perch nearer Pluto, because Dr. Cullen has designated them
to that entertaining gentleman. But we have to ask a question, and
it is this : why does not Dr. Cullen condemn to flame and brimstone
a certain society called ' The Bibbon V It is, we suppose, quite an
innocent affair, compared with the graceless compact of Freemasonry.
If Dr. Cullen is to be considered the patron of the evil he omits to
censure, then Captain Bock and hia meriie men are archiepiscopally
booked for Elysium."
It is exceedingly paradoxical for the clergy of the Boman Catholic
Church to condemn the Institution of Masonry on account of its
secrecy, when they approve of, and belong to, a secret society whose
character stands before the world in the most unenviable light. The
bulls and edicts issued by the popes and bishops against unr Order,
in different parts of the world stand in full force to-day, never having
been recalled or annulled. They are weak and powerless, however,
to effect the purpose for which they were designed.
Holland. — The MasoDB of Holland reeently celebrated their one
hundredth annivejsary ander the presidency of Prince Frederic of the
Netherlands. A letter from the Hagne, which we find in an exchange,
says : ^ Four hundred Brothers sat down to a magnificent repast in
the great hall of the Lodge, a building erected in 1816, by Prince
Frederic, at an expense of £10,000, and rented by the Brethren.
Delegates attended on the part of the Freemasons of England, France,
Bossia and several other Statea On the health of the Prince Pres-
ident being proposed, a silver crown of exquisite workmanship was
presented to his Boyal Highness, who, in responding to the toast,
pulled from his pocket the title deeds of the Freemasons' Hall above
alluded to, and, handing them to the Treasurer, begged the associated
Brethren to accept at his hands that magnificent building as a centen-
ary gift. Not an individual in the hall had been apprised of his
Boyal Highness' intention, so that this munificent act excited as much
surprise as enthusiasm. It may be observed that Prince Frederic of
the Netherlands is the second son of the late King WiUiam of Hol-
land, and is one of the wealthiest, if not the wealthiest, man in the
Netherlands. He never interferes in political matters, having been
slighted by certain diplomatists in 1815, when he at once and for
ever withdrew from State business. He is a man of simple and re-
fined tastes, affable and courteous in demeanor, and respected by alL"
Ambrican AnoPTivE Bite. — We have given our views somewhat
at length respecting this spurious and pernicious system. The argu-
ments which we advanced, have not been answered, and as far as we
are aware, no attempt has been made to refute them. As far as we
can learn, in this section the new degrees meet with little favor, and
they are generally discountenanced. They are upheld by few of the
Masonic journals in this country. Bro. Moore, of the Cincinnati Be-
view, has attacked them without gloves, and throws the influence of
his widely circulated periodical against them. Bro. Hyneman, of the
Mirror & Keystone, says in a late nnmber of his paper that he ^< will
in a very short time have something to say in reference to the ' Ame-
rican Adoptive Bite,' and that he is ^ in possession of a copy pf ^ the
Mosaic Book,' which clearly proves its object to subvert the very
foundations of Freemasonry." It is our intention at an early day to
say more on the subject.
Bro. Wm. H. Drew, of Buffalo, N. Y., has been elected
Grand Lecturerin his jurisdiction.
6— VOL. XL NO. L
Bbo. Weston: Pontiac, AuguBt 2, 1856.
Dear Sir : — At a special oommonication of Pontiao Lodge, No.
21, of Free and Accepted Masons, held at the Masonic Hall in the
village of Pontiac, Oakland Oo., Mich., August 2, 1856, the follow-
ing preamble and resolutions were reported and unanimously adopted :
WTi/ereoB, It lias pleased the Supreme Ruler of the UniTene in the dispen^-
tion of HiB Divine Troridenee, to call from this life oar worthy and belored
Brotiher Pbtxb D. Makxlxt; and
Whereas, We deem the occasion aprtropriate to the expression ef the senti-
ments of affection entertained for him Dy every member of this Order who en-
joyed his aoquaintanco while living, and especially those of the Lodge to which
he belonged, and of irhich he was an active member; therefore
Besolffed, That in the death of Bro. Makiliet we reoognize that inscmtable
wisdom, which, -while it removes from our midst an esteemed Brother, from
the domestic circle a kind husband and iiidulgent father, from society a valu-
able citizen and good neighbor, admonishes us not only of the uncertain tenure
of life, but of the utility of the practical virtues which he exhibited in his daily
intercourse with the world, ana in bis attadiment and devotion to the principles
of his profession as a man and a Mason.
EeMved, That as members of this Lodge we offer our condolence and sym-
pathy in their sore affliction to the bereaved family and friends of our deceased
Brotner, and that, in compliance with his special request and in discharge of
the duty imposed by considerations of brotherly love and esteem, we wlII now
proceea in a body to pay the last tribute ot respect to his memory, prescribed
oy the uaaffes of our ancient and honorable Order.
Resolved, That a copy of the foregoing preamble and resolutions be furnished
by the Secretary, under the seal of this Lodge, to the &mily of the deceased,
and also to the editor of Trk Ashtmr, with the request that he publish the
same. JOHNSON A. CORBIN, Secretary.
On the 3d of August 1856, at the residence of Hon. B. Wood-
worth, of inflammation of the bowels, Fankib Anna, only daughter
of Bro. Andrew J. Gummbgs and his wife Fannie E. Cummings,
aged sixteen months and twenty-three days. The funeral was at-
tended by Bro. G. B. Engle of Port Huron. It was the evening of
a lovely day emblematical of the calm decease and peaceful life of
the departed cherub ; the summer sun was quietly setting, when the
inanimate remains, still beautiful in death, were deposited to mingle
with their kindred earth at the foot of an evergreen, whose perennial
verdure will typify her memory cherished in the hearts of her mourn-
ing but trusting parents.
In Detroit Lodge, No. 2, from May 10th to July 26th: Geo.
Kumey, Albert T. Yreeland, B. Bush Bagg, De Witt 0. Nichols,
John Stevenson, William Ourtis and Peter Babillion.
Td nn FEATRMiTT.'—We now preseiit 70a ynOi the fint somber of the
■eoond tolnme of Thx Asblas. The irork has been sncceisfallT' eanied
through one year. As in the begiaaing» it needs a ready sopport to make H
live and flourish. Our best and untiring eflbrts shall be giyen to make it
worthy of patronage; but our endeaTors will be Tain if not seconded by the
substantial aid of the Oraft. Brother, do you think that a Hasonio work
ought to be puUiahed and snpportedT If so, is it not a duty to sobecribe
for Thb AtaujLM, unless prerented by poverty? Let every reader ssriously
consider this and act as the best interests of Masonry require. Brother, if
you think this periodical should be sustained, subscribe for it and get otJien
to do the same. In this way you can materially advance its interests We
must, to a certain extent^ rely upon the kind serviced of our friends in different
kcalitiee, and we look to them now with hope and confidence. Two doUan
are not much for each individual to pay, and yet the aggregate of wkdj such
small sums is to the proprietor a great help. Be kind enough, Brethren,
to consider this fi»t and impress it upon tlie minds of others, and oblige us
by doing what you can to advance the cause.
EzoBss CUE ABsmroE. — Vfe are obliged to g^ve personal attentions to renew-
ing subscriptions and getting up a list for the present year. This neceesarUy
causes us to leave the editorial chair for three or four weeks at a time, and to
intrust to other hands the preparation of a portion of the matter which appears
in The Ashlas. We must, therefore, ask our readers to excuse any deficiencies
arising from our absence. In the course of two or three months* at the longest,
we expect to be at home as " much as usual,*' and shall bestow upon our work
more editorial labor than our present duties will admit o£
Mauc Dxonxi.-^At its recent communication in March, the Qrand Lodge of
England declared that the " degree of Mark Masonry is not at variance with
Cnuft Masonry, and that it be added thereto under proper retaliations.'* It
will be conferred between the second and third degrees.
DxTBOiT OiTT I>auD0TOET.--J. B. Johnsou will, in a few days, issue a new
edition of his Detroit Directory for the current year. He has been at much
pains and expense to make his work accurate. It will contain about three
hundred pages and embrace a large amooat of statistical matter of interest to
every one who wishes to gain, in£»rmation reflpecting the Peninsular State or
its beautiful Oity of the Stnits. Let ewy ooe who deafies Ught on these nib-
jects, obtain a copy.
Visits amovo thb BavrHRicy. — Since the date of oiir oorrespondenee at Icmia
▼e have viaited the following aamed places:
Lowell. — We stopped in bat a few minutes while the stage-paasengers took
dinner, and met Bro. C. S. Hooker, an old friend of Masonry.
GaAim Rapids. — ^A tedious ride over a v&ry dusty, dirty road carried ns to
this place. It is one of the most flourishing cities in the State, being next to
Detroit, we are informed, in population. Its growth has been rapid and is still
continuing. There are now in the process of erection, three or four large brick
blocks beside a large number of dwelling houses and smaller buildings. Every
thing bears the marks of energy and prosperity. The people are active and
busy, and a lazy man cannot be found. The people are looking forward to the
completion of Hie Detroit and Milwaukee Railroad, in the course of a year or
a year and a half, which will make a direct and easy communication between
the City of the Straits and Grand Rapids. In this thriving place. Masonry
flourishes, and numbers among its active and zealoub members, Bros. D. B.
Lyon, W. L. Mills, D. S. Leavitt and others. The new Encampment^ of which
K T. Leavitt is O. C, is doing exceedingly well in every respect
Kalamazoo. — We left Grand Rapids at 5 o'clock P. M. in the stage and ar-
rived at the Burdick House in E., kept by Bro. Lacey, at 5 o'clock A. M., after
a cold and tedious ride. Here -we visited the new Encampment which is in
the full tide of prosperity under the guidance of such K. T.'s as Geo. W. Lusk,
G. 0. and W. C. Ransom, Gen. This is one of the most beautifol places in
Michigan, and its fame in this respect has spreaii far and wide.
Battle Ceeek. — We were disappointed in not meeting that old and tried
Mason, J. G Goff. We are indebted to Bro. H. D. Hay word for personal atten-
tions. We were not able to remain long in this delightful city, but saw a lai^e
number of the Brethren, among whom we may appropriately mention as active
and worthy members, £. Sprague and Wm. S. Pease.
Paw Paw. — Here we tarried put three hours, which were pleasantly spent
under the guidance of Bro. Simmons. The Graft here is in a good condition.
DowAoiAo. — ^We visited the Lodge at this place. Work was well done in the
third degree. Bro. P. D. Beckwith, W. M., gives much time and attention to
Masonry, and is worthy the confidence reposed in him by his Brethren.
Nilbsu — We met Bros. Landon, W. M., Wm. Graves, Henry Rounds, and
other warm-hearted members of the Order. Bro. McOmber, G. T., we did not
see, which was a matter of regret to us. There are a Chapter and a Lodge in
this place. Both are doing well.
MicmoAH Crrr.-^We spent a short time in this city and had the pleasure of
forming Hie acquaintance of Bros. Sammons, De Groff, H. R. Smith, and others
who are &r from being rough ashlars in the temple of Masonry. From this
place we went to Chicago, but as we intend to visit that city again soon, we
omit a i^otice ot it now.
The Pbhdtsulae Joubhal or MEDionnB and Collatbbal Sodoioes for August
is upon our table, fiUed with its usual amount of original and selected readings
interesting both to the professional and non-professional man. The Journal
gbould, and probably does, enjoy, as it deserves* a liberal snpport and an ex-
oellent reputation. Issued monthly, fS per year.
OFDnom OP TBS Psm. Our thanks are dae to the PmmnUar AAtocaU
iorthe IbUoving kind eipreaaione in onr behalf. Whenever the noticeaol
our cotttemporariee paea without acknowledgment, we tmat thej will impnte it
to onr modesty, and not to indifference:
Tbb Asblae. — We have received the Angnrt nnmber of this most deserving
periodical, which completes the first volume of its publication. Thus far it has
oeen more successful tnan could have been expected under the discouragements
wiOi which it had to contend at the start; and now that it haa so nobly
survived the most trying period of its existence, we have every assurance that
the " Bre^ren of the mystic tie" will give it the liberal support^ it so richly
merits. In point of editorial ability, judicious management and cypographicaJl
skill, it is a credit to the press of Uie State, and aaaa auxiliary to the Institution
of MasoBTy, its efforts will prove of great service in giving it tone and character,
ii the present judicions management is continued, aa we have every reason to
believe that it will be.
Terms fS per annum. Address Axltn Wistok, Detroit, If ieh.
For my part, I confess I have not the heart to take an offending man
or woman from the general crowd of sinfal, erring beings, and judge them
harshly. The little I have seen of the world and know of the history of man-
kind, teaches me to look upon the errors of others in sorrow, not anger. When
I take the history of one poor heart that haa sinned and saffored, and represent
to myself the straggles and temptations it has pawed, the brief pulsations of
joy, the feverish inquietude of hope and fear, the tears of regret, the feebleness
of purpose, the pressure of want, the desertion of friends, the scorn of the world
that has but little charity, the desolation of the soul's sanctuary, and threaten-
ing voice within, health gone, even hope that staya longest with as, gone, I
have little heart for aoght else bat thankfulness that it is not so with me, and
would fkin leave the erring soul of my fellow-being with Him from whose hand
it came,
** Even as a little child.
Weeping and laughing in its childish sport" [Hcnm Journal,
Go to the grave of buried love and meditate. There settle the account
with thy conscience for every psst benefit unreqoitted, every past endearment
unregarded* Console thyself if thou canst with this simple, yet futile tribute
of regret, and take warning by this, thine unavailing sorrow for the dead, and
hence forward be more fiuthfoL — Waakingtan Irvmg,
The Triennial Assembly of the General Grand Encampment of the
ITnited States of America will take place at Hartford, in the State of Connecti-
cut, on Tuesday the 9th day of September next^ at 12 o'clock. Meridian, in con-
formity with the G G. Constitution.
The Triennial Meeting of the General Grand Encampment of the
United States of America will take place at Hartford, in the State of Connecti-
out» on Tuesday the 9th day of September next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon,
in conformity with the G. G. Constitution.
Graham's Hlostratsd Monthly Magasine for September is upon onr
table, well filled with its usual variety.
BtmnnEw DnaoroBX of thb Statb. — ^We have received from Bro. H. Hun-
tingtoB and Jaa. SuU]ierland a circular aanouncijig the publication of a business
directoj of the State of Michigan. It will embrace* sajs the circular, the
names of mechanics, merchants and professional men in eyery Tillage and town
in every county in the State, together with a complete directory of Detroit
Oity. It will also contain tibe names of Post Offices and Post Masters ; the
names of the present United States Officers, Michigan State Officers, Ac. It
will also contain a table of distances on the railroads leading from Detroit, and
a short history of each county. Every other page will be ornamented with
business cards. The work will be issued at an early day.
The printed proceedings of the Orand Chapter of Indiana, held at
Shelbyville in May last, have come to hand. The address of the Grand Master
P. congratulates the Companions on the prevalence of order and prosperity in
that body. Dispensations for ten new Chapters have been granted during the
year, and the number ef Subordinate Chapten is now thirty-six. Number of
admissions duriog the year 335; number of exaltations 77. Whole number of
contributing members 1108.
"Absurd!" exclaimed Bro. Shelton. «How oan we be the Bn>th«rs of
" Because,*' said Bro. Bell, *a king, like ourselves, is but a man ; and though
a erown may adorn his nead, and a sceptre his hand, yet the blood in his veins
is derived from the common parent of mankind, and is no better than that of
his meanest subject. But Freemssonry teaches us to regard our superiors with
peculiar esteem when we see them divested of external grandeur, and condes-
cending, in a badge of innocence and bond of friendship, to trace wisdom, and
to follow virtue, assisted by those who are of a rank beneath them. Virtue is
true nobility; vrisdom is the channel by which virtue is directed and conveyed;
wisdom and virtue only can distinguish us as Masons. — JRev. of a Square.
Bbo. HnrxvAif 's Fas x.— We have received a likeness of Bro. Leon Hyne-
man, of the Mirror A Keystone^ impressed on paper through ** the medium of
the rays of old soL" It is an excellent picture and shall henceforth adorn our
*' Success prompts to exertion, and habit fiacilitates success. Habit also
gives promptness, and the soul of dispatch is decision. One may write a book
or paint a picture, while another is deliberating about a plant or a time-page.
The more we do, the more we eon do. If we go forward with spirit and con-
fidence, we shsll succeed. The best are idle half the time, and he who does
nothing, renders himself incapable of doing anything, while capacity is in-
vigorated by occasions of necessity. Our expenditure of intellectual wealth
makes us rich, and we acquire ideas by imparting them."
** Our jewels or ornaments imply that we by our affeotiona by justice
and our actions by truth, as the square triea the workmanship of the mechanic."
We live io & repnblio. The people elsot the officers who Bdminuter
the goTernmeni The right of anfirage is very geoenll; exteaded,
and all claBaes of citjzena take an iistereat in political coDteets, Par-
ties and aectiona are namerooB. Every praotioablB effort to advanoa
ita interesta and menanrea, ia made by each. Newspapera, pamphlets
and other reading matter are aent broad cast tbrengh the land. Pnb*
lie apeakera, eloqaent and ardent, addreia large ooncounes of people.
Zeal bcgeta leal ; exoitcment is, as it were, oontagioos, and beeomu
general Such ia always the case in important election!, and reanlts
from the nature of onr government and the condition of oar peopls.
Is it strange that amid the heat of the batlle, the pasnons of men
abonld become aronaed,' ^d feelings of enemity be created and fos-
tered between the members of opposing parties? Not to expect luoh
a result, wonld be plawig iiar greater confidence in haman natore
than experience will warrant
7— VOL n. NO. u.
We are in the midst of a heated political eontest — ^in the nidst of
bitter party strife. The dust of the approachiog battle begins to
rise in our eyes ; the clamor and tramp of the forces, marshalHng for
the conflioty are heard on ev« ry side, and oor ears are filled with the
war criea which far and near urge od the excited hosts. At this time,
we haye, as Masona, a solemn duty to pcrform-^a duty which cannot
be neglected or yiolated without serious injury to our Inatitution.
The chief characteristic of Masonry is the freedom which it allowa
to its members in religion and politics. With regard to these matters^
each one is left to act as his judgment and consctenoe may direct. He
adopts his own Tiewa, and Masonry neither inquires, nor knows, nor
aeeks to know, what they are ; on this point, she has no more concern
than she has respecting the taste with which her meiubers dress, or
the style of garment each may wear. These are matters with which
she has no business, and of which she takes no cogniiance.
Free to act as we deem best for the public welfare, we should not,
amid the excitement of the contest calculated to create bitter animov-
itiep^ forget the great Tirtues and holy precepts inculted by our In-
stitution ; we should CTcr bear in mind the principles on which it is
founded, and that we are *^ linked together by an indissoluble chain
of sincere affection.*' The way is straight, the path is plain, whatever
political views we may espouse. Kekp Mason&y and PoLrrics a-
fart; let them have no connection, however distant I Remember
when you visit the Lodge room, that ^ no private piques or quarrels
— ^far less quarrels about religion, or nations, or State policy" can
exist there with safety to our Order. At the door, we must lay
aside all our differences— *let them rest in silence and forget them for
the time, and mingle like Brothers on the ground floor, in the middle
chamber, or the sanctum, on a common level, united for a great and
glorious object. How beautiful and heart-cheering is such a sight !
Brother 1 yon, like ourselves, can behold it and know its influence.
From the fierce strife, men, all flushed with party rancor — rivals and
strenaoos opponents in the political contest — come up to the entrance
of the porch ; — ^their flushed countenances become composed ; the spirit
of opposition minifested in the eye grows dim ; the hands active in
gesticulation but a moment before, as the indices of opposing thoughts,
clasp each other with a warmth which flows only from the heart ; no
angry debate is heard, no word of diBreq>ect escapes from the lips of
any ; aU is tranquil and calm — a unity of sympathy and desires, and
as each listens to the teachings of Masonry and feels their benign
influfinoe, he forgets that there is any strife without, all is so peaoe-
M and vnaainaiu within. Snob a ioene is the stroDgeat endenoa of
the benefit and parity of Masonry ; soeh a soene is one of ber proadest
tropbies. This state of things should be witnessed in every Lodge.
Where it does not exist, some one has been &Ise to his tnut, some
one has disregarded the prineiples of the Instttation^ and throogh
ignorance, earcleseness, maliee or misguided seal, seeks to bflist a
Mown, when he should be aotoated only by feelings <tf reverepoe and
The snbjeet under eonsideration is one of vast importaneo. It
daims the attention of every Mason, however interested and busy ho
nay be in the politioal world ; he cannot slight it without doing in-
justice to the Institution and injury to bimselt Our duty calls upon
us to warn you, Brethren, against the danger which, there is reasoa
to fear, may result from such a state of public a&irs as the present
Wo cannot do better, in enforcing our views, than to call your atten-
tion to the following sentiments strongly, but appropriately expressed
by that veteran Masonic editor, Bro. Moore of the Freemo/ton^
Magazine :
It is in times like the present— when the political world is agitated
to its centre — ^when friends and neighbors are arrayed against oach
other on some abstract principle of government, or sociiJ reform —
that there is immiaeot danger that the broad and conservative prin-
ciples of our iDStitution may be forgotten, or in moments of excite-
ment disregarded, and the angiy elements of discord introduced where
should dwell only fraternal kindness and peace. It is against this
danger — never more imminent than now — that we would caution our
Brethren everywhere, and remind them, in the lanffuage of Masonry,
that '* no private piques or quarrels must be brought within the door
of the Lodge, far less any quarrels about religion, or nations, or State
poUcff^" or ^politici^ as what never yet conduced to the welfare of
the Lodge, nor ever will" Masonry admits not of sectional, political
or ecclesiastical distinctions : and its followers, in the same tolerant
spirit, should everywhere and under all circumstances rise superior to
private prepossessions, to local prejudices and distinctious, ana **• blend
their anect.oos in the mutual endearments of brotherhood and chari-
ty." It is only by an earnest and determined persistence in enforcing
a strict obedience to the wise command of the Masonic flatbers, that
we can hope to escape the storm wich is now raging with mad violence
around us. Masonry and politics cannot dwell together. There is
no affinity between them. The teachings of history in other lands
abundantly illustrate this assertion. All past experience proves that
whenever the bad spirit of politics has gained sdmission within the
Lodge, the genius of Masonry has retired behind the veils It will
always be so. And he who with reckless hands would open the door
to it, or countenance its admission, can be regarded only as a traitor
to his obligations and an enemy to the Institution.
Thoie who oannot follow such injanotions, who oannot remember,
and act in aocordanoe with, the fundamental principles of Maaonry,
who eannot cherish the spirit which is inculcated by all her teachings,
should renuiin away from the Lodge room ; they have no right to
tread upon its floor with polluted feet and unholy thoughts ; thej
oannot do so without wilfully disregarding the most solemn, moral
obligations ever assumed by man.
The duty referred to, we regard as plain and simple, and one which
every Brother can readily understand and perform. Not of a more
serious nature, but one requiring more care and attention, is the duty
encumbent on Masons in their daily intercourse. Strenuous each may
be in the advocacy of his political views ; to the principles of his
party, he may be attached with an undying devotion ; his Brother^
he may oppose and fight in the political arena, with a courage and
determination that challenge the admiration of all; — ^bnt let him do
it all in the spirit of Masonry ; let him ever remember that ''honest
differences" of opinion on the most important questions of political
economy and " State policy" have always existed among the best and
purest men, and probably always will exist ; let him attribute to his
Brother the same sincerity of purpose, the same lofty aim, the same
disingenuous love of country and the same exalted patriotism, which
he claims for himself. If in the excitement and turmoil — the heat of
the raging contest, his passions and prejudices become excited and
betray him into expressions of enmity toward members of the Frater*
nity, if at such times the gall of bitter animosity springs up in his
heart and causes him to say to his Brother, ^ I am better than thou"
— ^let such sentiments and expressions die with the hour that called
them forth ] let them, like the Indian's tomahawk, be buried and for-
gotten. Keep them within the bounds of the political arena, and let
them not disturb private and social relations. Not only to sustain
the principles of Masonry and accomplish the object for which it is
designed, is this necessary ; it is vitally important for the welfare of
the individual and the protection of the character of our time-hallowed
society. By cultivating fraternal relations and ^ promoting each other's
welfare," each one holds a cheek upon his prejudices, and keeps his
passions within due bounds ; within himself, he cherishes a spirit that
counteracts the pernicious influence of strong political excitement He
eannot therefore, by a strict adherence to Masonic principles and the
practice of its tenets, but be a better man socially, morally and polit-
ically ; he cannot but exert a powerful sway in harmonising the dis*
oordant elements of the times, and bringing to a quiet and peaceful
issue the animated struggle.
No Hmod should foi^ the character of our Institation — liB lofti-
ness aod parity. UpOD him rests an indiTidaal responsibility to pro*
teot it unharmed — without even a blot or shadow. He stands before
the world as an example of its benign power. If he is false to its
precepts — if he treats his Brother with bitternesS) and entertains
toward him feelings of hatred — ^if he does not join in promotiBg his
welfare — ^if he giyes lose reins to his passions, and permits them to
triumph in his intercourse with members of the Order, say the pro-
fane : "• Behold I such are the results of the much boasted Institution
of Masonry, such are its members — ^bostile and belligerent toward
each other in social and private intercourse I" What Mason could
listen to such remarks, especially if they be true, without feelings of
shame and degredation? What Mason could listen to them, without
feeling keenly the rebuke, and acknowledging that he had been faith-
less to the great trust reposed in him ?
The iofiuenoe of Masonry in a country like this, will, if its members
be faithful, prove a powerful engine in allaying internal discord and
contention, in strengthening the fundamental institutions of the coun-
tiy, and in maintaining and perpetuating the government; it will
prove a powerful engine in causing this glorious Union to progress,
as it has progressed, in peace, prosperity and civilization, till none
shall consider it an unsuccessful experiment, but all — even kings and
princes — shall acknowledge that its political system is the best on the
face of the earth. Ponder these things. Brethren, at the present
time, and ponder diligently. It is the hour of trial, of temptation,
that tries our Institation as well as you individually. Be consider-
ate ; be guided by the light of reason ,' go to the Lodge in that spirit
which will enable you to truly meet your Brother on the level ; greet
him in social and private intercourse with fraternal regard. Do this,
and no shock will impede the progress of Masonry, no clouds will
lower over her peaceful course, no reproaches will fall upon her head
She will continue to glide on smoothly, breathing a spirit of charity
and love, and emitting in her course an atmosphere that will cause
all who breathe it, to look upon her as the hand-maid of progress and
civilization. That the present crisis may evince the sincerity of
Brethren and their faithfulness to the principles of our ancient society,
is our fervent prayer 1
" The chief point in Masonry is to endesTor to be happy
ourselveSy and oommunioata that happiness to others^"
With softy subdued a&d tremulous roar*
The blue waves lap the siluot shore.
Beyond whose marge, in languid dim,
Flowers driok the breath of summer baloL
The fitting sunlight softlj ftdls
On the f *am's slumbering ci>rona]s,
And s^ren songs, in whispered glee.
Float mlaad firom the blae-li)^>ed ^
Afar the mystic cadence swells.
As evening notes from swinging bells;
And all the passing waves of air
Thrill with the murmur sweet and rare.
A distant vessel glides along;
I catoh the merry sailors' song;
I see the pennors flap and play.
As still she steals along the bay.
But> as the evening faint and fair
Gomes nun-like through the fields of air.
And sinks into the lap of night,
The vessel slowly fades from sight
80 when the purpling splendors pale.
And faith and sight tng!>tber fail,
Hope, like the vessel in the bay.
Oft fades in trembling gloom away.
Id our issue of tbe 20tli ultimo, when expressing our views relative
to the proper mode of clothing a F. C, we stated that ^* everything in
Masonry was symbolic and intended to convey a moral lesson, or to
remind us of the habits of those who first wrought on our Temple ;"
we will DOW add, as also, to emblematically remind us of the su-tain-
ing power of Him to whose honor and glory our Lodges have been
erected ; for, to use the language of Hutchinson, '^ remembering the
wonders in the beginning, we, claiming the auspicious countenance of
heaven on our virtuous deeds, assume tbe figures of the Sun and Moon
as emblematic of tbe great Light of Truth discovered to the first men,
and thereby implying that, as true Masons, we stand redeemed from
darkness, and are become the Sons of Light, acknowledging in our
profession our adoration of Him who gave light unto His worka.
Let us, then, by our practice and conduct in life, show that we carry
our emblems worthily."
Now, to oorry oar §pMem9 worthdijff wo miuit vodarstand their
emblematic or symbolic meaning, and there are none which, we think,
may be deemed more essential to understand, than the supports of
our Lodge, uid that it is essentially necessary they should be under-
stood emblematically and symbolically ; for Preston says : *^ To b^in
well is the most likely means to end well ; and it is justly remarked,
that when order and method are neglected at the beginning, they will
be seldom found to take place at the ead." As a Lodge is aaid to
extend from East to West, and between North and South, so '* the
Uniyerse is the temple of the Deity whom we serye. Wisdom, irtrength
and beauty are about his throne, as the pillars of his works ; for his
mtdom is infinite, his strength is in omnipotence, and beatUy stands
forth through ail his creation in symmetry and order. He haih
stretched forth the heavens as a canopy, and the earth he hath planted
88 his footstool ; he crowns his temples with the stars, as with a dia-
dem ; the sun and moon are messengers of his will, and all his law is
concord. The pillars supporting the Lodge are representative of
those divine powers." But how many of our readers — even of those
who have been called on to preside over Lodges, Md have thereby
become rulers in our Israel — take more than a supericial view of
their supports, without which no Lodge can exist? How many have
any knowledge of the emblematic meaning of the pillars of Wisdom,
Strength and Beauty, or for a moment imagine that ^e initials •f
these three words, in Hebrew, give the name applied to the Deity by
us. Yet this is so, and to use the language of one of our ripest
scholars and most distinguished writers in Masonry, we would say :
''So striking is the ooincidence that we are not surprised that doubts
have been expressed whether it is an accident or intentional on the
part of those who first introduced these attributes into the Lodge."
We will exemplify what we mean :
Dabar, ^^'-j, is the Hebrew word for Wisdom.
Os, fj, is the Hebrew word for Strength.
Oomer, yffy^ is the Hebrew word for Beauty.
Now take tiie initials of these three words in the original, >^, y, j,
and spell them backward, from left to right, as in the Hebrew, and we
find 6, O, D, as the archetype of that Wisdom, Strength and Beauty,
wluoh sustain and support a Masonic Lodge, and whose name is thus
formed by the initials of these three attributes. — JUSrrar 4- J!eif$tone.
It is useless for Masons to inculcate the teachings of our
Order by words, if their own actions do not correspond therewith.
This body met at Watertown on the 6th day of Febraary last, M.
£. Hoory 8. Baird G. H. P. In his address he thus allude in ap-
propriate terms to the stability of Masonry :
While the political condition of the world is constantly undergoing
changes ; while new dynasties are being formed and old ones for-
gotten ; while Kingdoms are converted into Republics, and Kings
and Emperors become fugitives : Masonry stands unchanged and un-
changeable. She alone of all human institutions has withstood the
ruthless hand of timo^ resisting, not with force^ but with firmness, the
Sower of persecution and the efforts of her enemies to destroy her.
'ounded on a Rook of Adamant, supported by the pillars of Wisdom,
Strength and Beauty, her Towers reach the highest Heavens, and she
stands, amid the general ruin of all sublunary institutions, a monu-
ment of her own antiquity and durability. At no period in modem
times has Masonry been in a more prosperous and favorable condition
than at present, when, in the midst of the general prosperity of our
common country, she maintains her proud and lofty position. Let
us. Companions, by assiduity in our several stations, by the observance
of the landmarks, and by the faithful discharge of the duties incul-
cated by our Order, sustain and promote this prosperity and secoie
the approbation of the just and good.
Gomp. A. D. Smith, in pursuance of the order of the Grand Chapter,
presented to M. E. Past Grand High Priest Luther M. Tracy a jewel
which had been voted to him by the Chapter.
A report of the Committee on Foreign Correspondence was anb-
mitted* It contains little of interest to those out of the jurisdiction,
being principally a review of the proceedings of other bodies. We
observe that the name of the Past Grand High Priest of Michigan
is printed Wm. L. Grunby^ instead of Wm. L. Greenly.
The following are the officers for the current year : Rufus Delos
Pulford, G. H. P. ; Henry L. Palmer, D. G. H. P. ; Daniel Howell,
G. K. ; John BuUen, G. S. ; John Hawkins Rountree, G. T. ; Wm.
R. Smith, G. S.
There are in the jurisdiction eleven Chapters with about three
hundred and fifty members.
The reflecting man is cautious, how he takes a step, and it
is not indifferent to him whether they are directed to the East or
West, North or South. His desire is to be continually progressing,
and he does progress, even though he is compelled occasionally to
wait, or even taken a by-path. But to him the three grand steps
which symbolically lead ironi this life unto the source of all know-
ledge, are of the utmost importance. He advances with a firm step,
and he never turns back. Gabickb.
For the Ashlar.
The present article will be deToted to a brief exposition of the prin-
cipal causes whidi disqualify a candidate for initiation. Without
further preliminary remarks, I will enter upon the subject, and con-
1. Physioal DUqudUficatvms,
The candidate must be a man ; mo woman can be made a Mason.
While the Institution in its extended charity has regard for the wel-
&re and character of the wires, dangbters and other female relatiTes
of its members, yet it wisely prohibits any female firom being made
acquainted with its mysteries. While woman is exempted from all
the duties and obligations of membership, she is yet permitted to
share in its b^efits. Masonry has in all ages been the guardian of
woman and her protector when death has desolated her fireside.
The regulation, howerer, which provides that the candidate must
be a man, has a much wider signification, and is not confined in its
operation to the exdusien of females. The candidate must be a whole
and perfect man, L e. he must be possessed of all the essential organs
snd members which constitute a hale and upright man. A man who
has lost his arm, cannot be made a Mason, for how can he work seeing
he lacks so important a member? It will be equally apparent to the
reader, that a person who has bad the misfortune to loose a leg, cannot
be initiated. How could such a person be taught to approach the
****, or be made a Mason in due form. An eye and an ear are also
essential; the candidate must see and hear. A mute, for similar
reasons understood by every intelligent Brother, is disqualified. In
short, the candidate must not only not be a woman, but he must also
be a man possessed of aU the essential members of a man which are
either useful for work, or necessary for defence and relief. This
principle is incorporated in the Book of Constitution of the Frater-
nity in South Carolina: ^ Every person desirous of obtaining ad-
mission, must also be upri^t in body, not deformed or dismembered
at the time of making application, but of hale and entire limbs, as a
man ought to be."
The candidate must be free bom. This is one of the most ancient
and binding of the tenets of our Fraternity. No slave or one bom «
skve can be made a frw and aoeeptod Ibson.
8 ^VOL. IL NO. n.
2. Mental QualifiaUians.
The eairdidate mnit be ef lawfbl age; thk pertains to tiie mental
qualifications of candidates, which class of qoalification will now be
eonsidere I
What is the lawful age, must be determined bj the laws of the
oountry where the candidate resides, and where the Lodge is situated.
The age of majority has been yariously established in different coun-
tries. In the United States the limit of non-age is fixed at twenty-
one years, under which age all persons are regarded as infants, not
capable of entering into any binding compact, or of engaging in bust-
ness on their own account In France the age of nsajority was
formerly fixed at twenty-fiye years, but by the Code Napoleon it was
reduced te twenty-cme. By the civil law the age of majority is
twenty-fiye years.
An idiot, a madman or a fool cannot be made a Mason for reasons
too plain to need illustration. There is a distinction, howerer, be-
tween a madman and idiets and fools. The latter are bom thus, their
affliction is permanent, and the dis qualification therefore attaches to
them through life. Madness, on the contrary, is an evil which some*
times overtakes the most powerful minds, and it may be but tempo-
rary. Madness will only exclude a candidate so long as it lasts ; but
the cure must be perfect and permanent. A periodical madman, one
who is afflicted with mania at periodical times, cannot be made a
Mason even in a lucid interval ; for in a moment his madness may
return, and the reputation and mysteries of the Order thus be ex-
posed to great danger.
A person, however, who has been insane, and who has entirely re-
covered, so that there is no reasonable expectation that he will again
relapse mto mania, is not thereby disqualified. The greater caution
must nevertheless be used in all sueh cases, and the opinion of those
learned in the diseases of the mind carefully consulted.
An old man in his dotage cannot be made a Mascm. The reason
for this prohibition is apparent to aU.
The question, however, may be asked, how old must a man be in
order to be disqualified? The answer to this question will be ibimd
in the fact that it is not the age alone which disqualifies, but the
present actual condition of the mind and body. No matter how
old the candidate may be, provided he is still hale in body, and is yet
possessed of sound memory and discretion. A somid mind in a sound
body is all that is required.
Agreeably to an anci«[it tenet of our Order, no atheist can be made
« Mmoa. This ragaltttion is founded upon the preeumption that he
who does not believe in God, is not capable of taking any solemn and
binding obligation. This rale for a long time and nntil late years,
alao prevailed in all courts of justice. An atheist was not oonsidered
a competent witness. Whether this presumption be founded in right
reason and facts or not, it is unnecessary for me here to inquire, it
being a well settled and ancient regulation of Masonry that no atheist
can be admitted.
I propose, howerier, to make a few remaiics upon the nature of the
faith required. The requirement is aimply faith in Gk>d. It goes no
farther, k demands nothing more. By fitith in God is intended simp-
ly, ^ heUef in a tuperiar power to which the eandieUOe holds hin^
seifresponsMe for his acts." Masonry does not define the character
or attributes of the God in which it requires us to believe All men,
with few exceptions, brieve in a God. It is only when they begin to
define their idea of a God, that they begin to difier. Now there are
as many definitions of the idea of a God as there are creeds in the
The Jews believe in God, so do the Christians; but the latter also
believe in the divinity of Christ, which the former deny. The Jewish
and the Christian definitions of God are therefore essentially different.
The Mohammedans also, among whom are thousands of good Masons,
believe in « God ; but their definition of a God differs from that of
either the Jews or the Christiana. The Persians, among whom
Masonry exists, believe in a dual Gh)d, composed of a good and evil
principle. Even among Christians themselves there are a multitude
of sect& The Baptist, the Presbyterian* the Methodist, the Univer-
salist and the Unitarian creeds— each presents a different idea of the
divine character and attributes. •
Masonry has nothing to do with any of these various definitions of
God. It requires the applicant for its bonorSj mysteries and benefits
simply to have faith in God, leaving him to define his idea of God
according to the dictates of his own reason and conscience. Herein
consists the universality of Masonry and its crowning glory. It at-
tracts around his altar men of all creeds, kindreds, nations, tongues
and sects by the gentle, but pow^ul bonds of charity to unite the
whole human race into one universal brotherhood. Masonry claims
at once my admiration and regard, because it is the fullest expression
on earth of the universal fatherhood of God and brotherhood of man.
When Cyrus was at Babylon, he called before him persons of all
nations, and to each he put the question: who is God 9 And the
Egyptian said, Knet is God alone; and the Hindoo said, Brabms;
and the Roman said, Joto ; and the Persian said, Ormnsd ; and the
Hebrew said, Jehovah. Then Cyms was exceeding wroth and said,
now verily: ^' There is no Ood bat Zeus; let all these acknowledge
him, or suffer death." Then stood forth one of the Magi or wise men
and asked each of them, by what name they called the son, and when
thej answered, each gave a diflEsrent name. Then the wise man, in
imitation of Cyms, appeared to be overcome with anger and said : '^ Vile
infidels, there is no son bnt Phebos ; wherefore call the son by that
name of die." Then turning into Oyms and regarding him with a
mild, but serious countenance, he said: " Oh King, does thou not see
that even as the different nations of the earth call the son, which
sheds its bright rays over all the earth, by different names, so also
do they find different names for the same one great Ood who is alike
the Father of all nations, kindreds and tongnes?" And Cyrus waa
ashamed that his anger had be^i kindled, and he sent them away
with f^tto.
Detroit, September 1856. R. H. B.
While a difference of opinion exists as to the origin of Masonry,
its existence for many centuries is established beyond doubt. Bra
Wm. R. Smith, the venerable Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge
of Wisconsin, in an address delivered before Mineral Point Lodge,
No. 1, in 1852, vindicated the antiquity of our society in an able and
convincing manner. " Our opponents," said he, ^ have sought to limit
the period of the antiquity of the Order to the year 1717. True it
is, and all Masonic history acknowledges, that in that year Masonry
was revived, and Lodges were opened at London, by means of which
a second Grand Lodge of England was establishecL But this very
revival proves a more ancient establishment; the statute book of
England shows that an act was passed in the year 1424, the third
year of Henry YI., expressly forbidding the assembling of Free-
masons. History tells us that Queen Elisabeth ineffectually under-
took to suppress a Grand Lodge whidi met at York, on St, John's
eve, in 1561 ; and our own records trace a regular list of Grand
Masters and Patrons up to Prince Edwin, the brother of King Athel-
stane, in 926. This list contains many names, the most renowned in
British annals; there can be no doubt that Alfred the Great was also
a Oraad Master.
Erery year throwB more light on our antiquity. Sir Charles Le-
mon, in his address in 1846 to a Proyincial Orand Lodge in England,
observes : '^ It happened last year that, travelling in Poland, he was
indoioed to visit a very ancient Jewish Temple, built 600 years before
Ohrist, and which is preserved in tiie same state in which it was
originally built and ornamented — here he discovered Masonic emblems
now naed by the Fraternity. He was introdnoed to the Chief Babbi
whom he fbnnd to be a worthy Freemason." A late writer* remarks,
that, in investigatiag the subjeet of the DMplme of the Seorei^ as it
was ealled by liie Fatiiers of the Ohnreh who were Masons, he dis*
oovered condnsive evidence that no less than ei^^teoi of these holy
men belonged to the Fraternity. They had their signs and their
symbols ; and Si. Chrysostom, who lived in the fifth century, alludes
to our mysteries where he saya, '^ the initiated will know what I mean.''
Gliddon, in bu Lectures on Egyptian ArchsDology at Boston in 1843,
speaks of the symbols (mly used by the Pries^ which to the ignorant
wero ludicrous, but to the knowing were of great moral worth. He
remarks that the Stones of the Pyramids, and of other stupendous
stmctores on the Nile which have survived the changes of time, bear
Masons' marks as firesh as tiiough chiseled yesterday. Similar traces
have lately been discovered on the monuments of Nineveh and Ba-
bylon, undoubtedly having reference to Masonic mysteries, and among
them to the occult name <rf Jehovah. The evidences of the antiquity
of die Order are found not only in all written history, but in all the
ancient remabs of the labor of man which still exist on the ftuse of
tiie earth, or are at times drawn forth from its buried receesea''
Pbssbcution. — ^Wherever the enemies of Masonry have power, they
seek to crush it by persecution. Such is the case in Italy, as will be
seen by the followmg :
The Mesiagiere di Modena gives the following sentences of persons
accnsed of having belonged to a society called Freemasons. They
were arraigned £sfore the military commission established for the
state of siege in Carrara, and condemned on the lOtb inst : Oalsslari
Giaoomo, aged 60, day laborer, and Cazini Jaeobo, aged 28, small
proprietor, to the Ergastola for life ; Christiani Francescy, aged 28,
mason, to twenty years of the same^ and Meaucci Santi, aged 19,
farm servant, to ten years imprisonment with hard labor. These
sentences have, of course, been confirmed by his Highness the Doke
of Modena.
J. H. gli«pherd, Vermont.
EntbuBiasts, npon all sabjeotfl, are prone to faXi in love with some
particular pet of their own fancy, some " one idea," and to run after
that to the neglect of every thing elae. So is it in Preemaaonry. As
it presents itself to them they see but the one favorite part of it, that
part they pursue to extremes, and unwilling to acknowledge merit in
any other. In the oomprchensiyeness of our noble scienoe there is
ample room for the selection of "• hobbies" to suit the fancy ; and full
many are chosen and ridden nigh unto death, and not much to the
credit of the horse or his rider. I select a few of the most common.
Some will tell you that Freemasonry is a " social institution ;"
that it is for the purpose of enabling us to meet as lorers of each
other> and of mankind at large ; that we may then avail ourselves of
the hours of refreshment, remembering always tiiat we are not to con*
vert the means thereof to the purposes of intemperance or excess ;
that the cheerful song and festive toast are the great features of the
Order as it is, and as it should be ; and that the most perfect con-
fidence between man and man which is engendered among Masons, is
its end and aim. They say, it is a '^ social institution."
Others inform us that Freemasonry is a " moral institution ;" that
its great purpose is to teach us, by its precepts, the three great classes
of duties that we owe to our Ood, to our neighbor and to ourselves ;
that we are by it to be restrained from the violations of the great
" bill of rights," the moral law, which is comprehended in the ten
commandments ; taught to do justice between man and man, to love
mercy and to extend it to all, and to walk humbly before Qod, and
to treat even his very name with reverence. They say, it is a '' moral
There be those also^ who say that Freemasonry is a '^ charitable
institution ;" that its purpose is to relieve the distressed among the
Brethren ; to suppress the widow's sigh, and to dry the orphan's tear ;
to wipe the death-damp from the brow of the dying, and to commit
his ashes to the tomb ; to fulfill the injunction : ** If thy Brother be
waxen poor and fallen into decay with thee, thou shalt relieve him ;
yea, though he be a stranger or eojoumer, that he may live with thee."
They say, it is a "• charitable institution.'*
Others, and great admirers and lovers of the Royal Art. are they
who say, it is a ^ religious institution ;" that it teaches its votary to
* From the American Freemaaon.
pat his trust in God with a faith that wayers not ; that the resnrrec-
tioD of the body and the immortality of the soul, so clearly set forth
in oar symbology, are bat the shadowings of the great doctrines of
revealed religion, which teach nstilso to rely on the firm grip of the
Lion of the tribe of Jadah, to raise as to a bliss anspeakable and fall
of glory. Thas are they led to cry out: '^ Glory to God in the
highest) and on earth peace and good will towards men." And these
say, it is a ^ religions institntion."
Who is right? Who is wrong? All these are right! Each of
these is wrong ! I Freemasonry is a social institntion, bat it is not
that alone, Freemasonry is a moral institntion, bat not merely a
moral institntion. It is charitable, and it is more than charitable.
It is a religions institation, and in the common acceptation of the
word, it is more than that ; it is void of bigotry and withont secta-
rianism, teaching those truths which all mast acknowledge, and inonl-
cating nnfeigned piety. Freemasonry is social, moral, charitable,
religions ; it is not merely possessed of one of these attributes with-
ont the others, as some wonld fain have ns to think, bnt it possesses
all of them, and more. Those, therefore, who give it either of these
valnable jewels, are right; those who give it only one, two, three, and
even all of them, are wrong.
The work of Freemasonry is the same, the lectnres are the same^
wherever seen or heard. Tet have I seen Freemasonry tanght as a
science limited in its aims, ends and operation, as hardly to recognise
it It is not possible to distinguish by which of its votaries it is
shorn of its brightest beams ; by those who make it altogether of the
earth, earthy, or by those who make it solely epiriiaal. Let me ever
view it as a grand, a perfect whole, where are combined the virtnes
of all, contrived by wisdom, supported by strength, adorned by beau-
ty. 0, what a goodly temple our fathers builded I Let ns, then,
cherish each Parian shaft, each pure pilaster, in its pristine beauty
and perfection, and suffer no despoiler to despoil us of our heritage.
Away with all such trifling as wonld make our Order seem to be only
designed for good fellowship I Away with all such lessons of secta-
rian bigotry as tend to convince the neophyte it is less than a uni-
versal religion I Instead of these give us Freemasonry.
'^ Oft have I met your social band,** sang one who loved the festal
board fnll well. Long may we all meet in that cheerful place.
Much may we all enjoy those temperate pleasures of the Lodge-room
which we love so well But as we greet and are greeted with the
Mason-grip, as we enjoy tiie Mason*song, the Mason-jest» the Mason-
smile, the Maaon-biiig^, let tu not foiget the Maton-diity, the Dlason-
tear, the MaaoD-prayer.
Bbo. Weston: — There bmoib to be a very genend want of information among
members of Lodges, respecting the modus operandi of conducting trials for
Masonic offences. I must confess my own ignorance on this point As I sup-
pose, yon understand the matter, be kind enough to say a word an thia subject
in the next issue of Ths Ashlar.
Fraternally yours,
!■-- ■, Sept* 8th> 1856. H.
We are well aware, as Bro. H. SDggeata, that the Graft do not
poflfless a thorough knowledge of the proper BDanner of oondncting
Masonic triaia. Thia is somewhat to be wondered at, as the mode of
prooedare is simple and snoh as would naturally suggest itself to die
"thinking mind.'' The design of Masonie trials is to arrive at truth
and promote the ends of justice.
It is a great principle in law as well as equity that every pereon
accused shall have adequate notice of the offence charged against him,
and ample opportunity of defence. This principle holds in Masonry.
The charges, therefore, should be made in writing, setting forth with
an accuracy which leaves no reasonable doubt as to their meaning,
the crime alledged to have been committed. It is best to make
specifications afser the general charge, numbered respectively 1, 2, 3,
4, &c., so that, if the defendaut be found guilty, he may know on
what ground he is conTioted. In this case the question of guilty must
be taken on each one separately. The charge should be signed by
the accuser and put in the lumds of the Secretary of the Lodge, who
should read it at the next regular meeting, or at such time as the
W. M. may direct The time, however, of bringing it before the
Lodge is often regulated by the by-laws. It is proper for the Master
to appoint a committee to take evidenee, which should in all oases be
accurately reduced to writing. Profanes as proper witnesses, they
should be placed under oatlvbysome competent legal officer, and
testimony should be taken by a committee. The evidence of Maaons
should be given before a committee to be reported by them to the Lodge,
or it should be given in open Lodge ; in either case no judicial oath
is necessary.
Aa soon as the charges are brought before the Lodge, a copy of
them should be served on the defendant; he should be notified of the
time and plaoe of taking testimony, and ahould have an opportunity
to appear and question the witnesses who appear against him, and
also to prodnce others in his behalf. He ahonld also have dne notice
t>f the time of the trial, and should be allowed to appear by oonnsel
who is a Mason — ^in short, he should have a fair opportunity to defend
himself from the beginning to the end of the proceedings.
After the testimony is placed before the Lodge at the time of trial,
and properly discussed pro and con, the accuser and accused having
withdrawn, the Master should put the question of guilty or not guilty
on each specification. When no law of the Grand Lodge or its sub-
ordinate regulates the matter, usage, we think, would decide that the
result should be determined by ballot It is thought by high author
ity that in order to convict, two thirds of the ballot should be black.
We believe, however, that generally only a majority is required in
most Lodges.
If the defendant is convicted, the Master will then put the question
as to the nature of the punishment. ^ He will," says Mackey, ^ com-
mence with the highest penalty, or expulsion, and, if necessary, by
that punishment being negatived, proceed to propose indefinite and
then definite suspension, exclusion, public or private repremand, and
censure." This should be determined by a show of hands. A major-
ity is sufficient to inflict either of the above named penalties, except
ezpiMon or suspeTisian which require a two thirds vote.
We have referred only to the general rules which should govern
the proceedings of Lodges; there are many questions of a specific
nature, it is not necessary to refer to in this connection.
^ You are the recipients, and should be the fiBiithful ex-
ponents of those rites and mysteries handed down by a chosen few,
unchanged by time and uncontrolled by prejudica To this end, yoa
should, each and all, endeavor, while here^ to correct each other's
works, and perfect yourselves in " a knowledge of the true and perfect
work," which may stand the test of the square of truth. Wherever
I have been, I have met '^ peace within our walls, and prosperity in
our palace," and while "• the harvest is truly plenteous, the laborers
are few." The teachers need instruction, the talents committed to
their charge have not, in some instances, been cultivated with proper
industry and fidelity."
9 VOL. II. NO. II.
Fran Gra&«m's Uognuor^
** Be ihi6» or aught
Than this more secret now
I haste to haow."*-MaToir.
In the sixth story of a magiifieeot house, in La Ohmvss^e d'Antniy
there lodged, some yean ago, a yonng aum, named Mark Anthony
BiponneaxL He was a stout, yooDg stripling of twenty-llTe years of
age, with a roond and florid face, blue amd prominent eyes, a slighlly
tamed op nose, boroad at the base, projecting and erinoson lips ; a
healthy, happy and contended face, to which, unfortunately, a low
forehead, and hair so low grown that it had to be brushed up straight,
gave a look of more obstinacy than intelligence to its expression, and
something sordid and enrious. Mark Anthony was clerk to the
Ministry of Finance, and made 1 ,800 francs a year. He made that
suffice, but was not content with it Employed at State work, he had
learned all the illusions thereof, and kept out of their reach in prirate
life. Thanks to much sobriety, he saved on bis feed to clothe himself
withal ; and thanks to many circumstances of eireumspection in all
his movements, he kept his clothes decent for a long time after they
would have ceased to be so on the person of a man in the habit of
using a great deal of gesture. Riponneau never stretched his legs
and arms, nor drew his person up to its full height, unless at moments
of great exasperation, then he indulged in the most extravagant capersy
accompanied by exclamations like this :
" Think of only having 1,800 francs, and the germ of greatness in
one's soul P The << germ of greatness,^ in this case, meant a longing
for all life's luxuries.
^ Ah P continued Mark Anthony, ^ to be poor, and see staring in
one's face that great house of Monsieur and Madame De Crivelin f
They are rich, and all goes well with them ; the world flatters them ;
they are happy f And here Master Riponneau stamped his foot
^ If I were even as weU oif as M. Domen. the inmate of the second
ioor rooms, how diilerently would I use my fortune I But he is
happy in his way ; since able to live anywhere, he lives only at homa
Besides, were he without fortune, he has acquired glory and respect.
TimneTTt tt tonnerre f He is happy I" At this passage of his lamen-
tations, Riponneau kicked over a stool.
Tkfin followed new exelamations, aboat tbe b«mi«i4iiaker ii the
vtore fee Ihe ri|(bt of the door, the ooofeotioiiflr on the left, «nd all the
teiMiDtB in the house, one after another, for (an ezeepiioB to the gene-
tal role) thk house was aplendidlj tenanted ; grooms, dogs and horses
«nade * noise in the oonrt^ the smoke of the chimn^ smelt of tniffles
«Dd pheasants j and when be went down in the moming for his milk.
Hark Anthony met the slender ehambermaids of the establishment,
redolent of their mistresses' perAunes. His boots looked worse
blaeked than ever, beside die waxed slippers of the valets de ehambre.
The happiness of the masters insulted him in its eznltatioQ. Then,
in the evening, there were delicious voiees sinpng in concert) the
murmurs and bustle of dancing. Sometimes bent from a window, be
would cateh a glimpse of a supfde form, and a blonde or brunette head
crowned with flowers, and radiant above soft muslin or glossy silk.
All this kept Mark Anthony in a perpetnal fever of wishing for the
happiness of riches, without being able to attain any other enjoyment
than kicking the floor or beating the walls.
Now, one evoiing when Riponneau had arrived at a pitch of per-
fect frenzy, he heard a knock at his door, and almost immediatd,y
afterwards in walked a man of about sixty years of age, and with a
high and broad forehead. He was wrapped in a robe de ehambre of
wadded and quilted calico, like the old short gowns of our grand-
mothers. This man had a lively and piercing eye, and an egression
of cunning, though arch and full of geniality.
'^ Neighbor," said he to Riponneau in a sweet and quiet voice,
^ every man^s house is his castle. I did not assist in the taking of
the Bastile, or concur with the revolution of July, without recogniring
this grand political principle. But all liberty has its limits, because
it may infringe on other people's liberty. You are at Uberty to howl,
but only to a certain extent — for I am at liberfy to sleep; and if
jour liberty destroys mine, it bee<nnes tyranny and mine slavery,
which is against the principles of the two revolutions I have jost re-
ferred to."
Mark Anthony wanted to get angry, Ae neighbor did not give him
a chance and resumed : ^ Besides it is not I who complain ; I don't
mind noise. It is your little neigbor, Mademoiselle Juana, the dress-
maker, who came in this evening as pale as a i^ost, and with her
eyes red with work and crying. She is going to retire, poor child, in
hopes of sleeping — so she said. Now, my dear neighbor, on her ac-
count, please to study your melo-dramatic parts wilh a little less
<' Heh P Bftid Mark Anthony.
^ Besides,^ said the old gentleman with a critioal air, ^ I haro seen
Talma, sir, and belidve me, it was not with many gestures and iond
cries, that he prodnoed his &ie effeots. In Manlins he only raised
his forefinger and looked aslant, as he said : ' 'Tis I who foresaw their
frivolous attempts, and overthrew the Oanls finom the high capitol :^
and the house rang with applause. Believe me, or, good declamation."
"But, sir, I am not a play-actor."
" Ah ! bah !" said the old man, " you're a lawyer then ?"
« No."
" Ton are too young to be a deputy. What the mischief are you,
that you yell so about nothing?"
^* I am poor, sir ; I long for the happiness of riches, and I amuse
myself in my own way."
The neighbor looked at Biponneau with interest There was on the
face of the former a struggle, first with a mischievous inclination and
a benevolent wish. Benevolence got the upper hand. He took a
chair, and with the sweet authority of age and indulgence, said to
Biponneau :
'< Ah, you are poor, and consequently unhappy? Let us chat a
little, neighbor. You know that poor people are always libera] to
each other, and I, who am happy, will give you a little of what yon
want ; I will tell yon how happy I am."
" Well, neighbor, you live alone at home?"
'• Yes."
" You work day and night?"
« Yes,"
« You rarely go out ?"
« That is true."
" What does your happiness consist in, and what can you give me ?"
^ Nothing; but I shaU have done much for you, if I tf^e a load
off yoor mind. It is en/vy which devours and destroys all the joys of
your youth, like the worm at the heart of the bud."
^ 1 envions?" exclaimed Hark Anthony.
'< Are you married, young man?" said the old neighbor.
** Have you a sweetfieart ?*'
^ No."
" Have you a family which — ^*
^ I am an orphan."
*^ Have yon debte ?"
*• No -wife, ergo no chiliTen, No sweetheart, ^^o no rivals. No
fimiily, ergo no claims upon jou. No debts, ergo no dnn& In fine,
yott are exempt from all the plagues of humanity. Therefore, if joa
are unhappy, it is not from any oanse external and independent of
your person. Your nnhappiness oomes from an internal cause, ii:^
herent to your nature. That cause is enyy."
'^ And suppose it is," said Biponneau, *' when I admit that I envy
the happiness of those around me, where's the harm, pray V*
^ The harm is in your suffering from what is foreign to you^whioh
is extravagantly unreasonable."
*'Bah!" said Biponneau, ^^it is not unreasonable to want good
^^ It is unreasonable to wish for grief, despair, incessant torments
and perpetual uneasiness, which always accompany wealth."
''These are mere common-place, my dear neighbor. Silly con-
solations, when offered by one poor man to another— or insolent de-
rision, when from the rich."
The old man reflected, and after a short silence said to Mark An-
thony: "Well, answer frankly, whom do you envy of the people in
the same house with you? In whose place would you be?"
"In whose place?" said Mark Anthony. ''Why there's not one
but is better off than I — and, since I am free to choose, and do not
rob anybody by imagining myself in their place, I think on the whole,
that I like the position of the Orivelins beat of all"
^ Yes. Why last week I could not sleep aU night, with tiie noise
of tiieir fbte. The most magnificent carriages filled the street, the
most distinguished names were announced by a stentorian voice at
the door of their saloons. AU who went in, were impatient to be in ;
those who were obliged to leave, left with regret, lind on the stairs,
which I went up and down a dozen times, I heard every moment :
' What delightful people 1 What mijoyment t How happy they are I'
And then, others said: 'They are to marry their daughter to the
Count of Formont What a splendid match ! Youth, beauty, for-
tune, position on both sides, they are happy, and they deserve to be.' **
^ Ah 1" said the old neighbor, " did you hear all that on the stairs ?"
" Of course, I did."
" Well, if you had been in the saloons, you would have heard more.
Everywhere enjoyment, laughter, congratulations; on the faces of
the hosts the satisfaction arising from that happiness which comes
from hi^piness bestowed ; on all sides assarances of firieDdship ; the
delight of the Count of Formont, the chastened gladness of Adele de
Orivdin, their stolen glances ; the soft and beaeyolent smiles of the
old people, who, seeing these gUnces, remembered their youth ; the
pride of the father and the love of the mother, both triumphant and
proud of their daughter's success in society. It was a diarming
tableau till five o'clock in the momii^. Then, the curtain went down,
the play was finished, and the invisible drama commenced."
" How," asked If ark Anthony, '* is Monsieur de Orivelin's fortune
compromised, and like so many others, does he conceal his ruin by
giving parties 1"
« No."
^ Is his wife unworthy of him ?"
" She is the best of wives."
^ Has his daughter misconducted herself?"
^ She is an angel of virtue and purity."
"• What can be the trouble V
« A good action — a good action forgotten for fifteen years, aod
which now rises up in the form of an ugly rascal, with a yellow and
bilious face— a graceless scamp who soiled the satin of their gilded
furniture with the filth of his rags, one hour after the gauxy dresses
of the fair dancers had rested upon it"
" I do not understand you."
^* Listen. A man, dressed in a dirty livery, stayed all night in the
anti-chamber. In such a crowd of lacqueys, be eaosped the attei^toa
of the household domestics, but as the parlors became empty, and the
anti-chambers also, be was observed, and with suspicion ; Iwit Uie clown
only made himself more at homei and stretcJied himself .out kisarely
on the louages. At last) the tardiest guests were gone, and tiie dirtj
laoquey still held his pcMtt. He was asked why he staid.
^< I am waiting for my master, Monsieur Bc^^e Ligny."
^ Sverybody has gone home,*' was answered.
" I tell you he is here-^esk your master, he'll find him."
The domestics were going to got angry. The rogue raised his voioe^
and M. de Orivelin appeared at the door of the anti^room and aaked,
^ what was the aeaning of the noise."
'^ It ia this man»" said the valet de diiambre. ^ He will not go out
under the pretext that he is waiting for his master."
^ What is his master's name ?"
" He, whom I seek," said the unknown groom, ^is named Eocene
Ligny, and I shall not go out until I have spoken to him."
^ Scarcely had he uttered iheee worde^ wheo )£ de CriTelm looked
at him with terror in his faee — he tamed pale — ^tottered — and scarce-
ly able then to control the terror and dismay wllioh he ezperieneed,
he ordered his seryants to retire, and bade the man to follow him."
(7b be cofulvM in <mr next,J
In » Gommiuiicatiim to Bra Morris, of the Afnerican Fnemasany
Bro. J. B. MoLeonard Moore, of Ottawa, 0. W., gives the following
iofomatioa respecting Freemasonry in Malta :
^ In reply to yoar qaestion, I must say, that according as I know
yon understand Masonry, I fear yon wonld be mmoh disappointed with
Masonry in Malta, It is not more famons, either in work or actSf
than any other place in England possessing a Lodge. The Knights
of St. John, before the British uovemment took possession of the
Island, were opposed to Masonry, though a Masonic Lodge was held
there, which I found after some research.
^ When I left the Island, in 1851 , there were three Lodges, of the
oldest of which (St John's and St. Paul's) I was Master. This was
founded in 1814 by the famous Judge Waller Rodwell Wright, who
lies buried on the Island. He was Grand Master of the Enslish
Tempkre, I think, in 1812. GThe other two Lodges were ' The Iniion
of Malta' and * The Zetland'*-4dl three had Koyal Arch Chapters
attached to them. The working, howerer, was very uncertab, as they
were principally kept up by the officers or the garrison, the fleet and
casual visitors to the Island. There is one Encampment, ' The Me-
lita,' which I believe I was the means of forming, it was established
under the Grand Conclave of England.
*' I had the pleasure of installing the United States Consul, Wm.
Andrews Winthrcp, Esq., formerly, I think, of Boeton, who took
much interest in Masonry.
'^ The Island is well worth a visit, and would repay you« I, of
course, was interested in it, and had many opportunities of obtaining
information on subjects to my tasta The most curious was the
Iklark MasoTu' marks on the stones in some of the mines ; these
were published some time ago in the London Fremiasxms^ Review
by my friend D. JoinviUe, who made the search with me. The
heraldic bearings of the Knights of St John, with theii peculiar
marks, gave me great pleasure. I had access to the old Library and
Church of St John, where I perused the statutes and ordinances of
die Order, and I now know that much of the Scotch Ritual of the
Knights of Malta in my possession is correct"
It is not to be expected, perhaps, that everj Mason, or that the
great body of the Craft, will quickly acquire a correct knowledge of
the duty and authority of the Master of a Lodge. His duty and
authority, however, in the main we consider to be well settled. The
Worshipful Master, at least, should be familiar with them, and for
ignorance on these points he can give no reasonable excuse. The
means of information are at hand — ^they are all around him. It is
an imperative duty for him to examine them, study them and get the
necessary light to guide his footsteps into the right path.
We shall refer, at this time, only to a subject which appears to be
but little understood, and to be entirely misapprehended. Not un-
frequently a clause is inserted in by-laws, stating that on questions of
order, &c., an appeal may be taken from the Master's decision to the
Lodge. This is entirely wrong and wholly unmasonio. No member
has the right to appeal, and in case an appeal were called for, we
believe, the Master should at once decline to entertain it. The W.
M. is a representative of King Solomon — he is supreme in his Lodge
as far as any action there is concerned. He is not responsible to its
members, but to the Grand Lodge for his conduct ; and as far as the
work of his Lodge is concerned, and the correctness of its business
proceedings, he alone is responsible to the Grand Lodge. To allow
an appeal to the Lodge, would be subverting one of the oldest and
most substantial principles of Masonry, and the Worshipful Master
would no longer be Worshipful Master, but a mere presiding officer,
to carry out the will of the members, and act entirely under their
directions, like the president of a political meeting. Such a state of
things would at once revolutionize Masonry, and by introducing an
innovation, materially injure, if not destroy it. Maokey, in his prin-
ciples on Masonic law, says :
The Master presides not only over the symbolic work of the Lodge,
but also over its business deliberations, and in either case his decisions
are reversible only by the Grand Lodge. There can be no appeal
from his decision, on any question, to the Lodge. He is supreme in
his Lodge, so far as the Lodge is concerned, being aihenable for his
conduct in the government of it, not to its members, but to the Grand
Lodge alone. If an appeal were proposed, it would be his duty, for
the preservation of discipline, to refose to put the question. If a
member is aggrieved by t^e conduct or decisions of the Master, he
has his redress by an appeal to the Grand Lodge, which will, of
course, see that the Master does not rule his Lodge ** in an unjust or
arbitral^ manner." But such a thing as an appeal from the Master
of the Lodge to its members » unknown in Masonry.
This may, at first sight, appear to be ftTiBg too despotie power to
the Master ; but a slight reflecUon will eonviDce any or.e that there
can be but little danger of oppression from one so guarded and con-
trolled as a Master is, by the sacred obligations ofhis office and the
supervision of the Grand Lodge, while the placing in the hands of the
€raft so pewerfiil, and at times, and with bad spirits, so annoying a
priyilege as that of immediate appeal, would necessarily tend to im-
pair t^ energies and lessen the dignity of the Master, while it would
be subversive of that spirit of discipline which pervades every part of
the Institution, and to which it is mainly indebted for its prosperity
and perpetuity.
It may be asked wbether the W. M., in case tbe by-laws of his
Lodge allow an appeal^ should be governed by them in that respect
We answer emphatically, No. If the Master were bound by that
provision, he would be bound by every other ; bis action might be
clugged in such a way that no authority would be left him — that he
might be required to preside as a mere instrument. It is tbe duty
of the Master to guard and preserve the dignity and authority of his
office, and see that they are in no way infringed upon, and in any case
such as we have referred to, the provision of a by-law should weigh
no more with him than a straw.
Every Master should, of course^ be willing to consult with well in-
formed Brethren, and learn the wishes and desires of all the members
of his Lodge, and give their suggestions due consideration ; but when
it oomes to the period of making decisions, the retponsibUity rests on
his shoidderSy and he cannot, if he would, change it He cannot in
accordance with Masonic law and usage — in accordance with the great
principles of our Institution — ^permit an appeal to be taken from his
decision to his Lodge, when that appeal may reverse his decision.
The follovring from Dr. Oliver is Tory appropriate in the
present rage for Masonic emblems:
^ Masonry does not expect her votaries to expose her to the gaie
of the world ; in her modesty, she shrinks from the boast of her exist-
ence, preferring rather to see her advertised through the medium of
untold benevolence and acts of hidden charity. Her excellencies
flourish most when cherished in the warm bosom of charity that
vaunteth not itself, rather than in that sort which bringeth forth the
flower without the fruit"
10 — ^vOL. XL NO. n.
St. John the Almoner, patriarch of Alexandria, C. He reeeired
hia aumame from his profaae almadeeda ; was nobly deaoended, very
rieh and a widower, at Amathna, in Gyms, where, having honed all
his ohildren, he employed the whole inoome of his estate in the relief
of the poor, and was no less remarkable for hia great piety. The
repntation of his sanctity raised him to the patriarchal chair of Alex-
andria abont the year 608, at which time he was upwards of fifty years
of age. On his arriyal in that city, he ordered an exact list to be
taken of his masters. Being asked who these were, his answer was :
^ The poor," namely, on aoconnt of their great interest in the court
of HeaTcn in behalf of their benefactors. Their number amounted
to seren thousand fiye hundred, whom he took under his special pro-
tection and furnished with all necessaries. He prepared himself by
Hob action to receive the fullness of his grace in his consecration.
On the same day he published severe ordmances, but in the most
humble terms conjuring and commanding all to use just weights and
measures, in order to prevent injustices and oppressions of the poor.
He most rigorously forbade all his officers and servants ever to receive
the least presents, whidi are no better than bribes, and bias the most
impartial Every Wednesday and Friday he sat the whole day on a
bench before the church, that all might have free access to him to lay
their grievances before him, and make known their necessities. He
eomposed all differences, comforted the afflicted, and relieved the dis-
tressed. One of his first actions at Alexandria was, to distribute the
eighty thousand pieces of gold, which he found in the treasury of his
church, among hospitals and monasteries. He consecrated to the ser-
vice of the poor the great revenues of his see, then the first in all the
East, both in riches and rank. Besides these, incredible charities
flowed through his hands in continual streams, which his example ex-
cited every one to contribute according to their abilities. When his
stewards complained that he impoverished his church, his answer was,
that Gh>d would {nrovide for them. To vindicate his 0(mduct and si-
lence their complaints, he recounted to them a vision he had in his
youth, of a beantifol woman, brighter than the sun, with an olive
garland on her head, whom he understood to be charity, or compassion
for tiie miserable, who said to him : << I am the eldest dangter of the
great king. If yon enjoy my favor, I will introduce you to the great
monarch of the universe. No one has so great an interest with him
* Bttfler's JAvm of the Saints.
18 myaedf wko was tke oeeasioa of Us oosung down from Hetim to
become mui for iike redemptioii of maiikiiid." When tlie Peniaofl
bul plvndered the Sas^ and saoiked Jenmlem, St John entertained
«U that fled from their swords into Bfirpt^ and sent to Jemsalem, for
the use of the poor there, besides a hoge sua of money, one thousand
eaeks of eovn, as many of pwlse, one thousand pouids of irooi one
tiionsaod leads of fishbone thoasattd barrek of wine, and one thousand
Sgjrpiian workmen, to assist in rebnilding the ehorehes; adding, in
his letter ta Modesiiu^ the hishop, that he wished it had been in his
power to have gone in petson, and eei^biited the labor of his hands
towards catrying on timt holy work. He also sent two bishops and
«B abbot to ransom eaptiyes. No nwmber of neoessiioiis objeots, no
losses, no straits to whidi he saw himself often redneed» diseouraged
him, or made him lose his oonfidenoe in Pivine Proyidenee* and r^
flonroes nerer fiiiled him in the end. When a eertain person whom
he had privately relieved with a most bonatifdl alms, expressed his
gratitnde in the strongest terms, the sunt cat him short, saying :
^ Brother, I h«ve not yet spilt my Ueod for you, as Jesns Christ, my
master and my Gk>d, commands me.'' A oertain merchant, who had
been thrice mined by shipwrecks, had as often found relief firom the
good patriarch, who the third time gave him a ship belonging to the
ohoroh, laden with twenty thousand measures of com. This vessel
was driven by a storm to the British islands, and a famine niging
there, the owners sold their cargo to great adyantage, and brou^t
back a considerable value in exchange, one-half in money, the other
in pewter.
The patriarch lived himself in the greatest austerity and poverty,
as to diet, apparel and fumitive. A person of distinction in the city
being informed that the patriarch had but one blanket on his bed, and
this a very sorry one, sent him one of value, begging his acceptance
of it, and that he would make use of it for ike sake of the donor.
He accepted of it and pat it to the intended use ; bat it was only for
one night, and this he passed in great uneasiness, with severe self-
reproaches for being so richly covered, while so many of his masters
(his familiar term for the poor) were so ill accommodated. The next
morning he sold it and gave the {Nrice to the poor. A friend being
informed of it, bought it for thirty^siz pieces, and gave it hm a see-
ond and a third time ; for the saint always disposed of it the same
way, saying facetiously : ** We shall see who shall be tired first" He
was yery well versed in the*Seriptures, though a stranger to the pomp
ai profane eloquence* The fnnetiona of his mmistry, pnyer and
pious reading employed his whole time. He studied with great eir^
eamspection to avoid the least idle word, and never ehose to speak
aboat temporal affairs, unless compelled by necessity, and then only
in very few words. If he beard any detract from the reputation of
their neighbor, he was ingenious in turning the discourse to some
other subject, and he forbade them to enter his house, to deter others
from that vice. Hearing that, when an emperor was chosen, it was
customary for certain carvers to present to him four or five blocks of
marble, to choose one out of them for his tombv he caused his grave
to be half dug, and appointed a man to eome to him on all occasions
of pomp and say : " My lord, your tomb is unfinished,' be pleased to
give your orders to have it completed, for you know not the hour
when death will seise yoa" The remembranco of the rigorous ae-
count which we are to give to God, made him often burst into the
most pathetio expressions of holy fear. But humility was his dis>
tinguishing virtue, and he always expressed both in words and actions
the deepest sentiments of his own nothingness, sinfulness, miseries
and pride. He often admired how perfectly the saints saw their own
imperfections, and that they were dust, worms, and unworthy to be
ranked among men.
In the year 1850, we delivered an address on the " Objects, Anti-
quity and Universality of Masonry,'' and in it alluded to the existence
of the Institution in Turkey, though known there but to a few. Late
events in that country will in all probability place the Order in a
more favorable position, as will be seen from the foUowing letter :
Belgrade, July 20.
. More than a year ago, I communicated to you the fact of the exist-
ence of Mahomraedan Freemasons in European Turkey, whose ten-
dency, siffns and other modes of recognition are identical with those
of the Masons in other countries of Europe. These Bektaschi Der-
vishes— ^as they are called in Turkish — were, however, always looked
upon by the Porte as a non-recognized religious sect, and the property
belonging to the Order was therefore confiscated, in consequence of
which they have continued ever since to act with great caution, and
hold their Lodges in secret
Among the nine Lodges of the Order, there happen to be several
members of high rank and now enjoying great influence at Constan-
tinople. The Grand Master of the Oi^der in European Turkey is
Tsani Ismael Tsoholak Mahomed Saede, who resides at Belgrade,
and is at the same time Master of the Lodge of Alikotsoh in this oitj.
In Gonaeqaence of the new order of things in Turkey, and especiaDj
in virtue of the ktely published hatti humayoun, which acknowledges
the legal existence of all religious creeds and sects, and guarantees
the full exercise of their several forms of worship, the above named
Orand Master left this port yesterday for Constantinople to endeavor
to obtain for the former persecuted Bektasehi Dervishes the formal
recognition of the Turkish Government, and if he succeeds, he will
apply for a restitution of the property formerly belonging to the
Order and confiscated. The religion of the Bektasehi is decidedly
the most enlightened and liberal form of Mahommedanism, with the
greatest approach to civilisation and social improvement— i^om the
Masonic Mirror.
Thb Grand LonoB of trb District of Columbia and tbb In-
DBPENDENT Grand Lodgb OF Camada. — Bro. B. B. French writing
from Washington City to the Freemason^ Magazinej under date of
June 30tb, says: ''As chairman of the Committee which reported
favorably to the recognition of the ^ Independent Grand Lodge of
Canada," it becomes me to say a few words in explanation. Our
Grand Lodge does its business at a single sitting of three or four
hours — the manifesto, if I may so term it, of the Independent Grand
Lodge of Canada was laid before the Grand Lodge by M. W. G. M.
Fraily, early in the semi-annual sitting of May last It was referred
to a Committee, of which I had the honor to be chairman, without
reading, or explanation, further than as to what it uhu. The Com-
mittee retired, and after a very rapid perusal of the document, and
without that deep consideration that ought to have been given to a
subject of such vast importance, the resolutions recognising that Grand
Body were hurriedly drawn and reported to the Grand Lodge, and,
after the reading of the manifesto by the Grand Secretary, they were
unanimously adopted, without debate. I do not hesitate to say, that,
had I known what I now know, I should not have reported as I did,
without very much more consideration.
In consequence of the receipt, by our Grand Master of a statement
of facts from the ^ Provmoial Grand Lodge of Canada West," he
deemed it proper to bring the subject again before the Grand Lodge
on St John's day, and it was again referred to the same Committee,
who will now give it such attention and consideration as its import-
anoe merits, and report in full at the next meeting of our G. Lodge.'*
By this it appears that the action of the Grand Lodge was hasty,
and the question is to come up for decision again.
Id slnmbeis of darknefls the UniTene lay.
The germs of true knowledj^e reposed in the mind,
When order prerailedl — and reef^ndent aa daj.
The sna-beama of Maaoaiy harat on MaakiiMll
A Temple was opened to brotherly I0V&
The Altar was sprinkled with Com, Oil and Wine;
IftB incense ascended to HeaTen above.
And Faith, Hope and Charity guarded the ahrinet
This Temple once erdtrtd, 'within, all was light;
Once pMtfli o'er the threshold, tlie Veil was remoVd;
And Man stood majestic when raited to the heiffht»
His God he adored, and his Brother he loy'dl
How grand was the motive that urged him to kneel
At Altars, he bnilt to Humanity dearl
The Widow and Orphan were soon taujp^ht to fieel.
That smiles may sneooed to the griatspringiog tear.
Fxom Rariooa of mom to the closing of day>
From south to the point where no portal is known.
Cemented by love, mtat ot man, was the stay,
Aad Masonry held, of the Arch, the Eeyatone!
Sublime in the East, stands the Order; how bold
And grand are the Fanes reared in Liberty's diniel
And here, in oor far Western prairies, behold.
Our Temple is opened — tJbe pride of our time.
Tried Sons of the Order— our Landmarks prestryed—
UnriTaUed in aeal, thous^ oor anmbera oe few—-
Our labors must meet wiu the wages deserved —
Our Altars be sought by the worthy and true.
Qhl then let the Crufc in their atrengtii now arias,
Emb^sh this T^ple— as worthy its name —
So work — ^that its avenues lead to tiie skies.
And agos nnboni ahall rejoice in its feme.
CAimoira Ssc&bot.— The oaixtioiiB seorecy of the Graft in eadj
tges was used to preyeut the great jpnoiplee of soieooe, by whioh their
reputation was seoured and maintained, from being publicly known.
Eyen the inferior workmen were unacquainted with the secret and
refined mechanism whioh cemented and imparted Ae treasure of wis*
dom. They were profoundly igaorant of toe wisdom whidb planted,
the beauty whioh designed, and knew only the strength and labor
which exeouted the work. The doctrine of the pressure and counter-
pressure of complicated arches was a mystery which they neyer at-
tempted to penetrate. They were blind instruments in the hands of
intelligent Master Masons, and completed the most sublime under-
takings by the effect of mere meohaaieal skill and physical power,
wiUiout being able to eomjweb^ the seovet which produoed them;
without understanding the nice adjustment of the members of a build"
ing to each other, so necessary to accomplish a striking and permanent
effect ; or without being able to enter into the science exhibited in
the complicated details, which were necessary to form a harmonious
and proportionate whole.
On the 3d of Hay 1802, Zion -Lodge met as usual at the house of
Bro. James McDonnell, and there was present at this meeting:
Bro. Wm. M. Soott, in Uie Chair,
** Lee Vinton, 8. Vf. pro tem,j
« Bates, J. W^
^ McDonnell, P. M. and See. pro tem^
^ Askin, Treasurer,
^ Abbott, 8. D.»
* Tattle, J. D.,
** Freeman, Tyler pro tern., and
Bfos. Harvey, Baokingham and Campao.
Lodge opened on the Entered Apprentioe degree, and minutes of
the preceding meetisg read. Bro. Bowe, not appearing agreeable to
■ommons, fiurther action was had, and ^e Semtaiy instructed to
write to Maiden and make inquiry into his conduct, dee. Petition was
raeeived from John Wataon for the benefits of Masonry, wtnch was
kid OTer for further aotion until next meeting. A Fellow Grafts
Lodge was then opened, and Bra Buckin^^m was passed to the
second degree. The dues to the Ghrand Lodge was ordered to be paid
by the Treasuiw. The Lodge then dosed in "perfect lote and hai-
mony," to meet again the first Monday in June.
June 7th. Were present at this meeting nearly as aboye. The
petition of Dennis Dougherty for the benefits of Masonry was received
and ordered to lay over with that of John Watson until the next
meeting. At this meeting £4 Tork money was granted for the relief
of a distressed Brother. A Master Masons Lodge was then opened
to take into eonsideration the ^ irregular conduct of Bro. Freeman,
and finding that there is no amendment in his conduct, but continued
intoxication, the Lodge, although extremely reluctant, proceeded to
take a ballot, in order to cast the stigma which would rest upon the
Order, to the person of the individual, and were unanimous in his
expulsion.** The Lodge then proceeded to Hie election of officers for
the ensuing six montiis with the foUowing result :
Bto. Abbott, W. M.,
« Askin, 8. W.,
« TutUe, J. W.,
'< Gampau, Treasurer.
« gS;,J.D. I «^^d Stewards,
** McDonnell, Secretary.
It was then ordered that Bro. McGregor be snmmoned to appear
at the next Lodge night After receiving and accepting the excuses
of several Brethren for their non-attendaace on previous meetings, it
was unanimously agreed to meet on St. John's Day, the 24th of June,
at 10 o'clock A. M., and partake of a dinner which was ordered to be
provided by the stewards.
June 24th. Agreeable to the above resolution, the Lodge con-
vened ; Bro. Scott in the chair and a large number of Brethren in
attendance. Lodge opened on the Entered Apprentice degree, and
acted upon the petitions of Dennis Dougherty and John Watson.
Excuses were received from a number^gf Brethren for their absence
on previous meetings. The £. A. Lodge then dosed, and a M. M.
Lodge opened, and the officers elect installed. The Treasure's ac-
counts were then examined, and £109.1 1.9 paid into the hands of the
new Treasurer. The day was celebrated by the dinner, as ordered
above, and after the festivities of the occasion, the Lodge ordered
that Bro. Ruland should make an apology for his conduct, and the
S. W. is directed to instruct Bro. McGregor in the principles of his
duty, '' he having neglected the same this day, but for the want of
opportunity of knowing better, is excused." Bro. Rob» Abbott, the
W. M. elect, having been called on business to the " Indian Country,"
Bro. Scott was requested to act in his place. The Lodge then closed
in '^ perfect love and harmony," to meet again on the first Monday in
On the 5th of July the Brethren again met, Bro. Scott in the chair,
when a number of petitions were received, and Bro. Dougherty passed
to the degree of Fellow GrafL
July 1 7th. Nothing done at this meeting, except the granting of
a certificate to Bro. Buckingham, who was about to leave for Miehi-
August 2d. At this meeting Bro. Greggor is suspended uatil
December, and Bro. Rabetaille passed and raised. The sum of ei^t
dollars was appropriated to purchase a bible.
Sept 6th. At this meeting the petition of Rich. Smith was re-
ceived, reported on and initiated, and Bro. James Rowe expelled.
Oct 4th. Bro. Smith passed and raised, and the peUtion of J. B.
Comparet received. The Stewards not having provided refreshments
for this meeting, it was ordered that the Brethren pay nothing.
Nov. 1 St. At this meeting J. B. Comparet received the first de-
gree. The petition of John Connor was received and referred, and a
petition on ballot rejected.
Nov. 28th. There was a large attendance at this meeting, and
after the necessary business in the Lodge, the Brethren formed in
procession and attended the ftmeral of Bro. Bell, whom thej buried
with the usual Masonic honors.
Dec 6th« John Connor received the first degree, and the Lodge
proceeded to the election of officers for the ensuing six months with
the following result :
Bro. Wm. M. Scott, W. M.,
" Robert Abbott, 8. W.,
" Christopher Tuttle, J. W.»
'' Joseph Campau, Treasurer,
" Thos. McCrea, jr.. Secretary,
" Jno. Harvey, S. D.,
" Rich. Smith, J. D.,
and after instructing the Secretary to communicate with the Grand
Lodge and ascertain the reason of their long silence in not corres-
ponding with the Lodge, and agreeing to meet again on St John's
Day, the Lodge closed.
Dec. 27th. Officers installed at this meeting, and it being Si
John's Day, the Brethren of Zion Lodge, together with Bros. Pike
of Philadelphia and Rae of Winchester, Va., proceeded to the house
of Bro. Dodameed, where a repast had been prepared, ^ fared sump-
tuously" and returned at 5 o'clock to the Lodge-room and made a
collection for the repast which amounted to 17s6d each. Zion Lodge
then closed her labors for the year 1 802 '' in perfect love and harmony."
Edttok of thk Alhlab: — When a ballot has once been taken opon an appli-
catioD for tho benefits of Masonry, and rejected, can the applicant apply B|;ata
to the same Lodge, or another, and if so, when, and what is the coarse of pro*
Yours Fraternally, F.
In answer to Bro. F. we wonld say that there ia nothing in the
constitntion or hy-laws of the Orand Lodge to prevent the rejected
applicant's making an immediate application to the same Lodge ; bnt
he cannot apply to another miless he gets the consent of the three
principal officers of the Lodge in which he was rejected. His renewed
application must be made in the same manner and take the same
course as the first. ^
1 1 — ^voL. iL NO. n.
Elkhart, Ind^ Sept 13th, 1856.
Mt Dear Ashlar : — ^Another week's labors are ended, and I will
now post my books and give an account of myself.
Tuesday morning, the 9th inst, I left Detroit in the good steamer
Dart for Monroe. The day was one of the many delightful ones with
which we have been favored this season. I have before spoken of the
beauty and grandeur of the Detroit river, but I have failed to convey
a tithe of the fine feelings it excites in the mind, when one beholds it
rolling on majestically beneath a bright spring or autumn sun. He
must indeed be dull and stupied, who can look upon it at such a time
without emotion. To those who live on its banks, it is a " well-spring*'
of health and pleasure, though many of them hardly realize the fact
Our little boat darted through the water at a firm rate and reached
Monroe pier at half past one o'clock P: M. A ride of three miles
in the cars carried me to the centre of the city, where I took lodging
at the Macomb Street House which is very pleasantly located. Mon-
roe looked better than ever. Its streets are wide, have good side-
walks and are lined with noble trees. Many of the dwellings are
large and located a short distance from the streets with delightful
grounds, tastefully laid out and decorated. No other place in Michi-
gan, I think, will present so many advantages for a summer residence
as Monroe, when the new railroad shall be completed which will be
next spring, and probably next winter. The ride between Detioit
and Monroe will then occupy but little more than an hour.
Bro. J. M. Oliver, W. M., was absent I was warmly greeted by
Past Master Prentice whose acts but gave me greater consent of his
kindness and good nature. Bro. Thomas Norman — ^what shall I not
say in favor of his kind heart ? He has buf one fault — his soul is
altogether too large for his physical frame, although that is a good
specimen of the human species.
Wednesday I spent roaming among the Brethren, and left Monroe
in the afternoon in company with Bro. Jas. Darrah, who is Grand
Commander of the new Encampment We arrived at South Bend,
Ind., about 9 o'clock at night, and took rooms at the St Joseph
Hotel, a new public house kept by Bro. W. R. Butts. It is very
large and built of brick. Its rooms are spacious, and every thing
about it has an air of elegance. On our arrival, it was brilliantly
lighted, and the sound of lively music could de distbctly heard.
There was ne mistaking the indieations — ^it was a ^ house wamiog."
Bro. Darrah and myself were ^ counted in." The beauty and fashion
of South Bend graced the assembly, and ^ all went merry as a mar-
riage belP' till about four o'clock in the morning, when I went to bed
and took a ^ hasty'' nap.
South Bend is a flourishing town— it has few superiors. Pleasantly
located, it gives every evidence of prosperity. Its people are busy
and bustling, and new buildings and improvements are constantly
springing up. The Craft prosper here also, and among them are some
fine specimens of Masonic timber. Bro. Alword deserves my thanks
for his kind attention& Bro. W. G. George, also, I would partionlar-
ly mention.
Thursday evening I reached Laporte. This is located about sixty
miles south-east of Chicago and twelve mUes from the southern part
of Lake Michigan. This city is lively, and its people exhibit much
spirit and activity. It contains about six thousand inhabitants. It
has two Lodges ; Bro. J. B. Fravel is Master of one, and Bro. C. W.
Mead of the other. Both, I am told, are doing well I visited their
Lodge-room. It is a very convenient and neat hall, and is used for
the Chapter. Bros. Fravel and Mead laid me under obligations
which I shall cheerfully cancel, when an opportunity permits.
About twelve miles west from Laporte, on the prairie, lies the
little town of Westfield. It has sprung up within two years, and al-
ready put off its swaddling clothes. Energy and activity are every-
where manifested. The buildings are new, and improvements are
rapidly progressing. Here, too, the Order flourishes. The Lodge
here is of course young, but its members, in their zeal and labor, put
to the blush the Craft in many larger places. It has seldom been
our good fortune to visit a place which impressed us so fiivorably in
this respect as Westfield. Among its active and intelligent Masons,
I may mention, Bros. J. M. Warrock, J. W. Foster, John Ross, B.
B. Henton and C. Q. Powell. I was much disappointed in not see-
ing Bro. Church, W. M., who was absent
On the road that leads to Westfield, ten miles further west, I found
the enterprising town of Valparaiso. It b pleasantly located and
has a beautiful square containing the new county buildings. Bro.
M. L. McLelland extended to me the right hand of fellowship. By
his activity and well directed efforts he is doing much to advance the
interests of the Fraternity. May his labors be amply rewarded, and
*^ may his shadow never be less !"
This day I spent in Laporte till four o'clock, when I took the can
for New Carlisle. My stay here was very short, and I had time to
see only Bro. Baeon. A new Lodge has just been started here and
promises to do well
Such, Dear Ashlar, are my labors of the week. How pleased is
the traveller, when Saturday night draws near! Sunday to him
is truly a day of rest and meditation, and affords ample opportunity
for him " to contemplate the glorious works of cieation and adore his
great Creator." Thus is it with me at this time. Sleep is heavj on
my eyelids — fatigue rests like a load upon my limbs — ^and a due re-
gard for the warnings of nature causes me to say, good night.
A. W.
Goshen, Ind., Sept. 17th, 1S56.
My last letter was dated at Elkhart I spent Sunday and Monday
in that place and found a fine set of Masons as well as same other
people, of whom I retain the most pleasant recollections. Among
the active members of the Craft there are Bros. 0. H. Main and S.
Tuesday morning last I arrived here. The same evening the Lodge
met, and although there was no work, I had the pleasure of commun-
ing Masonically with the members. Bro. C. W. Seely is one of the
most enterprising Masons in this section of the country, and is doing
much to promote the interests of the Crafi The same may be said
of Bro. L. B. Tornalee who has paid much attention to the work and
lectures of the Lodge, and whom I was gratified to see in the East
To-day (Wednesday) I have had an interesting experience. The
Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana Railroad Company is
building an air line road from Elkhart via Goshen to Toledo. The
passenger trains run from tae West only to this place, the track
further East not being completed. A train of dirt cars, howeven
runs down to Ligonier every morning and returns in the evening.
This morning I rose early ate a good breakfast and took passage
on the dirt cars for Ligonier. The train had been in motion but a
few minutes, when I found myself in the midst of a shower of cinders
which threatened to make siege of my coat and hat. The eonductor
kindly relieved me by giving me a standing place on the engine.
The engineer and fireman did not like to have a visitor thrust into
their quarters which were of rather limited dimensions, and began
immediately to devise means to rid themselves of my company. In
a few minutes the train stopped, and the engineer very politely in-
formed me that he would give me ^ a first rate seat, cool and nice,
and out of the way of the cinders." I was very much gratified by
his kind offer and followed him from the engine. He yerj coolly led
the way to the frame of the maehine, and putting his hand on the top
of the ^' oow-oatcher" said, ^ there ia a eapital seat — you could't hate
a better one." At first I was inclined to think ho was joking, but
after a little debate I oonoluded, joke or no joke, I would take the
assigned position and run the risk. So I mounted the ^* oow-catcher/'
Presently the great iron horse began to breathe slow and heayily
within a foot of my ear— -cha-a-a-w — cha-a-a>w. Thus snorting, he
started off each moment, breathing more rapidly till all I could bear,
was — oh-ch-ch-oh in quick succession. Now the music began. Away,
away I went — a breeze sweeping by enough to take the hair off my
head. Trees, stones, ties, birds, insects appeared and vanished— on
the iron monster swept by them — like ghosts they came, like ghosts
they went. On, on went like lightning — suddenly I spied some cows
on the tracL To take the poor animals on the ^ cow-catcher'' and
have their company, was more than I desired; but on, on we went.
It seemed as though the old Nick was in my fiery steed, and he was bent
on mischief — he snorted and puffed away furiously, and dashed along
as though it would be fine sport to mash a poor cow and throw me off
at the expense of a broken neck and mutilated limbe. • Suddenly the
monster screamed close to my ear, with a shrill unearthly tone which-
frightened me " from my propriety" and my seat The unfortunate
dumb beasts listened quietly and scarcely moved as they grazed along
the track. Nearer and nearer we approach — ^what shall I do? To
jump in case of accident, is almost certain death ; can dn nothing but
stt still and trust in Providence. This wise conclusion I arrived at
and sat still awaiting the issue. In a moment we are by the cows —
the engine just clears them as they scamper away.
Strange, indeed, is it, how quickly we suit ourselves to new situa-
tions, and how quickly we become accustomed to view danger with
little concern. Each moment I gained courage, and in a short time
I sat on the ^ cow-catcher" rushing along at the rate of twenty-five
miles an hour, as unconcerned as though I was in a velvet cushioned
car of the first class. Once on starting, we ran a race with a bumble-
bee. The lilliputian kept a little one side and about ten feet in ad-
vance of us. As our speed increased, so did his, till I thought it
would be a " draw-game." The bee did well, but he, finally, wisely
concluded that the iron horse had the most wind and the most bottom,
and as we began to gain on him, he uneeremoniously left the track in
disgust and disappeared in a twinkling.
This day I have spent very pleasantly in Legonier under the care
of that generoas-hearted MasoD, John C. Riohmond. Bro. R. is
Master of the Lodge there, and is devoted to the interests of the
Graft. His exertions oannot fail to produce good results. May
prosperity and happiness attend him and his.
Legonier is a very pleasantly situated town, containing about four-
teen hundred inhabitants. It is growing rapidly and will probably
continue to increase for some time. It is surrounded by a beautiful
prairie country which is rich and fertile. The Masons in this place
are a fine set of men — ardent and energetic in the good cause. May
they continue to flourish. A. W.
We are indebted to the Hartford Daily Times for the following
account of the festivities at the banquet given by the Grand Chapter
and Encampment of Connecticut to the delegates to the General
Grand Bodies. The lines in conclusion were written, we understand,
by our distinguished Bro. Morris, of Ky. :
A banquet was spread at 9 o'clock at the United States Hotel,
under the auspices of the Masonic Bodies of Connecticut, at which
the delegates generally were invited. About two hundred plates
were set. The proceedings opened at 9, and closed at the " wee short
hour ayont the twal," were conducted to the very last with a fire and
animation worthy a society which of all others is supposed best to
know how ^ to call from labor to refreshment."
Mayor Deming, of this city, presided, and in an introductory speech
exceeding even his usual eloquence, and replete with the finest his-
torical allusions, alluded to the striking fact that in the circle around
him were the men beloved of Masonry, from nearly every State and
Territory in this widely extended confederacy. Indeed, it was good
to look around that circle. Gray hairs and black were contrasted in
startling vividness. The furrowed brow and the smooth — the manly
voice and the treble of old age — the experience of thirty years and
the inexperience of three — ^the swarthy hue of the far Soutb and the
ruddy red of the extreme North — these were the themes provocatives
of an eloquence rarely equalled, and were used with a force and dis-
tinctness which wiU be remembered by the numerous guests to the
end of life.
The following were the regular toasts :
1. The General Grand Encampment of the United States of Ame-
rica— a chivalrous defender of the Masonic Faith. Response by Hon.
Wm. B. Hubbard, of Columbus, Ohio, the G. G. M. of that Illustrious
Corps. The response embraced a succinct sketch of the reason and
necessity of this Order at and since its formation. It was most favor-
ably received.
2. The General Orand Chapter of the United States of America —
a Eojal Arch that spans eyery section of our heloved conntr j. Res-
ponse by Gov. R. P. Dnnlap, of Maine, the retiring Q. G. H. P.
3. The several Grand Chapters and Grand Encampments here re-
presented— ^unbroken links of an everlasting chain. Response by CoL
Andrew Neill, of Texas, an effdsion sui generis which defied the
reporter to note it. Its hilarious reception proved its perfect adapted-
ness to the occasion.
4. The Masonic Press, a sleepless sentinel upon our walks and an
ever watchful guardian of our ancient landmarks. Response by Rob.
Morris, of Kentucky, editor of the American Freemtison.
5. The illustrious dead of our Order — Washiugton, Franklin, La-
fayette, Clinton, Livingston, Warren, Poinsett, Wooster, Putnam and
a host of others. Their memory will never fade from our hearts until
the last leaf of the Acacia shall wither. Drank standing and in so-
lemn silence. Response by Philip C. Tucker, Esq.. of Vt, the only
representative present of that self-sacrificing band which through all
the trials of 1826 to 1836 upheld the banners of the G. G. Chapter
and the honor and interest of Masonry throughout its widely spread
6. The black ball — the grand conservative power of Freemasonry.
Response by Cbas. Gilman, Esq., of Maryland, the presiding officer
elect of the 6. G. Chapter.
7. The American Union — ^who will dare to say that the cement of
Freemasonry has not made its walls and bulwarks stronger. Response
by Th. S. Gourdin, of S. C. The loud and reiterated cheers pro-
longed and echoed from every part of the Hall, which followed the
reading of this patriotic sentiment, will give little encouragement to
those, if any, who deem that through Freemasonry may be struck a
blow against the perpetuity of our Union. There is no treason within
the tyled precincts of a Masonic Lodge.
8. Masonic Science — the solid foundation on which the super-
structure should rest. Response by Dr. A. G. Mackey, of S. C,
author of many and popular works upon the history and jurisprudence
of Masonry.
9. The retiring officers of thd Grand Bodies here assembled —
though we reluctantly consent to their withdrawal from labor to re-^
freshment, we will follow them with the prayers and benedictions of
faithful hearts. Response by Hon. W. T. Gould, of Ga.
10. Our guests from the North, the South, the East and the West
of OUT beloved Union. We have met you on the Level^ and we will
part upon the Square,
We meet upon the LeTel, and we part upon the Sqtare-^
What words of precious meaning those words Masonic arel
Come let ns contemplate tbem~4hey are worthy of a thought —
With the highest and the lowest and the rarest they are fraught.
We meet upon the Level tho' from every station come»
The King from out his palace, the poor man from his home;
For the one must leave nis diadem outside the Msson's door.
And the other finds his true respect upon the checkered floor.
We part upon the Square, for the wh<de world roust haTe itB dae;
We minc^le with its multitude a cold unfriendlj^ crew;
But the influence of our gatherings la memory is greesy
A.nd we long upon the lierel to renew the happj scene.
There's a world where all are equal; we are hurrying towards it fast.
We shall meet upon the Lerel tnere, when the gates of death are past;
We shall stand before the Orient, and oar Master will be there
To try the blocks we offer with his own an^ ring Square.
We shall meet upon the Level there but never thence depart;
There's a Mansion — 'tis all ready for each trusting faithful heart;
There's a Mansion, and a welcome and a multitude is there
Who have met upon the Level and been tried upon the Square.
Let us meet upon the Level, then, while laboring patient here;
Let us meet and let us labor, tho' the labor be severe;
Already in the Wuetern Sky the si^na bid us prepare,
To gather up our working tools ana be tried upon the Square.
Hands round ye faithful Masons all, the bright Fraternal chain;
We part upon the Square below to meet in Heaven again.
Oh! what words of precious meaning those words Masonic are:
We meet upon the Level and part upon the Square.
Wc have receiYcd the proceedincrs of the Grand Lodge of Indiana
for the year 1856, a neat volume of 9 1 pages. The officers composing
this Grand Lodge, are : Alexander 0. Downey, of Rising Sun, M. W.
G. M. ; Solomon D. Bayless, of Fort Wayne, D. G. M. ; Frank Emer-
son, of Brownstown, 8. G. W. ; Mahlon D. Manson, of Crawford sville,
J. G. W. ; Charles Fisher, of Indianapolis, G. Treas. ; Francis King,
of Indianapolis, G. Sec.
185 Lodges were represented, and the Craft in that jnrisdiotion is
represented bj the G. M to be in a prosperous and floorishing con-
dition, as wOl appear from the following extract from his address :
*' A retrospect of the past year is well catcolated to fill the heart of
the true Mason with emotions of gratitude. Little will be found in
the view which indicates anvthing but peace and advancement It
may emphatically be said to have been a year of quiet and of progress.
I doubt whether there has ever been a year in the history of the In-
stitution in our State, when there were fewer indications of disquiet^
or stronger evidences of prosperity. There has been scarcely a ripple
on the surface, to indicate any disturbance of the universal quiet. In
point of numbers, there has been about the usual increase of Lodges,
and I presume of members also.
The past has been to us full of interest and success. The present
is joyous. We have come together under favorable circumstances.
Our hearts have been made to leap with joy, as we have again ex-
changed our Fraternal greetings.
The future is before us, and if we are spared by the Great Arohiteot,
it is ours for improvement. Let us take courage from what we have
done, and renew our efftirta in the cause of Masonry for the time to
come. When I was first a member of the Grand Lodge, which was
only eleren years ago, there were but thirty chartered Lodges repre-
sented, and eight under dispensations. Let any Brother whose heart
is desponding, if any such there is, contrast that time with the pre-
sent. Why shall there not be the same favorable ooDirast between
the present and eleven years from this time V*
^'Univbrsal Masonic Libra&y."
The Grand Lodge appear to have a proper appreciation of tbis
work which is being published by Bro. Morris, and have adopted the
following very appropriate resolution :
Resolved, That the Universal Masonic Library, published by
Bro. Rob. Morris, of Lodse, Fulton County, Ky., is an enterprise of
great importance to tho Masonic Fraternity, and it is recommended
to the Lodges and Masons of Lidiana, as eminently worthy of their
The attention of the Grand Body is directed to this important
subject, and they desire to accomplish the object by adopting one of
the following projects :
The I St is the establishment of a College or University for the
education of pupils in the higher academic and collefi;iate branches.
The 2d is the establishment of an Institute or Polytechnic School,
in which children and youth may be conducted from the rudiments
through the common and higher studies of the school and the academy.
The 3d is that of furnishing aid to the needy children of indigent
and worthy Masons, and others, in securing a competent education in
the institutions of learning within the jurisdiction of the respective
The 8d proposition seems to meet with the most favorable con-
sideration of the Committee, and^he following resolution was adopted :
Resolved^ That a select committee of three be appointed to take
the whole imbject in advisement during the recess of the Grand Lodge,
devise a specific plan for the accomplishment of the object, and report
at the next communication of the Grand Lode ; and that the respect*
ive Lodges in this jurisdiction be directed to take definite action on
the subject, in order to ascertain the views and wishes of their mem-
bers in relation to the wlio)e matter during the monttis of October
and November ensuing, and report forthwith to the Grand Secretary
ihe result of their action ; and that the Grand Secretary be directed
to put those reports into the hands of the chairman of that committee
at the earliest opportunity.
This Grand Body was in session five days, and transacted much
important business.
12 — ^VOL. II. NO. II.
[OommoBicated bj Bro. Qmo. W. Knafp.]
Died at Waahingtonj Maoomb County, Mioh., on the 22d of Angosi
1856, of typhoid feyer, Bro. H. Clat Chapman, aged twenty-fonr
years six months and nineteen days.
In the death of this person the public haye sustained a severe loss.
He was a young man of rare promise and abilities, possessed of a
strong and weU cultivated mind; his manner easy and agreeable;
his natural disposition kind and generous. He had endeared himself
to a large circle of friends, and was a general fiivorite in the circle
with whom he associated. In short, he was loved and esteemed by
all who knew him. He has left an aged father and mother to mourn
the loss of one on whom they had depended in the decline of life, and
circle of brothers and sisters who feel very deeply the loss of an affec-
tionate brother.
There is one circumstance connected with the death of this young
man, so peculiarly afflictive that the writer does not feel at liberty to
pass it unnoticed in this brief memoranda.
The deceased was a native of this place. There is another, also a
native of the same neighborhood, about three years his junior, with
whom he was about to blend his earthly hopes for life — a lovely and
amiable pattern of meekness and true Christianity. They had long
been congenial spirits. Reared together from early childhood, they
fully appreciated each others virtues, and ardently reciprocated each
others affections. But she is left to lament in silence and alone.
God of our Fathers, hast thou not promised to be the widows^ God 1
May not our peculiarly afflicted young friend lay claim to the pro-
mise with full confidence ?
His funeral was attended on Sunday the 24th, at the M. S.
Church in this place, by the largest concourse of people ever assem-
bled here. The large church edifice was crowded to its utmost capa-
city, and not one third of the people could gain admittance
The Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons accompanied the
remains of our Brother to the grave, and there deposited them in
their final resting place with Masonic honors. The obsequies were
oonducted by A P. Burtley, W. M. of Macomb Lodge, No. 64.
At a special communicaticm of Macomb Lodge, No. 64, held at
their hall on the evening of August 22d, A. L. 5856, the following
preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted :
Wksrmt, it has pleaaed the Supreme Architect of the UBiTene in the dia-
penflation of hie providence, to remove from hie labon od earth onr vrerthy
young Brother Hxzolt Olat Oratuajk in the early theatre of his naefiiliieea aa
« member of thia Lod^; therefore
Reidvei, That in this afflictive diapenntion the Graft have been deprived
of a beloved Brother who had endeared himaelf to all, not leaa by hia manlineaa
and amiability of deportment, than b^ hia ardent attachment to the ^nciplea
of our Order, and hia well directed efltorta for the auooefla and prosperity of the
Fraternity and the ^ood of hia fellow-men.
Re$olvM, That in the death of Bro. CnAPicAir his aged parenta have loat a
devoted and beloved aon, hia brothers and sistera an aifoctionate relative, so-
ciety haa been deprived of aa honorable, npright and high-minded yoong man,
and that we moat sincerely sympathiae with the &mily in thia afflictive dis-
pensation, which has cast the "dark shadow of the valley of death" over their
home, and we tmly feel and bewail the leas they and we have all snatained.
JUioived, That we will (aa a Lodge) attend the fnneral of omr deeeaaed
Brother, and pay onr last tribnte of respect for hia memory by intering hia
body with the ntoala of oar Order and wear the nsnal badge of mooming.
Ruoiffed, That the Secretary of this Lodge transmit a copy of these resolu-
tions to the parents of the deceased, and to Tu AsHLAa for pnblicatkm; alao
to the papers pabliahed at Mt Clemena.
At Greenyille, Mioh, Sept 15, 1856, by Bev. Henry JaduKm —
Bro. John Smith, of Me-she-min-ne-kou'ing, MicL, to Hiss Sneui
Kab-bash-bifa-mo-qnoy, of Qreenyille.
CAinxon LoDGB, WKBiPonrr, Lowms Ca, Mi8a» Jane 19, 1856.
Rdtdv^ Unanimonaly, that A. J. G. Wxstbeook, a member of Cannon Lodge,
No. 159, of Free and Accepted Masons, be expelled trom said Lodge and all
the privileges of Masonry, for gross nnmaaonic conduct.
Retohnd, That the Secretarr of said Lodge be directed to cause the said re-
solution to be published in Moore'a Mofdjuy Magaeme, published in Boston,
and in the MemphU Appeal dt ^n^rtr, with a request that all editors friendly
to Masonry give the above resolutions one insertion.
To GoKEESPONDENTS. — Owiog to the necessary absence of the
Editor for much of the time daring the past month, lie most daim
the indulgence of many of his conreepondents, and if his answers
haye not reached them, they mil please attribute it to the above
cause, and content themselves with the promise that they shall be
promptly attended to in their regular order.
During tbe preparation of a portion of ihia number ire have been called
away from the editorial chair by business. We trust, therefore, our patroxk»
will excuse any defieiencies arising therefrom.
The engraving of Grand Master Munro delayed the issue x>f our first
number a few days after the first of September. We shall endearor to have
our subsequent numbers issued punctoally on or before the first of each month.
Macxet's Lexicon. — Messrs. Mors tfe Brother, of Philadelphia, have just
issued a new edition of this work which needs no recommendation. It should
be in the poeseasion ef every Lodge and every Kason.
EiroLisH Traits, bv Emkbson. — Althoagh often pleased with Emerson's
thoughts, we have never been an admirer ot his tiyh, nor thought his efforts
deserved the praise bestowed upon them by his friends. There is generally a
want of perspicuity and simplicity in his writings which renders them un-
profitable. He affects much, where he acctimplishes little. His compositions
have an air of originality, and yet one detects imitations of the worst portions
of Carlisle. We are pleased to say that the work before us is in a great meas-
ure free from the faults to which we have alluded. In fact, the book is quite
well written and intelligible, and withal instructive and interesting. It gives
thu details of English character and habits, and draws some Y^ry just and wise
conclusions. It is not writ en in the spirit which hns been manifested by some
English travelleTB, who have visited the United States. It is divided into
chapters under appropriate headings, such as Aridocracy, Wealth, Ac We
cheertuUy recommend this work to all ; it is worth purchasing and worth read-
ing. Kerr, Morley A Co., of Detroit, have it for sale.
Graxd ComroiL or Con ifsonouT. — The annual assembly of the Grand Counoil
of Select Masters of the State of Connecticut was held at New Haven Tuesday,
May i3th, T. 1. Wm. L. Brewer. D. P. G. M., presiding. 111. Comp. Wm.
Storer submitted the report of the Committee on Foreign Correspondence. He
briefly reviewed the reports of the proceedings of eleven Grand Councils of
other States — Alabama, G<K>rgia, IllinoiB» Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine,
Mississippi! New York, Ohio and Vermont. The following ofiScers were elected
f.>r the ensuing year: T. I. Alexander Hamilton, M. P. G. M.; Wm. L. Brewer*
D. P. G. M.; George F. Daskam, G. T. I.; Hiram Willey, G. P. C; James E.
Bidwell, G. 0. G.; Horace Goodwin, G. T.; E. G. Storer, G. R.
BaYPTXAir AROHiCOLOGT. — Mr. Gliddon, Ube famous Bgyptologist^ in Iub k«-
tnreB before the Lowell Institute in 1843, spoke of symbols only used by the
priests, which to the ignorant were Indicrous, bat to the knowing were of great
moral worth. He declared that the stones of the Pyramids and other stupen*
dons structures on the Kile bear Masons' marks as fresh as though chiseled
yesterday. Similar traces have lately been diseoyered on the monuments of
Nineveh and Babylon that undoubtedly have reference to the Masonic mys-
teries, and among them to the occult name of Jehovah. In regard to the "fiook
of the Dead/* which, in whole or part, is contained in a papyrus roll laid up
with the Egyptian mummy in the Sarcophagus, he stated that there were many
symbols and names, probably Masonic, and more especially the occult name of
Deity among the Egyptian writings, which may have an important bearing
upon Masonic history. His explanation of the Urim and Thummim, the lights
and perfections, and of the breastplate of Aaron, was remarkable. The initial
letters of the Hebrew names of the twelve stones in that breastplate, and also
of the twelve tribes, (by the application of a key discovered by Lanci,> con-
veyed a meaning which the exegcsi of a learned linguist would oerer have
reached. The explanation of the Urim is: "I will cause the oracular spirit to
rise at my will"^f the Thummim: " And of the Seers it will manifest the
%eer(i" and by putting the first two letters in Hebrew together the ineffable
name is made out.
RsGULAnows. — ^Without such regulations as Solomon had derived for the
government of his servants, without such artificers, and a superior wisdom orer-
ruling the whole, we should be at a loss to account for the beginning, carrying
on and finishing that great work in the space of seven years and six months,
when the two succeeding temples, though much inferior, employed so much
more time ; and then we have good authority to believe that the temple of
Diana, at Ephesus, a structure not comparable to the temple of Jerusalem, was
two hundred and twenty years in building. — Hidehinvm,
Merit. — At the building of King Solomon's temple merit alone entitled to
preferment, an indisputable instance of which we have in the Deputy Grand
Master of that great undertaking, who, without eitber wealth or power, without
any other distinction than that of being a widow's son, was appointed by the
Grand Master and approved by the people, for this singular reason, because he
was a skilful artificer. — Whitmath.
We have received official notice of the existence of a spurious Masonic
Body in New Orleans, under the title of «St. Andrew's Chapter of R.-. 0.-.,
No. 5," and are requested to caution all persons and bodies of the grade in-
dicated, against its acts and pretensions. The crowded state of our pages leave
us little room to do more than announce the fact the present month. In our
next we will refer to the subject again. — FrMmaaon»^ Monthly Magazine.
Freemasonry is flourishing in the new Territory of Nebraska, and in a
few years tbere will be a large number of the Craft there.
The Masonic Hall at Naahville, Tenn., has been destroyed by fire.
Gevsbal Graxo Enoavpment axd Chapter of the United States. — These
General Grand Bodies met in triennial se&sion at Hartford, Cosq., at the 9th
inst The attendance was very large, and nearly erery State and Territory in
the Union was represented. The session was continued until the 16th inst.,
when both Grand Bodies adjourned to meet in Chicago in 1859, unless sooner
called together by some emergency. Among the more important measures acted
upon was the adoption by the G. G. Encampment of a new constitution. By this
instrument the names of State, Grand and Subordinate Bodies are changed
from " JEneampnunt** to " Commandery" There is also a proTision for an appeal
from the decision of the G. G. Commander by a two-thirds vote, but is is ex-
pressly stated that this regulation is on tiie ground of the G. G. Body, being a
legislatiye body and supreme, and that it shall not serve as guidance for Sub-
ordinate Bodies. The title and designation of the Commander of a Subordinate
Commandery is *'SminenL"
The following are the officers elected to serve the ensuing three ysars: Wm.
B. Hubbard, of Ohio, G. G. M.; Henry C. Domingo of Conn.» D. G. G. M.; David
8. Goodloe, of Ky., G. G. Gen.; James Sorley, of Texas, G. G, C. Gen.; H. 0.
Lawrence, of Ind., G. G. S, W.; Henry Buist, of 8. C, G. G. J. W.; E, A. Ray-
mond, of Md., G. G. Treas.; B. B. French, of D. C, G. G. Rec.; Abner B.
Thompson, of Va., G. G. Standard Bearer; Vf. P. Coleman, of La., G. G. Sword
Bearer; Ira A. W. Buch, of 111., G. Q. Warden.
Among the most important transactions of the G. G. Chapter was the passage
of the following resolutions, after a long and able debate:
Betolved, That it is the sense of this G. G. Chapter, and it is declared to be a
law of Royal Arch Masonry and of its own powers and prerogatives:
Ist. That the 6. G. Royal Arch Chapter derives all its powers by grant and
delegation from the respective Grand Moyal Arch Chapters which are its con-
stituents; and it is therefore hereby solemnly declared that it can never exercise
or assume any other or greater powers than such as haye been or naay be dele-
gated to ana conferred upon it by such Grand Royal Arch Chapters; nor can
claim or exercise any doubtful power or powers by imputation merely.
2d. That an appeal does tie in all cases from the decision of the G. G. High
Priest to the G. G. Chapter, which alone can in the last resort, by vote of tm»-
thirds of the members present, determine what is the Masonic law or custom,
provided, that this resolution as a rule operating in the decisions of this G. G.
Body, shall only operate and have effect in mis body, and shall not be con-
sidered as operating or having any effect in State G. Chapters or Subordinates.
The following are the officers elected for the ensuing three years: Chas. Gil-
man, of Md., G. G. H. P.; Philip C. Tucker, of Vt, D. G. Q. H. P.; Amos
Adams, of La., G. G. K.; Jno. L. Lewis, Jr., of N. Y., ^^. G. S.; Edw. Raymond,
of Mass., G. G. Jr.; Benj. B. French, of D. C, G. G. Rec.; J. R. Hartstock,of
Iowa, G. G. C. H.; Henry C. Doming, of Conn.; G. G* R. A. C.
Charters for the establishment of Chapters are ordered to be issued at St.
Pauls, Minn., San Francisco, CaL, Jersey City, N. J., Burlington, N. J., Salem,
Oregon, and Eatontown, N. J.; and for Encampments in Michigan at Hillsdale,
KalanuuBoo, Monroe and Grand Rapids.
The delegates in attendance from this State were: Horace S. Roberts, D. G.
M., to the G. G. Encampment; Michael Shoemaker, G. H. P., and F. Booher,
G. K., to the G. G. Chapter.
We shall look for the official record of the proceedings, from which to publish
other matters of interest to the Craft. .
The delegates evidently enjoyed their visit at Hartford, and the many atten-
tions showed them by the people of that city.
We give in another place an account of a banquet given to the delegates
dnring the session.
While the prosperity of % Lodge depends in a great degree upon
the faitbfdf atteDdanee and the proper aetioa of ita members, its sae-
ceas is very materiallj' advanced or impeded by the mamwr in which
thote, clothed with official honors, disehargs their respective duties.
No governmeat — not even a republican or democratic in which offioera
are clothed with comparatively little authority— can be well adminis-
tered, if those, whose duty it is to see that the laws are faithfully
executed, are remiss in their duty. An army — be it ever so well
manned and equipped — if led by nnshilhl offioerSj or a drunken or
inexperienced general, may be defeated by a far inferior force and
put to flight, after having suffered terrible osmage and loss of life.
The principle involved in these remarks, applies with equal foree, to
the Lodge. The officers of tiiat body have it in their power, nine
hundred and ninety-nine times out of a thousand, to create an interest
in its proceedings, to awaken enthusiasm, to check wrong practices)
13 — VOL. 11, NO. in.
allay contention and promote harmony. This subject is one of tspe-
cial interest at this time, as in the covrse of five or six weeks the
subordinate bodies will elect officers for the next current year. We
will briefly allude to the powers and duties pertaining to the different
official positions.
First and foremost, and standing far above all others, is the Wor-
shipful Master of the Lodge. In the body over which be presides,
he is supreme. His powers and duties differ from those of every
other presiding officer in this country. ' He is responsible for the
work done, and for the correctness of business transaetiobs ; he is
obliged to instruct members and prevent any action in his Lodge
which tends to subvert the landmarks of the Order, to violate ancient
usages or to promote injustice. At the time of his installation, he
must assent to the following charges and regulations :
You agree to be a good man and true, and strictly to obey the
moral law. Ton agree to be a peaceable citizen, and cheerfully to
conform to the laws of the country in which you reside. You pro-
mise not to be concerned in plots and conspiracies against govern-
ment, but patiently submit to the decisions of the supreme legislature.
You agree to pay a proper respect to the civil magistrates, to work
diligently, live creditably, and act honorably by all men. You agree
to hold in veneration the original rulers and patrons of the Order of
Masonry, and their regular successors, supreme and subordinate, ac-
eording to their stations, and to submit to the awards and resolutions
of your Brethren, when convened in every case consistent with the
constitutions of the Order. You agree to avoid private piques and
quarrels, and to guard against intemperance and excess. You agree
to be cautious in carriage and behaviour, courteous to your Brethren
and faithful to your Lodge. You promise to respect genuine Breth-
ren, and to discountenance imposters and all dissenters from the
original plan of Masonry. You agree to promote the general good
of society, to cultivate the social virtues, and to propagate the knowl-
edge of the art. You promise to pay homage to the Grand Master
for the time being, and to his officers when duly installed ; and strict-
ly to conform to every edict of the Grand Lodge, or general assembly
oif Masons, that is not subversive of the principles and ground-work
of Masonry. You admit that it is not in the power of any man. or
body of men, to make innovations in the body of Masonry. You
promise a regular attendance on the committees and com muoicat ions
of the Grand Lodge, on receiving proper notice, and to pay attention
to all the duties of Masonry, on convenient occasions. You admit
that no new Lodge shall be formed without permission of the Grand
Lodge, and that no countenance be given to an irregular Lodge, or
to any person clandestinely initiated therein, being contrary to the
ancient charges of the Order. You admit that no person can be
regularly made a Mason in, or admitted a member of, any regular
Lodge without previons notice aud dne inquiry into his eharacter.
Ton agree that no visitors shall he received into jonr Lodge ^thont
dae examination, and prodocing proper vouchers of their having been
initiated in a regular Lodge.
For the performance of the duties pertaining to his position, the
Worshipful Master is necessarily clothed with great power, and is not
responsible to his Lodge for the exercise of it ; he can be called to
account only before the Grand Lodge. He must exercise his dis-
cretion in regulating the action of the body over which he presides,
and materially influence, by his decisions, its course. He has entire
control of the work, and can say what shall be done and when it shall
be done. He can close and open his Lodge when he pleases, and can
take its charter into his own keeping.
It is obvious from this brief recital of the authority and duties of
tne Master, (which no intelligent Mason will gainsay,) that his office
is one of vast importance and should be filled only by those best
fitted to assume the responsibility. The qualifications required in
the presiding officer of a Lodge, are of the highest order. He should
be thoroughly familiar with the ritual and possess a thorough knowl-
edge of the well established usages and laws of the Institutioik
Without such information, he cannot guide his Brethren aright and
cannot properly protect the interests of the Fraternity intrusted to
his care. These facts should be well considered and guide the action
of members in electing their Master.
Next to the Master is the Senior Warden. It is his duty, in the
absence of the Master, to govern the Lodge, and in his presence to
assist him. He therefore should be a well informed Mason, as he is
liable at any moment to be called to discharge the most important
duties which can devolve upon a member of our society.
The same remarks will apply with much force to the Junior
Warden. In the absence of the W. M. and the Senior Warden,
he presides over the Craft and directs their labors. He should be
perfectly competent to examine visitors and to instruct candidates.
Upon him properly devolves the duty of preferring charges and see-
ing that ^hey are properly sustained. His office, therefore, is a very
important one and should not be under estimated.
The Treasurer and Secretary should be members competent for
their respective places. The manner in which the latter discharges
his duty, is of material importance to the Lodge. His records should
be legibly written, plain and unambiguous in terms, and should con-
tain a full account of all business transacted at communications.
Otberwbe, the aiain of the Lodge will soon beoome lo nixed wpf
and its bosmese so eoofuBed, thai obaoa will reigo where order ehoald
preTaiL We look upon the office e€ Secretary a» one of gveat ii»-
porianoe, which ia perhaps aa wach alighted as any ether.
It IB hardly aeeessary to dwell upon ^ iiaportenoe whieb necessa-
rily attadiea to the office of Senior IteaooD. All Masons know that
vpon the asanner in whicb he peilbrms his part, the saecess of the
work is a great degree depends. In this Tiew of his position, wo
place him next to the Worshipful Master. Unless he possess a cor-
rect knowledge of the ritual, he cannot discharge his duties eredilably
to hi»self or his Brethren. His part^ divkg the eerenenits of con-
ferring degrees^ requires as much abDity apd discretion, as dees thai
of the presiding officer; and in one portion of the rites in which he
is conspiciioiis, th^re is greater scope for- displayiog intelligenee anci
imparting solid information than in almost any other.
We need not enumerate the duties of the Jonier Deacon, the
Stewards and the Tyler. They are sucb as cannot be slighted with-
out injury to the Lodge and injustice to ^e Order.
Viewing the nature of onr Institution and the importance attached
to the Tarioos offices of a Lodge-— especially to '^ three principal'
ones — ^we cannot too strongly vrge Brethren, to consider well belore
they select members who are to premde orer them and materially in-
fluence the destinies oi the subordinate body to which they belong.
They should elect those who are best qualiied to ill the stations, and
■lost competent to discharge the duties. No one should be chosen
merely because he is in the regular fiae of promotion, L e. no one
should be placed in the East merely because he has sat in the Westf
no one should be placed in the West merely because he has been in
the South ; and a member should not be elected Senior Deacon mere-
ly because he has been Junior Deacon. Some Lodges, by following
the rule which we deprecate, haTC Tery materially injured their inter-
ests and dampened their prospects. " AH preferment among Masons,''
say the Charges, " is grounded upon rep\ worth and personal merit
only ; that so the lords may be weQ serred, the Brethren not put to
shame, nor the Royal Craft despised ; therefore no Master or Warden
is chosen by seniority, but for his merit" Let this injunction, which
is one of the ^ leges aoripto" of Masonry, not be oyerlooked, and
at the approaching election. Brethren, elect members to office for
their ^ coal worth and personal merit," and not for their ^ seniori-
ty." Thus only c^ you obey the law and insure prosperity and suc-
cess for your Lodge, and promote the best interests of the Fraternity.
For the AsUar.
BT Bmo. B. o. corrarBumr.
The winter winds ahriek'd, and the ntorm whittled hj,
Ab a beggar girl stood at the gate;
With a shiT'ring form and a tear in her eye.
With cold blue lips and a pitioos erj.
She begg*d for a morsel to eat.
The lord of the mansion came harrying home.
All mnffled in wool and fur,
Plungine thro' snow-drifts towards his dome.
His steed all ooTer'd with frost and foam,
ITrg'd on by the whip and the spur,
** O hear, my hind Sirl" the beggar girl cried*
" Pray g[ive me a cmst of bread.
And I'll give yon this fern, 'twas my hind Other's pride;
On his b^om ne wore it to the day that he died;
For, AlasI my poor Either is dead I"
" Great God I** iaid the lord of that princely dome.
And press'd the poor child to his breaitt;
** No more shall a Brother's poor orphan child roam,
She shall share of my bonnty and dwell in my home.
With me shall the weary find reet"
What magical charm, that jewel possessing.
Could hare melted that proud man there,
To breathe on the orphan oeggar a blessing.
And to carry her in with fond caressing
Out of the freeaing air?
Full well did that prond man recognize
That jewel so j^recious and rare;
Full well did its import bring to hil eyes
The big bright teare 'mid the tender sighs —
Twas the mystic Compau and Sqwiret
CoicsTA!fTixE, Mich., September 1856.
From the Htnor and Keyvtone.
In by-gone times morality had not attained the high atandard it
baa at the present A. L. 5856, and games of ehanees were looked
upon by almost eyery elass as innoeent. Gambling with cards, dice
and kindred modes of risk was, bowever, frowned down by right
thinking men» and banished from respectable commanitt^s,- and made
penal by legislatiye action. Such has been the coarse adopted in
reference to Lotteries. There was a time when, in the Keystone
State as well as other places, Lotteries were made use of by beneyo-
lent and other associations, as a means to raise money to aid and
assist in promoting the object of the institutions ; and the goodly city
of Penn was a theatre where the blind goddess exhibited in every
prominent location in bold, glaring figures $10,000, $20,000, and up
to $100,000, which on any day the poor dupe might be invested with
who would divest himself of only one, five or ten dollars. The temp-
tation to many was irresistible, and much suffering was endured in
consequence of the hard earnings of laboring men, instead of being
applied to the use of their families, being invested in the purchase of
tickets. Thank God, however, that day is past Lotteries have been
declared illegal in nearly every State of the Union ;* yet there are
persons, if the press is reliable authority, who in secret evade the
law ; others, more bold, have invented planff to dispose of property
and merchandise, equally ofiiensive to morality and in violation of the
statute. We did not think that such a course would ever be resorted
to by any member of the Fraternity for the purpose of making mer-
chandise of Masonry, and we believe that the baneful influences of
such a policy has been overlooked by Bro. Brennan. The scheme
which he presents, will take one dollar out of the pockets of nine
thousand eight hundred Brethren, making nine thousand eight hun-
dred dollars, in order that two hundred fortunate ones may each come
into the possession of thirty volumes of the ^Universal Masonic
Library.'' This is. indeed, a progressive age ; but, in the name of
Heaven, for the sake of all that is good, let us progress in morality,
and not vice. Do not pollute or contaminate the Masonic mind with
a species of gambling, so considered by every really good and true
man. Its influences may be most injurious, and the Institution be
contemned in the opinion of the reflecting moral man of the outer
woi:ld. Bro. Brennan, do not do it. The world is wide, and energy
such as you possess, need not resort to objectionable plans, in oider
to secure you a living.
'• The majority of every particular Lodge, when congregated,
shall have the privilege of giving instructions to their Master and
Wardens, before the assembling of the Orand Chapter or Lodge, at
the three quarterly communications hereinafter mentioned, and the
annual Grand Lodge too ; because their Master and Wardens are
their representatives, and are supposed to speak their mind." Thus
say the General Regulations.
* Stich is the case in Michigan, where, as we understand the law, it is il-
legal to sell tickets for lotteries projected and drawn out of the State.
We have recently reoeiyed two or three letters reqaesting informa-
tion respecting the power of Lodges to punish members for the non-
payment of dues. The subject is a very important one and merits
more consideration than it has generally reoeiyed among the Graft
Formerly, as our readers are aware, the custom of leyying annual
contributions on members of Lodges was unknown. It was adopted
in modern times for the support of new bodies. The right of a Lodge
to exact dues is now so well settled, that it need not to be yindicated.
It is exercised to promote the prosperity of the Lodge, and perhaps
to continue its existence, and is a matter of internal regulation in
which the Grand Lodge or Craft in general haye no interest. This
is now well established.
MorQ serious and important is the consideration respecting the
power of Lodges to punish delinquents for non-payment of dues. It
is a custom, too preyalent, to suspend or expel a member in arrears
''from all the rights and benefits of Masonry." Can this be legally
or properly done 1 We think not. The right to exact dues rests
upon an implied private contract between the tnember and his Lodge,
and viewing the nature of that particular contract, (which is not re-
quired by the Institution and is of modern origin,) we regard its violation
as merely effecting the relations which exist between the two parties
immediately interested. Indeed, it is thought by some, and with
reason, that a member may withdraw from a Lodge, because he is
unwilling to pay dues ; that he may take his choice of being a non-
affiliated Mason subject to the disabilities pertaining to such condition,
or of paying annual leyies. Whether this ground be tenable or not,
it is evident to every reader that the requirement of dues is for the
benefit and support of the particular Lodge to which they are paid,
and may be regulated or abolished by that Lodge at any moment.
It is a matter which is adjusted by each subordinate body as it deems
best, and is governed by no ancient usages or general customs of thb
Craft Each Lodge fixes the amount of its dues, and the amount in
different bodies differs very materially. Such being the case, if a
member of one Lodge who is in arrears a certain amount, may be ex-
pelled from all the rights and benefits of Masonry, he may be expelled
although he has actually paid more than a Brother of another Lodge
whose dues are much lower. There is an inequality in this which is
not recognized by the principles of Masonry.
The proper disability to be placed on a member for non-payment
of doofl, we belieTe to be fluspension or ezpulsion from the rights of
membership. By this, he becomes s non-affili&ted Mason, and his
relations to the Craft in general are not changed. The punishment
which he incurs under such oiroumstances, is certainly seyere enough.
The views which have been presented, are sustained by Mackey in
his " Principles of Masonic Law." He says :
The system of payment of Lod^i^e-daes does not by any means be-
long to die ancient usages of the Fraternity. It is a modem custom,
established for purposes of conTenience, and arising out of other mo-
difications, in the organization of the Order. It is not an obligation
on the part of a Mason to the Institution at large, but is in reality a
special contract, in which the only parties are a particular Lodge and
its members, of which the Fraternity, as a mass, are to know nothing.
It is not presented by any general Masonic law, nor any universal
Masonic precept No Grand Lodge has ever yot attempted to con-
trol or regulate it, and it is thus tacitly admitted to form no part of
the general regulations of the Order. Even in that old charge in
which a Lodge is described, and the necessity of membership in is
enforced, not a word is said of the payment of arrears to it, or of the
duty of contributing to its support. Hence the non-payment of ar^
rears is a violation of a special and voluntary contract with a Lodge,
and not of any general duty to the Craft at large. The corollary
from all this is, evidently, that the punishment inflicted in such a ease
should be one affecting the relations of the delinquent with the par-
ticular Lodge whose by-laws he has infringed, and not a general one,
affecting his relations with the whole Order.
Certain it is in our mind that the usual method of expelling a
member from all the rights and benefits of Masonry for the non-
payment of dues is radically wrong. No Mason, according to the
the principles of our Order, can be deprived of all its rights and
benefits, except on charges preferred, and after an impartical trial
and an opportunity of defense. This is not usually given in the
cases under consideration, but members are expelled by a vote of the
Lodge, in accordance with the provisions of some by-law. Where
this merely affects a member's relation with his own Lodge, this may
be right, but ought pot to extend any further.
To prevent difficulty and insure justice as well 9fi to conform to
what we believe to be Masonic law, we would recommend Lodges to
adopt a clausdB in their by-laws, like the following : ^^ Every member
who shall be in arrears for Lodge dues three months, shall be sus-
pended from the privilege of voting on any question and from hold-
ing office, until he shall have paid said arrears ; and any member who
ahall be in arrears for dues one year, without any satisfactory reason
appearing, may be suspended fiom all the rights of membership^ and
so reported to the Grand Lodge."
Habtforo, Oovn., September 18, 1856.
•••••• Among the rnvDj itUe sod distingiiuhed men
who aotiyely participate in the proceedings of onr Grand Bodies,
perhaps none would attract the attention of a looker on, sooner
than Albxrt Pikx, of Arkansas. With a massiye head adorned by
« profosion of long eorlj locks, wearing a patriarehial beard — joa
would select him among a thousand as one upon whom nature had
placed the stamp of nobility. He kis no superior here as a debater,
and none, I imagine, in those qualities Aat render a man beloved in
the social circle. He is Past Grand High Priest of the Grand Ohapter
t>f Arkansas.
€k>vemor Bunlap, of Maine, General Grand High Priest, presides
oyer the deliberations of the Ohapter with great dignity, courtesy and
ability. He is a man well advanced in years, whom we shall probab*
ly never again meet in General Convention. He reminds me of
Gen. Cas6; whom he resembles in more ways than one. His opening
address was a very fine one, and the allusions to the death of Gomps.
Ellis, of Conn., and Haswell, of Yt, very eloquent
Sir Wm. B. Hubbard, of Ohio, General Grand Commander, has
occupied that exalted station for nine years. He is a small, nervous
man, remarkably prompt and decided as a presiding oiBoer, and pos-
sesses the confidence of his Brethren-in-^rms, as his repeated election
to his office testifies. He takes much pride in the discharge of his
duties, and when you reflect that during the whole interim of three
years between the sessions of the General Grand Encampment he has
the entire and sole supervision of Knighthood in this country, you
will realize how much we all owe him.
I know of no one in attendance upon these General Grand Bodies,
of whom I had formed a higher estimate before meeting, than Albxrt
G Macket, of South Carolina. I have always looked to his works
for instruction and have considered him as good authority upon Ma-
sonic law as ift to be obtained. A personal acquaintance with him
has only strengthened me in my opinions. He is an able, strong-
minded man. You recognize the fact at a glance. He has a large
head and, when speaking, a very expressive face. He is very plain
in appearance, of unassuming manners, and appears to me of a gene-
rous, social nature. I like Dr. Mackey much and hope to meet him
firequenily hereafter.
14 — ^voL. iL NO. m.
Following close sftor Miokey, I widi I oould walk with yon into
No. 3 City Hotel, and introdnce yoa to Bob. Mo&bib, of Kentucky.
A Brother of the qoill, he would receiye yon with the warm hospitali-
ty eharacteriBtio to the awn. Unpretending, qniet and gentlemanly^
Ids Booial qualities, as weU as his deservedly hi^ reputation as a
Masonic writer, draw around him a galaxy of bright Masonic lighta
Morris is a fine looking man far an editor , of an aotiye, nervous tem-
perament» small built, with mor^ brain than body. He is, as you are
aware, something of a poet If he ever visits your sanctum, send for
me, and together we will try to entertain him, as he is wont to enter^
tain his friends. Long life and prosperity to you, Morris !
GiLMAK, of Maryland, now Deputy, will probably be chosen General
Grand High Priest He is peculiarly fitted for that position, on ac-
count of having been for nearly twenty years closely identified with
the transactions of the Chapter. He is a dignified gentleman and a
weU informed Mason. He will grace the station which I have as-
signed him.
Oomp. TuoxEE, of Vermont, is one of the oldest of the Craft here.
He looks back to the trying period in the history of United States^
Masonry, and rejoices over its present prosperity. He is beloved and
respected by his Brethroa for his long services as well as for his
virtues and ability.
There are many here whom I should like to sketch for yon — ^many
from the North and the South, from the East and the West — to
Masonry dear. Worthy they are to sit for a likeness ; worthy they
are of the distinguished Masonic positions they occupy. But I shall
have to leave them now, promising you, when we meet, to pass them
all in review. •••*••••»
Yours Fraternally, B.
A SiKOTTLAB Faot. — Is it not singular the name of God should be
spelled with four letters in so manv different languages? In Latin
it isDeus; French, Dieu; Old Ghreek, Zeus; German, G^tt; Old
German, Odin; Swedish, Gode; Hebrew, Aden; Dutch, Herr; Sy-
rian, Adad; Persian, Syra; Tartarian, Ed^; Slavonian, Belg or
Boog; Spanish, Dias; Hindoo, Esgi or lleni; Turkish, Abdi;
E^^ptian, Aumn or Zent; Japanese, Zain; Peruvian, Liau; Wal-
lachian, Zene; Etrurian, Chur; Tyrrhenian, Eber; Irish, Dieh;
Croatian, Doha ; Margarian, Oesc ; Arabian, Alia ; Duialtaam, Bogt
There are several other languages in which the word is marked with
the same peculiarity.— -iirae/it&
AoorrxD rioK thb vrikoh op booxjb.
(OotuMed ftum pogt 69 J
As uBinil — ^little disorder assiflted a great oatattrophe. A hoiue
where a ball <»f ire knndred people is ghren, is genenUy somewhat
ont of order ; the doors between the diferent apartments of the suite
being taken down, left the apartments open to aU eyes. Monsieur
and Madame de Criyelin had only reserved the apartment of their
daughter and their own from invasion. All the ether rooms were
<>pened. Madame de Orivelin wis in the hands of her femme de
chambre, when her hnsband came to beg her to go to her dangfater's
room and leave her room to him for a eonversation of the utmost im-
^ Ah," said she langhing, ^ I wager it is M. de Formont who por^
sues yon. It is amusing to see how lovers behave; they go without
rest. Send him away till to-inorrow."
" No, it is not he. For i»^'s sake go out untOl I send for you."
*^ What is the matter?'' exclaimed Madame de Orivelin — ^^yoa are
pale, your fkee is livid. What is the matter?"
*^ Nothing, my dear wife, nothing ; only leave us."
Madame de Crivelin yielded, but took away with her an anxiety
which soon communicated itself to her daughter,* for Adele was not
yet asleep, and seeing her mother come into her room she questioned
her, and ^e fright of Madame de Orivelin affeoted her so much that
she too began to tremble. There were the two poor terrified women,
shut up in the narrowest comer of dieir splendid mansion, waiting
with impatience for the issue of so strange a conference, and one
which so much troubled Monsieur de Orivelin. With whom was he
shut up? What was he saying? What powerful interest cansed
him to hold converse with such a ereaiure at sudi an hour % Adele
imagined Bertrand de Formont expiring. Madame de Orivelin
imagined a tiiousand impossibilities.
Meanwhile, this was what was passing in the room where M. de
Orivelin was shut up with the lacquey.
^ Tou know me, then, Eugene?" said this man to de OriveUn.
<< Tou here V said M. de Orivelb ; << you alive?"
"^ When you thought I was dead 1 It's fbmiy, isn't it ? It is true,
too. Get me a glass of wine and a dice of l^m, sad you'll see that
Fm no ghost"
^ Come, Jules, this is not what yon oame for; speak, wretdi."
^ For six hours I have been waiting in this ante«room, hungry ancE
thirsty. I want to eat and drink"
« What do you say ?"
'^ I want to eat and drink. Come, go get me something yourself;
if you are afraid it will soil your waiter's hands to wait on me."
Criyelin bent down his head and went out ; a moment afterwarda
he oame in with a plate, which he set before the miserable fellow,
and said : ^ Now spesk^ what do you want ?"
The person named Jules began to eat and spoke thus at the same
time : '^ Liisten, Eugene, this is what you wrote to me eighteen years
ago. * You see, Jules, your fellies have resulted as I predicted. Fnmi
recklessness you have passed to error, from error to crime, and now a
disgraceful condemnation is upon your head. Since you have escaped
from your prison, profit by your liberty to fly and fly alone. Do not
drag with you a child which scarcely yet has breathed, to make her
share the wandering life which you must seek in a new world. Leave
me your daughter. At the moment when the law reached you, mis-
fortune reached me ; my daughter is dying. If Ood does not take
her, my daughter shall be a sister to yours ; if she is taken from me,
your Marie shall take her place with us. Herewith is gold enough
for you to be enabled in your flight to make an honorable fortune.'
Is not that what you wrote me?"
^ It is," said Monsieur de Crirelin.
'^ Bight days afterwards," resumed the man, ^ you sat out with the
two children for Italy. Neither child had more than completed two
years, you went to rejoin your wife, who was forced to leave you, to
go and reoeive the last adieu and the pardon of her mother, who was
dying at Naples. Your marriage with her halving been ccmtraxy te
the wish of her family, that noble family forbade your presence at this
reconoiliation. Your mother-in-law being dead, you w^e returning
to your wife. As for me, in order the better to secure my flighty I
placed on the margin of a river a letter, in which I said that I did
not wish to survive my shame ; and a month after your departure,
you received the intelligence of my death. At the same moment,
your daughter died at Ancona, and you made a public deposition to
that effect, under the name wiiich you then bore. Then you continued
your journey, allowing all the strangers whom you encountered to
call the child who aooompanied you, by your daughter's name.
Charmed with her grace, beauty and affection for yourself^ you also
called her by your child's name ; and, travelling slowly, you looked
forward with terror to the moment when yon would be obliged to tell
your wife that her daughter was dead. Then, an idea suddealy struok
you. Your wife, in company with her brother, Monsieur de Oriveliu,
having gone to her dying mother, had left your Adele at three mouths
after her birth — at that age when a child's face changes with every
succeeding year. Marie, (the daughter of Jules Marsilly, whom you
thought dead,) might, you thought, replace this lost Adele iu her
mother's eyes. Your wife was ill ; the news of her daughter's death
might kill her; you resolved to deceive her. Marie Marsilly became
Adele Ligny."
'' Since you know so well the feeling which dictated my conduct,
why do you attempt to make it appear a crime 1" asked M. de Crivelin.
'^ I am not blaming " answered the drunkard, " I am relating."
He drank two glasses of wine and continued thus :
''Your ruse succeeded marvellously; it succeeded beyond your
expectations. Not only was your wife enchanted with this girl, so
beautiful and charming, her uncle, M. de Crivelin — ^who could not
forgive you for being his brother-in-law — became very much attached
to this child ; and eight years after, he left all his fortune to her,
naming you her guardian, on condition that you would assume his
name. That is the way you came to return to France, under the
name of Eugene Ligny de Crivelin."
^ But I did not deceive any one. I did not forswear my name."
^ You were incapable of that. Only the habit grew upon you of
suppressing the Ligny, and of calling yourself M. de Crivelin; and as
I never heard that name mentioned much in my youth, I never should
have thought that the rich Monsieur de Crivelin was my old college
comrade Eugene Ligny, had I not seen posted up at the door of the
mayor's office in my quarter of the town the marriage banns of Made-
moiselle Adele Ligny de Crivelin with Count Bertrand de Formont
Seeing this, I wondered how Adele, dead at Anoona, was alive at
'^ It is a falsehood," said M. de Crivelin, who thought he saw iu this
assertion a hope of escape from his horrible situation.
" My good fellow," said the brigand to him, '' do not attempt a part
which you are not up to. I passed through Ancona the day after your
daughter's death, and everybody was talking of your despair. Be-
sides, if needlul, the act of burial might be found. Listen to me,
The scoundrel finished a second bottle and resamed :
"^ You oomprehend that^ once ou this track, the histoiy of your
romance is as easy to finish. Tou pnt my datighier in the place of
yonrs, and now yon have arriyed at the conyiotion, perhaps, that she
is yowr child ?"
" Tes P* cried M. de Orivelin. " She is my child — ^my daughter —
my hope — my happiness ! What will yon ? What do yon ask ?"
<< Let ns make the question clear, in order to answer it," answered
the rowdy. " First, yon stole my chfld from me — a crime provided
against by law. Then, in order to take the inheritance left by the
nncle; yon produced a certificate of birth, which you applied to my
daughter, while the proof of your daughter's death is to be now had
at Ancona. Thirdly, in order to have the banns of the pretended
Mademoiselle Ligny de Griyelin published, you used a title equally
false. This is incontrovertible. . Now, let us reason. For having
put another signature than my own at the bottom of a bit of paper, I
was condemned to fifteen years in the galleys. I am miserable and
dishonored, and I only owe not being at the treadmill to the belief
that I am dead. You, on the contrary, by having used falsely an
authentic certificate, and by depriving other heirs of an immense pro-
perty, by means of this act are rich, honored and surrounded by opu-
lence and festivity. This is not just"
'^ What do you mean, rascal? Do you want to take Adele from
me ? Oh, wretch 1 But her mother — ^my poor wife is her true mother !
Do you wish to kill her ? Oh, I prefer to tell the truth, and the tri-
bunals will leave her to me, I am sure."
^ That remains to be seen. But the question is not yet put. The
will of M. de GriveUn is made in fkvor of Mademoiselle Adele Ligny.
If I prove that the heiress is not Mademoiselle Ligny, I ruin her —
I ruin you alL This is a piece of folly which I have no intention of
committing. Besides, I am too good a father to commit such an act
of cruelty — ^for nothing. But you know that moral people say that a
good deed is never lost ; in consequence of this maxim, I constitute
myself your benefactor. This fortune, which I might deprive you
all of, I leave to you. It is the same as if I gave it to you. This
happiness, which I might annihilate with a word, I repeat, it is the
same as if I had bestowed it Your wife, who would die of this dis-
covery, I sufier to live. It is llie same as if I saved her firom drown-
ing or being burned up. This cherished daughter, whom I shall thus
lose without hope, I sufier to marry her lover. What do I do then?
I make you rich and happy. I save your wife's life ; I marry your
daughter to a man of honorable name, of noble family. One cannot,
in good sooth, be more of a bencifaotor than I am, or more virtuous.
I OTenrhdm yoa with gpod deeds, and m itis s«]4 that a kiadiieas is
nerer lost, yon will give me s million.'*
^ A million — just hesTen !" cried Monsieur de Criyelin.
''A good deed is never loBt^'' repeated the yiUaxn.
" But you forget," a^d M. de Orqrelin, '^ tbat I might send yon to
to the galleys,"
At tiiis, MarsiUy rose, his mondi foaming, his eyes bloodshot
" No menaces of that sort^ or I will force yon to ask my pardon
on yonr knees, and will make your wife and daughter come here and '
kiss ^e dust at my feet I give you two hours— in two hours I will
return for your answer.** And the man went out
^ This is a sad story," said Biponneau.
^ It is but the beginning," said the old man, ''for close to this room
were the mother and daughter, whom one of those devoted domestics
who never fail to tell every thing disagreeable, had informed that M,
de Crivelin was shut up with a man who had the face of a assassin,
and that the other servants were alarmed. This charitable newsi
added to the distress evinced by her husband, induced Madame de
Crivelin to listen at the door of the neighboring room. The shudder-
ing of Madame de Crivelin — her smothered cries — caused Adele to
listen too, and both at once learned the horrible secret which struck
them both — the secret which cried out to the mother : ' This is not
thy daughter I' — ^to the daughter: ' This is not thy mother I' "
'< This is why, when M. de Crivelin re-entered the room, he found
them both weeping, on their knees, sobbing and convulsively embrac-
ing each other; for already Madame de Crivelin had ceased to weep
for the dead child, which she had scarcely known — ahe wept for the
child she had raised, whom, in her holy maternal power, ^e had, so
to speak, modelled into her own likeness — ^the child she had loved
with passion, and who loved her with a sacred affection.
^ It was then that the invisible drama commenced, with its tears,
sobs and transports of grid And that has endured for eight days.
Sir, all is terror and despair in this house. Nevertheless, on Ae
morrow of the first day they were all obliged to be present at a mag-
nificent dinner at the house of M. de Formont's mother ; and in order
that their seoret mi^t not trani^ire without, these three happy people
whom you envy, went to the dinner. As they were all more serious
than usual, and very pale, they were pursued with joyous coogratula-
tienSy on the success of their splendid party. They had toasts drank
to their health, to the unalterable happiness of the filturs cy^fises —
they had to smile with team in their eyea^ robe in their throats and
death in their hearts."
<' What oan they do?" demanded Riponneau.
" An immense sum of money has sent Marsilly away ; bnt he may
retom. In a few years, he will be free to return, for he will then
have aoqnitted his term of years, as if at the galleys, and he will not
then speak with the restraint of a man who fears for himself— he will
be the absolute master of that family. In the meantime, Gonstraioed
by the fatality of their preTious existence, they live through the day
as they should, in order that oothing should be suspected — but they
weep at night Then, at the hearth where they all sit up, they pass
long conferences in tears, utteriug sad tows never to leaye each other.
This is not all Sir, Adele loves M. de Formont — she loves him be-
cause he is brave, generous, full of elevated feelings, and because she
is proud of being beloved by him ; and precisely, because she loves
him with this noble and chasty love. She does not wish to deceive
him ; she does not wish, that some day this man, so pure, of so noble
and honorable a family, should behold that miserable wretch, who is
her father, able to destroy all his happiness.''
^ Adele will not wish to marry Count de Formont ?"
'' What will you do ?" exclaimed Monsieur and Madame de Grive-
lin, when she announced this. This child, admirable in all things,
answered : " As it is for me that you suffer thus, it is I who will take
all the blame of this rupture.'' She kept her word. Sir. For eight days,
this ch.irming and enchanting creature has made herself appear im-
pertinent, cold and capricious. She embitters with sarcasm the anger
she excites by her coldness ; she laughs at the tears which she causes
Monsieur de Formont to shed; she laughs at her lover's tortures
from despair. But. as I told you, the hour comes when the visible
play ends and the invisible drama commences, and then there is not
a torture sbe has inflicted which she does not endure more bitterly
and more hopelessly. Through the day she suffers by inflioting pain;
at night the suffers from the pain she has inflicted. This is not alL
Monsieur and Madame de Grivelin see their daughter failing, day by
day, before their eyes This morning the physician found her in a
raging fever. In the eyes of the world, this is a passing indisposition.
Oh ! how soon would the family whom you envy, exchange their rich
apartments, their equipages, their millions, for your garret and your
eighteen hundred fituncs !"
<< Well, if they are not happy, I don't believe any one is," said Ri-
ponneau obstinately.
Th» old man stepped into the entry to speak to the phyaimaOy aa
lie passed down the stairs. He reentered, saying: " Adele de Orive-
Kn is dead f There are some persons," added he, " whom yon eannot
envy, who feel nothing and love nothing — who suffer nothing."
^ Whom meao yon ?"
'^ The dead I" And the old man went away.
Thanks he to God for Hig bottnty
To this earthly home of om 1
He bath made so fair and lovely
The wayin^ gndn and floiren;
The joyoofl^ smgiag lirer.
And the merry, sparklUg fount;
The smiling, bnght-green Talleys,
And the anow-<xrtiwiied» hoSry mount
Thanks be to God lor His boontyr
For the tall, nugestic trees;
For the shadows and Uie sunshine.
The dews, the rains, tike breeze;
For the rainbow — ^His own signet —
The moon and her gentle light;
For the stars in their wondrons splendor.
The gloiy of the nightl
Thanks be to God for His boantrl
E'en the rocks have a beauty high.
And the deserts, hot and arid.
Hare an oasis oyer nigh —
And the ^^reat, broad, solemn ocean.
In its silence and its storms.
Hath a fearful, mighty beauty,
That the gazer's spirit warms.
Thanks be to God for His bounty!
E'en the cayem's chambers dark
Are in gorgeousness arrayed,
. And ulumed by the diamond's spark;
And gems of untold richness.
And silyer and gold abound.
Where the foot of man hath stopped not»
Nor his busy fingers found.
Thanks be to God for His bounty
To this earthly home of oural
For filled unto oyerfiowing
With beauty glide on the hours.
And we know it is all an emblem —
But a ty^ in ito best array.
Of our glorious home, etemat
In tlM kingdom of perfect day I
15— .VOL. n. NO. m.
The uuragaration of a large faro&ie atatne of Benjamin Franklin
took place in Boston on the eeyenteenth daj of September last, with
a magnificent pomp and display which has seldom been equalled on
any occasion in this conntry. Preparations were projected on a Tery
extensive scale, and were admirably carried oat. <' The inangoration/'
says a daily paper, '^ of the statue in honor of Boston's favorite son
was an event ever to be remembered, not more by those who were
active participants in the affair than by the assembled thousands of
onr own people and those from all sections of New England who wit-
nessed the display. The day dawned brightly, and at snnrise then-
sands from the suburbs began to arrive, and every train from the
several railroads brought fresh accessions, till soon the streets were
ihroDged with persons. Never was there a more beautiful day or a
combination of circumstances more aui^ieious for a grand exhibition
of a people's tribute to greatness and worth. The streets, the avenues,
the balconies, the house tops and eVery available spot aloug the entire
route of the procession was crowded by eager spectators, and we are
happy to present to our readers a full and complete account of the
whole affair. The procession was estimated to be seven miles in
length, and was two hours and fifty minutes passing a given point."
In the procession every trade and employment, and many societies
were represented. There, very apprq>riatoly, was a delegation ef the
Masonic Fraternity, comprising members of all the degrees from
Entered Apprentice to the Knights Templars.
Our readers.are aware that Benjamin Franklin was a Mason. In
1734, he was one of the petitioners for a dispensation to hold a Lodge
in Philadelphia, which was granted by the Orand Lodge of Massachu-
setts. Franklin was the first W. M. of the new body. He subsequent-
ly held the title of Orand Master. From the term of his initiation
till his death, he was an ardent lover of the Institution, and during
most of that time an active member. Anything pertaining to this
great printer, philosopher ^ statesman, diplomatist, philanthropist,
and — ^last not least— O&xat Mason, should interest every member of
the Order. Truly appropriate was it for the city of his birth to pay
a tribute to his genius and worth by erecting in one of the most con-
spicuous of its public thorough fares, a statue which shall endure till
the eyes of remote generations rest upon it — ^a testimony to those who
shall then behold it, that their iNrefEUhers held in due estimation the
mental and moral worth of the gr^at original. Fitting and right is
It — aye, m duty is it — for vm to Mite upon tlM aot to remind Iktthren
and the pro&ne, that the man of whom Boston u proud as a natiye
son — of whom the United States is proud as a native and a citizen —
of whom the whole world is proad as a philosopher and philanthropist
— ^that this man — ^the immortal Fnuiklin whom all delight to honor-*
was an ardent lover and an able advocate of the principles of Free-
masonry, and an active and sealons member of the Institution. While
the printer, the machinist, the merchant, the agriculturalist, the man
of letters, the man of science, the statesman, and the philosopher pay
tribute to his memory and claim that he was particularly connected
with their various callings or professions. Masons should pay tri-
bute to bim as a br%ht example of the virtues and moral tea^iings
of our society. It has been said that Masonry contains nothing of
value — ^that its forms aro frivolous, its ceremonies unmeaning, and its
structure is not worth preserving. To refute such false assertions,
we proudly point to Franklin. Who among those thus slandering
our Institution, has a tithe of the talent, the genius— -aye the moral
worth of that immortal man ? His mind saw worth and beauty in
our Order, in its principles and its forms and ceremonies. Let our
opponents consider, when they attack Masonry, that they are at the
same time attacking some of the greatest and best men the world
ever saw.
The oration, at the time of the inauguration, was delivered by Hon.
Robert 0. Winthrop. It was a fine literary production, as is every
thing from the pen of that gifted scholar. As it contains a sketch
of the life of Franklin, we propose to make some extracts.
• • • • The life of Fsanklin presents him in four
several and separate relations to society, in each one of which he did
enough to have filled up the full measure of a more than ordinary life,
and to have secured for himself an imperishable renown with posteri-
ty. As we run over that life ever so cursorily, we see him first as a
mechaniCy and the son of a mechanic, aiding his father fDr a year or
two in his humble toil, and then taking upon himself, as by a Pro-
vidential instinct, that profession of a printer ^ in which he delighted
to class himself to the latest hour of his life. You all remember, I
doubt not, that, when in the year 1788, at the age of eighty-two years,
he made that last will and testament which Boston apprentices and
Boston schoolboys will never forget, nor ever remember without gra-
titude, he commenced it thus : ^ I, Benjamin Franklin, of Philadel-
phia, Printer^ late Minister Plenipotentiary from the United States
of America to the Court of France, now President of the State of
Pennsylvania, do make and declare my last Will and Testament as
follows." Before all other titles he placed that of his chosen craft,
and deemed no designation of himself complete, in which that was
not foremost. In the midit of his highest distinotions, and whik
associated with statesmen and courtiers, at home or abroad, he wa»
proud to be found turning aside to talk, not merely with the Basker-
yilles and Strahans who were so long his chosen friends, but with the
humbler laborers at the press— " entering into their schemes and
suggesting or aiding improTements in their ari" In the last jear
but one of his life, he writes to his sister: " I am too old to follow
printing aeain myself, but loving the business, I have brought up my
grandson [Benjamin to it, and have built and furnished a printing-
house for him, which he now manages under my own eye." * *
It was as a printer that he instituted those clubs for discussion
and mutual improTement which eleyated the character and importance
of the working classes whercTer they were introduced. It was as a
printer that he displayed such extraordinary mechanical ingenuity,
in making for himself whatever articles he needed in his own pro
fession, founding letters of lead, carving ornaments and cuts of wood,
engraving vignettes upon copper, mixing his own printer's ink, and
manu&cturing his own plate press. It was as a printer^ that he set
on foot the first subscription Oironlating Library, **• the mother of aU
in North America." It was as t^printery that he did so much to im-
prove the character of the Newspaper Press of the American Colonies,
asserting its liberty, discouragiug its licentiousness, protesting against
its being employed as an instrument of scandal, de&mation and de-
traction, and exhibiting it as the worthy and chosen vehicle of infor-
mation, entertainment and instruction. It was as a printer, that he
commenced and continued that series of delightful essays, sometimes
political, sometimes historical, sometimes moral, sometimes satirical
or playful, which are hardlv inferior in wit and wisdom to the best
papers of Johnson or of Addison, of the witty Dean of St Patrick's,
or the genial Oanon of St. Paul's, and which would have secured and
established the permanent literary reputation of their author, had no
other monument of his labors existed. It was as sprinter, above all,
that he prepared and published for bo many years his immortal Al-
manac, under the name of Richard Saunders^ with those inimitable
proverbs, only second to those of Solomon, of which so many millions
of copies, in almost every language and toDgue known beneath the
sun, have been scattered brofMLcast throughout the world, for the
entertainment and instruction of young and old, rich and poor, wise
and simple. When will ever Poor Richard be forgotten ? Or when
will he ever be remembered without fresh admiration for the shrewd,
sagacious common sense which he poured forth with such charming
good humor and in such exhaustless profusion 1 • • • •
But the ingenuity and invention of Franklin, while they stooped
to supply not merely every want which he encountered in his own
profession, but every want which he observed in his relations with
others, could not be confined within any mere mechanical limits, but
demanded nothing less than the whole circle of art and nature for
their display. If nothing was too low for his care, neither was any-
thmg too lofty for his contemplation ; and as we run over his life, he
fltsnds before us in ihe oharaoter of a philosopher, not lees diafcinetly
or less proudly than we haye jnst seen him in the character of a
{7b be continued,)
It has been our strenuous endeayor since the commencement of
the publication of The Ashlab to throw its influence against all in-
novations upon the body of Masonry, against all new inyentions which
designing men or misguided friends haye attempted to attach to the
Institution, aod against all attempts to peryert its symbols or its
ceremonies for local or sectarian purposes. We haye endeayored to
preserye it in its purity — ^to make its universality a reality and not
a mockery. When a Mason is out of the Lodge-room, we care not
what religious, political or social yiews he may entertain — ^he may be
a Catholic, a Protestant, a member of the Jewish Synagoge, a Ma-
hommedan, or a follower of Confusius. But when he enters an as-
sembly of Masons, he must lay aside his peculiar yiews for the time
being, and meet his Brother on the level. We see no difficulty in
this. Suppose a Catholic, an Unitarian, a Jew, a Mahommedan and
a Swedenborgian should be placed in a position where they behold a
ship-wrecked seaman cast by the furious wayes upon a rock far dis-
tant from the shore. Their sympathies are excited, and after con-
sultation they came to the conclusion that their suffering fellow-being
can be sayed only by united efforts of all of them, and they agree to
act in unison. Accordingly, they procure a boat— each one steps in
and mans an oar — each pulls with all his might against the wind and
wayes, till the rock is reached — ^the man is taken into the boat and
borne safely to the land. The Catholic, the Unitarian, the Jew, the
Mahommedan and the Swedenborgian, united for a common purpose
without regard to their religious and political faith, and by so doing,
each realizes that he has done a human and noble act, which the Ruler
of the Uniyerse approves. The same reasoning, we think, applies to
Masonry. The members of the Order unite for a common purpose,
and it is not necessary for that purpose, that they should agree in
their sectarian or political creeds.
We are averse to placing any interpretation upon ceremonies, or
attaching any significance to symbols, that gives Masonry a local or
sectarian character. At the present time in this country Lodges are
dedicated to 8t John the Evrageliet and St John the Baptist We
have personally no objection to this, when those men are regarded
merely as great and good men ; and there seems to be no authority
in claiming that Lodges are dedicated to them, because they were
eminent Christians. The propriety, however, of dedicating to the
two Saints has been yery often questioned, and with force and ability.
An article of this nature we give below from the Mirror Sf Key-
stone and commend it to the attention of our readers :
In our last we^*s paper we stated in our ^ History of Freemason*
ry," that Masonic Lodges never were, at any time, dedicated to Solo-
mon or Zerubbabel, that the dedication of Lodges was a modem
usage, that dedicating them to St. John or the St Johns was an
imitation of a Romish custom, and that Freemasonry was the only
Institution in the world which had adopted the custom of the Roman
Catholic Church in dedicating its Lodges to departed Saints. We
have no hesitation in saying that the assertion that Lodges were
"' originally dedicated to Solomon and subsequently to Zerubbabel,"
was made as a pretext, or to afford an excuse for the violation of one
of the principle landmarks of the Institution, and to satisfy the con-
sciences of the Brethren who might be opposed to the innovation of
dedicating Lodges to the Saint Johns.
The more we investigate the subject, the more are we convinced
that we are right We have examined Anderson's Constitutions —
the 1723 and 1736 editions — the subsequent publication ordered by
the Grand Lodge of England, Dermott's Ahiman Rezon, Preston's
Illustrations, and in none of them do we find any allusion to the St
Johns in the constituting, oonseerating or dedicating of Lodges. If
anything can be conclusive upon the subject, it is the fact that no
allusion whatever to the St Johns is to be found in any of these
publications, which are the only authentic and reliable works upon
the subject of Freemasonry published during the last century.
The oldest book in which the name of St John appears as con-
nected with the ceremonials of the Order, is the Constitutions of the
Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, published in the year 1798. In that
book, in the article referring to the constituting of Lodges, the Lodge
is dedicated to St John, but no allusion is made to St John in the
ceremonies of dedicating a Masonic Hall, or any other edifice. It is
a singular fact that the first Ahiman Rezon published by the Grand
Lodge of Pennsylvania (1783) has no allusion whatever to St John«
the ceremony of dedicating Lodges is similar to that used by the
Grand Lodge of England ; but in the Ahiman Rezon, published by
the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, in 1825, the innovation of Massa-
chusetts is introduced. In the dedication of Masonic Halls, however,
the St. Johns are not mentioned. A pertinent question here suggests
itself. The dedication of Lodges is conducted in private, and so
also , but the dedication of Halls is often done in publia The
ceremonies of dedication are in most respects similar. Was it for
fear of derision by the public that the dedication to departed Saints
or the nsag^ of a Romish ciuitom was not wwd in publio? 07, why
adopt it in one case and not in another %
There can be no donbt that Webb and his co-laborers were instru-
mental in propogating and extending the innovation introduced into
the MassaohoMtts book of Constitutions; but that Pennsylvania
should have adopted, it is indeed an anomaly. That the Orali in the
Keystone State did make a chai^ is evident from a oomparison of
the two editions of the Ahiman Bezon referred to ; and yet the gene-
ration of to-day will continue a usage introduced by those who liave
just passed away from earth, who, without due reflection, adopted the
innovation, believing themselves to be wiser than their fiithers. We
are not surprised that the non-reading Hason should ^ oleave" to the
innovation, and believe it to be an ancient usage ; but we cannot see
how it is possible for intelligent Brethren, who are known to be read-
ing and thinking Masons, can persist in so glaring an inconsistency,
unless it never occurred to them that it was as it really is, a custom
of the Bomanist Church, introduced at a period when the sentiments
of that Church were not so closely seann^ as they are at the present
The General Grand Encampment and the General Grand Chapter
of the United States have just held their triennial sessions at Hart-
ford, Connecticut. The result of their labors is known and will soon
be placed before the public in an official form. Our conclusions re-
specting their proceedings are drawn from the accounts given us by
several Sir Ejiights and Companions who attended the meeting&
We must oonfess that we are disappointed in the result of the delibe-
rations of the members composing the General Grand Bodies. Much
time was consumed, but little appears to have been accomplished;
and with the light which has been given us, we doubt whether any
substantial benefit has been conferred on the Craft Heretofore, we
have regarded favorably the establishment of a Gen^^ Grand Lodge,
but the recent action of the G. G. E. and G. G. 0. have not strength-
ened our proclivities in that respect. There is something wrong
somewhere ; there is no need of National Masonic Bodies, or there is
some defect in the manner in which their proceedings are conducted.
What was the result of the recent deliberations? A new con-
stitution was reported in the Encampment, which did not give satis-
faction to a large portion of the Sir Knights present, but which they
fi^aally adopted 83 it is, because there was not time to form a better
on^* In ^ Chapter fk resolution was adopted, deolaiing that aa
appeal might be had from the dedsioii of the Grand High Priest
Two or three questioiiB of Masonic jnrispradenoe were decided, and
it was dedared that no mode of work had been decided upon. This
is about the snbstanoe, as we are informed, of the proceedings. At
any rate, Tcrj little was accomplished after the ezpenditore of much
money and the consumption of much time. It would not be pleasant
to see the General Grand Bodies dissolyed, but it is a serious question
for Sir Knights and vOompanions to consider whether some plan may
not be proposed to remove the existing difficulties. Ought not tiie
meetings to be held once a year, or once in two years? The late
proceedings seem to have shown the necessity of such change. We
expect to receive, in a short time, a copy of the official reports of
the recent ccmventions, when we shall have a word more to say on
this subject.
The following resolution, referred to above and printed in our last
number, we again lay before our readers, as we deem it one of much
importanca It is not, as its terms assert, a precedent for subordinate
bodies :
Resolved, It is the sense of the G. G. 0., and it is declared the law
of Boy^^ Arch Masonry, its powers and prerogatives —
1. The G. G. Royal Arch Chapter derives all its powers by grant
and delegation from the respective G. B. A Chapter, which are its
constituents ; and it is, therefore, hereby solemnly declared that it
can never exercise or assume any other or greater powers than such
as have been or may be delegated to and conferred upon it by such
G. B. A. Chapters, or its constituents ; nor can claim or exercise
any doubtful powers, jot powers by implication merely ; and that any
constitution of the G. G. R. A Chapter, and any future additions to
the changes in the present, any such future constitution can become
operative and be enforced only when they shall be formally approved
l)y two-thirds at least of the G. B. A. Chapter, and when such ap-
proval shall be formally promulgated by proclamation of the G. G.
High Priest.
2. That an appeal does lie, in all cases, from the decision of the
G. G. High Priest of the G. G. Chapter, which alone can, in the last
resort, by a two*thirds vote of the members present determine what
is Masonic law or custom, provided that this resolution, as a rule
operating in the decisions of this G. G. Body, shall only operate and
have effect in this body, and shall not be considered as operating or
having any effect in State Grand Chapters or Subordinates.
That there is no established work of the General Grand Chapter,
is now settled by the following resolution, which was adopted at the
late session :
Reserved, That the G. G. Chapter, having failed to determine on a
specific mode of work, it is urgently recommended to the officers of
the State Grand Ohaptera, that, by dfl^ant investigation and oarefnl
study, they acquire the ancient work ofthe Order and disseminate it
among their several Subordinates.
In Michigan, work has been established by the Grand Ohapter, and
Subordinates are bound to observe it
It would be a pleasing task to trace it in its various windings from
that time to the present day, but time would Ml us in the attempt
here ; suffioe it to say, it was preserved by the children qfUu eapHvUy
and enriched at the building of the second temple under the direction
of Jeshua, Zerubbabel and Haggai. In the Jewish nation, as ab
<< Essemian Fraternity," we trace it, in after years, through all PaleS"
tine, and under the name of ^ Thenepeutiso," follow it back to Egypt
The 113,600 workmen of the ^r^ temple travelled into almost
every country in search of work, and as the propagandists of genuine
Temple Maeonry. Many of these workmen of the temple were
Tyrians ; they distributed it in their own land. The Tyrians settled
a colony in Africa (the Garthagenians) and sent it there. They sent
colonies to different parts of Europe and planted it there. They
founded Gadix in Spain and introduced it there. They possessed
themselves of the islands of the Mediterranean and scattered it there.
At Babylon, Pythagoras was initiated by the chQdren of the captivity,
and with his followers diffused its principles through Greece, Gaul
and Britain. Thus, like a mighty and mysterious Banyan^ springing
on Moriah's Mount, it has spread to the North and to the Son^, to
the East and to the West, through every land and in every cKme.
'* O'er Libya's deserts and through Zembla's Snows," from Ddphus*
steps to the distant seas, from Albion's chalky olifis to the fertile
valleys of the Western world — ^in every soil it has taken root ; over
every sea its foliage waves; beneath its shade in every realm the
stranger Brother finds retreat, whUe around its btanckes safikftwne
the tendrils of the tender fair. No chilling blast of political per-
secution nips its buds — ^no simoom of religious fanaticism withers its
bough — no poisoned breath of calumny impedes its spread. Its roots
are watered by that pure stream that flows from the Fountain of
* From the Signet and Joaraal.
16— VOL. IL NO. m.
Eternal TYuthy and it will llaariBb on and fioorish ever, despite the
■torms of time and bring forth in abundance iU fruit in season.
Bttt is is Qiged againat na that we came from ^ the land of dethtese
and idolatry, ^^ True ; but we left her idola there, and with them lefK
alaa I too much of her lore. In a religions point of tiew, Egypt has
OTor been reckoned ''a land of darkness"— -bat torn to her scienee,
to her arts, and the well-informed Mason will never be ashamed to
acknowledge his connection with this gloomy people. The enlightened
world owes to Egypt a debt of gratitnt^e it has never yet acknowl-
edged. Yes, to ^' dark Egypt?' as the cradle of science — once the
home of philosophy and the lair of learning. Look for a moment
and say, to whom is the httshandman indebted for the first principles
of hydraulic engineering and the art of agriculture, but to her ? To
whom is the " republic of letters" indebted ibr the first alphabet and
the art of writing but to her? To whom is the literary world in-
debted for the first schools and colleges, but to her ? From whence
did Gkeece, classic Greece, derive her learning, but from this ^' dark
landr And
" Rome heneli^ proud iiiiitren now no more.
Of arts, but thunderiag against heathen lore/'
mnst trace her knowledge to its true source, on the banks of the dis-
tant Nile.
Though the prophecy be fulfilled and Egygt shall not ^' exalt itself
any more among the nations," her remains prove the proficiency of her
people in the usefull as well as the ornamental arts. "• Vast masses
of cyanite, nine hundred tons in weight, used in the c(»)8truction of
edifices, devoted to our mysteries, (were by them) transported long
distances on land and water by means (we) cannot (now) command,**
and there remain fit subjects for the speculation of the antiquarian
and to be numbered among the " wonders of the world." In seulp-
ture, for accuracy in delineation, these people have never been sur-
passed, while their fresco painting, after resisting the band of time
for five thousand years in freshness and brilliancy, put to shame the
coloring of a Baphael, a Michael Angelo or a Sir Joshua Reynolds.
Think of all this — and thinking, chide her no longer as " ^ land
if darkness." She is now no more, save in relics and mouldering
remains, but when her " sceptre departed," the tears of sorrow trickled
down the cheeks of science, and the arts wept over the fall of their
foster mother.
I trust you will eaccuse this apparent digression. As the Christian
with mdanbholy interest explores the LapidarianhaUs of the Vatican
lad winds kis way with feeliqgs of awe and reTerenoe through the
Bttbterranean vaults and catacombs of ancient Bonae, gleaning from
the relics of his primitiye Brethren, much to prove the truth of his
doctrine and establish his faith, — so the light-loving Mason, with oom-
mingled feelbgs of joj and regret, will turn to this far off land to
gather relics of his early ancestry.
• ••••• •# # •••
Bat we must bring this to a close. In pointing oat to yea, thus
briefly, oar early foot-prints^ we have not done it so mnoh to prove
CO you our <mtiquiUy^ as to show that our Order haseverheen an art
promoting^ science loving^ education fostering^ God worshipping
Masonry is no '^ Babd-hahbley^ and he who rightly understands its
mysteries, can never be " a stupid atheist or an irreligious libertine,"
but its votaries, if they praotioe its preoepts, must become ^unserj
better^ happier men^* — of such ioere our andent Brethren^ and their
tporks do foUow them.
Brethren oj the Mystic Tve: — ^We are taught that these ^ancient
Brsthren" wrought ^ with freedom, fervency and seal" in both '' ope-
rative and speculative Masonry." They are now '^ gathered unto
their fathers," hut their badge and their working tools they haee bs'
queathed to y&u. While you wear the one, throw not the others
idly by. The one is no honor unless worthily worn ; the others are
worthless, if not properly used. You have been too well and too
often instructed in their symbolism around that altar where Masons
love to meet, to require a rehearsal here; Take them, and with them
that greatest of all treasureSj that religious^ moral and Masonic
trestleboardj which our ancient Brethren preserved so mysteriously
from the unhallowed and destructive hancb of Amon and Menasseh,
and transmitted ^ in tharg^^ to you. In it the Supreme Grand Master
has drawn all necessary designs. Treasure these as the ridiest fra-
ternal relics of the worthy dead and the most " inestimable gifb of
God to man." With these to guide you, there is no need of eonfusion
and no reason why your labors should cease. Over the broad face
of nature is everywhere written in unmistakeable symbolio eharaeters,
work ! work ! toork ! Then stand not idly as drones in the Masonie
You have materials to prepare ; you have burthens to bear ; yoa
have rubbish to remove and a temple to rear. Let me admonish
you, then, to resume your labors with renewed energy and redoubled!
efforts. ^'Work while it is yet dsy," and <^when the night>tima
Cometh," may your specimen of skill pass the Grand Master Over-
seer's square^ and each Craftsmafi receive and he content with his
wages. To this end *' may the light of the seraphic world inspire
fraternal exceUenoeV
Secret societies, partiealarly when eztcDsiye and powerfal as the
Ufasonic, are, to freemen tenaoioiis of their liherties, objects of jealousy
and suspicion. This has ever been the case ; it is right that it should
be, and it always will be. How, then, it may be asked, has the Ma-
sonic Institution existed in republics, without any material interrup-
tion for BO great length of time? We answer, because the great, the
wise, the learned, the pious statesmen and partisans of opposite po-
litical sentiments — divines of different religious beliefs — sovereigns
and rulers — men to whom the people freely and confidently entrust
their rights and most sacred and dearest interests — ^men of tried in-
tegrity and uncorruptible honesty, have been its patrons and ad-
vocates, and have borne unequivocal testimony to its purity and
flooduess of intention. If, then, such men have been of so much
importance to the existence and well being of our Institution, it is
necessary that we should use every honest endeavor, not particularly
to retain those we now have amongst us, for they know the intrinsic
worUi of our society, and the blasts of uoatioism cannot move them ;
bot^ by a candid declaration of our principles, a dispassionate defence
of those principles, when unrighteously attacked, and by a correct
deportment, to make it honorable for others to connect themselves
with us and shield us from the unjust reproaches of the captious and
bigoted. But let us, on the contrary, remain silent; let the accusa-
tions of our opponents h»ve their full weight in public opinion, and
if they do not gain for themselves implicit credit, they will create
euch a doubt iu the minds of the judicious part of community, as
shall cast a blot on the character of the Institution that many years
shall be insufficient to eradicate. Honorable men vnU not hazard
their reputations in suspidaus matters^ and if we would have the
patronage of such, we must first remove the grounds on which suspi-
oion is predicated, or satisfy them that no just cause of apprehension
does exist; there must not be left a loop on which to hang a doubt
This can be done, and very easily done, by meeting manfully and
firmly, and in truth, the charges preferred against us. No accusation,
derogatory to the character of the Institution, can, in justice^ be
prrferredy nmA less supported by testimony and argufnent. What
then, is there to apprehend from the moat scrupulous inquiry? what
from candid and impartial discussion?
It may be said that it will avail nothing to oontend with men who
are obstinately ignorant and perversely stnpid ; men predetermined
not to be diverted from the career they have commenced, however
nn righteous, however unholy it may be, either by evidence or reason.
We think differently. Did the matter rest wholly with them, were
their publications confined to their own limited circle, we would be
the last to interfere with or interrupt them ; but the case is other-
wise : their publications spread wide over the country, and their in-
fluence is in proportion to the extent of circulation ; and in the same
ratio they operate to our prejudice. It is public opinion, formed on
the misrepresentations and base falsehoods, industriously circulated
by our enemies, that we have to fear, and not our revilers themselves,
nor those to whom they are known — and unfortunate it is indeed for
us, that they are not better known. Should it be objected that the
people are too intelligent to be deceived by anti-masonic ribaldry and
declamation, we reply, a portion of them are, but there is a very large
portion who are not, who had rather admit the correctness of an ao-
surd position, than trouble themselves with the investigation requisite
to a just conclusion. It is on these and many of the opposite sex,
and consequently on the coming generation, that the sophistry of our
assailants will have a powerful influence, if no counteractive measures
be adopted.
We have in a previous number given a sketch of Bro. Dr. Kane.
The following are extracts from his forthcoming work :
October 10, Monday. — Our depot party has been out twenty days,
and it is time they were back ; their provisions must have run very
low, for I enjoyned them to leave every pound at the depot they could
spare. I am going out with supplies to look after them. I take four
of our best Newfoundlanders, now well broken, in our lightest sledge,
and Blake will accompany me with his skates. We have not hands
enough to equip a sledge party, and the ice is too unsound for us to
attempt to ride with a large team. The thermometer is still four
degrees above zero.
I found little or no trouble in crossing the ice, until we passed be-
yond the north-east headland, which I have named Cape William
Wood. But, on emerging into the channel, we found that the spring
ddes had broken up the great area around us, and that the passage
of the sledge was interrupted by fissures which were beginning to
break in every direction through the young ice.
My first effort was of course to reach the land; but it was un-
fortunately low tide, and the ice-belt rose up before me like a wall.
The pack was becoming more and more unsafe, and I was extremely
anxious to gain an asylum on shore ] for, though it was easy to find
a temporary refuge by retreating to the old noes which studded the
more recent ice, I knew that in doing so we should risk being carried
down by the drift
The dogs began to flag, bat we had to press them. We were only
two men, and, in the event of the animals failing to leap any of the
rapidly maltiplying fissures, we could hardly expect to extncate our
laden sledge. Three times in less than three hours my shaft or hinder
dogs went in, and John and myself, who had been trotting alongside
the sledge for sixteen miles, were nearly as tired as they were. This
state of things could not last, and I therefore made for the old ice to
We were nearing it rapidly^ when the dogs failed in leaping a chasm
that was somewhat wider thau the others, and the whole conc<*rn came
down in the water. I cut the lines instantly, and, with the aid of my
companion, hauled the poor animals out We owed the preservation
of the sledge to their admirable docility and perseverance. The tin
cooking apparatus and the air confined in the India-rubber coverings,
kept it afloat until we would succeed in fastening a couple of seal-
skin cords to the cross-pieces at the front and back. By these John
and myself were able to give it an uncertain support from the two
edges of the opening, till the dogs, after many fruitless struggles,
carried it forward at last upon the ice.
Although the thermometer was below zero, and in our wet state
we ran a considerable risk of freezing, the urgency of our position left
no room for thoughts of cold. We started at a run, men and dogs,
for the solid ice ; and by the time we had gained it, we were steaming
in the cold atmosphere like a couple of Nootka Sound vapor-baths.
We rested on the floe. We could not raise our tent, for it had
frozen as hard as a shingle. But our buffalo-robe bags gave us pro-
tection ; and, though we were too wet inside to be absolutely comfort*
able, we managed to get something like sleep before it was light
enough for us to move on again.
The journey was continued in the same way, but we found to our
great gratification that the cracks closed with the change of the tide,
and at high-water we succeeded in gaining the ice-belt under the
cliffs. This belt had changed very much since my journey in Sep-
tember. The tides and frosts together had coated it with ice as
smooth as satin, and this glossy covering made it an excellent road.
The cliffs discharged fewer fragments in our path, and the rocks of
our last journey's experience were now fringed with icicles. I saw
with great pleasure that this ice-belt would serve as a highway for
our future operations.
The nights which followed were not so bad, as one would suppose
from the saturated condition of our equipment. Bvaporation is not
so inappreciable in this Arctic region, as some theorists imagme. By
alternately exposing the tent and furs to the air and beating the ice
out of them, we dried them enough to permit sleep. The dogs slept
in the tent with us, giving it warmth as well as fragrance. What
perfumes of nature are lost at home upon our ungrateful senses I
How we relished the companionship !
We had ayeraged twenty miles a day sinoe leaviDg the hng, and
"were within a short march of the cape which I haye named William
Woody when a broad chasm hronght ns to a halt It was in yain
that we worked ont to seaward, or diyed into the shoreward recesses
of the bay ; the ice eyervwhere presented the same impassable fissures.
We had no alternative bat to retrace our steps and seek among the
bergs some place of security. We found a camp for the night on the
old floe-ices to the westward, gaining them some time after the dark-
ness had closed in.
On the morning of the 15th, about two hours before the late sun-
rise, as I was preparing to climb a berg from which I might haye a
sight of the road ahead, I perceived fat, off upon the white snow a
dark object, which not only moved, but altered its shape strangely—
now expanding into a long black line, now waving, now gathering it-
self up into a compact mass. It was the returning sledge party.
They had seen our black tent of Kedar, and ferried across to seek it
They were most welcome, for thejr absence, in the fearfully open
state of the ice, had filled me with apprehensions. We could not
distidguish each other as we drew near in the twilight, and my first
good news of them was when I heard that they were singing. On
they came, and at last I was able to count their voices, one by one.
Thank Ood, seven 1 Poor John Blake was so breathless with gratu-
lation, that I could not get him to blow his siffnal-hom. We gave
them, instead the good old Anglo-Saxon greetmg, " three cheers I"
and in a few minutes were among them.
They had made a creditable journey, and were, on the whole, in
good condition. They had no injuries worth talking about, although
not a man had escaped some touches of the frost Bonsall was minus
a big toe-nail, and plus a scar upon the nose. McGk^y had attempted,
as l^m Hickey told us, to phick a fox, it being so frozen as to defy
skinning by his knife, and his fingers had been tolerably frostbitten
in the operation. " They're very homy, sir, are my fingers," said
McGary, who was worn down to a mere shadow of his former rotun-
dity, ^ very homy, and they water up like bladders." The rest had
suffered in their feet, but, like good fellows, postponed limping until
they reached the ship.
The Temple was erected without the sound of any instru-
ment of iron, the stones and timbers having previously been fitted for
their respective places with exact nicety. So in a Lodge of Masons ;
no harsh or discordant sound should ever be heard. Unity of senti-
ment and feeling should prevent every harsh word, and brotherly
love flow like the waters of life from heart to heart
lo a memoir of P. 0. M. Kreider^ of Oiuo, from the pen of Bro.
W. J. Beeze, the followiDg eentiments are expressed :
'' His initiation into Masonry had keenly excited within him that
•laudable curiosity,* which is a ruling constituent of every well-
informed mind. Delighted with what he saw and realized, he pushed
onward and upward along the path of light, * in pursuit of that which
was lost/ until at last he found the solem, mighty mystery, reposing
in its beatitudes of beauty upon the bosom of the Ineffable and Uni-
versal Truth. The work of the Lodge room, its history, lectures,
symbols, as leading step by step to this profound revelation^ became
the subjects of his intimate study and regard, and having learned to
venerate them as the offsprings of the richest intellect on earth, so he
treated with rational reprehension and discountenance every upstart
interpolation and anachronism, which would cause them to derogate
from their ancestral dignity. Against all such puerilities he set his
face like flint, especially in the three most ancient degrees. He knew
that in our symbolised vocabulary the manifestation of the beaxt^iful
is but the exhibition of wisdom in the putting forth of its stekoth,
that they conatitute a harmonious triad, a Masonio < tria juncta in
uno^ and that any vandal attempt to dislocate this union, would be
to convert each wondrous pillar inta a broken fragmentary column.
As his high ofBce made him familiar with the condition of the Lodges
under his supervision, he observed with pain and regret the glarmg
incongruities in their different methods of work, being in some in-
stances 80 ologged about with silly ceremonial clap traps and mystified
noodling nonsense, as actually to deter the intelligent novitiate from
receiving more than his first degree. He determined, as far as it was
practicable, to introdnoe system and order into all such chaotic work.
His experience taught him, and I presume it has been yours, Most
Worshipful, as it has been that of others who have filled your high
chair, that to correct such evils, by weeding out this rank efflorescence,
required not only the exercise of firmness with discriminating tact,
but also, in union with these, the commanding influence of official
authority. It is a singular fact, but nevertheless a true one, that,
take our professed Masonic teachers or lecturers as a body, and no
where else will you find a like number of men so dogmatic in their
small opinions, so captious in little unimportant things, and so com-
placently poised in their own self-conceit. Each esteems himself to
be infallible. One claims the standard orthodoxy because he is of
Paul, another as of Apollos, and the third of Cephas, and too fre-
quently and sadly all three of them will disagree in the fundamental
dicta of instruction and upon cardinal points of faith. I use this
language in the totality of its application, without intending the
slightest personal disrespect or reflection whatsoever, or to signalize
any individual Brother, living or dead. To attempt to reason with
and convince such a person, would be a waste of time. Being often
selected for his capacity of memory alone, he blindly storea up the
fffogiMnne of work whirii 1m Uindlj noeifw from mbm peri^iMh
Tender of its mysteries, as coming in lineal unbroken traditionary
descent from Solomon himself; in the same blind spirit, too, he would
teaeh in unto others. Through such instrumentalities it came fro-
ffBLmAj to pass that the work would not harmonise with the lectures,
while both outrMod the laws of analogy and the dictates of common
aense. It was the ardent desire of our Grand Master to instill into
the general mind of the Craft a rational perception of its symbolised
significance, and of the broad human uses and great utilitarian ends
which Masonry is capable of producing, and which he thought it was
originally fashioned to subserve. He summoned to his aid the most
available talent in the State, and put forth all the influences of his
hifffa station to effect this desideratum, as his annual messages and
ot£er concomitant papers of learned research abundantly show.**
''In Tain nould DanTera iritli his wit
Our slow resentment raise;
What he and all maakiad have writ»
But eeleVratea our pnJae,
His wit tkia only ^nia imparts,
That Masons hare firm fidthfal hearts."
SioaaTiBT'a Bean.
"The auooess that attended the re^estaUishmenl of Masonry," my
strange companion oontinued, '< created a very great sensation, and
raised up a host of (^posents, who either envied the popularity of tha
Fraternity, or were desirous of diverting it into some other channel ;
for the uninitiated were piqued at the respeot and attention which it
attracted so universally, and more particularly when the nobility
began to interest themselves in its promulgation. Many were the
oonaultations which were held in the Lodge on this subject Dr.
Anderson, Grand Warden in 1723, had now become an active col*
league of Grand Master Payne and Dr. Desaguliers, who held tha
office of Deputy Grand Master, and was installed into the chair of
Hiram Abiff in the same year ; and with the assistance of other emi-
nent Craftsmen, it was formally deliberated which of three proceed*
ings it would be most expedient to adopt in this emergency. Bros.
Lambail, Noyes and Yiileneau were of the opinion that the most
dignified method of treating the absurd publications of those eowani
* Dr. OliTer'a ReTelationa of ji Square.
17 — ^VOL. IL NO. m.
who distributed their anoDjmons effiuioDS through the cimntij, wonM
be by silent contempt ; others proposed ridicale as the most efficient
weapon, while Brothers Desaguliers and Anderson thought that the
interests of Masonry would be more effectually served by some public
and authorized statement of their proceedings — ^by an avowal of the
real objects of the Institution and an explanation of the principles on
which it is founded. And this course was finally agreed on.
" Accordingly these two learned Brothers entered on the work witb
great seal and assiduity. Bro. Desaguliers, in 1721, made a public
profession of a Mason's faith, in an oration which was printed and
distributed plentifully both in the metropolis and provinces,* in which
he enlarged on the re-organization of the Grand Lodge, and stated
seriatim the peculiar benefits, both moral and intellectual, which may
be derived from a regular attendance on the duties of a Lodge. And
Bro. Anderson published a well written pamphlet on the rise and
progress of the Order, and its application to the practical sciences, f
^ In the same year, September 2d, the Duke of Montagne being
Grand Master and Bros. Yilleneau and Morrice Grand Wardens, a
Grand Lodge was holden at the King's Arms Tavern, St. Paul's
Churchyard, at which Bros. Desaguliers, Payne and Anderson were
ordered to examine the old Gothic Constitutions, and to digest the
same in a new and better method ; and at the succeeding Gtend Lodge
in December, a committee of fourteen expert Brethren was appointed
to revise the manuscript when completed, and to make their report
accordingly. In pursuance of this order, our worthy Bros. Desagu-
liers, Payne and Anderson commenced their proceedings by searching
for manuscripts and authorities in every part of the kingdom, where
they were supposed to exist. They communicated with many Lodges
under the Constitutions, both of York and London, and in most cases
were successful in the search ; yet a few instances unfortunately oc-
curred, where certain fastidious Brethren took the alarm and com-
mitted many valuable manuscripts to the flames concerning ancient
usages, regulations of Lodges, charges and secrets — ^particularly one
* An ekKjueat oration abont Masons and Masonry. DeliTered 24th Januarv.
1721. ^
t ** On the Rise and Promss of Freemasonry." The Rey. James Andeiscm,
D. D., was minister of the Scotch Presbyterian Church, in Swallov street. Pic-
cadilly, and well known in those days amongst the people of that persuasion,
wf ittea by Nicholas StonOj who wkb Grand Warden to Inigo Jonea—
i«at thej should fall into the hands of oar frionda and be sabmitted
to pnblio inspection in a printed form.
" At one of Our Lodges, when this design was in progress, Bro.
Payne expressed his indignation at the enperlative folly of those mis-
gaided Brothers in no measured language, and it was seriously debated
whether it would not be expedient, for the purpose of preventing a
repitition of the offense, to moye a vote of censure against them in
the ensuing Orand Lodge for contempt. This was decided in the
negati^re, as it was considered to be inquisitorial and alien to the
general design of Masonry, for the Orand Lodge to interfere with the
disposal of private property.
"* It was agreed, however, at the same Lodge, that the R. W. Master,
Bro. Desaguliers, should move that the ancient office of Stewards be
revived to assist the Orand Wardens in preparing for the feast and
in other things appertaining to the annual general Assembly of Ma*
sons. Bro. Desaguliers accordingly proposed the appointment of
twelve Brethren for those purposes, and the motion was unanimously
agreed to. At the same Grand Lodgo it was reported by the com-
mittee that they had perused Bro. Anderson's manuscript containing
(he History of Masons, the Charges, Regulations and Master's Song,
and, after some amendments, had approved of it In consequence of
this favorable report, the Brethren requested the Grand Master to
order it to be published ; and its appearance produced a wonderful
impression on the public mind, and insured the triumph of the OrafL*
^ At a Grand Lodge in the same year, the Duke of Buccleugh, G.
M., seconded by Dr. Desaguliers, proposed a scheme for raising a
fund for the relief of distressed Brethren, and a committee was ap-
pointed on the spot to consider what would be the most effectual
means of carrying it into execution. This was the origin of the fund
of Benevolence, for which the Fraternity are indebted to the amiable
disposition, coupled with the indefatigable exertions of Bro. Desagu-
liers ; and the operation of the project proved so beneficial to the
general interests of the Order, that it was publicly announced in Gkrand
Lodge, that ingenious men of all faculties and stations, being now
convinced that the cement of the Lodge was love and friendship,
earnestly requested to join the Society, which soon flourished in har-
* The CoBBtitution of Freemaaonry, containing the Hiatorj, Chargaa» Rega-
UtiooB, Ac, of that moat Ancient and J^ht Wonhipfol Fraternity. For tha
nae of the Lodgea. London, priatad by will Hunter for John Sanaz aad Jdim
fiooka, 1793.
moDy, repntaiioii and nnmbws. Noblemen and genttemen of tka
kigfaest rank-— *leirned men, merciuuits and elergjmen fonnd in ibe
Lodge a safe «nd pleasant relaxation from intenae atady or the karrj
of Irosiness, without any intermixture of politics and parties. New
Lodges were constituted,* which the Qrand Master and his Deputy
Tisited in person, and found in thett a peaceful asylum, free from the
turmoils and disputes by which all other aocietiefl were characteriied
and deformed.
^ But I can assure you, sir, that the opponents of Freemasonry^
although at their wit's end, were determined not to die without a
struggle.! They circulated all manner of ridiculous reports about
the practices of Masons in Tyled Lodges, which were thus commented
on by a Brother who was a member of our Lodge, in an address to
the B. W. M.» when the subject was mooted in open Lodge. I can-
not recollect the whole of this speech, but he said, amongst other
aeute obserrationa, which excited the unfeigned applause of the mem-
bers: ' Though we envy not the prosperity of any society, nor meddle
with their transactions and characters, we have not met with such
fair treatment from others; nay, even those that never had an oppor-
tunity of obtaining any eertam knowledge of us, haye mn implicitly
with the cry, and, without fear or wit, haye yented their spleen in ao^
eusing and condemning us unheard, untried, while we, innocent and
secure within, laugh only at their gross ignorance and impotent ma-
lioe. Have not people in former ages, as well as now, allied that
Freemasons in their Lodges raise the deyil in a circle, and when they
have done with him, tiiat they lay him again with a noise or hush, as
they please.? How haye some of our maligners diverted themselyes
with the wild story of an old woman between the rounds of a ladder I
Others will swear to the eook's red-hot iron or sabuuander for mark-
ing an indelible oharaoter on the new-nade Mason, in order to give
him the faculty of taciturnity. Sure, such blades will beware of
coming through the ingers of the Freemasons.' "
* Kot only in tfatt country, bat on the continent* sad these latter nnforia*
nately, became a fruitful source of innoYBtioa In 1725, the Chevalier Aamsay
introdnced his Royal Arch and other maanfactured Begreee into a Lodge,
under an Sneliah warranto held under the Hue de Boncheriea at Paris, irhich
was presidea over by Lord Derwentwater, "where they were practised as legi-
timate MasoDrjr. Ramsay tried to introduce them into this country, but fiiiled.
See more of thik in the Hist Landmarks, Vol II, Leet. XXV, Part 1, p. 3a
t They pabliaked abont this time " ObserralMfBs and Critical B«nar]moii
the new Censkitution of the F. M., written by James Andersoa. 4e. London.
We eztniet from the Saored Records some details coooeming these
magnificent columns, of which Dr. Clarke declared, that there was no
skill in modem times that would enable a founder to do such a job:
'^ He made before the house Iwo pillars of thirtj and fiye cubits
high, and the chapiter which was on the top of each of them, was five
cubits. And he made chains and put them on the heads of the pil-
lars ; and made an hundred pomegranates and put on the chains.
And he reared up the pillars before the temple, one on t^e right hand
and the other on the left, and called the name of that on the right
hand Jaohin, and the name of that on the left Boaz,'' 2 Chron., 3d
" He oast two pillars of brass, of eighteen eubits high a piece, and
a line of twelve cubits did compass either of them about And he
made two chapiters of molten brass to set upon the tops of the pillars ;
the height of the one chapiter was five cubits, and the height of the
other chapiter was five cubits ; and nets of checker-work and wreaths
of chain-work for the chapiters which were upon the top of the pillars,
seven for the one chapiter and seven for the other chapiter. And he
made the pillars and two rows round about — ^upon the one net-work
to cover &e chapiters that were upon the top with pomegranates }
and so did he for the other chapiter. And the chapiters which were
upon the top of the pillars, were of lily-work in the porch four cubita
And the chapiters upon the two pillars had pomegranates also above,
over against the belly, which was by the net-work ; and the pome-
granates were two hundred in rows round about upon the other cha-
piter. And he set up the pillars in the porch of the temple ; and he
set up the right pillar and called the name thereof Jachin ; and he
set up the left and called the name thereof Boaz. And upon the
tops of tiie pillar was lily-work; so was the work of the pillars
finished.*' 1 Kings, 7th Chap.
The marginal notes give as the meaning of the word Jachin, Be
shaU establish — of Boas, In it is strength.
The concluding records of these magnificent works of art are
mournful indeed.
^ The pillars of brass that were in the house of the Lord — the
Chaldeans broke and carried all the brass of them to Babylon.
*^ The two pillars — ^th^ brass of them was without weight And
concerning the pillars, the height of one pillar was eighteen cubits ;
and a fillet of twelve cubits did compass it ; and the thickness thereof
was four fingers ; it was hollow. And a chapiter of brass was upon
it ; and the neight of one chapiter was five cubits, with net-work and
pomegranates upon the chapiters round about, all of brass. The
second pillar also and the pomegranates were like unto these. And
* From the ijnorieaa Freemason.
there were nioetj aad six pomegranates on a side; and all the pome-
granates npon the net-work were an hundred round about" Jeremiah,
52d Chap.
From the Mirror and EeyBtone.
We take the opportunity to inform our readers that the ^ Ancient
and Accepted Rite," otherwise called the Scottish Rite^ is fully es-
tablished in the city of New York, under legal authority. There are
some clandestine bodies of that rite in the Empire City, whose mem-
bership have been deceiyed with the belief that they were the siman
pure^ who, on finding their mistake, hare deserted the spurious bodies
and attached themselves to the legal one. Those who arc yet igno*
rant of their false position, will in a short time learn that they have
been deceived, and, in order to place themselves right, will have to
take the proper steps to make themselves so by making application
to the only latcful Supreme Grand Council of Sov. G. Inspectors
General of the 33d and last degree of ^ Ancient and Accepted Rite"
for the Northern Jurisdiction of the United States of America, whose
G^fand East is at Boston, Mas&
The Supreme Council of Boston has granted a charter for a Sov.
Chapter R. C. H. R. D. M, to be located in the city of New York,
The presiding officers of said Chapter are the following, who are also
the first officers of a Sublime Grand Lodge of Perfection and Grand
Council of Princes of Jerusalem, previously established and amply
recognised and acknowledged by said Northern Supreme Council of
Boston — viz :
1. 111. Bro. Andres Cassard, 33d, Most Wise and Sov. President
2. Knight Prince Jacob Jartter, 18th, S. W.
3. 111. Bro. Anibal de Mosquera, 32d, J. W.
4. HI. Bro. Francisco Parraga, 32d, Orator.
5. Knight Prince Gaspar de Arteaga, 18th, Secretary.
Besides, there is a Sublime Giand Lodge of Perfection and a Grand
Council of Princes of Jerusalem, which was established several years
ago, recognized by the same authority, over which presides IlL Bro.
Chas. S. Westcott, 32d.
' The Supreme Grand Council of Boston has also lately granted a
dispensation for the organisation, at New York, of a Sovereign Oon-
sistoiy of Yalliant and Host Illastrioiis and Sublime Princes of the
Royal Secret (30th, Slat and 32d degrees) *' Ancient and Accepted
Rite." The founders of this Sovereign Consistory are :
1. Most 111. Bro. Giles Fonda Yates, 33d, Past Most Puissant
Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Grand Council, of Sov.
Grand Inspectors General, 33d, &c., &c., sitting at Boston, Mass.
2. Ill Bro. Andres Cassard, 3Sd, W. M. of the Spanish Lodge La
Fratemidad, No. 387, Most Wise and Sov. President of the Sov.
R. C. H. R. D. M., La Sincerite et La Fratemidad, Extraordinary
Commissioner of the Grand National Orient of the Republic of Ve-
nexuela for the U. S., &a, &c.
3. 111. Bro. Wm. K. Milnor, 32d, Past Grand Master of the M.
W. Grand Lodge of the State of New York.
4. Ill Bro. Cbas. S. Westcott, 32d, W. M. of Empire City Lodge,
No. 206, Thrice P. G. M. of a Sublime Grand Lodge of Perfection,
and Most Equitable P. G. M. of a Grand Council of Princes of Je-
rusalem, &c
5. IIL Bro. John L. Lewis, Jr., 32d, M. W. Grand Master of the
SUte of New York ; and
6. III. Bro. Joseph D. Evans, 32d, Past Grand Master of the M.
W. Grand Lodge of the State of New York, and Representative of
the Grand Lodge of Connecticut.
The above are the only lawful and constitutionally established
bodies in that rite now in operation in the city of New York.
Brethren who do not wish to be imposed upon by those professing
to give the Sublime Degrees, or to grant charters to confer them,
have but to boar in mind that there are only tvH) lawfiU Supreme
Grand Councils of ZZd in the United States of America, according
to the Constitution of the Order, promulgated at the Grand East of
Berlin, on the first day of May 1786, in the presence of Frederick the
Second, Eang of Prussia ; that one of these two Supreme Councils
has its seat at Charleston, S. C, and exercises jurisdiction over the
Southern and South- Western States ; and that the other is at Boston
and has exclusive control over the Northern and North-Eastem parts
of the United States. Therefore, all bodies conferring the " Sublime
Degrees" in the United States, which do not recognize as their execu-
tive head the said two Supreme Grand Councils, are acting without
legal authority, and are spurious and irregular; and all good and
honest Masons are requested not to have anything at all to do with
them, as the persons professing to exercise power in the " Sublime
Degrees,'' are nothing but imposters and spectUators in Masonry !
The first meeting of old Zion Lodge in 1803 was held on the 3d
of Jsnnary. The only thing of importanoe transacted was tho pass-
ing of Bro. Canparre.
On the 7th of January, ^ Brp. Bodemead's unfortunate situation
was mentioned and ordered to lay ovtr until the next Lodge night"
" Bro. McDonnell requested a recommendation from our Lodge to
the Boyal Arch Lodge at Amherstburg, wishing to be raised to that
degrea Agreed to."
March 7th, 1803. '< Bra Conner was passed to the degree of Fal-
low-craft;" also Bros. Brevort and Davis. Bro. Brevort was raised*
P. Tallman was initiated.
May 2d, 1803. Bro. Davis was raised, Bro. Tallman was passed.
It ^ was agreed to make the return dues, and write to the Grand
Lodge to be discontinued, and a recommendation to obtain a warrant
from the Grand Lodge of New York; and that for this purpose the
Lodge apply by Bro. Schieffelin who undertakes to procure the sama"
May nth, 1803. This meeting was called to grant relief to the
widow of Bro. McNiC On examining the records, the Brethren be-
came conyinced that he was a Brother in good standing at the time
of his death, as there was some irregularity respecting his expulsion.
$28 wiure granted.
June 6th, 1803. The following officers were elected:
Bro. Abbott, W. M.
« Dodemead, 8. W.
« Davis, J. W.
'< Campau, Treas.
** Tuttle, Sec.
» Smith, S.D.
^ Dougherty, J. D.
On the 24th of June, a Past Msster's Lodge was opened, and Bra
Abbott was installed as Master. The Lodge was after installation
of officers called to refreshment, and ^ dined sumptuously in great
and harmonious enjoyment in the celebration of all Grand Masters
and absent Brethren."
July 4th, 1803. A good deal of business was transacted at this
meeting relative to the conduct of several membera It was ordered
that a summons be issued for Bro. Smith to coma forlrard and show
why he should not be further dealt witL
A Meedng waa held on the lei of August, bat littla of importanoe
WM transacted*
On the 5tli of September, tbe sabjeet of obtainbg aapther charter,
was again considered. ^ The Lodge," says the record, ^ taking into
consideration the situation we are plaoed in^ not onlj as it respeets
oiir distance firom the Grand Lodge of Quebec, bat also oor residing
under another goyemment^ have thought proper upon matore con-
sideration and reiection to make ^^plication to the R« W. Grand
Lodge of New York, to obtain a renewal of No. I of Detroit, former-
ly onder their sanctiott, or to obtain a new warrant from them ; and
to obtain this request, they have appointed their well beloved Brother
John Sohieffelin to do and act for them therein, and likewise to pray
that Bro. Bob. Abbott be W. M., John Dodemead & W.,and David
Davis J. W., and that Bro. Ghaa. Jewett be appointed to install said
The following is the form of the petition reported at the next
meeting, October 3, 1803 :
^TotheR. W. Grand lodge ^ New York:— The homble peti-
tion of the Brethrea of Zion Lodge, No. 10 of Detroit, Indian Terri-
tory, most respectfully sheweth tiiat your petitioners have long and
sensibly experienced the great inconveniency they have labored under,
arising from tiieir local situation far removed from any Grand Lodge
of the United States, they have held their warrant under the sanction
of the Grand Lodge of Quebec, L. 0. But finding it so inconvQiiient
to have a regular correspondence with a foreign government, and
from sincere attachment lo the government under which they exist,
think it a duty incumbent on them, to make application to some
Lodge within their own Territories» and for this purpose they have
selected the R, W. Grand Lodge of New York. The object of our
petition is that the Worshipful Grand Brethren would, upon mature
consideration of our relative situation and circumstances, if they think
it meet and convenient, revive a warrant No. i of this place, now
lying dormant, and' formerly under, the sanction of their Lodge. But
if this cannot be accomplished, to grant a new warrant, and for this
purpose confer with our beloved Brother J. Sohieffelin who is com-
missioned to obtain the same, as will appear by the extract from the
minutes. And your petitioners, as in dtity bound, will ever pray that
the honor of the Gri^t may flourish ia your bands."
' ^ A Mason, if he rightly understands the Art, will never be
an Atheist, nor an irreligious libertine,"
18---V0L. XL NO. m.
OcoNOMowoc, Waukesha Co., Wis^ S^i 17, 1855.
Dbak 8i& and BsoTHEft : — Some time last simmer, a man, if h is
proper to designate him by that term, applied to oar Gommittee oC
Charitj and requested aid to help him on his wajfaome, hailing from
Philanthropie Lodge, No. 164, Camden, Oneida Co., N. Y. He
ealled himself Amos F. Lamphere, and represented that he had been
West on business, and had been sick and oat of money. He requested
the Lodge to lend him some money to get home, when he would im-
mediately reftmd it After waiting some time, I wrote to the Secre-
tary <^ that Lodge and reoeired'the following answer: That he was
a worthless rascal, haring left a wife and helpless family of children
to the cold charities of the w<»ld, and that he had been ezp^ed for
gross unmasonio conduct The W. M. of that Lodge further stated
that the Secretary had reeeiTcd some doaen of communications similar
to mine, from different Lodges in the West; also that the Secretary
of Roman Lodge had reoeiyed several of a similar character ; and
farther stated that he considered it my duty to hare him published in
our Masonic papers in the West^ to gnard other Lodges from similar
impositions, as he had imposed upon a great number of Lodges in
this country.
Another man, by the name of Wm. Campbell, hailing from Lacon
Lodge, Illinois, came here and represented that he had lost some
horses, which he believed to have been stolen, and had followed the
thief to this State, and was out of funds. He asked ten dollars to
get homo, pledging to return it as soon as he arrived there ; but not
hearing from him, I wrote to the Secretary of that Lodge and received
an answer, ^ that no such person had ever been a member of that
Lodge ;" but on inquiry it was found that a certain man, by the name
of Thomas Dougherty, a Scotchman, answering to the description, had
been entered and passed, but never raised, but had been expelled for
gross unmasonic conduct, and had by some means got the third degree
oonferred on him somewhere, and had imposed himself upon several
Lodges under fictitious names.
Both of the above named Lodges thought it my duty to have the
names and character of the impostors published in our Masonic papers
in the, West, to guard our Brethren from farther imposition, and hold
them up to the world in their true characters. I had these communi-
cations read in the Lodge, and by an unanimous vote I was requested
to make out a statement of facts and have them published in 7%e
Aihlar^ Masonic Review and American IVeemasan,
In aooordance with that vote, I send yon the &ots in the ease, re-
questing you to publish them for the good of the Graft.
Fraternally Yours,
Di^ at his residesoe in Charlotte, Bro. G. G. Btowell, aged
twenty-four years.
Eaton Bapids Lodgs, No. 63.
At a special oommunioation the following resolutions were passed :
Whereoi it baa pleased the Supreme Ruler of the UniverBe to call from thia
life, under circumataDcea peculiarly afflictiog, our worthy Brother Covkilakd
C. Stowbll: and
Whereas we deem the occasion appropriate to the expresaion of the aentimeata
of our affection entertained for him by membera of thia Lodge to whith he be-
longed; therefore
Resolved, That in thia dispensation of Divine ProTidenoe» while it remoTea
from our midst an esteemed Brother, from the domestic circle an affectionate
husband, a loved son and a kind brother* and from society a valuable citiaen,
it also admoniahea ua not only of the uncertain tenure of life, but of the practi-
cal virtues of the man, of the Mason and of tibe .Christian.
Bnol9td, That as membera of this Lodge, we tender our warmest sympathiea
to her who haa thua early in life been called upon to mourn the irrepairable
loss of a beloved and loving companion, to the parenta, sister and brothei* of
o«r deceased Brother in their aaa bereavement, and that we will wear the naval
badge of mourning.
J&tolved, That a copy of these resolutions be furnished to the widow and
fiimily of eur deceaaed Brother, and also to Thk Ashlar and country papers.
Died in Baton Riq[>ids, on the 17th Sept, Mrs. Sarah HnsTON,
wife of J. B. Huston.
WkerMi it haa pleased the Supreme Grand Master to caU from this earthly
Lodffe to hia celestial Lodge on nigh the companion ot our worthy Bro^r S.
£. Hubton; therefore be it
Metoived, That we deeply sympathiae with our Brother in his bereavement*
by which he haa lost his earioly companion, and by which the community haa
idat a uaeful member of aociet j.
Reaolved, That a copy of these reaolutiona be presented to our Brother and
also to Tbb AsHLAn ior publication.
Died at his residence in the town of Farmington, Oakland County,
Mich., on the night of the 2d day of October 1856, Bro. John Brow-
NBLL, at the age of eighty-foor years. He was one of the early set-
tlers of this county, and long identifical with its growth and prosperity.
He enjoyed the eonfidence and esteem ef a laige eirole of aoqvaxD'
tanees. We understand that he was one of ihe charter members of
Monroe Chapter, No. 1, of Detroit
His fmieral was attended bj a large ooneourse of people. Bro.
Jaookes delivered a yerj effeetive and appropriate sermon.
At a regular eommanication of Birmingham Lodge, No. 44, held
at their Masonie Hall on the evening of the 9th of October, A. L.
5856, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimovilj
adopted :
Whenai it has pleased the Divine Aiehiiect of the UniTene, ia his infinite
wisdom and nertj, to remoTe from our midst onr worthj and venenible Brother
JoBQi Bbowihell^ at the advanced age of eighty-four years, whose long life^
from young and ngotous manhood to hoary age, has heen one of earnest de-
votion and ardent ^tachment to the prin«iple» and prosperity of our Order;
therefore be it
JRe9ol90d, That in the death ift Bxo. Bbowvxll the fraternity hae been de-
prived of a fidthful and worthy member, who loved our Institution, who patron-
ized our assemblies, and who always joined heart and hand in i>romoling the
principles and welikre of our Order; the family a kind and affectionate folher;
the community an'upright and respected citisen, one whose virtues and social
qroalities will long be remembered; and although we mourn his l^Sss^ yet we
smcerely hope aiid trust, that he is now in that spiritual Temple above where
Ood himselfpresides.
Re9oh$d, That we offer our heart-felt sympathiefl^ in this dispensation of
Divine Providence, to the friends and relatives of our deceased Brother.
RsKlhei, That the foretroinff preamble and resolutions be entered rpon the
records of this Lo4ge and puHished in The Asbijuu
Id Icmia, on Mondajy Sep! 16th, Miss Mary EUsa Dye, only
dan^ter of Bro. Biehard Dye, aged twenty years.
Gone from thy father, though with anxious care.
With many a hope, with many a fear.
With many an earnest heart's warm prayer.
He sought to keep thy passing i^irit nere.
Gone ttom tb^ moiherl her long watch with thee
Was one petition to the throne of grace.
That thy young life niffht yet be spared, to be
To her a comfort throng life's pilgrimage.
If aught could call thee back to earth again.
The tears thy brothers shed since that sad hour
Would surely win thee f^m yon bright abode.
To dry those tears and bid them flow no more. V. H. T.
In Ionia, on Monday evening, Sept 16ih, by Ber. R. Laudis, Bro.
Dr. Z. C. Bliss to Miss Marion Caw, all of Ionia.
Also, by the same on Wednesday morning, Sept <4th, Bro. James
Kennedy to Miss Eliza Moseman, all of Ionia.
Vians AMQHG Tiu BERHRXir. — Leaying Gk)dheii, the plaee irhere our Imi
"editorial oorrespondeoce" in No. 2 -was dated* we visited the foUowiiig plaeea:
Theie Riyxrs. — This is one of the moat flonriahing places in the State of
Michigan. Seyeral new blocks are in the process of erection, and soon the
Graft here are to have a new hall which will be eommodiona and elegant The
Lodge is doing well and contains some noble hearted men, among whom are
Bros. Cole, W. M., and Geo. B. Beed.
OoHsrAirmrB.— Here we were greeted by Bro. Engle whoae kindness we shall
not soon forget. Here also we receiyed the personal attentions of Bra 8. C.
Ooffinbniy, one ot thb most intelligent and gifted men in the Slate. He is W.
M. of the Lodge and High Priest of the Ohapter at Constantina In this
number, we present oor readers with a piece of poetry from his pen, and here-
after hope to have our pages enriched by his productions. After making hur-
ried Tisits at Centreville and White Pigeon, we proceed to
Sturgis. — Our stay here was necessarily shorthand we metbnt lew Brethren.
Bro. Page we found, as nsual, warm and polite in his kind attention.
OoLnwATsa. — ^Broa. Jones and Dsrt gave ns a hearty welcome and evidence
of their kind hearts and willing hands. At this place the Graft is doing well.
JoHisnLLX/— We were cordially greeted by M. W. Geo. G. Mnnro, Grand
Master. We found him busy with "his nsual avocations," but ready as ever
before, to hold Masonic communion and use his endeavors to promote the
interests of the Craft. Under his guardianship, the Order in this State has
progressed peaceably, and every thing betokens prosperity. Here, we alao met
our old friend Bro. Jesse Button, whose seal, inteUigence and strenuous efforts
claim for him a lasting remembrance among the Craft. ** Travelling on the
level of time," he is approaching " that undiscovered country from whose bourne
no traveller returns." May he, when summoned from his labors on earth, gain
ready admission to that celestial Lodge above, where the Supreme Architect
of the Universe presidesi
Htllsuale. — ^Here we found a host of active and ardent Brothers who de-
serve much for their labora. Bros. F. French, W. M., Westfall, Dickerson and
Wilson are ever ready to advance the interests of the Craft We had the
pleasure of seeing the Lodge work in the second and third degrees. The En-
campment here is doing well. Sir K't £, D. Cone, Grand Commander.
Hudson. — Masonry continues to flourish here like the green spring. Well it
may when it has such ardent, intelligent and devoted advocates as Bro. R. B.
Piper. He is truly a pillar of strength. Long may he continue to flourish!
AnaiAir. — In this place the Craft is numerous, and a finer set of men never
lived. We had the pleasure of meeting Bros. Cleveland, Greenly, Knapp,
(High Prieat) Snow, (W. M.,) Mills and others. We also had the pleasure of
seeing Comp. Knapp confer the Royal Arch Degree.
TsouaiUH. — Our Tisit was short We were prese&t at a Lodge oommunica*
tion and were gratified to see Bro. BlaDchard in the East
ToLKDO. — We made our first visit here and foand it a busj and enterprising
place. There are many Masons here and two Lodges. Among the Craft we
met with some bright, actire and enterprising men. The Lodge-room is laige,
commodious and well fitted up.
The following we find in the Review as a copj of an old diploma, issued
by a Lodge in Scotland. The original is in the possession of Bro. Bahn, at
Ht CansoU, IR:
"Darkness oomprehendeth it not:
" In the East, a place of Light where rei^ Silence and Peace. We the
Master, Wardens and Secretary of the operative Lodge of Banff, in the King-
dom of Scotland, in the five thousand seven hundred and ninety-first year of
Light: Adorned with aU our honors* and regularly assembled with the rest of
the Mysterious members of the above mentioned Lodge, Do declare, certify and
attest to all men enlightened on the face of the earth: That the Wor^ipfhl
Brother Peter McGillwray hath been received by us and entered an Apprentice
and passed Fellow Craft And after having sustained with strength, courage
and firmness the most painful works and wonderful trials, we have given him
an a recompense due to his seal, diligence and capacity the sublime degree of
Master ana initiated him as such to our mysterious and most secret works in
which he hath helped us with his talents and knowledge.
"Given at the said Operative Lodge of Banff, this ninth day of June in the
year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-one, and Mgned by
the Right Worshipful Master, Wardens and Secretary.
"With the Seal of the Lodge hereunto appended.
ROBT. SMITH, Sec'y."
OFnoKBS or thb Gbaxd Cbaftke or Illdcois: — E. M. M. Clarkj G. H. P.;
J. H. Hibbard, D. G. H. P.; S. T. Trobridge, G. K.; J. R jOaae, G. 8.; W. Mc
Murtrie, G. T.; H. G. Reynolds, G. Sec.; L. B. Stewart, G. Chap.; N. D. El-
wood, G. C. H.; S. Stevens, G. P. S.; S. Hutton, G. R. A, C; F. R. Hubbard,
3d v.; D. B. Rice, 2d V.; J. B. Hamilton, Ist V.; R. W. Diller, G. S.; A. B.
Robinson, G. T.
Plsasx to RxTuaif the Fxasr axd Skooxd Numbers. — The first and second
numbers of the second volume of The Ashlar have been sent to several of our
last year's subscribers, who have recently given ns notice to discontinue their
copies. Will those Brethren who have given us such notice, be kind enough
to return through ihe mail the numbers which they have received of the pre-
sent year, if they have not done so already? The copies will be of value to us
in completing sets.
We desire Brethren who see this notice, to make it generally known, that
our wishes may be complied with. By so doing, they will greatly oblige us.
pgr We have received Graham's Magasine for November. It is an excellent
miscellaneous work for fiimily reading. •
1^^ The Peninsular Journal of October comes to us with its usual amount
of instructive matter. It contains a well written' article from the pen of Edw.
Batwell, M. D.
We have refrwned from expressing any opinion respecting the
legality of the "Independent Grand Lodge of Canada" (as its
triends Btylo it), hoping that tho Grand Lodge of England voold
take Hucb action as would at once remove aU doabts and induce
the Lodges of this country to recognize the new body aa legitimate
and regnliU'. Our anticipations have not been ruolized, and the
lime seems now to have arrived when we can not, consistently with
our dnty to the Craft of Michigan, postpone the consideration of
the most imixirtont question which has arisen in the Masonic
world, for niany years.
Our sympathy is with the Canadian Brethren who have cast off
their allegiance to the Grand Lodge of England. Our commoni-
cation with them is too frequent and intimate not to realize the
disadvantages under which they labored, and the severity of the
19 — VOL, II. NO. rv.
grievances to which they were subjectei That those disabilities
would be removed and the best interests of the Craft promoted
by the establishment of a Grand Lodge in the Canadas in a proper
manner and by legitimate means, no one at all acqnainted with the
fiwjts can doubt. But this point we do not propose to discuss, as
it has nothing to do with the only question at issue ; L e. is the
^^ Independent Orand Lodge'*^ a legally constitiUed body which I
should be recognized by the Grand Lodges of this country f
Grand Masonic bodies are, as now constituted, comparatively
modem. The propei* mode of forming them in a State or Terri-
tory where members have a right to establish them, is as follows :
The Brethren obtain charters for three or more Lodges from some
Grand Lodge, and the subordinate bodies thus constituted send
delegates to a Convention which forms a Grand Lodge. The
charters previously held are given up, and new ones taken from the
new organization. This matter is now well understood and well
settled. The main difficulty which arises in the present case
relates to the right to form a Grand Lodge without the consent of
the parent body, and can be decided only by a reference to the
peculiar circumstances attending it. The Canadas are a depen-
dency of Great Britain. Previous to the late movement, the
Grand Lodges of England, Scotland and Ireland exercised con-
current jurisdiction over that territory. The jurisdiction of the
Lodges of Scotland and Ireland was more nominal than real, for only
two Lodges held charters under the former and only fifteen under
the latter. " The present Grand Lodge of England," says Bro.
Moore of the Freemasons' Magazine, " has, from its first organi-
zation in 1717, held and exercised jurisdiction over England, as
the Grand Lodges of this country severally hold and exercise
jurisdiction over the States in which they are respectively located.
It claims, also, as of right, in common with the Grand Lodges of
Scotland and Ireland, exclusive jurisdiction over all the depen-
dencies of Great Britain, as the Grand Lodges of America claim
and exercise a common and exclusive jurisdiction over the Terri-
tories of the United States. These claims, with an occasional
exception, — as in the recent act of the Grand Lodge of Hamburg,
— are reciprocally acknowledged and respected by the Grand
Lodges of Europe and America. That the Masonic jurisdiction
of a country extends over the Islands and other Colonial depen-
dencies of that oountry, may be regarded as the settled law of the
Masonic world. It is the great principle of jurisdiction for which
the Grand Lodges of the United States have ever contended, and
as they are even now contending against the Grand Lodge of
Hamburg. The Canadian Colonies are, therefore, as much a part
of the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodges of Great Britain, as the
American Territories are a part of the jorisdiction of the Grand
Lodges of the United States."
These views, without the sanction of such high authority as the
veteran Moore, we regard as strictly in accordance with truth.
They have not been controverted by any arguments or statements
which have come under our notice. From them we deduce the
condusion arrived at by our worthy Brother, that the jurisdiction
of the Grand Lodges of Great Britain in the Canadas can not be
in any way interfered with without a violation of Masonic law and
right. The organization, therefore, of the "Independent Grand
Lodge " we look upon as unwarranted and illegal. Many have
been misled by a false analogy instituted between the Territories
of the United States and the dependencies of the British Crown.
Why, it is said, if Grand Lodges may be organized in the Terri-
tories of the Republic, may they not be organized in Canada,
without the assent of any Grand Lodge ? To correctly answer
this, we must bear in mind the nature of our Government and that
of England. This is a Republic comprised of States so free and
so little restrained in their political action, that they have received
the title of " sovereignties.'* Herein our Government differs jfrom all
others which ever existed. The nature of the Federal Government
and the State Governments and their relations to each other,
foreign nations never have comprehended, and probably will not
understand for centuries. The independent action of the States
or their "sovereignty** has caused the organization of Grand
Lodges within their borders, and prevented, and probably always
will prevent, the establishment of a General Grand Lodge. In-
deed, it is likely to evaitually destroy or dissolve the General
Grand Chapter and General Grand Encampment. These remarks
apply with much force to our Territories. Such is the nature
of our free institutions and the q>irit of our people, that the
Territories assume to a great extent the character of States.
Increasing rapidly in population, they remain but a few years
imder a Tetritoml Ooyerninent. Th^ hsve the right to come
into the Union, and do oome in, on an equal footing in eyery
respect with the other States. In accordance with this irresistible
genius of our institationfl, liie Grand Lodges of this country have
hyeofrmum oanaenty as it were, granted the privilege to Masons in
the Territories to form Grand Lodges, till that privilege has now
assumed the form of a right. This is well enough, and we would
not desire it to be otherwise ; but the rule has never been applied
or recognized even by American Grand Lodges, beyond the terri-
tory of the United States, and in our estimation it can not rea-
sonably be. The Grand Lodge of England never has admitted
any such theory or practice with regard to its jurisdiction and that
of the Grand Lodges of Scotland and Ireland, nor has it reason
to do so. T^e political relations of Canada with reference to
England are not those of our State " sovere^ties," towards the
Government of the United States. Canada is a dependency and will
remain so as long as the English Government remidns unchanged.
England has had, and still has, in Canada, three Pi'ovindal Grand
Lodges which are representatives of the parent Grand body. This
we regard as an important &ct which has been lightly considered.
The Provincial Grand Lodges are, as the New York Committee of
Foreign Correspondence assert, virtually Grand Lodges. " The
greater partof the Provincial Grand Lodges scattered over the
world have power to dume laws ibr their own government, and of
making regulations for the guidance of th^u* Lodges, provided they
are not inconsistent with the supreme body ; this power is ex{M*e88-
ly granted to the Provincial Grand Lodges of England, A very
similar rule governs the Grand Lodges and Grand Chapters said
Grand Encampments of the United States in their relations
vrith si^rior authorities — with the only difference in respect to
our Grand Lodges, though their laws are subject to the Ancient
Landmarks instead of the Constitution of an existing body. It
will hardly be contended that these are not Grand bodies."
By what right, or what precedent acknowledged by Masons in
this country, can the subordinate Lodges of Canada throw off their
allegiance to the Provinoiai Grand Lodges, and consequently to the
Grand Lodge of Enghind, and control their own affairs ? '^ Is it
not the &ct," says the Committee, &om whom we have before
quoted, '^ that every officer and memb^ of the newly formed
body, has been obligated to support the Constitutions of the Grand
THE ASfiLAB. 14a
Lodges, they have respectively r^ioimoed ? '^ This will not be d^
nied, and yet one of the fondamental lawa reqiures tiiem to ^' snb-
mit to the Constitations,'' and pay respect to the regolarly consti-
tnted Masonic authorities, under which they were made. Is it
submitting to the Constitutions, or pa^g respect to those authoir*
ities to establish, or seek to establish, other independent and hoft-.
tile authorities within their own jurisdiction ?" When we seriously
consider the position of our Canadian Brethren — their relation to
the Grand Lodge of England, and their obligations — we are led
to beheve that we should do injustice to the ancient parent body^
injnstice to those under its jurisdiction, injustice to ourselves and
the Listitntion which we prize so highly, were we not to express
in strong and unequivocal terms, our disapprobation of the new
movement. It is opposed, in our humble judgment, to tlie best
interests of the Order, and if sanctioned without the acquiescence
of the Grand Lodge of England, will be productive of great eviL
A paper has recently been established at Montreal for the pur-
pose of advocating the ^^Independent Grand Lodge." Who its
proprietors or editors are does not appear. As we knew it had the
sanction of those engird in the new movement, we have perused
its pages with considerable interest, hoping that we might there
find a. justification of the proceedings of its support^^. We have
been sadly disappointed. The tone and tenor of the artides in
the ^^ Pianeer^'* are not such as would reasonably be expected, and
must give little satisfaction to those most ardently devoted to
to the Independent body.
The ^"^ Pioneer '^^ seeks to establish the legality of the new organ-
ization by precedents, but sadly fails in the attempt. We will
briefly refer to some of the instances cited:
Ths Gband Lobge of Enoulnb. — In the early part of the
eighteenth century there was but one Grand Lodge in England^
called the Grand Lodge of York. Masonry had for many yeara
been on the decline, and this body existed not as an efficient organ-
ization. Its powers had always been very limited. Says the
Freemasons' Magazine :
Private Lodges were not held then, as now, under special
Charters and WaiTants, emanating from superior authority; nor
were they subordinate to, or dependent on, local or particular
Grand Lodges for their existence. They were independent volun-
tary associations, subject only to the general laws and regulationa
of the Craft, as transmitted fin>m remote antiquity, or enaotedfin
their ^^ General Assemblies," and were created and dissolved at the
convenience or pleasure of the parties composing them« To the
Brethren of the tenth century such organizations as the present
Grand Lodges were unknown. They had their general assemblies,
the first of which was held at York ; others were afterwards held
at London, and other convenient points. But they never assumed
to exercise any other than general powers, or enact other than
general laws; they did not claim any special control over the
odges, nor exact of them any special pledges of subordination
and fealty. Not so at the present time. The Lodges of this day
hold the relation of subordination to their respective Grand
Lodges. From them they derive all their authority, and without
their permission and sustaining power they can not lawfully exist.
The condition of their being, is submission and allegiance to the
power that created them.
The authority of the Grand Lodge of York was very limited,
and the Lodges were, in a great degree, free to act as they thought
best. The establishment by them, therefore, of another Grand
Lodge with more extensive powers than were possessed by the old
body, was not a direct violation of moral obUgations, even if it
were a questionable exercise of right. But there are facts which
place this matter beyond dispute.
Masonry, as we have said, had been languishing for many years,
till the Grand Lodge of York was little better than a nominal
organization. Lito such disrepute had the Listitution &Uen in the
south of England, that there were then only four lodges. Their
remote distance firom the seat of the Grand Lodge was a serious
obstacle to their re-organizing that body or deriving any benefit
firom its action. Those fonr lodges, therefore, established the
Grand Lodge of England. To this the Grand Lodge of York
did not object^ but^ on the contrary^ it approved the movement ^ and
the two bodies entertained toward each other the most fiiendly
relations for eight years. But even nnder all the drcumstanoes
tending to prevent any charge of irregularity, Brother Cross says
of the Grand Lodge of England (in his history of Freemasonry) :
*^he motive which suggested this Listitution was certainly landable
and useful ; but every person must be aware, that the four lodges
were guilty of a considerable impropriety in omitting to request
the countenance of the Grand Lodge of Yorh?^ 'Hie want of
analogy between the establishment of the Grand Lodge of Eng»
land and that of Canada is too obvious to need fiurther dncidation*
Orakd Lodgb of Akceent York Masons* — This was formed
by some seceders fi*om the Grand Lodge of England, in 1739. It
was not recognized by that body, and was unquestionably an
illegal organization, although recognized by the Masons of Scot>
land and Ireland. It is asserted that it was ^^finaU/y regarded as
legal and regular by the Grand Lodge of England itself for, in
1813, the two bodies united on terms of perfect equality.'* The
conclusion arrived at in this quotation may be legitimate accor-
ding to the rules of law, but it is not correct [in fact or spirit.
How came the Grand Lodge of England to unite with a body
which it had fi*om the first and for sixty-four years opposed aa
irregular ? Was it because it changed its opinion of the legality
of the Ancient York Lodge ? Not at all. It saw that there was
a prospect of an endless strife, and that unless some reconciliation
was affected, the best interests of Masonry would continue to suf-
fer. It saw that in order to promote harmony among the Craft,
it must yield, to a certain extent, to the force of circumstances. So
long had been its opposition, that its finid action could not b^ con-
strued as a recognition of a right or principle which it had always
denied, cmd it never wna so construed.
The Gbakd Lodge of Scotland was formed when Scotland was
free from allegiance to England, and had its own monarchical gov-
ernment. That body, therefore, was, according to the reasoning in
the fore part of this article, respecting political sovereignty, legal
and regular.
The Grand Lodge of Ireland was formed with the aoqui-
escenco of the Grand Lodge of England, and has alwas main-
tained amicable relations with that organization. '^The existence
of the three Grand Lodges in Great Britain under one political
head,'' says Brother C. W. Moore, ^ affords no preced^it for the
course of the Canadian Lodges.'' *^They exist by virtue of a com-
mon inheritance of which neither can be deprived by any pro-
ceedings known to Masonic law or legislative enactment. T^e law
of political nationality does not per se involve any loss of Ma-
sonic sovereignty; wMle, on the contrary, tiiie possession or bo-
quiring of the first, guarantees the right to the enjoyment of
Ae latter."
The act of the Provincial Grand Lodge in France, declaring
itself independent, comes within the rule of political sovereignly
which has been laid down, and can not be dted to sustain our
Canadian Brethren.
The cases of European Grand Lodges which have been cited as
precedents for the new movement, afford little support to oar
opponents. Referring to them, the Freemasons' Magarine says:
But we are told that there are two Grand Lodges in France and
three in Prussia ; and we are asked why, if this be allowable, any
other sovereign State may not have an equal number ? So they
may, if the parties interested agree to the arrangement, and the
security and interests of other parties are not prejudiced or en-
dangered thereby. We do not however, borrow inues of govern-
ment from the practices of our Brethren on the Continent of Eu-
rope. By such a course we should soon find ourselves
" Puzzled ^ith mazes, and perplexed with error."
Our Continental Brethren have their own jyeculiar notions of
Masonic propriety,— influenced perhaps by then* necessities, — and
we have ours. Without stopping to inquire who is right, it is
enough that these notions do not, nor can they be made to accord
with each other. The two Grand Lodges at Paris (if indeed the
Sup. Council be a Grand Lodge), harmonize about as well, and
hold very much the same relations to each other, that exists be-
tween the lawful Grand Lodge and the unlawful body of the same
name, in the City of New York. The three Grand Lodges at
Berlin are organized in different rite» — each claiming iadepend*
ence of the others, and the enjoyment of equal powers, preroga-
tives, and jurisdiction. This is a doctrine we in this coimtry do
not recognize or sanction ; but, bcyig admitted by the Masonic au-
thorities of Prussia, and other Continental States, it establishes
the legality, and accounts for the existence, and perhaps necessity,
of the three Grand Lodges at Berlin. They, however, would fur-
nish no precedent for the Canadian movement, were they all of
the same rite^ — ^notwithstanduig one of them was orimnally estab-
lished under authority from London. N"or does the Grand Lodge
of Hambro, which remiuned in a subordinate relation to the Grand
Lodge of England until 1811, when the connexion was dissolved
on account of the political dMculties existing between the two
coimtries. Tliat Grand Lodge then declared itself an indepen-
dent body, — as its position in a sovereign State fiilly authorized it
to do. Other similar cases might be cited ; but as they are to be
fimnd only in countries politically independent of the British
Crown, they are not analogous, and therefore afford no precedent
for the rebeUion of the Lodges in Canada. That case stands alone
in the history of Masonry.
Our space will not permit us to pursue this subject ^ntha* at
this time. We shall speak of it again in our next number.
Fob Thb Abolae.
Bg 13n). SS. Z. CoffinftttTi.
Oh ! weep for him, who, early doom'd,
Lay on Moriah's brow;
Whose ashes there were found entomb'd
Beneath the cassia's bow ;
Oh ! weep ye for the widow's son
Whose glorious race so soon was run.
Let Israel's widow raise the wail,
And strew their heads with dost;
Let Judah's daughters don the vail
And weep — for weep they must —
O'er the young Architect who won
The glory for King Solomon.
Bright genius sat upon his brow,
And love lit up his soul ;
But both are crushed and broken now,—
Their knell with sorrow toll ;
For ne'er again will either dwell
Within so fair, so bright a shell.
Let Judah's monarch doff his crown,
And bow his head in grief;
In dust and ashes strew the throne
Of Israers royal chief;
And cast his purple robes away,
Nought but vain baubles now are they.
The trestle-board hath no designs,
The compasses are still.
And cypress round the altar twines, —
Grief doth the temple fill,
And idle lies the gavel there,
The plumb, the level, and the square.
That mystic bond, alas ! is broken.
Which knit three souls in one;
And lost, alas ! that mystic token.
With the poor widow's son;
That emblem of his merits rare,
None e'er again may ever wear.
There, where yon broken column rears,
With snow-white marble um,
Let Israel's virgin shed her tears,
And there still let her mourn;
There let her still her vigils keep,
For 'neath it doth young Hiram sleep.
CoTCVunm, Ootober 23d, I860.
We have received a letter from a highly intelligent member of
the Craft, informing ub of a very singular objection which is nAle
to the Worshipful Master of his Lodge ; i. e. that ^^ he is too moral
a man." It is difficult to believe that such an exception could be
taken to any candidate tor office. The occupant of the East might
be too strict or whimsical in his notions of propriety or good con-
duct ; he might be uncharitable in his judgment of others ; but
that he could be too moral and upright in his conduct is an ab-
surdity which it is hoped no Mason will for a moment tolerate.
Purity of life is one of the highest recommendations which a
member of the Order can possess, and should always have its due
weight with Brethren. If there is in a Lodge one who, by the
immaculateness of his conduct, by unswerving integrity and an
amiable disposition, stands above his fellows, he should, if other-
wise qualified, be advanced to the highest honors in the gift of hia
Brethren. Proficiency in the work and in the study of Masonic
jurisprudence is by no means all that should distinguish a Master ;
that is a valuable qualification, but that alone is not sufficient
to entitle its possessor to a seat in the East. Careful as we
would be respecting this matter, we would not be unnecessarily
rigid. Too much should not be required. There are men, not
unexceptionable in their habits, who possess large and noble souls
— whose charity is extensive — whose knowledge of the ritual and
the law is profound. Some of them have made worthy Masters,
influential for good and beloved by all who knew them. But such
instances are rare^ and there is danger in trying an experiment
which has terminated un&vorably in a vast majority of cases. The
reverse of the picture presented is too familiar to all. The mo-
ment a Brother is elevated to a high office, he becomes prominent
— his filings and his faults are conspicuous, when his virtues are
often unperceived. It is his duty to guide those over whom he
presides, in their labors, and if he can not command their respect
by suitable example in his every-day life, he will sadly fail in the
performance of his duty, if he be not a disgrace and reproach to
There is a danger greatly underrated in raising to office, Ma-
sons whose chief or only qualification is their proficiency in the
ritual. Honors are often conferred on sach in Lodges where there
are few competent to perfonn the work. Better would it be for
Masonry if those Lodges were stricken from its rolL When a bad
man is once elevated to a position where he can exercise arbitrary
power, no one can foretell how pernicious will be the influence
which he will exert. With more than ordinary force does this
apply to the subject under consideration. The Master i& supreme
in his Lodge, and if governed by maUce or wrong motivea, can
openly or covertly inflict a blow upon its best interests. His life, if
stained by vices, or corrupted by a want of integrity or a base dis-
position, reflects discredit upon the body over which he presides
and upon the Listitution. Such a spectacle may well cause all
well wishers of our ancient Order to grieve.
We should be careM how we place power in the hands of bad
men, or how we clothe them with honors. A cunning, crafty in-
dividual whose character does not stand fair before the world,
often seeks to get into official Masonic positions to bolster up his
reputation and give it an air of respectability. If such an one
does not give evidence of his real designs while in office, he will
be sure to reveal them subsequently. We grieve to say that we
know Masons — far from being •maments to our Institution and
who could not now get elected Tiler in their Lodge — who con-
stantly take every opportunity to make known to the public that
they have held high and honorable positions in the Fraternity, and
seek thereby to gain credit and respectability. They are '^ wolves
in sheeps' clothing," and we can not too carefully guard against
In the approaching election, Brethren, let these things be carcp
fidly considered; act with deliberation and sound discretion, with
a single eye to the best interests of your Lodge, the wel&re
of the Craft, and the honor of our venerated Sodety. Thus you
will act if you duly appreciated the responsibility resting on you ;
and thus acting, you will inflict no injury upon the priceless inher-
itance entrusted to your care, but will transmit it as a rich blessing
to posterity. " So mote it be."
[Coniinu^ from Page 118.]
It is with DO little interefift that we recall his own statement,
that it was in his native Boston that his curiosity was first excited
in regard to the nature of that wonderful element, from the inves-
tigation of which he was d^tined to derive his highest and most
pervading celebrity. Here, in the year 1746, he received the
earliest impressions upon the subject of electricity, and here»
among the Bowdoins and Chauncys, and Coopers, and Quinoys,
and Winthrops of that day, he found some of the earliest and
latest sympathizers and co-operators in his scientific as well as
political pursuits. The gradual steps by which he advanced in his
electrical researches are for the historian and biographer; th«
transcendant result is familiar to you all. When Franklin had
completed that grand and unparalleled discovery, — arresting the
very thunder-bolts on their flaming circuit through the sky, dial-
lenging them forth from their chariots of fire, and compelling
them to a reluctant revelation of -the nature of their mysterious,
mighty energies, — he had reached a pinnacle of human gkury
which had not been approached by any man of his country or of
his age. His fame was flashed from pole to pole over the whole
habitable globe, and hardly a civilized region, over which a thun-
der-cloud ever pealed or rattled, was long left ignorant of the
name of him who had disarmed it of its shafts and stripped it of
its terrors.
The boldness and sublimity of the experiment, by which his
theories were finally tested and confirmed, have never been sur-
passed, if they have ever been equaled, in the walks of science^
and even the battle-fields of ancient or modem history may be
explored in vain for a loftier exhibition of moral and physiioal
See him going forth into the fields with no attendant or witness
but his own son, lest a Mlure should bring discredit, — ^not upon
himself^ for no man cared less for any thing which might c<mcem
himself — but upon the experiment he was about to try, and upon
the theory which he knew must prove true in the end. See him
calmly awaiting the gathering of the coming storm, and then lifling
his littiie kite, wiA an iron point at the top of the stick, and a
steel key at the end of the hempen string, to draw deliberately
down npon his own head a fnll charge of the Artillery of Heaven.
See him, disappointed at first, but never despairing or doubting,
applying his own knuckle to the key, — knocking, as it were, at
the very gates of the mighty Thunderer, — and eagerly standing
to receive that bolt, from which so many of us, even now that he
has provided so complete a shield, shrink awBy so often in terror !
A similar experiment is to cost the life of a distinguished Russian
philosopher at St. Petersburg only a few months afterwards. Shall
Franklin's life be spared now? Well has Mr. Everett suggested,
in the words of another, that if that moment had been his last,
^conscious of an immortal name, he must have felt that he
could have been content." But the good Providence of God, in
which, as we shall see, Franklin always trusted, permitted the
cloud to emit but a single spark. That spark was enough. His
theory is confinned and verified. Henceforth, in the latest words
of the dying Arago, Electricity is Franklin's. "To him the world
owes the knowledge which led to the Telegraph, the Electroplate,
the Electrotype. Every firesh adaptation of electricity is a stone
added to his monument. They are only improvements of his
bequest, Electricity is Franklin's." His name has, indeed, become
immortal, but, thanks be to God, his lite is still preserved for the
best interests of his Country and for the welfare of the world.
But the Fame of Franklin as a philosopher rests not alone on
his discoveries in any single department of natural history, and
the brilliancy of his electrical experiments must not be permitted
to eclipse his many other services to science. Nothing, indeed,
within the range of philosophical inquiry, seemed to be beyond Ms
eager and comprehensive grasp, and to the end of his long life he
was yearly adding something to the stock of scientific knowledge.
He delighted to employ himself in searching out the causes of the
common operations of nature, as well as of its more striking and
remarkable phenomena. The principles of evaporation, the origin
of the saltness of the sea, and the formation of salt-mines, the
habitual commencement of North-easterly storms at the South-
east, the influence of oil in smoothing the water and stilling the
waves, and a hundred other subjects, at that time by no means
fiutniliar to the common understanding, were elaborately investi-
gated and explained by him. Indeed, wherever he went, he was
sure to find material for his inquisitive and penetrating mind. A
badly heated room would ibmish him with a motive for inventing
a better stove, and a smoking chimney would give him no rest
until he had studied the art of curing it. Did he visit Holland, —
he is found learning fi:om the boatmen that vessels propeUed by an
equal force move more slowly in shoal than in deep water, and
forthwith he engaged in patient experiments to verify and illus-
trate the lesson, for the benefit of those who may be employed in
constructing Canals. Did the bark in which he was crosong the
ocean stop a day or two at Maderia, — he seizes the occasion to
procure and write out a iull account of its soil, climate, population
and productions. And while the ship is in full sail, behold him
fi-om day to day the laughing-stock of the sailors, who probably
regarded him as only a whimsical land-lubber, while he sits upon
the deck dipping his thermometer into successive tubs of water,
bailed out for the purpose, to ascertain by the differences of tempe-
rature the range and extent of the Gulf Stream, — and thus fur-
nishing the basis of that Geography of the Seas which has recently
assumed so imposing a shape under the hands of the accomplished
and enterprising Maury.
No wondy that the great English historian of that period, the
philosophic Hume, wrote to Franklin as he was leaving England
to return home in 1762: "I am sorry that you intend soon to
leave our hemisphere. America has sent us many good things,
gold, silver, sugar, tobacco, indigo, Ac; but you are the first phi-
losopher, and indeed the first great man of letters for whom we
are beholden to her." And most justly did Sir Humphrey Davy
say of him at a later day — "He has in no instance exhibited that
felse dignity, by which philosophy is kept aloof from common
applications; and he has sought rather to make her a usefiil inmate
and servant in the common habitations of man, than to preserve
her merely as an object of admiration in temples and palaces.**
Indeed, his merits as a philosopher were early and everywhere
recognized and acknowledged, and our Boston Pbtnter was
introduced and welcomed into Royal Societies, and Imperial
Academies and Institutes, in almost every kingdom on the globe.
Nor were his scientific attainments recognized only by diplomas
and titular distinctions. It is pleasant to remember that the great
British Powder Magazines at Purfleet, and the magnificent Cathe-
dral of St. Pauls were both protected from the danger of lightning
by rods arranged under Franklin^s immediate direction; while
some years later (1V84), the King of France placed him at the
head of a commission of nine members of the Royal Academy
and Faculty of Medicine, to investigate the subiect of Animal
Magnetism, then first introduced to the notice of the world by
the celebrated Mesmer.
In running over the marvelous career of Benjamin Franklin,
we hail him next, in the third place, as a Statesman and Patriot,
second to no one of his time in the variety and success of his efforts
to build up the institutions of our country, both state and national,
and in promoting and establishing her Union and her independence.
Franklin made his first formal appearance on the political stage,
at the age of thirty years, in the himible capacity of Clerk of the
General Assembly of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia, in the year
1736. But his thoughts being now turned to public affairs, he at
once commenced instituting reforms wherever an opportunity pre-
sented itself. Nothing which could contribute to the welfare of
the community in which he lived, was too seemingly insignificant
for his attention. The regulation of the City Watch, the paving
and sweeping and lighting of the Streets, the organization of Fire
Companies, the foundation of Schools and Academies, successively
occupied his earliest care. His fitness for every sort of public
employment soon becoming manifest, he was spared fi-om no ser-
vice within the gift either of the Executive or of the People. In
the single year 1 750, while he was just commencing his philoso-
phical pursuits, he was called upoQ to discharge the duties of a
Justice of the Peace (no sinecure in that day), by the Governor ;
of a Common Councilman, and then an Alderman, by the Corpo-
ration of Philadelphia; and of a Burgess, to represent them in the
State Assembly, by his fellow-citizens at large. The next year
finds him delegated as a Commissioner to treat with the Indians.
The next year, he is appointed joint Postmaster General of the
Colonies. The following year, — the ever memorable year of 1 764,
he is one of a Congress of Commissioners from all the colonies at
Albany, to confer with the Chiefe of the Six Nations concerning
the means of defending the country from a threatened invasion by
France. And theil and there, in that capacity, our Boston Prin-
ter first projected and proposed a Union of all the colonies under
one government, — the original suggestion of that glorious Union
which was afterwards adopted as a defense against the tyrannical
oppreaskm of Great Britain, and which is still our best and only
defense, not only against Great Britain and all the rest of the world,
but against each other, and against ourselves, too. God grant that
tiiis Union ma^ be no less durable than the solid bronze of which
the Statue of its earliest proposer and constant advocate is com*
posed, — defying alike the cori'osions of time, the shock of strife,
and the convulsions of every evil element !
The next year, 1755, we see him procuring wagons for General
Braddock, who had utterly failed to procure them by any other
agency, and advancing for the service npwai^ds of a thousand
pounds sterling out of his own pocket. And then, too, it was,
that with a sagacity so remarkable, he distinctly predicted the pre-
dse ambuscade which resulted in the disastrous defeat of that
ill-starred expedition. Before the close of the same year, we find
him marching himself^ at the head of a body of troops, to protect
the frontier, — not waiting, I presume, to be formally commissioned
as Commander, since it is not until the succeeding year, 1756, — ^just
one hundred years ago, — that we see him regularly sworn in as
Colonel, and learn that several glasses of his electrical apparatus
were shaken down and broken, by the volleys fired imder his
windows, as a salute, after the first review of his Regiment.
Passing over the six or seven next years, which belong to
another department of his career, we find him, in 1763, sole Post-
master General of British North America, and spending five or
six months in traveling through the Northern Colonies, in and old-
&8hioned gig, for the purpose of inspecting and arranging the
Post Offices. Soon afterwards we see him taking a leading part in
stopping the tide of insurrection and quieting the commotions
arising out of the inhuman massacre of the Indians in Lancaster
County — appealing to the people in an eloquent and masterly
pamphlet, organizing a Military Association, and by his personal
exertions and influence strengthening the arm of Government and
upholding the supremacy of the Laws. And now, in 1764, we
welcome him, assuming the chair as Speaker of the Pennsylvania
Assembly, to sign a bold Petition to the King against the Proprie-
tary Government, which he had drafted and defended on the
floor, but to which the previous Speaker had shrunk from affixing
his signature.
Passing over another interval of a little more than ten yeajs
(to be the subject of separate allusion under another view of his
Bervioes), we meet lum next, on his own soil, in 1775, as a Dele-
gate from Pennsylvania to the Second Continental Congress. He
served amoltaneously as chairman of the Committee of Safety
appointed by the Pennsylvania Assembly. ^^ In the morning at ax
O'clock," (says he of this period, and he was then sixty-nine years
of age), ^^ I am at the Committee of Safety, which Committee
holds till near nine, when I am at Congress, and that sits till after
four in the afternoon." In the Continental Congress, we find him
snoeessively proposing a plan of Confederation; assmning the en-
tire management of the American Post Office; at the head of
ConmussionerB for Indian Affairs; a leading member of the Com-
mittee of Secret Correspondence, and of ahnost every other
Committee, whether for secret or for open negociations; a Dele-
gate to the American Camp at Cambridge, to consult with Wash-
ington and the Continental Army for the relief of his native town ;
a Delegate to Canada, to concert measures of sympathy and snccor ;
and, finally, one of the illustrious Committee of Five, with Thomas
Jefferson, and John Adams, and Roger Sherman, and Robert R.
Livingston, to draft the Declaration of Independence. That De-
claration is reported and adopted, and Franklin signs in it his order
with an untrembUng hand. He would seem, however, to have
folly realized the momentous character of the act, when he humor-
ously replied to our own John Hancock, who had said — ^^'There
must bd no pulling different ways, we must all hang together;"
"Yes, we must indeed, all hang together, or most assuredly we
shall all hang separately." He was as ready to brave the strokes of
arbitrary power, as he had been those of the lightning of Heaven,
— to snatch the sceptre from tyrants as the thunder-bolt from the
clouds; and he might almost seem to have adopted, as the mptto
of Ids life, those noble lines of a contemporary Poet —
"Thy spirit, Indep€fiidence, let me share !
Lord of the lion heart and eagle eye,
Thy steps I follow with my bosom bare,
Nor heed the storm which howls along the sky I "
And now he presides over the Convention which frames the
Ck>nstitution of Pennsylvania; and after another interval of about
eight years and a half (to be accounted for presently), we find him
presiding over the State itself whose Constitution he had thus aided
in forming. Now, too, at the age of eighty, tie Nestor of Amer-
ica, as he was well styled by the National Assembly of France, he
20— VOL. n. HO. IV.
is fi>imd among the Delegates to tbe Convention which framed the
Constitation of the United States, and there we may hear him
making two brief but most characteristic and remarkable q)eeGhes.
One of them I reserve for the conclusion of this address. The
other was delivered on the 28th day of June, 1787, wh^i he sab-
mitted that memorable motion, — seconded by Roger Sherman,
and said by at least one member of the Convention to have been
rejected only because they had noftmch for meeting the expense,
but which, at any rate, found only three or four voices to sastam
it, — that *' henceforth Prayers, knjdoring the aseistanoe of Heaven,
and its blessings on our deliberations, be held in this Assembly
every morning before we proceed to business.**
^^I have lived, Sir, (said he most nobly) a long time, and the
longer I live, the more convincing proofi I see of this truth — that
God governs in the a^aira of men. And if a sparrow can not
fall to the ground without his notice, is it probable that an Empire
can rise without his fud? We have been assured, Sir, in the Sacred
Writings, that ^ except the Lord build the house, they labor in
vain that build it.' I firmly believe this; and I also believe that
without his concurring aid we shall succeed in this political building
no better than the builders of Babel. We sha)} be divided by
our little partial local interests; our projects will be confounded;
and we ourselves shall become a reproach and a by-word down to
future ages. And what is worse, mankind may hereafter, from
tins unfortunate instance, despair of establishing governments by
human wisdom, and leave it to chance, war, and conquest.**
[To he ccniinued.}
Our readers are aware that Freemasonry has existed in Turkey
for a long period. We are pleased to see that it is now taking a
foothold there which it will probably retain in the friture. The
Miowhig oomxmmication was written by a correi^xmdent of the
JV^ K TKimne^ now resident at Constantinople. It is dated Oct.
12th, 1856.
The subject of Freemasonry has begun to attract considerable
attenl^on in the East, and lodges are beii^ estabHshed here and
«t Sittjnma. I am informed that sonie forty years ago a Froieh
lodge existed at OonstantiiM^le, wbkh ceaaed through want of
€iifficient sapporters, and that more reeently there was one in
Smyrna — a military lodge. Kow there are three at Smyrna, and
one is about to be opened here. At the ontset, the lo^e of
Smyrna was opened and worked witii a warrant of the Grand
Lodge of Ireland, whose Master is the Dnke <^ Leinstes*; the S.
W., the Earl of Donoofflunore; J. 6. W., the Marquis of Con-
yngham, and the D. 6, M., George Hoyle, Esq., as the Albany
Lodge, No. 65. Seventeen Masons of good standing and of hign
rank in Masonry, constituted themselves an Independent Grand
Lod^e of Turkey, forming th^ Magna Charta, and recognised
by M the Grand Lodges of Europe. Subseqn^itly, forty-three
Master Masons, resident in Smyrna, applied by petition to the
Grand Lodge of Turkey for warrants to form three lodges tribu*
tary to the Grand Lodge of Turkey, whose authority and superi-
ority over all lodges in Turkey, or hereafter to be established, is
acknowledged. The Grand Lodge having met in Grand Chapter,
after mature deliberation, and a lapse of two months, granted the
warrants, so that there are now in Smyrna, legally and regnlarly
formed, consecrated and installed, three lodges, called Ionia No. 1,
Anatolia No. 2, Byzantium No. 8, with 1 10 members in all, and
twenty-one otiiers under proposition. No. 1 works in English,
No. 2, in Italian, and No. 8 in the Fr^ioh language. As some of
the members speak only the Greek tongue, th^ also occasLonally
work in that language. The Grand Lodge of iWkey is composed
of these three lodges, and when it meets all join in it. The De-
puty Grand Master is Mr. C. G. Carrer ; the 6rand Master of the
Ionia is Mr. S. Langdon, an Ameriean; the Byzantium Lodge
has for its Grand Master M. Eeiger, a Frenchman; of the Aaaif
tolia I have not yet heard the name of the Grand Master.
It has been tor some time past contemplated to apply for a
warrant for a lodge for this place. There a large numb^ of Ma-
sons here, some of whom are Mussulmans, among whom are H.
E. Fuad Pasha, the present Minister of Foreign AfiQurs, and H. S.
Cabrs^i Effendi, the Chief Dragoman of the Sublime Porte. It
is believed that there are other Mussulmans Masons, though I do
not know their names. Mr. J. P. Brown, the Dragoman of the
American Legation, a Master Mason, is the mover of the lodge
intended for Constantinople. I learn that many Turkish ffentfo-
men will apply for reception so soon as the lodge is establiEuaed.
There has been for many years past, it is said, a Masonic lodge
nt Belgrade on the Danube, called the "Ali Kotdi," composed of
seventy members, the G. M., of whi(^ is named Tsani Ismail
Zehols^ Mehemet SaadL So says a late account of it which I find
in GalignanPa Me^Sij^ger of April 80, 1855, taken from a Trieste
paper. I have made some inquiry here about this lodge, and have
been able to procure no satis&ctory account of it. I am assured,
however, that such a lodge does exist, under the name above men-
tioned) aad tbk is all. I have not been able to leani that Masomy
exists at all among the Turks or the Arabs. Badly informed £a^
ropean writers declare that it has existed amon^ the Arabs for a
ffl*eat number of oenturies — long before the Christian era; but no
Turldsh author, I am told, mentions anything of the kind, and the
best read Turks of this Capital, who ought to know it — some of
them of Arabian origin — assure me that it is not so. The indi-
vidnals mentioned above as beine Masons, became such in Ensland.^
The Turks, in general, believe Masons to be all atheists, though
the higher classes are convinced of the contrary.
I am almost uiclined to believe that the so-called Masonic Lodge
of ''All Kotch," at Belgrade, is nothing more than a Tekkiehy or
convent of Dervishes of Persian origin. Its name is not Turkish..
I am led to this belief from the following part of the article above
quoted, which says :
^' In Turkey Freemasons wear, as a distinctive mark, a small*
brown shawl, ornamented with different figures, and a dodahedron
of white marble of about two inches in diameter, highly polished,
and having red spots, which signify spots of blood, and are a re-
membrance of AH, who introduced Freemasonry into Turkey, and
was punidied with death for so doing. They wear this badge
suspended around the neck by a white cord."
Although no mention is made of the origin of the All thus,
alluded to, it is not impossible that he was a Fersian.
Some time since I paid a visit to the Sheik of the little convent
situated on the hill called "Shahidler," above the old Castle of
Europe. The ccmvent is one of the now few remaining ones of the
prohibited sect of the Bektashi Dervishes. On learning that I was
a Freemason he seemed disposed to fraternize with me, and re-
marked that I was like those of the convent or '^ Tekkieh " of Ali
Kotch of Belgrade. He invited me into his Convent, and afterward
into the more private apartment of his house, where he showed me
several portraits of the more eminent Sheiks of his Order. I did
not then offer to fraternize with him, but shall make him another
visit in search of information. All Mussulman Dervishes are free
thinkers^ and those of the Bektashee sect are said to be more so
than any other. For this they are, generally, none the less thought
of by the puUic, though the stricter dass of Mahonunedans, such
88 the Ulemcty hold them in small esteem. Dervishism had its
real origin under the Abbassia Caliphs of Bagdad, during whose
reign translations were made from me old Greek philosophers —
Plato, Aristotle and others — and their principles are still the guide
of most the Dervish orders. I apprehend that if the old Sheik of*
the ^^ Shahidler " was disposed to recognize me as a fellow Dervish,
it was on the ground that, in his estimation, I was a ^^ free thinker.'*-
It is well known that this sect, or order, of the Bektashees have
but little regard for the great principles of Islamism, and j>ut
almost no iaith in Mahommed's inspiration. They regard him
only as a man of very superior iuteUigenoe, Med with biaevolent
mtentions towftttLs his brother AraM who were idolaters, and desir-
ous of raismg their thoughts tip to Allah, the Creator of all thin|pi.
The sect is prohibited on aocotmt of its connection with the Janis-
saries, and lew convents now exist in Tm^ey. At Constantinople
there are but two — ^the one in qnestion, and another beyond |the
walls of the city, near the Toss Kassa Gate.
It is not believed that the Ottoman Qovemment wiU now in
any way interfere with the re-establishment of Masonic Lodges in
Turkey, though I have heard that a lodge which once existed in
Smyrna was closed and confiscated by the Government during the
Greek Revolution.
^ • ♦
The Grand Lodge of England held a quarterly communication
't)n the third of September last. The Earl of Zetland, G. M., was
not present. P. G. M. for Sumatra, Bro. Lewis presided. We are
indebted to the Mirror <jb Keystone for the following particulars.
The session was characterized by any thing but dignified pro-
ceedings and that good feeling which ought always to prevdl in
Masonic assemblies :
The Grand Secretary read the minutes of the previous
communication, with which was incorporated a revised report of
the speech of the M. .W. Grand Master, made at the last
meeting. On the question of the adoption of the minutes, a
motion was made ^^ That the minutes be confirmed only so 6r
as they related to motions made and carried, the speech of the
Grand Master being no legitimate part thereof." The motion
was finally carried, although a scene of confiision ensued such as
we never before read of in the transactions of any Masonic body.
The acting G. M. became highly excited, and gave way to expres-
sions of angry feelings. Those who with him were in &vor of
confirming the minutes, with the address of the M. W. G. M.,
appeared to be determined to carry their point, and the whole
meeting is characterized as most uproarious and disgraceiul. The
amendment, however, was carried by the overwhelming majority
of ten to one.
Another amendment was offered, which was finally with-
drawn, but not before the acting G. M. had shown an excessive
degree of arbitrary power. After order was restored, a commu-
nication was read by the Grand Secretary, which was signed
<^ Zetland, 6. H.'^ which reftrred to the Colonial Lodges, aod
embodied a '^ plan and suggestioos for aiterations to be made iu
tile laws of Supreme Grand Lod^e," the object of whioh was to
remedy the inconveniences the Lodges in the Colonies are sub-
jected to in consequence of the delays arising from the incompe^
tency and inefficiency of the officers of the Supreme Grand Lodge.
The propositions of the M. W. G. M. simply amount to this, that
the Lodges in the British Colonies and settlements, as well as in
foreign parts, shall pay 7s. 6d. for every initiated Brother, for which
he gets a Grand Lo^ge certificate, and for Brethren joioing one
Lodge from another, 2s. 6d., unless the Brother wishes a certificate,
in which case the fee to be 7s. 6d. The other propositions, which
are twelve in number, refer to Prov. Grand Masters, and it is
unnecessary for us to occupy our room fiirther than to mention the
fiM5t. One important feature, however, of the commimication
shows that with the consent of the Earl of Zetland, the revenue
arising from the Colonial Lodges, and the dignity of exercising
authority over them, will not be abandoned.
The following was elicited during the discussion of the
subject, which was that " Ten years ago^ when Col. Burton was
Prov. Grand Master for Bengal, he suspended a Brother from his
Masonic rights and privileges. The Brother appealed against his
decision, and the Prov. G. M. sent that app^ home ten years,
ago, and it has never been answered yetP
If this account be correct, it gives fresh evidence of a ^t that
has been too long apparent. There is growing at the heart of the
Grand Lodge a disease which, if not removed, wiU, ere long, pro-
duce stagnation and inefficiency, and which will cause great injury
to the Craft of England and her provinces. Too long have the
members of the Institution in the Old Country, paid deference to
the titles of nobility ; too long have they been slumbering under
the influence of Grand Masters selected from the aristocracy. The
late war taught England a salutary lesson. It demonstrated to
her and to the world, that if she would gain her former warlike
prestige; if she would succeed in the contest of arms, she must
select for commanders and officers those most competent and
worthy, however humble their origin and even if they be wanting in
titles. As it is in one branch or department, so it is in all othei-s.
If Masonry is to flourish in Great Britain in the nineteenth cen-
tury, the Grand Lodge there must elect to office those who undar*
stand the wants of the Craft, and are able and willing to supply
those wants. Had a proper state of things existed, the movements
in Canada would have gained little sympathy and the Grand Lodge
of the Mother Country would stand before the world at this day, the
most ^jgriSnA «id requested of MsBonic bodies. As it is, she is
&0t kMBig the good ofnmon whioh she cmee commanded, and is
doing more than all other things combined to give strength to the
^jiw Lodge of Canada, which she refuses to recognise.
♦ • »
9b Calm Mumu
^In hoe signo vincet."
Chapter I.
One cold, sparkling morning, towards the latter part of Decem-
ber, 1303, the French Court set out from the Monastery of ChaiHy,
on their return to Paris. There had been a week's hunting in the
royal forests of Fontainbleau, and they had had rare sport. Fore-
most in the cavalcade, rode the Queen, Joan of Navarre, on a
glossy Spanish jennet, and around her clustered the ladies of her
Court, each attended by an esquire or &vorite cavalier; then fol-
lowed the huntsman with hounds in leashes, and hawks in hoods
and jesses; and last came the heavy tumbrels filled with the car-
casses of wild boars, stags, bears, and wolves, all piled promiscu-
ously together. On they passed with jest and song and repartee,
reaching Paris ere night&n. %
The King did not accompany them, as he was hourly expecting
a mess^iger from Rome, with whom he had business of the most
pressing importance.
The Monastery of Chailly was on the northern confines of the
forest of Fontainbleau, and under the jurisdiction of the Domini-
cans. The eastern portion was fitted up for the reception of royal
guests, as Philip the Fair often led the chase in the adjoining >,
In the refectory, sat the King at break&st. The feeble rays of
a December sun struggled in fiiint lines through the richly stained
oval-shaped windows. A large wood fire blazed and crackled upon
the open health. On a highly polished table, drawn near enough
to the glowing fire for comfort, was spread the first meal of the
day, — ^aa omelette, fiome Temson pastry, a brace of savory gmflllmg
pheasants; aad a flask of the goldea-colored -wine of Ohampagne
completed the repast.
Philip of France well deserved the soubriquet of "Fair," He
was a &ultlessl7 handsome man, and looked every inch a monarch.
Scarce forty years of age, he was in the very plenitude of his
beauty. A nobly shaped head, a majestic carriage, and a forehead
crowned with intellectual greatness, gave him all the outward
attributes of royalty. His features were of the Korman cast; his
eyes deep blue, almost hazel; nut-brown hair, as soft and silken as
ever floated firom a woman's brow, swept in long curls down his
shoulders. Behind the King's chair stood Engurand de Marigny,
the Mayor of the Palace, a tall, gaunt-looking man, with a wolfish
expression in his stony, gray eyes ; and at his elbow, a lay brother,
with a white napkin and a crystal basin of water to bathe the
King's fingers when the repast was over.
The King rose firom the table, and, seating himself before the
fire, sank into a profound reverie.
"May it please thy Majesty, the courier has this moment
entered the court-yard," said the Mayor, tapping the King on the
shoulder to arrest his attention.
"It is our pleasure to see him instantly," replied Philip. "60
thou, and brmg him to our presence."
The Mayor left the apartment, and returning ushered in a
Monk dressed in a Dominican habit. His figure was bold and
^ commanding, and his step had a martial air that told his life had
1^ been passed in camps. The King held out his finely shaped hand,
'I the Monk bowed low, pressed it to his lips and stood erect ; a large
I , crimson scar fiirrowed his forehead.
! , "Thy Majesty has done me the honor to come to Chailly?"
I j inquired the Monk, with the air of a person who knew the King.
i ' " Yes," replied Philip, impatiently, " yes ; but a truce to all
{ . court rules, and tell us truly the success of thy mission."
[^ " Sire, thou art expecting dispatches. I bring none. My mis-
aon was unfavorable. I scarce ....
" Speak, then," interrupted Philip, unable to control his anxiety
longer. "Engurand, look that there is po interruption . . . .
Albretto, proceed."
It was evident from the Monk's manner that he had very un-
pleasant information to communicate; therefore with the air of a
bold, bftd lnaI^ he aflsomfid the biwvado of iadifierenoe and
at oQoe into the subject.
"Thy envoy did obtain an interyiew with BSs HotinesB, and
although he promises to canonize thy ancestor, Louis IX., he
utterly refuses to grant thy perfect reconciliation to our Holy
Church, until thou hast made ample atonanent for thy saoriligious
violence to his predecessor Boniface "VULl. He would not even
listen to thy demand for a tenth of the Churdi revenues, and when
I mentioned thy proposition to levy taxes upon the Order of the
Temple, he refused to grant any thing, and turned me out of the
The fitce of Phitip grew ashy pale with anger and bitter dis]q>-
|>03intment. Springing to his feet, he paced the floor with sudi
rapid, heavy strides that the windows rattled in their casements.
Choking with rage, he strode up and down the room, giving vent
to his passion in the most blasphemous execrations. Turning like a
fury upon the Monk who witnessed this furious ebullition of rage
with the coolest indifference, he shook his clenched hand in his
&ce, exdaiming:
" Thou bungler! thou knave I thou worse than idiot 1 what foul
fiends possessed thee to parade all those exactions before the old
brute at once? Gramercy to thy shrewdness I thou art more fit
for a paltry scullion than an envoy."
"But a &ithful soldier," retorted the Honk fiercely, striking
the scar that now glowed across his forehead like a furnace.
He flung himself into the chair which Philip had lefi^ vacant,
4ttid looked sternly into the fire. Philip was too near a madman to
notice the indignity. He raved and swore and stamped, and shook
his clenched hand in the direction of Rome. Time and space
seemed annihilated ; in his rage, he imagined that he confronted
the Pontifl^ and exclaimed, —
^Thy old hoary head shall not save thee from our vengeance."
'^ It was thy Majesty's wish to set off for Paris at noon. Shall I
order the horses?" asked De Marigny from the door.
The only notice which the King deigned to bestow upon the
Mayor was to hurl a heavy oaken trestle at his head; then, com-
pletely overcome, Philip sank exhausted upon a couch.
** 'TIS wearing late; thou wilt scarce reach Paris before mid-
night," said the Monk, addressing the King, without rising.
The Sang raised himself to a sitting posture, and taking a large
flagon of wine fifom the stone seat of the window, he drank long
and deep, nntil he had drained the yesael; then he dashed it npoa
the floor.
"Nay, we will not set ont fcr Paris, bat would first haye the
particulars of thy audience with that old Mutton." •
Here, modulating his yoice to a gentle tone, ho added :
" We were overhasty, but will now incline our gradous ear to-
a fldthitd narration, that we may know whence came tliis bold de-
termination to thwart our long cherished schemes, on the part of
the " . . . . Philip finished the sentence between his teeth.
The Monk, after deliberating a few moments, stretched himaeir
indolently b^re the fire, and, without rising, replied :
"Sire, thou must know that immediately npon my arrival at
Rome, I presented my credentials to the Cardinal Bishop Orsini,
who promised his influence with the Pope. Thy humble envoy
did not obtain an audience for a fortnight. His Holiness held a
coimcil at the Lateran, to settle the claims of the Templars with
the King of Cyprus.
"According to thy iDstructions, I took note of every evenV
His Holiness is most popular ; whenever he appeared in public,,
the air was rent with acclamations of praise. His piety, charity,
demenoy, and justice were on every tongue.
"When I entered his presence, I wore the garb and air of a
suppliant, feeling assured that there was no other way to pander
to his integrity. I confessed to His Holiness, that I was commis-
fijoned by thy Majesty to lay thy sincere repentance at his feet;
also, thy hearty sorrow for the violence thou hadst inflicted npon
his predecessor. I implored, as a dispensation of our Holy Churdi,
that thou mightest be again received as a repentant son, promising,
as a voucher, to bear any pennance His Holiness mi^ht inflict. I
hinted delicately at the low state of the royal treasury; and, as a
condition of thy setting out upon a crusade, asked one-tenth of
the Church revenues. Last came the crowning stroke, — the sup^
pression of the Order of the Temple. I knew well that duj^icity
would effect nothing; so I grappled with it bravely. I asked him
merely to promulgate the decree ; that thy Majesty would carry
it out, and the spoils should be equally divided*
^Nicholas Bocasin, the Popo who then wore the tiara under the title of
Benedict XI. , had been a shepherd in his youth.
^'ffis Holiness readied, that thy Majesty had outraged the
Chnrdi in the most publio manner, and thy reoondliation most be
made equally public; also, thy confeseion must be made in person^
To the Church revenues, the Pope shook his head« That did not
savor of repentance. On the oontrary, it was thy Mi^esty that
should pay, and largdy too, for the disgraoe and scandal thy
in&mous conduct had brought upon the Church.
^The suppression of the Templars outraged him; — that he
would not listen too ; he broke up the conference ; ordered me to
quit Rome in one hour — Italy in three days ; or see the deepest
dungeon of the Castle of St. Angelo. And thy Mijesty, here I am.''
As the Monk finished, he sprang to Us feet. It was painful to
watch the fearfiil changes of demoniac rage, and supreme con-
tempt that overspread Philip's &ce as he listened to the stoical
Monk. Maddened by the reflection that even the humiliating,
cringing position of his envoy had failed, he gave himself up to
meditating revenge.
" Yes, yes,'* he muttered to himself, " there is but one way ta
acccHuplish this. The Pope has our secret, and we must strike
there — and instantly, too, lest he acquaint the Templars with our
^^Albretto," said the King, aloud, pointing to a low, rude door
on one side of the fire-place, ^' see where that leads to. Ho,,
there ! De Marigny, we would speak with thee," shouted Philip.
" 'TIS an oratory. Sire," replied tie Monk, fi-om the room, just
as the Mayor entered.
" Come, gentlemen," said the King, rising, " 'T is dangerous to
converse further in this apartment. FoUow us, for we desire thy
And the three individuals disappeared through the door of the
oratory, closing it firmly afiier them.
Noon passed ; day deepened into night; still they did not come
fi^rth. Was it for the good of France that those three vile men
were closeted together? The fiiture shall reveaL
Chapteb II.
On the evening of the same day that Philip was at ChaiUy, there
was a solemn and awful ceremony performed in the chapel of the
Temple House at Paris. The ominoiis tolling of the bell sounded
moomfiillj out upon the still ni^it air. Within, a few w«x ooi-
dles glimmered like the ignU fatum through the vast apartment.
There were no gorgeous decorations, — window, wainscot, oolnmn
and altar were all dTi4)ed in monming that difihsed a ftmered
g^oom. In the centre of the nave had been erected a stagmg,
also hmig with black. The Templars, in long white mantlea,
carrying black wands (emblematical of woe), thronged np the
aisles and filled the spacious choir. At the last stroke of the greait
bell, the pnrsaivants ashered in a Knight, dothed cap-arpie in the
white and crimson dress of the Knights Templars, and conducted
him to the stage, in full view of whole assembly.
All was silent as death for one fearful moment ; then the dioir
began to chant the burial service. The chanting ceased. The
Orand Preceptor rose, and, in a voice that thrilled every heart|
read the condemnation.
" Sir Walter di Noffodei, thou who didst receive the Sword of
Knighthood fi*om the most illustrious Patriarch of Jerusalem }
thou who didst solemnly swear, that thou wouldst live under the
rule of the regular canons of St. Augustine, — thou standest there,
attainted of treason to thy Oon, to thy Honob, to thy Tbctb»
and to this Honobablb Order.
" Wherefore, thy peers have willed it, that thy soul be accurst,
thy body brought to nought, thy estate undone, and thou be
driven forth, an outcast and dishonored, according to thy base
^Amen I** responded his brother Knights.
Two esquires then advanced to disrobe him of the costume of
the Templars. They unlaced the casque, revealing the pale and
haggard features of the apostate Knight. One by one the Knightly
trappings were torn from his body. As the snowy mantle, the
tunic, the sash, the blood-red cross, and the gauntlets were dashed
upon the stone pavement and trampled under foot, the ELnigfats
exclaimed :
*^ Behold the harness of a miscreant!*'
Bending beneath the weight of shame and disgrace, he stood
before them, while the golden spurs were struck from his heels,
and his dishonored sword, the last emblem of his departed inno*
thence, was broken above his head.
A servant entered, bearing a brasier of burning coals, and set
x^upon the etage. The esqnires bared the bosom of the doomed
man, and held hhn down with their muted efforts, while the Pre*^
oeptor, taking np the rod, scintillating with heat, applied it to hia
breart, directly over the heart. The moist fledb quivered beneath
the searing iron, a &int white smoke, like mist, cm-led np from
aronnd the burning akin, and there was branded upon that man's
heart the fearful stigma of "Tbattob!''
Twelve Knights then unsheathed their swords, and presenting
their gleaming points towards the now defenceless Di NofLbdei,
pushed him down the steps towards the altar. Here he was seized
and thrust into a coffin which was placed upon a bier.
The Chaplain of the Order, then proceeded to the High Altar,
took the Bible in one hand and Ihe Consecrated Candle in the
other, and, after setting before the awe-struck assembly the guilt
of llie culprit, he went on to fiilminate the anathemas of the Church
against the traitor.
"For broken vows and peijured soul, we lay upon Walter di
Noffodei, the curse of our Holy Churci ! In virtue of the authority
bestowed upon us by the blessed St. Peter, we do pronounce him
excommunicated, — an alien to all the privileges and consolations
which our blessed religion affords. May he likewise, with dift*
honor and shame, be driven from the Kingdom of Christ; may
not the angels of God intercede for him ; may none of all the
blessings of this Holy Book descend upon him ; and may all the
corses contained therein cleave unto him!" And he dadied the
Bible to the ground.
Liiling the waxen taper, he continued :
**Let the light of life be withdrawn from him, and let his soul
flank into eternal night /^^
With the word, he threw the candle upon the pavement, and
instantly every light in the church was extinguished; and amid
the profound darkness, the trembling congregation heard the
voice of the priest, ringiug out clear and sonorous:
*' We curse lum by book, by candle, and by bell I " Instantly, the
brazen tongue from the belfrey ratified the fiat, with solemn tolling.
*^Amen! '* responded the Knights, with fearful significance.
As the last sound rolled through the nave, the wretched man's
doom was consummated. Amid the gloom and sUoice, the multi-
tude crept one by one from the church as if fearftd of being
implicated in the terrible denunciation.
The bearers took up tiie ooflbi, and thrust tha unhappj uuiii
ontfflde the gate. There was no sound of IHe abroad^ save the bell
of Notre Dame, tolling the hour of midni^t; and the reverbera-
tion from the brazen hammer seemed to saj, — ^^^Lostl — lostl—
lost! ^ Other belfries canght np the sound; and — ^^ Lost I — lost!
^ — lost!" was knelled home to that doomed man's sonL
[To be continued,]
♦ •»
The Grand Lodge of Maine held its Annual Communication at
Portland on the first of May last. From the official report of its
proceedings we should judge that the Craft within its jurisdic-
tion is rapidly progressing. The venerable Grand Master, John
Miller, was present and delivered a short but valuable address,
which contains some recommendations worthy of note. He says :
And if thete is danger of this our nobie institulion ever b^off
brought into disrepute, from any one cause, more than from aa
others, that cause will be for the want of proper care in the ad-
mission of members. And as this will probably be the last time
that I shall be permitted to address you m the capacity I now do,
the representatives of Lodges now present will permit me to give
them one word of advice, and that is, never, never suffer the ob-
ject of increasing your numbers, or your funds, to induce you to re-
ceive a doubtful character. And if you wish to have intelligent,
well-informed Masons, never be in haste in conferring the degrees.
One degree in a month (except on special occasions), is as much
^ wiU be profitable for the Brother receiving thenL
Subsequently the Grand Lodge decided by vote, tibat the re-
commendation respecting the conferring of but one degree a
month should be strictly adhered to by the several Lodges. This
is in accordance with the old custom, and we believe it to be
a salutory rule which should be adopted in every jurisdiction.
There is too much haste displayed in conferring degrees, which is
working a decided injury.
The following extract from the Grand Master^s address is quite
touching, and conveys a serious truth in a few words :
Almost fifly-thr«ie years of my life I have been connected with
the Masonic institution ; I have q)ent many pleasant hours with
the Breduren, some of whom are ffone, while others live; I have
reoeived many tokens of their kind regard. Daring that period,
I have paid some attention, as my Brethren all know, to the theo-
ry of Masonry ; but have always found the practical part of Ma-
sonry, the hardest and most difficult to learn ; and should I be
inquired o^ how that can be overcome and made less difficult, I
know of no better answer or advice to give, than to set your stand-
ard of morals high. All aim for it, au strive to win the prize ;
and if any should seem to come short of it, as you probably will,
it may afford you some satisfaction that God looks at the motive ;
and that, although David was not permitted to build the temple,
yet he was blessed because he had it in his heart so to. do.
On motion it was ** voted that the Grand Lodge continue for
another year their subscription for the Masonic Journal, publish-
ed at Brunswick, for each Lodge in the State." This is patronage
weU bestowed towards sustaining a creditable Masonic periodical
in the jurisdiction.
Seven Charters were granted to new Lodges. The following
^tre the Grand Officers for the ensuing year :
Jabez True, Grand Master, Bangor; Hiram Chase, Deputy G.
Master, Bel&st; Isaac Downing, Sen. G. Warden, Kennebunk;
William Allen, Jun. G. Warden^ Portland ; Moses Dodge, Grand
Treasurer, Portland ; Irsi Berry, Grand Seca^etary, Portland ; Chas.
B. Smith, Corresponding G. Secretary, Portland.
The most important action was respecting the new Grand Lodge
of Canada. By a test vote, \t refused to recognize that body, and
referred the subject to the next Grand Lodge, — a very wise and
appropriate dedsion. The report of the Committee on Foreign
Correspondence which treats of the subject shows that its authors
iiad given the subject of the Lidependent Grand Lodge very little
<;onsideration, and if they knew much about it, they were very
careful to conceal it.
There are iu Maine nearly one hundred Lodges.
»■♦ <
"Now, therefore, the King laid the fotmdatioBs of the temple very deep
!n the ground, and the materials were strong stones, such as would resist the
force of tilme ; these were to imite themselves with the earth, and become a
basis and a new fonndation for that snperstnictnre which was to be erected
oyer it; they were to be so strong, in order to snstain with ease those vast
snperstmctures and precious ornaments, whose own weight was to be not less
than the weight of those other high and heavy buildings which the King de-
signed to be very ornamental and magnificent."
The following paragraph appeared in the Boston Journal not
long since :
"The Lieut. Governor of Nova Scotia presented at Hali&x, on
the 25th of April, a gold chronometer to Hugh Cameron, Master^
and a gold patent lever watch to George Duffote, Mate, of the
British schooner Mars, of that port, as a testimonial from the dtk
zens of the. United States to those gentlemen, for saving Capt^
John T. Philbrick, of the late American schooner State of Maine,,
from the wreck of that vessel. Two men, composing the crew of
the Mars, are to have silver medals."
The following interesting statement respecting the case referred
to above was subsequently published in the Masonic Journal :
Fbakkfobt, March 8, 1856.
Bbo. Chase. — ^I have thought a brief narrative of my suffer-
ings and Providential deliverance from death by starvation and ex-
posure, also the kind treatment from Brothers in a ibreign land^
may be read with interest by your readers.
I sailed from this port Master- of the Schr. "State of Maine,"
on the 4th day of January last, botmd for the West Indies with a
cargo of lumber. On the second day out we encountered a se-
vere snow storm with the wind blowing a gale from the N. E.
At ten o'dock at night, the wind having mcreased to almost a hur-
ricane, my vessel capsized, at which *time my mate and steward
were wa^ed overboard. In a short time the deck load fetched
away together with the masts and spars causing her to right full
of water. The night was extremely cold, and being without shel-
ter, wet, tired, and hungry, inevitable death seemed to be our lot^
A small portion of the jib remained attached to the bowsprit, with
this and a few spikes, obtained by ripping up the deck plank, enabled
me and my men (four in all) to form a rude shelter under the topgal-
lant forecastle, in which we took refuge for the night, the sea all
this time making a complete breach over us. In this situation we
remained five days without food or water, except about three
pounds of raw salt pork which floated out the fore scuttle. About
11 o'clock, p. K. of the fourth day I saw a light which I hailed, and
was answered by a gun. I requested the Capt. to lay by the
wreck and rescue myself and fellow sufferers, wnich to us seemed
almost impossible, as the gale still continued. In a few momenta
the light was Ipst sight of and we then thought we were leil to
perish on the wreck ; at daylight the next morning we again saw
the vessel (which proved to be the schooner Mars, Capt. Came-
ron, of Hali&x), bearing down for us. The sea was running
mountain high, and our hope of deliverance was indeed smalL 4
After repeated trials I succeeded in getting on board the Mars, by
being hauled about sixty fathoms through the water in a bowline,
being the only one save4. One man was lost after jumping over-
board with a rope about him, the remaining two were left to per-
ish on the wrecK, it being impossible to save them. Great credit
is due to Capt. Cameron and his noble crew for their perseverance
and bravery. For seventeen hours after being hailed, he lay by
the wreck continually renewing his trials before he succeeded in
securing me from a terrible death. My hands, feet and legs were
very badly frozen, my legs so swollen they measured just above
the ankle twenty three inches. Everything was done on board that
could be, to make me comfortable; the vessel was quite small, and
not having on board the proper remedies, I suftered greatly for
seven days, when we arrived at Halifax. I was then placed under
the care of the American Consul (Albert Pillsbm-y of Machias)
whom I found to be a Brother. He took eb^eci:il mterest in my
distressing condition, and provided me with comfortable rooms at
a first class hot^l, also with physicians and attendants, for which I
shall always hold him in grateful remembrance. Every attention
that heart could wish was paid me by the Consul and Masons of
the city, particularly by members of the Scotch Lodges. I was
entirely destitute of clothing, without money, unable to walk or
help myself in any manner, still I found myself among Brothers
and friends, who were always ready to administer to my wants.
The Scotch Lodges contributed very generously to my pecuniary
wants. Upwards of $100 in money, a good fit-out of clothing,
(about $60 worth) medical attendance, hotel expenses, &c., &c.,
all fiirnished by warm and sympathizing Masons.
I would maJ^e particular mention of the many &vor8 received
from the wives and daughters of Masons. Also, of Mrs. Johnson,
(landlady of the Mansion House) who was my daily attendant, M.
W. Keith, Prov. G. M. of Nova Scotia, Bro. John Richardson, M.
of Bums Lodge, Bro. John B. Fay, M. of Keith Lodge, l^ro. K.
L Lordly, M. of Athole Lodge, Bros. Williamson, Saybold, Dr.
Stephen Foss, and many others who were untirine in their acts of
kindness. To all of these, and the Fraternity of Halifiix, I would
tender my heartfelt thanks for their kindness, sympathy, and aid
manifested toward me while among them. ^
In behalf of Howard Lodge, No. 69 (of which I am a mem^
ber), I would express our deepest gratitude and thanks to our
Brethren in Hali&x for their kindness and liberalitv towards their
mifortunate and fraternal firiend, J. T. Philbrick.
The subjoiped letters were lud before the Grand Lodge of
Maine at its recent session :
Halifax, February 12, 1856.
Brother John T. Philbeick,
Dkab SiBr-^The Brethren of Bums Lodge, sensible of the
21 — VOL. n. KO. rv.
m . VI
deplorable and distresfling situation yon were lately placed in
by the loss of your vessel at sea : as a small token of toeir sympa-
thy, I enclose ten pounds for your acceptance — ^hoping this will be
of some service to you in defraying your expenses to your native
In behalf of the Brethren of Bums Lodge, I remain, dear Sir
and Brother, John Richardson, W. M.
Halifax, 12th February, 1866.
Captsun Philbrick, Mandon House.
Dear Sir and Brothjbr — ^It affords me much pleasure, on be-
half of the Brethren of Athole Lodge, 361, of this city, to hand you
the enclosed sum of Thirty Dollars, voted to you from the funds
of the Lodge at their regular meeting last evening. It was a mat-
ter of regret with the Brethren, that the low state of our finances
would not admit of a larger amount. Understanding however
that the Brethren of the other Lodges in the city are coining for-
ward to evince their sympathy for your condition, I trust you will
not find yourself in want of any thmg until you reach your more
immediate friends. Your sufferings' and providential escape from
death, drew forth the unanimous sympathy of the Bretnren to
yourself, and gratitude to the Great Architect of the Universe for
his mercies towards you. That you yourself may not €bj1 to ac-
knowledge his goodness and mercy so signally manifested, that He
may bring you again in safety to your friends, and finally to the
Grand Lodge above, is the sincere wish of Yours fratemaQy,
E. I. Lordly, W. M. Athole Lodge, 861.
Masonic Hall, Halifax, February 13, 1866.
Dear Sir and Brother — ^I have much pleasure in enclosing
you the sum of seven pounds ten shillings [£7 10 O] voted by the
members of Keith Lodge, No. 366, at their regular meeting, for
a frmd in connection with the Bums and Athole Lodges, towards
defi-aying your expenses in Halifax, and assistance in returning to
your friend^ in the United States. I beg to subscribe myself
Fraternally yours, John B. Fay, Master Keith Lodge.
To J. T. Philbrick, Esq., Mansion House, Hali&x«
»■♦ <
tS^ When Solomon had completed all this in twenty years*
time, because Hiram, King of Tjre, had contributed a great deal of
fold an4 more silver to these buildings, as, also, cedar wood and
re wood, he also rewarded Hiram with rich presents; com he
sent him, also, year by year, and wine and oil, which were the prin-
cipal thmgs that he stood in need o^ because he inhabited an
island as wo have already said. And besides these, he granted
him certain dties of Galilee, twenty in number, that lay not &r
from Tyre. — JpsiCPHus.
Fbom tb« Horn Jo visa l.
Ih oeTermore there u despair;
In fare-thee-well, a dirge-like tone ;
Bnt agony, too hani to bear,
Breathes in that monmftil word— ^iIorM/
It tells of broken hearts, and ties.
Long silent lips, and curtained eyes ;
Of vanished birds, abandoned nests,
Juad white hands clasped on silent breasts.
Alone I alone! what echoes wake,
In memory's cavern, at the sonnd ; \
While phantoms their appearance make,
As if the lost again were fonnd.
Bat ah I how desolate the thought
Bach figures are of moonlight wrought :
Alone ! alone ! no sadder word.
By mortal ear, is ever heard.
■♦ • »
As the time for the election of officers and tJie meeting of the
"Grand Lodge is approaching, some infonnation respecting those
matters, will not be uninteresting.
No brother shall be eligible to the office of Master of a Lodge,
unless he shall previously have been a Warden of a regular Lodge,
except in case of the formation of a new Lodge, when no past or
former Warden can be found among its members.
[Art. v., Sec. 8, Constitntion of Grand Lodge.]
The Master and the Senior and Junior Wardens shall be
annually elected by ballot at the regular communication of the
Lodge next preceding the festival of St. John, the Evangelist,
unless otherwise ordered by the Grand Lodge, or the Grand Mas-
ter during vacation. They shall hold their offices for one year,,
and until others are elected and installed in their stead. Each
member of the Lodge in good standing, shall be entitled to one
vote, and, in case of a tie, the presiding officer shall have an
additional vote.
[Art. v., Sec. 4]
In the election of officers, a mistake is made in many Lodges
in counting the ballots. This should be done by the Secretary^
and not by a committee. Sec. 5, of Art. V., says :
When all have voted who have a right or desire so to do, the
Secretary shall carefully examine and coimt the ballots, and report
the result to the Lodge, and the Brother having a majority of
the votes shall be declared elected. All the other officers of the
Lodge, not named in the precoeding section, shall be elected or
appointed in such way and manner as each Lodge may for itself
Section 11 further specifies the duty of the Secretary, thus:
It shall be the duty of the Secretary of each Lodge (in ad-
dition to his other duties) to transmit to the Grand Secretary,
at least two weeks before the annual meeting of the Grand
Lodge in each year, a return of the officers and members of his
Lodge, and also of all resignations, withdrawals, or deaths, which
may have taken place since the preceding return, in conformity
with the forms hereto annexed, and keep on file a duplicate
There has been much carelessness displayed by Secretaries in
making up their returns. They should write the name of ead^
member of their Lodge in a plain, legible hand.
The following clause, Sec. 8 of Art. YI., is very seldom attend-
ed to:
Lodges are required upon the expulsion of a Brother for
any other cause than non-payment of dues, forthwith to make
a report of their proceedings in the case to the Grand Secretary^
in order that in the event of an appeal, the Grand Lodge may be
enabled to come to an immediate decision thereon.
Many have labored under a misapprehension as to the qualifi-^
cations of Master required in this jurisdiction. The matter is
settled by the following resolution passed by the Grand Lodge,
January 10th, 1860:
Resolved^ That it is necessary for a Master Mason, when elected
to preside over a Lodge, before entering upon the duties of hia
office, to receive a proper qualification, and tnat qualification shall
be, to bind him fiuthftiily and inipartially to discharge the dutiea
of a Master of a Lodge, together with the ancient charges and regn
nlationsy as laid down in Caper's Ifonitor and Morris' Craftsman^
land nothing more; and that any Present or Past Master, who haa
ireoetved the aforesaid quatifieatioiifl, be aatJioilzed to perform the
<flaid c%retacmyy when i^qnested.
In many instances, representatives have been deprived of their
seats because they had not a sufficient certificate. The following
dauses of Article TL govern this matter and are not ambigaons:
Sbc. 1. Every Brother deputed to represent a Master or War-
den, or the entire Lodge in case ^e Master and Wardens are all
absent, shall be furnished with a certificate of his appointment^
tmder the Seal of the Lodge appointing him, and the attestation
of the Secretary thereof.
Sec. 2. Representatives shall be chosen fi'om among the mem-
bers of the Lodge appointing them.
*'Our acknowledgments,^ says the Mirror <ft Keyetone^ "are
^ue to the R. W. Bro. Ricardo H. Hartley, Representative of the
X^rand Lodge of the State of New York, near to the Grand
Orient of Pern, for a list o& their officers for the present year,
many valuable addresses, and other documents of importance;
the most noteworthy of which are the discourses delivered by the
SL*. Bro. *'Junis Bruto,' one of the ripest scholars in that inter-
esimg country. His ^Discorse Presentado al B.*. T.*. Coneordia
Univeraal, del Valle del Caliao, a hi InstaOadoii de la Dig&e.*. en
ia fiesta del Patriarca S. Juan Bautista,' his ^Masoneria Repop-
isalia,^ and the ^La Muerte de un Mason Cristiano,' also firom his
pen, are said to be master-pieces of their kind, and as soon as trana-
lated will appear in our columns*
*^ The officers of the Grand Orient are as follows : M. W. Franr
cisco Quiros, Grand Master; R. W« Antonio Sonsa de Ferriera,
D. 6. M. ; R, W. Francisco Xarier Mariatigui, S. G. Warden ; R.
W. Ricardo H. Hartiey, J. G. Warden ; R. W. Juan Oveido, G.
* This is the Brother's Matomc name. Each Brother, on Jdning the Order
4n Pent, Mfi*"!^ one. This is done to protect them against the Jesuits.
""It win be Been fiom this figt that our R. W. Bro. HaitleyniL
26al for the institation has been dvlj apfw eoiated in hia new home^
as he now ranks, as the fourth officer in the Grand Orient. We-
shall always be pleased to hear from him; and we assure him that
his many friends in New Yor]c>often recur with pleasure to their
intercourse with him whilst sojourning among'them, and with de*
light to tjbe admirable manner in which he exemplified the woric
of the Englidi Royal Arch Degree.*'
6sA2n> EircAHPHEST OF Madcb. — There are in Maine three
Encampments of Ejiights Templars. The Grand Encampment,,
composed of representatives frx>m these bodies, met at Portland^
on the Ist day of May last. " To feed the hungry," says the M. E.
G. M., ^' clothe the naked, and bind up the wounds of the afflicted,
are eminent duties of Knights Tem^^ars. Such opportunities of
good are constantly occurring ; and while we thus minister to the
wants of our fellow-beings, aid and counsel the stranger, and bid
him God speed on his journey of life ; wipe the tear from the
widow's eye, and protect the helpless orphan ; how elevating and
ennobling the charity bestowed upon such objects, and with what
approbation is it viewed by Him who has promised to be the
father of the &therles8, and the God of the widow!"
Speaking of the condition of the Order in Maine, the G. M. says :
^ I have the pleasure to inform you that our Encampments are
in a healthy and prosperous condition ; and although no applica-
tions have been made the past year for new organizations, yet
many, who I trust will prove themselves ^true and courteous
£j]ight6,' have entered the portals of our asylum, and enUsted
under our banner. To all such, we extend the right hand of fel-
lowship, and bid a hearty welcome to all the rights and privileges
of this noble Order."
The followiug is a list of the officers for the ensuing year :
Sir Joseph 0. Stevens, M. E. G. M. ; Sir Freeman Bradford, D«
O. M; Sff John Williams, G. G. ; Sir A. B. Thompson, G. C. G.; Sh-
Cyrus Cummings, G. P. ; Sir Timothy Chase, G. S. W. ; Sir Jabea
True, G. J. W.; Sir Charles Fobes, G. T.; Sir Ira Berry, G. B,^
Sir F. H. Weymouth, G. S. B.; Sir J. K Osgood, G. S. B.; Sir-
John J. Ben, G. W.
There are about one hundred Sir Knights belonging to the Ett«.
oampments of Maine*
Vl Sn. la^ ZuiL
At a reoent Ghrand Oommuxucatioti of one of the largest most
important and respected of om* Oraad Lodges, a question arose
respecting the qnalifieations of candidates. It is one that is gen-
erally well understood by Masonic jurists, and aade from any
inflnenoes that may be bronght to bear in particular cases, would
certainly be decided without hesitation. It was, in this case, what
theological opioions qualify, and what thdological opinions disqual-
iiy, a candidate for our mysteries.
The veriest tyro in Freemasonry knows that no ^^stupid athdst,**
or irreligious scoffer can become a Mason; so the unalterable
regulations dedare. When made a Mason, he must confonn to
to the requirements of that catYioUo religion, in which all men
agree; and is bound by his tenoj^ to obey the moral law. Our
rights require that he shall be one who has fidth in God, the Pre-
server and Bewarder of all, anrl whose trust is placed on that Rocic
which can not be shaken. Tfciese are the regulations of Masons in
all ages and in all countries — no less — no morel
The particular question tc> which I alluded in the commence-
ment of this article, was stat.ed thus : ** Can a man who is of good
.character and of correct moral deportment, who pronounces the
Bible a * bundle of fictionF.,' be constitndonaUy made a Mason? ^
l^ese are not the exact ^.rords, perhaps— I quote from memory
— but the idea is embor lied therein, lie committee to whom
it was referred decided hi in the negative, and the Grand Lodge
approved the decLdon.
In another G^d I^odge, than which none stands higher, the
same question arose uuder the form following: A Mason was tried
in one of the oldest J^odges in the jurisdiction, for his belief in the
religious dogmas of the Mormons, and for attempting to defend
the same. It was V40t alleged that he counseled a violation of any.
law, or that he prsx^tisod any of their peculiar rites, matrimonial
or otherwise ; nor was it proved that he denied the existence of a
Ddty; on the oc*ntrary, in his appeal to the Grand Lodge, he sets
forth his belief in the existence of a Gk>d, in the truth of the Scrip-
* From the AmericsQ Vreemason.
ttires of the Old and New Testamentfi, and in addition, the Scrip-
tnres of the Latter Day Saints, and that their prophets are also
worthy of belief. One might suppose this was certainly religions
belief enough for a Mason I The subordinate lodges thought oth-
erwise, and the Grand Lodge sustained the expulsion I
But some might suppose that this expulsion was because of too
rmich religion. This can not be, because Masonry interferes with
no man's religious belief. The conscience of each Mason is his
own. It is solemnly declared, that aroimd our holy altar, the Jew
and the Gentile, the Moslem and the Brahmin, the Christian and
the Pagan, may kneel together. The enlightened Mason, whose
yision portrays to him the golden streets of the^New Jerusalem,
may worship with him
"Whose ontatored mind
Sees God in clouds and bears him in the wind."
The Mason's creed is to loye Us neighbor as himself, to^do good
unto all, but especially to the household, and to exemplify his love
to the Great Architect of the Universe by doing justice and
exercising mercy to his fellows.
This is the broad platform of the Universal Brotherhood.
Who shall take it upon himself to add a plank or abstract one?
May Lodges or Grand Lodges do Ihis? Or is this any part or
parcel of the "principles or ground-work of Masonry up(m which
it is not competent for any man, or body of men, to make innova-
tions ?" Shall the Grand Lodge of declare that the Jew who
rejects the Gospels and the Koran, the Zendavesta and the Shas-
ter, is ineligible because of his belief? Or is the Brahmin, who
rejects all of ihese except the last, to be placed in the same cate-
gory, though his idea of a Gk>d to whom he is accountable is not
less oomprehenflive than that of the most enlightened Christian ?
The difficulty seems jfrequently to arise &om confounding the
particular case with the general principle : ttie prudent action of
individual Brethren, with the general oversight of Grand Body.
Thus, whUe it is competent for any affiliated Brother to say wheth*
er he is wiUiitg to fellowship with one who lightly regards that
which to him is sacred, and to reject one who dedares the Bible
^* a bundle of fictions,'* is it not going &r beyond the line of duty
for the Grand Lodge to declare him ineligible, under thd Masonio
Constitutions ? Li the same manner, is it the privilege of each
member of the Craft to reject the indolent, the miserly, the sel-
fiflh, the tattling, the meddling, the impnident, the cowardly?
Tet) who would contend that a Grand Xiodge has the power to
declare sndh persons ineligible as apartionlar and special class!
The Landmarks declare that the ap|dicant mnst ,be under the
tongue o£ good report — ^this excludes the scoffer, and holds him
up Tor rejection. Policy might dictate that one who believed in
the soK»lIed spiritual manifestations should be rejected; but does
this require a *^New Regulation^' ? I trow not
Far be it firom*me to counsel the widening of the gate. None
can more regret the sight of the spiritually halt, lame, or blind,
alas, now too common, in the eandum sanctorum. But I may, and
do object, to the attempt to fetter the individuid Mason in the exer-
cise of his. duty under the and^it Landmarks by uncalled-for
Grand Lodge legislation. Each Mason knows that it is his privi^
lege, nay, more, a duty Jrom which he dare not shrink, to reject,
without hesitation, not cmly every candidate who is not under the
tongue of good report, but^also all whom he has reason to believe
will not, for any reason perform, with ail his heart, every Masov^
ic act that Masons understand so welL
If I believe respecting a candidate tiiat indolence will causeMs
£x>tsteps to halt, or wrath to turn him aedde as he ^^roacbes a
fellow-creature in distress; if I believe he will not ask a blessing
of Gk>d upon his Brother; if I believe he will betray a Brother's
trust; if I believe he will not freely give his Brother a helping
hand, and support his character in his absence as he would in his
presence, without hesitatiim, I will leave him in the mbUsh out-
side the Temple, where I find him, and where he belongs. This
standard is safe under this rule, may not Masons ^^cidl die quar-
ry" unhampered by any ^authority save a conscience void of of*
LiBBBTiNS. — The man who lives without the restraint of con-
sdence, Kcentiously violating the mora! law and paying no regard
to the precepts of rdigion, m unworthy to become a member of
that institution which boasts that its principles are intended to
make all its members ffood men and true; and hence our Old
Charges lay down the rule that *'a Mason is obliged by his tenure
to obey the moral law; and if he rightly understands the art, he
will never be a stupid atheist nor an irreligious libertine.'' — Zexi-
can qf M'eemasanry.
Tliat lotteries are oonddered, hj a large portion of the commii*
nitjy a speciefl of gambHng, there b not a shadow of doubt. And
they are thus considered not without reason. They are games of
chance, in which few win and many lose. They tend to foster a
desire to obtain money and other property by quick and easy
means which have caused the ruin of thousands who might have
prospered in a regular, le^timate business.
So banefid are lotteries considered, that they are prohibited by
a latge portion of the States of this Union. Midbigan has passed
strentious laws against them, which are still in force. Under these
oiroumstances, we are at a loss to see how intelligent Masons can
look with fiivor upon lotteries, connected with our honorable msti-
tution. They must bring discredit upon the Order, in the estima-
tion of thousands of honest and high-minded citizens. Is it right
or proper thus to <»«ate an unfiivorable (pinion of Masonry? Is
it light or proper to bring reproach upon her name ? We answer,
no— a thousand times, no. These remarks apply to all lotteries,
whatever may be their object. They can not be justified on the
principle that ^* evil may be done that good may come. ^ Masonry,
thank God, inculcates no sueh doctrine. Lotteries have an im-
moral tendency, and are regarded as baneful by the puMic. This
&ct should be sufficient to guide every member in his conduct.
These remarks have been caQed forth by the project of Bro.
Brennan, to dispose of a large number of sets of the Universal
Masonic Library, by a grand lottery. The scheme should be dis-
countenanced by every weQ-wisher of Masonry; and we trust the
Craft of Michigan will Aow their fiddity to the best interest of
the Order, by revising to give the project any aid or c(Hnfi>rt.
Let us not violate the laws of our State, and become partidpants
in an offense ag^st morality and law. Let us be ^^ quiet and
peaceable citizens, true to our government and just to our coun-
try;'* let ufl not ^* countenance disloyalty or rebellion, but patiently
submit to leglsl authority and conform with dieerfhlneas to the
government of the country in which we live.** Thus doing, we
shall be acting safely, and no evil can ensue.
At a regular Commnnication of Byron Lodge of F. A A. Maaoiu,
hdd Kov. 12th, 1856, the following resolutions were submitted
by Brothers B. W. Dennis, I. Wixom, and J. Close, a committee
appointed for that purpose, and adopted by an unanimous vote :
Whibbas, Our beloved Brother, om* dear friend and respected dUzen, Thbo-
DOBB iBi. M. Gbosb, was, by the hand of death, taken from among his Brethren,
kindred, and friends, at Byron, Friday morning, the fifteenth of Aognst last :
TherefMre, as a UAea of our deep sorrow, and as a siiglit expression of our
regard, be it
Bmdhed, Thai when we consider the worth of onr departed Brother,
with a character so excellent, with a disposition so amiable, with a purpose in
life so noble and elevated ; as a citizen so respected, and as a husband and son
so beloved, there are no words adequate to express our grief at his loss. We
sympathlM most sbxserely with the afflicted widow, the fi^ther, and other rela-
tives of the deceased In their bereavement ; we feel the poverty of language to
administer consolation, and while we can hardly expect to assuage their grief,
we would bid them sorrow not as those without hope.
Seidhed, That this Lodge has lost one of its brightest ornaments, and that
the Craft have lost a Brother, who, by his s^eal, integrity, and unwearied exer-
tions, had rendered himself beloved by all *, that society has lost a pillar, the
oommnnity an honest man, a kind nel^bor, and a friend who will be cherished
long in the hearts of its members.
Sesdhedj That we tender our sincere regard to A. H. Boon, Esq., Superin-
tendent of Detroit and MUwankee Railroad, for the Hberality he showed the
fHends of the deceased, in allowing them to pass free of charge from Oaines to
Springfield, to perform the ftmeral obsequies.
Be$oiwdt That a copy of these resolutions be transmitted to the widow and
fother of the deceased, as an expression of our hearti^t sympathy with thoao
who mourn his loss.
Beaclhed, That the members of this Lodge wear the customary badge of
mourning, in testimony of their great appreciatioa of the deceased,- and, also,
the Charter be dressed in moum£g thirty days.
Reaoived, That these resolutions be printed in Tax Abblab, Cobuvva Dbxo-
CBAT, and the OwASSo Abbbicait.
Died, on or about the seventh of November, 1856, Bro. Aus-
tin W. LBsnrftB, on the shore of Lake Superior, near Whiskey Bay.
His death was caused by cdd and &tague. He was a member of
TiVindsor Lodge, C. W. His remains were buried with Masonic
honors at Detroit on the sixte^ith ult.
• ■ ■♦ • •
The preTioiis munben of Thb Ashlab hare been printed at the " Fre»
Press" office, in Detroit Oar work has been well and pnnctoally dono^ THhb
present nnmber was printed at the new and extensive job estabUshmeot of
Palmbs, FuHXft db Flbxivo, on Shelby Street, Detroit. The work speaks for
itself. The type, presses and other materials used are entirely new, and we
•hare reason to believe that, with care and attention, the future nnmbers of Tbb
Ashlab will, in appearance and freedom from typographical errors, excel pie-
Tions issoes. Palvbb, Pishbs &• FLBinva have ample fodlities for execatlng,
well and quickly, any kind of Job work entrusted to their care ; and we cheer^
Ailly and voluntarily recommend them to our readers.
Do Tou bbcbivb Trb Abpiab bbottlablt T — ^We would thank any of our
subscribers who have not received Thb Ashlab regularly, to inform us of the
ilict. We have an experienced and careftil mail-man, who seldom makes a
mistake. If there be any difficulty, it is generally in the post-office. Will our
subscribers uaform us immediately of irregularity 1
To OvB Chicago Sitbscbibbbb. — ^We would say, your numbers of Tbb
Ashlab have been regularly mailed, yet we have intelligence that some of you
have not received them. If any of you have fiuled to receive your numberit be
kind enoni^ to iofbrm us by letter.
Pat vob Tsb Ashlab. — ^We deshre all subscribers who are in arrears for
last year, or who have not pdd for thiv year, to forward us the amotmt of their
Indebtedness ftNr Thb Ashlab, at the tSme of the meeting of the Grsiid Lodge,
"Which will be 14th day of January next Hand tl^ moody to our-agoB^ or if
you do not know of any agent, forward it by some Brother who will attend the
Communication of the Grand Lodge.
Sbkd nr SoBSOBiBBBS.— Win our agents and Brethren in different localities
oblige us by procuring the names of new subscribers, and forwarding them at
tH* before the meeting of the Grand Lodge. We have printed an edition irhich
win enable us to supply back numbers, so that each subscriber wiU have the
Yolume complete. With a very little effort, many of our patrons can obtain
one more name for our list. Each one is smaU of itself, but the aggregate of
the small sums gives vitaUty to the enterprise. Brother, wiU you aid our work ?
BmsD r A Talb or thb Okbat Dismal Swaxp. Bt Haxbibt Bbbcbbb
Stows. — ^Thi» is the iitte of another work, by the author of Uncle Tom'»
Cabin. It is a tale founded on real or imaginary incidents connected with
Southern slayery. It has not exdted so much interest as its predecessor.
While some persons find little in its pages to interest them, others peruse^
it with much pleasure. The peculiar class to which it belongs, places it
without our province of criticism in the pages of Thb Ashlab. It may be pur-
chased at the book store of Kerr, Morley &> Co., Jefferson Avenue, Detroit.
Gbaud Council op Mains. — This body was formed in May, 1855. It held,
its Annual Communication in May last. The following persons were elected to
Robert P. Dunlap, Gr. Puissant; Joseph C. Stevens, Dcp. Or. Puissant;
Freeman Bradford, Gr. Th. Illustrious ; Hii^m Chase, Gr. Pr. Con. of the
Work ; A. B. Thompson, Gr. Capt. of the Guard ; Charles Forbes, Gr. Trea-
surer ; Ira Berry, Gr. Recorder ; Cyna Cummings, Gr. Chaplain ; Isaac Davis,
Gr. Steward and SentineL
Seven Councils were represented.
AnvBRTiBiNO. — ^We would again call attention to Thb Asrlab as an adver-
tising medium. It circulates into every part of Michigan and throughout the
North-west, and the other States. Those who wish to communicate with
country merchants can not find a better medium.
Brother, the cold winter is upon us. Many will su£fer ih>m its inclem-
ency ; remember that it is your duty to alleviate the distresses of such. Do
you give of your means to the indigent t Do you live up to the inculcations of
our Institution 1 This question each must answer for himself.
Gabbttbbb Aim Busihbss Dibbotobt or tbb Statb op Hicbioak, fob
1856-7. — ^This book has been issued by H. Huntington Lee db Co., and James
Suth^land. It is very beautifully printed on excellent paper and well bound.
It contains a large amount of valuable information, and a directory of the busi-
ness men of the State, which is very accurate, and complete. The4>ubli8hcrs
deserve a liberal patronage. " Price, three dollars — ^mailed, postage free, to-
any part of United States or Canada, on the receipt of the above amount"
Bbo. S. C. CoFFiiTBUBT. — ^Wc present our readers in this number with a beau-
tliU little poem from the pen of Bro. Cofflnburyr This distinguished Brother
will in the friture i^pear in our pages as a regular contributor. The January
number will contain his first prose contribution to Tbb Ashlajl
There is nothing, says Plato, so delishtfril as speaking the truth. For thia
reason there is no conversation so agreeable a4 that of the man of integrity, who
hears without any intention to betray, and speaks without any intention to de«
To ouB AasiTTe. — ^We wish our agenta to collect ndwcriptions due for Tm
Abblab, and forward the money to ua at the moetlog of the Qrand Lodge.
St. Johh's Dat. — ^We have heard of no celebrftUoxvi prqjected for the ap-
proaching St. John's. Wo presume there will be many. We wonld be obliged
to those who wiQ send ns accounts of snch celebrations for publication.
We commence in this nmnber the publication of an original story, wrIW
ten expressly for Ths AsHLAa, entitled " A Tale of the Suppression of the
Order of the Temple.^' We hare perused it with much interest, and doubt not
it will afford our readers profit and interest.
The Grand Lodge of Kentucky met on the thirteenth of Octob^ last.
It recogmzcd the Grand Lodge of Canada.
We are pleased to learn that the work of the Lodges, which wajT re-
tarded by the late political campaign, has been commenced in all parts of the
State with renewed Yigor. Let it be conducted cautiously, and let it be " good
Bro. Hyncman, of the Mirror and Keystcne, is in trouble. We hope
aomo humane individual will find some remedy for the singular complaint
which annoys him. Hear him :
Which causes us the most bother — ^the mails or the females 1 The latter
keep us wriUng letters all the time, while the former never deliver them.
C5^ The ftutemity at Nashville, Tennessee, and at Frankfort, Kentucky,
have recently lost their halls by fire.
t^ Mr. R. H. h^, writing from Washington, Pennsylvania, correotmg a
statement in Governor Wise's oration at Lexington, relates the following aneo-
dota of Washmgton:
During General Washington's administration, he aUnost daily attended his
room, aj\joining the Stnate Chaml»cr, and often arrived before the Senate or-
ganized. On one occasion, just before his arrival, Gov. Morris and some other
Senators were standing toorethcr, conversing on various topics, and amOBg
them the natural bat majestic air of Gcueral Wa«hington, when one observed
there was no man living could take a liberty with him. The sprightiy and
bold Morris remarked, " 1 will bet a dozen of wine I can do that with ini-
punity." The bet was accepted. Soon after Washinjjton appeared, and com-
menced an easy and pleasant conversation with one of the gentlemen, at a little
distance from the others. While thus engaged, Morriff^, fitrpping up, in a
jocund manner, tapped Washington on the shoulder in a vety familiar manner,
and said, "Good morning, old fellow!" The General tum<^.d, and merely
looked him in the face, without a word, when Morris, with all his assumed
effrontery, stepped hahtily back, in evident discomposure, and said, " Gentle-
tletnen, you have won the bet. I will never take such a liberty again 1" The
writer received this from one who waa a member of the Senate, and preeeot.
A faw dayi aAer this sh&U reacli the e^es of onr readers, the
Onnd Lodge of Mlohigu) will assemble. Its dnties will be jmpor-
tsat, and its labors, arduous. To gnard the saored troat committed to
its eharge, and legislate wisely for the advancement of the Craft, are
not easy tsslcfl ; they require wisdom, discretion, and severe applioa-
tion. The aiuiital conTention of the representatives of the lodges,
although affording an opportunity for pleasant social interoonrse and
fraternal greetbgs, is not a mere putime. QnestionB of nsgnitade
are to be considered, which woold tax the powers of tita greatest in-
telleets ; and decisions are to be made, that will materially effect the
mtereeti of tbe Institation. The work of the session should be ap-
ptoadied with a seriousness and a sense of reqwnsibili^ irtiieh w*
19 — VOL. I. 50. V.
doubt not will be experienced by those who shall be honored with the
character of delegates.
It is not our province to anticipate the action of the Grand Lodge,
to allude the many and varions questions which will arise, or to dic-
tate any specific course of action ; we propose simply to briefly con-
sider a few of the glaring evils which now retard the progress of the
Fraternity, and offer some suggestions for their removal During the
past four months, we have travelled over a large portion of Michigan,
and visited many lodges. The following remarks, therefore, will bo
founded on facts gathered by our personal observation.
The rapid increase of the Graft and of lodges in this jurisdiction
during the past year, has been a theme of general remark. Li it evi-
dence of prosperity? or is it an unhealthy growth like that of the
plant which, sustained by a soil too highly enriched by man's eulti-
vation, early blossoms, and basks in the sunshine only to sicken and
decay, and bears no palatable fruit? Whatever opinion may be en*
tertained on this subject, we would suggest no plan for the purpose
merdy of checking the rapid advancement of our numbers :- the pre-
sent condition of affairs should cause us to realise the necessity of
maintaining at all times proper safeguards ; if with these firmly es-
tablished and adhered to, the augmentation continues, no apprehen-
sion need be entertained for the result.
There is no State in the Union where a greater uniformity in the
ritual prevails, than in Michigan. As far, therefore, as our lodges
obtain a knowledge of work, they tread in the beaten track. Sut the
difficulty is, that many of them do not make a proper proficiency, and
are without the light essentially necessary to impart a proper under-
standing of the "■ ancient and honorable'' Institution of Masoniyy
maintain its dignity, and impress upon the minds of candidates the
wise and serious truths which it inculcates. There are liew lodges
and old lodges, whose officers cannot confer some of the degrees, and
in many, the forms and ceremonies are conducted in such a blunder-
ing, i^iritless way, and in such miserable and poorly fitted rooms, that
indifference or disgust may well take the place of zeal and energy.
A small dirty apartment dimly lighted with smoky candles, without
ft Master's carpet, without pillars, with stations consisting of common
chairs and tables, with ante-rooms wholly unfit for the uses for which
they are designed — officers clothed in regalia of cotton cloth and tin
jewels— what Mason, who has travelled in this jurisdiction, has not
seen such ! and what Mason when he has seen them, has not felt that
Brethren have met in a temple unworthy the Order and its great and
iMiiefioeiit objects 1 The eyil, resulting from these things^ is serious.
The first impression made upon the mind of a candidate is of the
utmost importance. If he sees at once the moral beauties of Mar
sonrj, his interest and seal are awakened ; he eagerly presses forward
to gain further light respecting an institution which has surviyed the
lapse of time, the ruthless hand of ignorance, the devastations of war^
and has come down to us from remote generations with its most ex-
cellent tenets unimpaired ; he manifests a laudible ambition to obtain
an accurate knowledge of the lectures and work — ^the means of tm-
limited usefulness. He who fails on his initiation — through the igno*
ranee or carelessness of those who conduct the ceremonies, on account
of the miserable equipments of the lodge room, or from any other
cause — ^to appreciate the lessons of morality which are inculcated,
becomes, too frequently, a drone in the hive, and a useless member of
the Order — yea, more, he is a dead weight, and by his indifference
before the world, tends to bring discredit upon the Fraternity. As the
number of such persons increases, dangers of greater magnitude are to
be apprehended. There is but one course for wise men to pursue.
Take time by the forelock, check the evil, and prevent it in future if
possible, and not wait till it has grown too powerful to be overcome.
The best interests of the Institution demand that those Lodges
which have not members competent to properly peform the work,
should be prohibited conferring the degrees, until the officers have
acquired the knowledge which the discharge of their duties demands.
No new lodge should be permitted to initiate a candidate before the
Master and Wardens have given conclusive evidence that they are
oorrectly and thoroughly instructed in the ceremonies of all the de-
grees, and are competent to conduct them. The provision whidi now
exists in reference to this matter, has not accomplished the end for
which it was designed. Either it should be more rigidly enforced, or
some new rule should be adopted. Every subordinate body should
also be obliged to meet in a safe and convenient room, and procure
for the same, suitable e^pments ; and.eaoh new lodge should be com-
pelled to comply wiA the requisition previous to commencing its
work. This course may at first appear too stringent, but a careful
consideration will, we confidently believe, produce the conviction that
it is demanded by the best interests of the Graft.
A compliance with the above suggestions might lead to an investi-
gation, or — ^if we may be allowed the expression — an werha^iling of
^e afiUrs of the Sratemity in the State. We can see no harm in
such an examination ; on the contrary, we believe it would result in
miioh good. Never was there a better time to inatitate it The rapid
advancement of the Order and the constant increase of oar numbers,
are evidence that the Institation would speedily progress nnder any
salutary rules, however strictly enforced. Any scrutiny which could
be observed, and any reform to which an enquiry might lead, would
but refine and purify the Association — separate the wheat £rom the
chaff — ^the pure gold from the useless dross.
It has been suggested that the proposed changes may be realised
through the instrumentality of the Orand Lecturer. We feel that
we are now approaching one of the most important subjects on which
the Grand Lodge will be called upon to act. The restrictions and
regulations which surround the Grand Visitor, cripple his action, and
render his efforts in a great degree powerless for good. His compen-
sation is so arranged that he receives an incompetent salary unless he
attends meetings of almost all the lodges in the jurisdiction. The reso-
lution regulating this matter says his remuneration shall be '^ the pro-
portion for each lodge visited, as twelve hundred dollars bears to the
whole number of lodges in the State." If he visits only half the whole
number, he is entitled to six hundred dollars — ^if only a third, to four
hundred dollars. Under such circumstances, a man of proper stand-
ing and accomplishments, who is fitted to properly discharge the im-
portant duties of the office, can ill-afford to lay aside his private buri-
ness and become Grand Lecturer, unless he can include in his oiroait
all the subordinate bodies. During the past year, Bro. Goggahall has
been present at a meeting of every lodge but one in the State. This
is no small labor, when we take into consideration the wide spread
territory of Michigan. It is impossible for any person, whatever
may be his ability and acquirements, to faithfully perform ihe work of
Grand Lecturer when constrained to pursue such a course. Many of
the subordinate bodies, it is well known, do not need any assistance •*
the time therefore spent with them, is uselessly expended. Besides
this, the large number which claims his attention, prevents the
Lecturer devoting the requisite time to any one lodge diat requires
his instruction. The result is, as far as we can judge, that little in-
formation is given to those who are most in want of it, and the offi-
ears of many lodges are unable to properly sn^rintend or conduct
the work, while some cannot confer the degrees. Common sense
would seem to dictate timi tiiis state of things riieuld be speedily
We regard the office of Grand Lecturer as neeessazy, and eminently
useftil under proper regulationB. It has noi generally been held in
the iifjtk ettimaiioQ which it detervas. To folfil ita dutiat^ a pacsoii
fhonld po886fl8 not only a thorqiigh knowledge of tho rhnal, but ahonld
be oonyeraant with the history of tho Order, and versed in Masonic
jarisprodence. He is looked up to by many as the light and the
guide, and is constantly consulted on questions of moment For one,
we desire to see the office clothed with proper dignity— to have its
fifphere enlarged — and to attach to it a liberal salary that will remu-
nerate a competent Brother for the deyotion of his whole time to its
labors. Let him take a general superintendence of the Graft; let it
be his iq[>ecified duty, beside imparting a knowledge of the lectures
and work, to inspect lodge rooms and their equipments, and in-
4|uire into the manner in which their business is generally conducted ;
and when he finds anything seriously objectionable, let him report the
same to the Grand Master. Let it be his duty to visit all new
lodges, and before they can initiate, give a certificate that they have
complied with the requisitions of the Grand Lodge, and are competent
to work. It may be thought that many, if not all these things, come
properly within the scope of the Lecturer's duty now. We desire to
.see them made imperaHvey to place more, responsibility on the Visi*
tor, and not permit lodges to work, as some of them are now doing,
with inc<Hnpetent officers, in unsafe rooms, and with cotton and tin
regalia. Obliged to perform the duties, and clothed with the rights,
specified, the Grand Lecturer could give all his time and energies to
the Craft, and direct his labors into those channels where they are
most needed. Instead of visiting lodges which are well informed,
he could devote himself to the uninstntcted. Then, he could as well
afford to spend a week or fortnight in a place, as he can now afford to
spend a day.
The evils whidi are so conspicuous, and which have been alluded to,
arise not from any fault of the Grand Lecturer, or of Masters or offi-
cers of lodges ; they are the natural result of the present system.
Bro. Cogshall has shown a commendable zeal in giving as much atten-
tion to those who would profit by his instructions, as circumstances
would permit ; and Masters who are uninformed have displayed a
corresponding desire to receive his teachings. Neither the one nor
the other has been suited ; the Lecturer has frequently been com-
pelled with regret to forego his desire to accept invitations for re-
peated visits, and the officers of lodges have experienced chagrin and
mortification at his absence, thinking, perhaps, that their interests wete
negleeted. We cannot put shackles up^ a man and expect him to
run as briskly as though he were dothed merely in his ordinary ap-
parel; nor can we place conditions, like those wliieh now exist, aroimd
the Grand Visitor, and expect him to devote to many lodges the time
which may be necessary to properly instruct them. Bro. Gogshall ia
now thoroughly acquainted with the condition of each lodge in the
jurisdiction, and knows in what places the services of the Lectnrer
will be needed during the coming year; Would it not be well, there-
fore, to permit that officer to direct his labors in a great degree, as
his judgment shall dictate ?
The compass of this article will not permit us to enlarge upon the
subject under consideration, and present our views more at length.
The remarks which have been made are designed more for the purpose
of suggesting thoughts, and leading others to reflect, than to enforce
the necessity of any specific plan. We have confidence that the Grand
Lodge will act wisely, and for the highest advancement of the Graft.
Before closing, we feel constrained to allude to a topic which should
claim the attention of the Grand Lodge. It is a &ct well known to
the most casual observer among Masons, that a knowledge of the lec-
tures— ^indeed of the essentials — ^is possessed by a very limited num-
ber of the Fraternity. This is wrong. A provision exists in the consti-
tution of the Grand Lodge which is designed to remedy the defect,
but is little better than a dead letter. It is a requisition of much
importance, and yet is generally disregarded. We have on a previous
occasion given our views respecting this matter, and need not here
repeat them. The degree of proficiency required of candidates is now
regulated by the judgment of each Master, and may differ materially
in different lodges. Would it not be well for the Grand Lodge to
decide tohat prt^ciency shall be made by those who wish to take the
second and third degrees ? By doing this, and making it imperative
on Masters to see that the rule is complied with, a source of much
indifference would be removed, and a great benefit would be con-
Wherever the superior body of the Masonic Institution is
situated, that place is called the Grand East London, York, Dublin,
Edinburgh, Paris, Vienna and Amsterdam are Grand Easts. Bach
State in this country has a Grand Bast. The meaning and applica-
tion of thi^ term will be easily understood by Masons.
For The Aahiar.
At the last session of the Grand Lodge of Michigan, in aooordanoe
with the recommendation of the Grand Master, a committee appointed
for the purpose, reported an amendment to the constitution, rektive to
regalia. The amendment is in the shape of a new article, and may
be foxmd at length in the printed proceedings of the communication
referred to. Upon this amendment the Grand Lodge will be required
to act at the coming session.
There can be little doubt but that a large proportion of the Fra-
ternity recognize the propriety of securing by constitutional enact-
ment a general uniformity in the clothing of the Graft in this juris-
Wherever the writer of this article has met his Brethren in the
lodge room, or in Masonic procession, the sad want of a standard of
regalia has forced itself upon his attention. He has noticed aprons
of many shapes, and all conceivable devices — some of them certainly
so novel and exceedingly ugly as to surpass anything in the line of
aprons from the fig leaf of our first parents, down to those worn by
the present generation. The collars also form an admirable study for
lovers of the curious and unique.
Such a state of things should not be. We exult in the hoi that
the Masonic Institution has come down long centuries of time, un-
changed— ^that throughout the world its lessons are taught, and its
lectures given, materially the same, and yet, in no two Lodges of this
State, can be found the same style of regalia. If in all else
they agree, why should they not in this respect ?
It may be said in opposition to placing anythmg upon the consti-
tution in this regard, that ^ the lambskin or white leather-apron" is
the badge of a mason. True, it is — ^but you seldom find the plain,
white apron unadorned by ornament or symbol, and what is desired
is, that the Grand Lodge should say f4f hat particular ornament and
what particular symbol (if any) shall be worn by each particular
officer or craftsman accordmg to degree.
In no State of the Union is the writer aware that any such action
as is now proposed has ever been had ; but the Grand Lodge of Eng-
land have incorporated in their constitution an article which, in his
opinion, would fully meet the want existing here. It is that article
in the main which has been submitted by the committee to the
Grand Lodge of Michigan, and to which this communication is de-
signed to call attention.
The Grand Lodge of England and its provincial Grand Lodges
with their subordinates conform to the standard proposed, and no
objection on the ground of taste or propriety can be urged against ii»
adoption in this jurisdiction. On the contrary, it cannot but be
admired as giving a signifioancy to the shape of the apron that will
be readily understood by Masonic eyes.
Any person who has been fitvored with a view of our Canadian
Brethren in a body, cannot have fitiled to admire the uniformity in
clothing, and to draw a contrast between them and the Masons of
this country in that particular.
The committee on foreign correspondence in the Chrand Lodge of
Indiana, has been pleased to pronoxmce the report made to the Grand
Lodge of Michigan, as '^balderdash" The learned Brother who
penned that report will doubtless be made easy when assured that the
old parent Grand Lodge of England originated the standard ha
condemns, and not the ^ three intelligent Masons of Michigan." The
only difference between them is, that the Michigan committee make
it optional with the Fraternity to wear "linen" or "^ leather,"
while the Grand Lodge of England compels them to wear
^leather." The word "linen" will probably be struck out by the
Grand Lodge of our State.
As an evidence of the necessity of some provision upon this sub-
ject, the writer will state that in at least one of the Lodges of
northern Indiana the officers wear red collars trimmed with blue.
One would suppose that Indiana would rather €^pprove the report of
our committee than censure it. However, not having a copy of the
constitution of the Grand Lodge of England in his possession, the
Grand Secretary of that State probably presumed it original with the
" three intelligent Masons" of Michigan, and was opposed to so young
a Grand Lodge takmg the initiative in the matter.
It must be conceded that some action on this subject by the Grand
Lodge should be had. If that Grand body do no more, let them
assert the plain leather-apron to be the regalia to be worn in our
Lodges, and that no other will be tolerated. Only give us tsntfor-
mity, and put an end to the impositions practiced by venders of all
sorts of aprons and collars upon the members of our Order! Let it
be so that by our dress we may be known, and not that we may be
taken for Odd Fellows, Templars, or UnitedA mericans.
While to many, the proposed reglia may commend itself on account
of its plain beauty, its signiicancy, and its or^in, to others it may
seem unsuitable. Let the delegates to the Grand Lodge consider the
matter, but let us at least have some standard adcpted. k.
Trom fha KlRor tad KeyftOBA.
THio has not felt upon the spirit fall,
The soft, nndyiDg memory of the past,
indued with power its fond dreams to recall—-
Dreams that were far too sweet and bright to last t
Aje, back they come — ^the years departed, gone,
£ach bearing in its train some treasure fled—
Each telling of some pleasure once our own —
Some joj we long have mourned as faded, dead.
And there, too, are the fair ones early lost.
Called 'mid the anguish of our tears, away.
Ere yet the troubloua waves of time had tossed
Their feeble frames with fierce and angry Qway;
In youth's fair mom thej^ to the grave were given,
£re sin had power their purity to stain;
Immortal angels now, they dwell in Heaven^
Eternally exempt from grief and pain.
And there are they, the chosen and the dear,
l^hose natures with our own were intertwined^
Who made life lovely, while they tarried here-^
Departing, left no joy for us bebind I
Again, iheir spirits, hovering o'er us, bend.
And breathe a sacred blessing on our hearts:
Holy and bright the influence they lend.
And sweet the calm their message kind impartik
They whisper— 'tis but in their bodies only.
That from us they, the precious ones, have fled;
A gpafd and watch about our spirits lonely.
They hold, and heavenly light upon them shed^ —
Beloved and gentle ffnides. ul may ocr £Mt
Be tauffht the perfect path of life to take, * *
That, in bright realms or glory, we may meet
With yon* whoM love death hath no power to brtak I
Dedication of Lodges. — Id cootiDnatioD of onr review of the Re-
port in the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts in 1851, on the petition of
Bro. Jacob Norton, and six other brethren of the Jewish persnasion,
we will now offer some remarks on what we characterized in conclu-
ding the article in our last number, the more difficult subject of tha
dedication of Lodges.
20 — VOL. I. NO. V.
Lodge halls are dedicated to Masonry, Virtue and Universal Be-
nevolence. How should Lodges be dedicated? In America, and un-
der the Grand Lodge at London, for an uncertain period prior to
1813, they haye been dedicated to one or both of the Sts. John. The
petitioners objected to this dedication. The Committee to whom this
petition was referred, answer this objection : that it is a landmark ;
that snch has been the dedication of Lodges in Massachusetts since
the first was opened in that State, in 1833 ; that they knew no other
Masonry than that which they have received, and that they must
If landmarks relate to usages and ceremonies, then we lay down as
the incontroyertible rule that, those only can be landmarks whose
origin is coeval with the Institution, or supposed to be so, knowing
nothing to the contrary. If a time can be shown when they had an
origin by legislation of Grand Lodge, a General Assembly, or other-
wise, then they are still subjects of legislation by General Assemblies
or Grand Lodge. Now, whether Lodges were dedicated originally to
God, or to Solomon, it is quite certain that they were not to both or
to either of the Sts. John. There was a time when a change was
made, and that time was, comparatively speaking, more or less mod-
em. If our rule be true, then, the dedication of Lodges is a matter
of pure regulation. ••••••
The length of time, according to some authotities, pleads strongly
for the retention of the dedication to one or both the Sts. John ; but
there is a strong argument in opposition, viz : the tendency which
such a dedication has to introduce errors and innovations. This has
already been done. The allunion to the Christian character and ser-
vices of the Sts. John, commenced in the latter part of the last century,
and, in some jurisdictions, may be found at the present day. That it
would hare been better to have continued the old dedication, what-
ever that may have been, we cannot doubt. But for the evil of which
we have spoken, there would be no complaint, however, except per-
haps, the calling our patrons Saints. No Jew — ^in Mississippi, at
least — ^has any other cause of fault finding, if that should furnish one.
A travelling lecturer, a few years ago, introduced the innovation rela-
tive to the Sts. John, but we are happy to say that it has been rejec-
ted by authority. Let us trace back, if we can, the history of the
dedication of Lodges. From the variety of opinions expressed bj
writers on the subject, and the lack of record evidence, the task is one
ef mnoli diffioalty. The M assaoIiTiMtis committee refer to history.
They state in subfltance :
The first Lodge on this continent was opened in Boston in 1733^
the charter having been obtained from the Grand Lodge of England*
A charter was granted to St. Andrew^s Lodge in 1752, bj the Grand
Lodge of Scotland. The committee would go back to these dates^
and ascertain how it was at that time with the Grand Lodges of Eng-
land and Scotland. Thej appear to take it for granted, and it may
be true, that in 1733 and 1752, Lodges were dedicated to the Sts.
John in Boston, and their first enquiry is into the practice in 1733 in
England. With the practice in England now, they say they hope
nothing to do. They think that Masonry was pure and unchanged
at the revival in 1717, and give an extract from old lectures, as they
say. by Anderson, as follows: " Q. — From whence came you?"
« A.— From the holy Lodge of St. John,"
And this they consider unequivocal testimony that Lodges, under
this revived system, were dedicated to St. John. And as further
testimony, they quote a law of the Grand Lodge of England, [Lon-
don] of 1721, requiring that Lodges, in or about London and West-
minster, should hold an annual communication on the anniversary of
one of the Sts, John ; and that the Grand Lodge of New York, in
the time of Elizabeth, more than two hundred and fifty years ago,
when she sent her officers to break up the Grand Lodge, held its meet-
ings on St. John the Evangelist's Day. This custom has existed
from time immemorial, say the Committee, according to Dr. Oliver
who derived his information from the old Gothic Constitutions, a copy
of which was produced at a grand festival, on St. John's Day, in tiie
year 1663:
^ In a formula used a little later than the middle of the last cen-
tury, called ' the Old York Lecture^ the Sts. John occupy a promi-
nent situation. A parallel is drawn between them, and one is said to
have finished by his learning what the other began by his zeal, and
hence the dedication to them. The Sts. John occupy their places as
the paeons of Masonry, according to Oliver, in the lectures compiled
by Sayer, Payne and Desaguliers, and improved by Anderson, Desa-
guliers and Cowper ; in the reviewers of Dunckerly and Martin Clare^
twice repeated, and in the extended rituals of Hutchinson, Preston
and others, which were in use down to the union in 1813."
In Scotland, (they quote Oliver,) the Kilwinning Efystem may be
traced back to the 12th century, and is called Si John's Masonry,
and the Grand Lodge of Scotland has, among its present laws, that
no Lodge shall confer more than three degrees, E.*. A.'.,F.'. C.-., and
M.-. H.'.) denominated St John's Masonry. The Committee also
copy from Bro. Oliver, but without credit, the following :
'^ In a formula used a little later than the middle of the last cen-
tury, which was called * the Old York Lecture,* the two Sts. John oc-
cupy a prominent situation — the following is an extract :
Q. — *• To whom wore the Lodges dedicated under the Christian dis-
pensation 7 ' A. — ^ From Solomon the patronage passed to St. John
the Baptist.* Q. — ' Why were Lodges dedicated to St. John the
Baptist ? * A. — * Because he was tho forerunner of our Saviour ; and
by preaching repentance and humiliation, drew the first parallel of
the Gospel.' Q.— * Had St. John any equal ? ' A.—* He had : St
John the Evangelist' Q. — *• Why is he said to be equal to the Bap-
tist ? ' A. — ^ Because he finished by his learning what the other be-
gan by his zeal, and thus drew a second parallel to the former ; ever
since which time, Freemasons' Lodges, in M Christian countries, have
been dedicated to the one or the other, or both, of these worthy and
worshipful men."
In 1721, Dr. Oliver states,* it was thus: " God's good greeting be
to this our happy meeting. And all right worshipful brothers and
fellows of the right worshipful and holy Lodge of St John."
Q. — "• Why do you denominate it the holy Lodge of St John ?"
A. — ^ Because he was the forerunner of our Saviour, and laid tho
first parallel line to the Gospel"
In another formula, continues Bro. Oliver, which was introduced
by Bro. Dunckerly, the parallelism is still more intelligibly enun-
ciated :
^ In all regularly constituted Lodges, there is a point within a cir
cle ; the point representing an individual brother ; the circle represent-
ing the boundary line of his duty to God and man, beyond which he
is never to suffer his passions, prejudices or interests to betray him,
on any occasion. This circle is embroidered by two perpendicular
parallel lines, representing St John tho Baptist and St. John the
Evangelist, who were perfect parallels in Christianity as well as in
Masonry ; and upon the vertex rests the book of the Holy Scriptures,
which point out the whole duty of man. In going round this circle,
we necessarily touch upon the two lines, as well as on the Holy Scrip-
tures; and whilst a Mason keeps himself thus circumscribed, it is im-
possible that he should materially err."
In the four formulas which have been quoted, we have one of greet-
ing, one touching the dedication and parallelism together and the two
other the latter alone ; the last considerably " improved " by Bro.
Dunckerly. Dr. Oliver speaks of the *•' Old York Lecture," the one
tokich was in use in the latter part oftJie last century. It was prob-
ably the Lecture of Grand Lodge of the Ancients^ which Bro. Oliver
^ MliTor for tbe J<duuiiiiiU Maaon, Letter IIL
calls the '' Old York Leotnre." Bro. Randall does not give the whole
lecture as given by Bro. Oliver, and as some of onr readers may learn
some thing new, wo will give all w hich Bro. Oliver publishes :
Q. — Our Lodges being finished, furnished and decorated with or-
naments, to whom were they consecrated. A. — To Noah, who was
saved in the ark. Q — And by what name were Masons then known ?
A. — They were called Noahcidae, Sages, or Wise Men. Q. — To whom,
were the Lodges dedicated during the Masonic dispensation. A. — To
Moses, the chosen of God, and Solomon, the son of King David, King
of Israel, who was an eminent patron of the Craft. Q — And under
what name were Masons known during that period 1 A. — Under the
name of Dionysiacs, Geometricians, or Masters in Israel. Q. — But,
brother, as Solomon was a Jew, and died long before the promulga-
tion of Christianity, to whom were they dedicated under the Chris-
rian dispensation? A. — From Solomon , the patronage of Masonry
passed to St. John the Baptist. Q. — And under what name were
they known after the promulgation of Christianity 1 A. — ^Under the
name of Essenes, Architects or Freemasons. Q — Why were Lodges
dedicated to St. John the Baptist? A. — Because he was the fore-
runner of our Saviour, and by preaching repentance and humiliation,
drew the parallel of the Gospel, &c., as above."
" In the ritual practiced by the Lodges in the north of England, a
little later in the century ^^ says Dr. Oliver, " we find the following
passage : ' Our Lodges are untruly said to be dedicated to St. John,
because the Masons who engaged to conquer the Iloly Land chose
the Saint for a patron. We should be sorry to appropriate the Bal-
sarian sect of Christians to St. John, as an explanation of this prin-
ciple. St. John obtains our dedication as being the proclaimer of
that salvation which was at hand by the coming of Christ ; and we,
as a set of religious men assembling in the true faith, commemorate
the proclamations of the Baptist. In the name of St. John the Evan-
gelist, we acknowledge the testimonies which he gives, and the divine
Logos which he makes manifest." ♦ • • u Qqj. beauty is such as
adorns all our actions ; is hewn out of the rock, which is Christ ;
raised upright with the plumb lino of the Gospel, and squared and
levelled to the horizontal of God's will, in the holy Lodge of St John,
and as such becomes the temple whose maker and builder is God."
Again, Dr. Oliver : " The old lectures [no authority given] dis-
tinctly explain the origin of their appropriation in the following words,
which are but the extension of a ritual already cited :
"After the flood the Masons were called Noachidae, and from the
buildinff of the tabernacle, the Lodges were dedicated to Moses.
From the building of the first temple at Jerusalem to the Babylonish
captivity, Freemasons* Lodges were dedicated to King Solomon ; from
tfaenoe to the coming of Shilo, thej were dedicated to Zenibbabel, and
from that time to the final destruction of the temple by Titns, thej
were dedicated so St. John the Baptist; but owing to the many masa-
cres and disorders which attended that memorable event, Freemasonry
sunk very mnch into decay ; many Lodges were entirely broken np,
and few could meet in sufficient numbers to constitute their legality ;
and at a general meeting of the Craft, held at Jerusalem, it was ob-
served that the principal reason for the decline of Masonry, was the
want of a Orand Master to patronize it ; they, therefore^ deputed seven
of their most eminent members to wait upon St. John the Evangelist,
who was at that time, Bishop of Ephesus, requesting him to take the
office of Orand Master. He returned for answer, that, though well
stricken in years, yet having been, in the early part of his life, initia-
ted into Masonry, he would accept the office ; thereby completing by
his learning what the other St. John had begun by his zeal ; and thus
drew what Freemasons term a line parallel ; ever since which, Free-
masons' Lodges, in all Christian countries, have been dedicated both
to St John the Baptist and to St. John the Evangelist''
We italicise the word and. Again we are indebted to Dr. Oliver :
'^ In a system of Masonry used, as it is confidently affirmed, in the
fourteenth century, the following passage occurs in the 0. B. :
* That you will always keep, guard and conceal,
* And from this time you never will reveal,
* Either to M. M., F. C, or Apprentice
* Of St. John's Order what our grand intent is.' "
By whom this system of Masonry was used, on what authority it is
stated that these doggerel lines were either said or sung five hundred
years ago, our Brother does not inform us. Until further enlightened,
we are bound to reject this testimony as without authority.
[To be continued.]
" The fair fabric of Masonic splendor was planned and reared
and finished for durability. It has withstood the shocks of time, the
revolution of ages, the concussions of empires, and the convulsions of
hostile contending nations. While everything unsolid in nature falls ;
while kings and kingdoms arelost in the vortex of revolutions; and thrones
crumble into ruin, and totter and fall from their basis. Masonry tow-
ers above all that is awful and ruinable in nature's realm, stands un-
moved as the mountain rock. She has passed safely through the dark
ages of superstition and bigotry, when wars and commotions convuls-
ed the world to its centre, and when change seemed to sway a scep-
tre of universal empire."
^ BsraESHMENT'' IN THE SEVENTEENTH Oentu&t. — "^ 0x16 evenbg,
as these choice flpirits sat round the table after supper — and suppers,
I must tell yon, in those halcyon days, generally terminated the busi-
ness of the Lodge — Brothers Lamball, Sorell, Beloe, Ware, Madden,
Yilleneau, Noyes, Cordwell, Salt, Gofton, Senez, Hobby, Mountain,
and a few others being present with the W. M., all celebrated Masons,
whose names are all well known to the Graft, Bro. Lamball, who was
an incorrigible laugher, and that in no very mild tone of voice, being
tickled by some witty remark, indulged his propensity in a regular
horse-laugh. Bro. Madden rose with much gravity, and addressing
the chair, said — ^ B. W. Sir, did you ever hear a peaceful lamd bawl
(Lamball) so vociferously?" ^No,'' said Bro. Desaguliers, ^but
IVe heard a mad'un (Madden) make an ugly naUe (Noyes)."
<< Oh !" rejoined Bro. Sorrell, "< let him ride his hobby (Hobby)
quietly, his lungs will be no worse for toear (Ware).''
" Aye,'' Bro. Ware snapped in, " particularly if the color of hii
hobby be sorrel (Sorrel). Ha I ha 1 ha 1"
^ The lamb had better go to sea next, (Senex) and then he may
belhw (Beloe) against the roaring of the sale (Salt) waves as they
dash upon the mountain (Mountain)," shouted Bro. Hobby.
^ Well," replied Bro. Lamball, ^ I shall never quarrel with any
Brethren who hold the cord vfelly (Gordwell — cable tow) for this or
anything else, provided he does not call me a villain 0 1 (ViUeaeau)
Hal ha! hal"
^I shall not Brothers and fellows," responded Bro. Yilleneau,
''question your good faith, although you cany on so briskly a ^
Funnc war."
'' A truce to your wit," Bro. Madden interposed, ''I thirst to mend
my simile."
'< Nay," said the W. M., ^ if Bro. Madden thirsts, why there's an
end of it."
<< Oh I no !" echoed Bro. Noyes, ^ if hpun is meant, I move that
we inflict the usual ^nuAm^n^."
^ Why then," says the chair, ^ we will replenish the glasses, and
try to qu^oh Bro. Madden's thirst with a toast}^
Now all this may appear very puerile to you, sir, but I assure you
it is a correct sample of the wit of the age, and formed the staple
commodity of a lively conversation at taverns and clubs, which were
then the resort of the higher nobility and gentry of the land. — The
Reeelations rf a Square, by Dr. Olioer.
7or The Aihtir.
All old masoDS in western New York will remember Major J-
G., who formerlj resided in L., but for the last twenty years he has
been a resident of Michigan. The Major, it will be remembered,
was one of the few masons who withstood the shocks of anti-masonry
in 1827 and 1828. For many years the Major was the object of the
malevolence of the anti-masons, and many were the bitter invectivea,
«nd yile calumnies heaped upon hioL He was a man below the
medium size, but remarkably muscular, and those who have expe-
rienced the grip of his hand will not soon forget its power. It was
like a vice, and he could always graduate it to suit circumstances — ^an
instance of which we will relate. It was during the year 1827, while
the anti-masonic excitement was high, that a party of masons among
whom was Major G., was one evening assembled at the ^ Eagle
Tavern" in L., spending a few social hours, when a tall, lank speci-
men of humanity entered the room, and in a loud voice exclaimed,
"Gentlemen, do any of you know Major J s G. ? I hare heard
that he was a man who could give the masonic grip, and I have come
all the way from Cattaraugus county to get it I want the real
Master MasorCs grip." At this, the Major stepped forward, and said,
'^ I am Major G., and if you want the masonic grip, I suppose I can
give it to you as well as any other man." Suiting the action to the
word, the Major took the fellow's brawny hand in his own, and ap-
plied a moderate degree of pressure, to which the man from Cattarau-
gus manifested considerable uneasiness, said his curiosity was satis-
fied, and desired to be released, but the Major very playfully told
him that this was only the Entered Apprentice's grip, and that he had
two degrees more to take before he could obtain the Master Mason's
grip. The Major then applied more pressure, which brought Gatta*
raugus upon the ends of his toes, groaning and writhing with pain.
In vain did he implore to be released ; in vain did he protest that
he had got enough of Masonry — ^his hand was in the inexorable grasp
of the Major, and escape was impossible. '^ You have got the Entered
Apprentice's, and Fellow Craft's, grip, it is true, but you wanted the
Master Mason's, and you must have it You have come a long way
to get it, and it would be wrong for me to let you go home without
it. Yes, you mtist haye the ' real Master Mason's grip.' There,**
said the Major, at the same time exerting his great muscular power
upon the band of hiB wriihing victim, whioli made the bones fairly
crack, ^ there, this is the real Master Mason^s grip, and it is such a
grip as joa will never forget — ^and when jou go home, tell jonr Catta-
Tangos friends that should any of them want the reai grip, that
Major J-< s Gr., of L., can probably give it to them as well as any
man alive." The Major released his grasp, and the blood which had
started from the ends of the poor fellow's fingers, told the fearful
power of the " real Master Mason^s grip." a.
tContiniied from page 1S5.]
Answers to Cross-interrogatories : 1. That he is not aware of the
existence of any serious discontent or differences previous to the oc-
currence of '^ the division or schism," most of the disagreements hav-
ing (according to tradition) arisen subsequently to the proceedings
which were taken for the formation of the Athol Grand Lodge.
2. That the only information which he can give in regard to the
adoption or signature of '* the thirty-nine Articles or Regulations," is
such as is derivable from the printed Book of the Constitutions of the
Freemasons, published in London, in 1723, and a second edition of
the same, published in 1738, and also the ^' Ahiman Rezon," or book
of old and new regulations, by Lawrence Dermott, published in Lon-
don, in 1756.
3. That he does not consider that the articles or regulations refer-
red to ^^ formed a solemn compact, unalterable, without dishonor ; "
but, on the contrary, that they were alterable by the votes of the
Grand Lodge, and that, in fact, after their first publication in 1723,
alterations were made, as will appear by reference to the second edi-
tion, which was published prior to, and without causing any disagree*
ment or schism, and as will also appear by reference to the first edi-
tion of the ^ Ahiman Rezon," published in 1756, or after the schism.
4. That as matters of record, those articles or regulations were pre-
served only in the old printed books of constitutions by the Grand
Lodge, of which he was Grand Sccretaiy, prior to the union, and also
by the other Grand Lodge ; and the books are also preserved as mat-
ter of record by the Grand Lodge, of which he is now Grand
21 — ^VOL. L NO. V,
5. That all Past Masters of Lodges are entitled to vote in the
Grand Lodge of England, who have not ceased, (subseqnentlj to their
Mastership) to be members of a private Lodge for a term specified in
the existing laws of the United Grand Lodge.
6. That John, the third Duke, Marquis and Earl of Athol, was
Grand Master of that part of the fraternity of Masons in England be-
longing to the Grand Lodge formed in 1753, from the time of his
election to that office until his death, on the 5th of December, 1774.
The *» Copy " and " Statement " mentioned in the reply to the eleventh inter-
rogatory :
The union of the two previously existing Grand Lodges in England,
was concluded on the 27th of December, 1813.
By the articles of the union which had previously been arranged,
and received the assent of the separate Grand Lodges, at meetings
respectively held on the first day of December, 1813, and accepted,
ratified, and confirmed unanimously by the two bodies, when assem-
bled on the said 27th of December, it was by the 7th article declared,
that '^ The United Grand Lodge of Ancient Freemasons of England,
shall be composed, except on days of festival, in the following man-
ner, as a just and perfect representative of the whole Masonic Frater-
nity of England, that is to say, of — The Grand Master, Past Grand
Masters, Deputy Grand Master, Past Deputy Grand Masters, Grand
Wardens, Provincial Grand Masters, Past Grand Wardens, Past
Provincial Grand Masters, Grand Chaplain, Grand Treasurer, Joint
Grand Secretary, or Grand Secretary, — if there be only one — Grand
Sword Bearer, Twelve Grand Stewards, to be delegated by the Stew-
ards* Lodge, among their members, existing at the union, it being
understood and agreed that from and after the union, an annual ap*
pointment shall be made of the Stewards, if necessary.
^ The actual Masters and Wardens of all warranted Lodges, Past
Masters of Lodges, who have regularly served and passed the chair
before the day of union, and who have continued, with secession, regu-
larly contributing members of a warranted lodge. It being under-
stood, that of all Masters who, from and after the day of the said
union, shall regularly pass the chair of their respective Lodges, but
one at a time, to be delegated by this Lodge, shall have a right to sit
and vote in the said Grand Lodge, so that after the decease of all the
regular Past Masters of any regular Lodge who had obtained this
distinction at the time of the union, the representation of such Lodge,
shall be by its actual Master, Wardens and one Past Master only.
" And all Grand officers in the said respective Grand Lodges shall
retain and hold their rank and privileges in the United Grand Lodge
as Past Grand officers, including the present Provincial Grand Mas-
ters, the Grand Treasurers, Grand Secretaries and Grand Chaplains,
in their several degrees, according to the seniority of their respeeti^e
appointments, and where such appointment shall have been contem-
{>oraneoTi8, the Beniority shall be determined by lot. In all other re*
spects, the above shall be the general order ofjpreeedence in all time
to come^ with this express provision, that no Provincial €rrand Miis-
ter, hereafter to be appointed, shall be entitled to a seaf in the Grand
Lodge after he shall have retired from such situation, nnleM he shall
have discharged the duties thereof for fnll five years."
The * Copy " and " Statement " mentioned in the reply to the twelfth inter-
Extract from the original record of the transactions of the Grand
Lodge, of which John, third Doke of Athol, was afterwards Grand
Grand Lodge, Sept. 4th, 1665, BelPs Tavern. The B. W. James
Gibson, Esq., 8. G. W., in she chair.
" Proposed^ That every Past Master shall be a member of, and
have a vote in, all Grand Lodges, during his continuance a member of
any Lodge under the ancient constitutions."
'' This proposal occasioned long and varied debates ; several of the
Masters and Wardens argued strenuously against the motion, while
the presiding officer and three Masters were the only persons who
spoke in favor of it. At length an amendment was proposed, and
agreed, and then. Grand Warden Gibson, the President, put the ques-
tion in this form, viz :
" That regular Past Masters, while members of private lodges un-
der the sanction of the Grand Lodge, shall be members hereof, and
have votes in all cases except in making new laws. Upon casting up
the poll, the number appeared thus : For the Past Masters, 48 ;
against them, 26 ; majority for them, 22. Therefore it is hereby or-^
dered and declared that from and after the third day of December,
one thousand seven hundred and sixty-five, all and every regular Past
Master, while a member of any private lodge under the sanction of
this Grand Lodge, shall be a member of this Grand Lodge also, and
shall have a vote in all cases except in making new laws, which power
is vested in the Masters and Wardens, as being the only true repre-
sentatives of all the lodges, according to the old regulation, the
The copy of "Report" mentioned in the reply to direct interrogatory
" Most Woeshipful Grand Master : — In obedience to your com-
mands, wc have attentively considered the subject of the differences
subsisting among the brethren of the State of New York.
^ About the year 1782, a Provincial Grand Lodge was duly estab-
lished at New York, under a charter dated the 6th of September^
1781, granted by the Grand Lodge, of which the then Duke of Athol
was Grand Master. This charter authorized the ^ Provincial Grand
Master and Grand Wardens, together with the lawful associates, being
the installed Masters, Wardens, and Past Masters of the regular
lodges wiihin the jarisdiotion/' to act. After the recognition of the
independence of the United States, this Grand Lodge ceased to be
provincial, and assumed, and has ever since maintained, the character,
and exercised 4he functions of an independent Grand Lodee, and has
since been so considered and recognized by the Grand Lodce of Eng-
land. Its constitution, as revised in 1845, declared (in article 3) the
Grand Lodge to consist of the Grand officers and certain Past Grand
officers, the Masters and Wardens, or the representatives, legally ap-
pointed, of all the lodges under its jurisdiction ; ^ and the Past Mas-
ters, Masters by election and service of one year in the chair of all
such lodges." It also provided that the annual meetings of the Grand
Lodge should bo held in the city of New York on the first Tuesday in
June ; that meetings therein called quarterly should be held on the
first Tuesdays in September, December and March in each year ; that
special meetings might be called by the Grand Master, but that no
regulation, affecting the general interests of the craft, should be edop-
ted or changed, except at the annual meetbg in June. The 106th
article is as follows :
^ First. — No amendment to this constitution shall be made or have
any effect until the same shall have had the affirmative vote of the
Grand Lodge at two successive communications, unless, in addition
to the affirmative vote of the Grand Lodge at one June communica-
tion, it shall have received the affirmative vote of a majority of the
lodges within this jurisdiction. If such proposed amendment shall
receive the affirmative vote of the Grand Lodge, at one June commu-
nication, the same shall then be appended to the published proceed-
ings at the end, under caption ' Proposed Amendments to the Consti-
tution,' and sent to each lodge within this jurisdiction, in order that
ihe lodges may, if they think proper, instruct their representatives
thereon, and the action of the Grand Lodge in relation thereto shall
also appear in its appropriate place in the proceedings."
[To be oonttnaed.]
We place the spiritual lodge in the vale of Jehoshaphat, int-
plying thereby, that the principles of Masonry are derived from the
knowledge of God, and are established in the judgment of the Lord ;
the literal translation of the word Jehoshaphat, from the Hebrew
tongue, being no other than these express words. The highest hills
and the lowest valleys were from the earliest times esteemed sacred,
and it was supposed that the spirit of God was peculiarly diffusive in
those places. Hutchinson.
From ttie Betiev.
Weary hearts are weeping— careworn and oppreat.
For fhe difltant lOTed one, gently laid to rest;
Weeping, sadlj weeplnff, o*er the nousehold chain.
Heretofore so perfect, broken dow in twain.
And we Ioto, in fancy, still to linger there.
Leaning, sadly leaning o'er the vacant chair;
List'ning for the dear voice that is silent now;
Watching for the sunlight of a glad young brow;
Besting 'neath the shadow, death's dark Ansel flinga,
When beside earth's children, droop his saole wings.
Ah I the heart ^ows weary, and the warm tears flow.
As we, dreaming, wander back to " long ago,"
Bowing, bending earthward I neath the heart's stem strife,
Mnrmoring in onr anguish, " such, alas I is life.*'
Tes— bnt ih&re is sinking; 'mid the hosts above;
And redeemed, made perfect, throuffh a Saviour's love.
The freed spirit, bending low beside uie throne,
Hvmns eternal praises to His name alone.
Ah I she knows not suffering, grief, nor want, nor care,
All is joy and gladness, peace and sunlight then.
Cease thy weary weeping — fbnd hearts stiU thv woe,
Joy that f^m earth's sorrows, she wss called to go;
For while we are mourning -o'er love's frail ties riven.
Angel bands, rejoicing, welcome her in heaven.
Earth is full of sorrow, toil, an<i pain, and strife;
Who would not exchange it for eternal Life ?
Duelling.—* The great object of masonry is to cultivate peace and
good will among mankind, and. allay discord and- strife. The princi-
ples of the Institution influence its members to discountenance aU
evil, vicious and barbarous practices. Its most excellent tenets are
especially incompatible with the custom of duelling, and there can be
no doubt that any masons who meet for the purpose of deliberately
blowing out each other's brains, are guilty members, and should be
dealt with accordingly. The deed is black in the sight of Heaven,
and viewed with abhorrence by men, when two persons, joined by no
ties of friendship or regard, but who have long cherished a mutual
hatred, slink away from the eyes of the community to some retired
place, and there with deadly weapons seek each others lives. Poor
and miserable commentary upon human nature 1 What shall be said
of masons who make an exhibition of it ?
We are pleased to see that the Grand Lodge of Oalifomia has taken
the right view of this matter. At its last annual commoninicationy
it approved the action of San Joaquin Lodge, No. 19, in expelling
one of its members for fighting a dneL The Grand Lodge also
adopted the report of the Committee on Grievances, to whom the
matter was referred, and hj ballot, expelled the Worshipful Master of
Los Angelos Lodge, No. 42, from all the rights, benefits and privi-
leges of Masonry, for fighting a duel with the member of San Joaquin
We trust every Grand Lodge in the Union will, if necessity re-
quire it, speak in the same tone, and manifest the same spirit Cali-
fornia has set the right example.
The annual communication of this body was hold at Milwaukee in
June last. The report of its proceedings indicates that the Craft in
its jurisdiction is making healthy progress. The whole number of
Master Masons in Wisconsin is about fifteen hundred. The follow*
ing are the present officers of the Grand Lodge : M. W. Henry M.
Billings, G. M.; B. W. G. Bouck, D. G. M.; Orlando Foster, G. S.
W.; Haven Powers, G. J. W.; Peter Winten, G. T.; Wm. R. Smith,
G. Sec; Rev. M. Hoyt, G. Chap.; W. Famsworth, G. M.; J. M. Todd,
G. Sword Bearer ; E. F. Ogden, G. S. D.; S. A. White, G. J. D.; S.
Howe, G. P.; C. B. Carrmgton and E. Sumner, G. Stewards ; B.
Clewett, G. Tyler.
During the last current year, dispensations were granted for five new
lodges. The Grand Master's address is concise and appropriate, and
contains many useful suggestiolis. In accordance with his recom-
mendations, the Grand Lodge divided the State into districts for the
purpose of instituting an uniformity of work — a Deputy Grand Mas-
ter to lecture in each district. Agreeable to his suggestion, initio*
tory steps were taken to establish a school for the destitute orphans
of deceased brethren.
The report of the Committee on Foreign Correspondence, though
comprised principally of quotations firom other documents, is interesi-
ing and instructive.
The Committee quote from the report of the Committee in Ten-
nessee Lodge, as follows : " If none of the officers he present, nor any
Past Master to take the chair, the members, according to seniority,
shall fill the chair, and shall have aU the rights of a regularly installed
Master, to fill vacancies.'' Commenting on the Tennessee doctrine,
Bro. King of New York, says :
" No such authority can be found in the ancient Constitutions ; nor
do we think that any instance can be cited anterior to 1771, where a
lay member performed the duties of the Chair in a regular lodge.
Since that time, we acknowledge, the doctrine has*obtained in some
jurisdictions, but it has grown out of the practice originated by the
seceding irregular Grand Lodge of England, whose customs and usa-
ges were written out, by Lawrence Dermott, the greatest innovator of
any age, unless we may except the Chevalier Ramsey. There may
have been occasional instances where " old Masons " have been called
upon to preside in lodges, and even in the Grand Lodge, but we think
it will be found, in all cases, that they had previously served in the
Chair of a lodge as Master. • • In the absence of the Master, the
Senior, and after him the Junior "Warden, succeeded to the Chair. —
Without one of these, it is our opinion the lodge cannot be opened.
After being opened by one of these, a Past Master may preside."
PAST master's degree.
Treating of this subject, the Committee give the views of Bro. A.
G. Mackey, which they fully endorse. He says :
" There is no doubt, if we carefully examine the history of Masonry
in this country and in England, that the degree of P. M. was origi-
nally conferred by symbolic lodges as honorarium, or reward bestowed
upon those brethren who had been found worthy to occupy the orien-
tal chair. In so far it was only a degree of office, and could be ob-
tained only from the lodge in which the degree had been conferred.
At a late period it was deemed an essential pre-requisite to exaltation
in the degree of Royal Arch, and was for that purpose conferred on
candidates for that position, while the Royal Arch degree was under
the control of the Symbolic Lodges, but still only conferred by Past
Masters of the lodge. But subsequently, when the system of Royal
Arch Masonry was enlarged and extended in this country, and Chap-
ters were organized independent of the Grand and Symbolic Lodges,
these Chapters took with them the Past Master's degree, and assumed
the right of conferring it on their candidates. Hence arose the anoma-
ly that now exists in American Masonry, of two degrees bearing the
same name, and said to be almost identical in character, conferred by
two different bodies under entirely different qualifications, and totally
Afferent purposes. As was to be expected, when time had in some
degree obliterated the details of History, each party began to claim
finr itself the soyereign virtue of legitimacy. The Paat Masters of
the Chapters denied the right of Symbolic Xjodges to oonfer the de-
gree, and the latter in their retttm asserted that the degree aa confer-
red in the Ohapter, was an innoyation."
The Committee further quote the opinion of Bro. King, who
** There is another report in the document before us, holding the
doctrine, ' that the Master elect of a lodge is entitled to installation
without having received the degree of P. M., which properly belongs
to a Chapter,* which we hardly know how to interpret, yet it was ' con-
curred in * by the Grand Lodge. If it was intended to convey the
idea that the Master elect of a lodge could be installed without hay-
ing received the installation service, which is a part and parcel of the
Past Master's degree, we think it is clearly erroneous ; and among the
Grand Lodges of the United States and of Great Britain, Florida
stands alone. Nor does it * properly belong to a Chapter.* The legiti-
mate ownership of that degree is in a lodge of Past Masters; it was
never heard of as a chapter degree until the organization of the Gen-
eral Grand Chapter of the United States, and this body has never
dared to assert exclusive control over it. Yet a liberal interpreta-
tion of her constitution might warrant such a conclusion. Past Mas-
ters, whether members of Chapters or not, have an ancient and im-
prescriptible right to confer the degree, and the body which seeks to
take away that right, justly subjects itself to the charge of attempt-
ing to obliterate a custom as old as Masonry itself"
" South Carolina, New Hampshire, and several other states," says
the report, ^ have expended much learning and some warmth in the
discussion of the several questions. We have given more space to
this subject than it really deserves, for we are inclined to regard it
very much as l^e committee in Texas does, as '^ much ado about
nothing," and as having little to do with Ancient Craft Masonry.
The important question in the whole matter is the assumption by some
Grand Chapters, of a control over the degree, (regarding it as a ^
gree) to the exclusion of the right of symbolic Lodges to confer it on
the several Masters elected to the Oriental Chair. We have no hesi-
tation in declaring our opinion that any attempt on the part of Grand
or Subordinate Boyal Arch Chapters, to assume to themselves the
sde control of the Past Master's degree, is not only an innoyation on
ancient usage and custom, but a positive infringement on the inherent
rights of Symbolic Lodges to confer such degree on the Masters of
lodges elect, in the several lodges over which they are legally called
to preside."
The Committee make some very sensible suggestions at the dose
of their report, recommending Grand Secretaries and Grand Lodges
to furnish properly arranged statistics of the condition of the Fra-
ternity. In this respect the Grand Lodge of Wiseonain and its Seo-
retary have set a very good example.
Lettsk of B&o. Macest. — ^The following extract in taken from
a letter of Bro. Maokey, in answer to an inyitation to deliver a oonrse
of leotnrea in New York, on masonic subjects. The learned Brother
takes a view of the Lsstitption, which will commend itsdf to every re-
flecting memher of the draft:
« The masses of onr institution have been too long content to look
upon it as invested only with the character of a social and charitable
flociety. But amiable and praiseworthy as are its tendencies to pro-
mote brotherly love, and to relieve distress, these are not its only ob-
jects; and all intelligent Masons now rejoice that a better era has
began, imd that the intellectnal claims of the Order, and its vener-
able position, as the sole remaining representative of that science and
philosophy of symbolism which was once the conservator of all the
reli^on and aU the learning of the ancient world, are now fully recog-
nized and deemed legitimate subjects of consideration. It is, I may
say, to the study of Masonry from this stand-point, that I owe all the
love and admiration that I have for it, and I am confident that a
similar direction of study must be attended, to others, with the same
*^ It has been the hope of elevating the literary and scientific char-
acter of Masonry by presenting it in such an aspect, that has gov-
erned me, (if I do not deceive myself) in all that I have heretofore
written on the subject of the Order, and especially in the preparation
of that course of lectures which, under your fraternal encouragement,
I propose to deliver.
^ If^ in addition to all this, these lectures shall tend to promote
brotherly love and social intercourse among the Craft in your city, as
I trust they may, for ^ increase of knowledge" should always be ac-
companied by increase of love — ^then I know of no other inducement
that would be dearer to my heart — ^for the Fraternity of your juris-
diction have ever been distinguished for their unfaltering ddvotion to
the Landmarks, and their general cultivation of the literature of the
Order. The reports of the Committee on Foreign Correspondence
of your Lodge, are themselves, and have been for years, an invalu-
able accession to the library of every masonic student And if dis-
cussions have sometimes arisen among you, attributable to the extent
of your population and the diversity of views and interests which are
incidental to such a population, they have been heretofore, and will be,
I have no doubt, hereafter, merely as the transient clouds, that will
sometimes obscure for a moment the brightness of even a meridian
22 — VOL. I. NO. V.
The (Jrand Enoampment of Knights Templars held its aiuraal
assembly at Hartford, in Haj last There were four subordinate
bodies in the jorisdiction, which were represented, to wit: Washing*
ton Enoampment, No. 1, Hartford; New Hayen Encampment, No. 2,
New Haven ; Clinton Encampment, No. 3, Norwalk ; and Colnm*
bian, No. 4, Norwich. A resolution was passed authorizing the.
issuing of (barters for two new Encampments, one to be located at
Bridgeport, and the other at New London. The following was tiie
result of election for officers : — M. £. Sir Benj. Beecher ; H. E. Sir
William E. Sanford, O. H.; M. E. Sir Cyrus Qoodell, D. Q.
M.; M. E. Sir John A. M'Lean, O. G.; M. E. Sir G. F. Daskam,
G. C. G; Sir W. Hyde, G. P.; Sir Sam. Tripp, G. S. W.; Sir W-
H. Copp, G. J. W.; Sir E. J. Storer, G. P.; Sir D. Clark, G. T.;
Sir A. Smith, G. S. B.; Sir Howard B. Ensign, G. S. B.; Sir A*
Hamilton, G. Warden ; Sir L Tuttle, G. S.
The principal business transacted was the passage of the following
resolution :
Besolved, That in addition to the several degrees required by the
Constitution of the Gkneral Grand Encampment to have been taken
by candidates for Knighthood, this Grand Encampment will further
require that applicants in this jurisdiction shall hare taken the de*
grees of Boyal and Select Master.
The Order of the Knight Templar appears to be in a rery flourish^
ing condition in Connecticut, and has many learned members there,
whose zeal and devotion are not surpassed by those of Sir Elnights
in any part of the country.
Nine subordinate bodies were represented at the last annual convo-
oation of the Grand Chapter of Iowa, at Keosauqua, in June. M.
E. T. S. Parvin, Grand High Priest, delivered an interesting address
from which we make the following extracts :
Companions, let us begin the labors of this, our Seoond Convoca-
tion, bv looking to the God of our fathers for grace in our hearts,
that with one accord our hands may be strengthened to persevere in,
and raoeessfblly aooomplish the great nndertalcitig in whioh we have
engftfled, *^ to redoable our endeavors to correct me vices, purify the
morus, and promote the happiness of those of our companions" who
have pitched their tents around our banners.
Masonrr, mj companions, goes no farther ; *^ thus far shalt thou
oome," saith the great I Am, and woe to the misguided seal of that
companion who seeks to do the Almighty's work, and substitute the
moral teachings of our Order, although extracted from the Sacred
Law, for the renewing and quickening power of the Holy Spirit, which
alone can change the heart of man and make it a spiritual temple, a
fit abode for the Holy Spiiit to dwell in.
Our cause often greatly suffers by the over sealous efforts of well-
meaning members of our Order, who claim too much, and, of course,
ask too much from those upon whom the^ would urge our claims as
oo-laborers in bettering man's condition m this life, and manifestinff
an unwillingness to leave to the Christian the conversion of the soul,
which is the professed object of the religion they profess.
Masonry, in no one single respect, conflicts or interferes with Chris-
tianity; on the contrary, goes with her as a hand-maid so far as she
can go, and then bids her '^ God speed thee" on thy way.
• •••••••
Suspension — ^Its Extent and Effect. My views on this subject
oorrespond with those expressed by G. W. P. Pike, of Arkansas, that
suspension should (and to be valid, must) be indefinite ; that is, extend
till the cause which produced it is removed, and the offender cannot
be returned without a ballot in his favor.
' The G. G. C. has enacted that a suspension in a Lodge, shall oper-
ate de facto as a suspension in a Chapter. Why should not the con-
verse of this be the case 7 ^< 'tis a proper rule that works both ways."
A R. A. M. is suspended from the Chapter, and all R. A. Masons are
forbidden masonic intercourse with him. And how can they associ-
ate m the Lodge with one whom they cannot fellowship in the Chap-
ter—or is the obligation of symbolic masonry, that we shall not hold
masonic intercourse with a suspended member, to be declared of no
NoN-ApFiLiATsn Masons. — ^I am clearly of opinion that sound
policy dictates that our doors should be dosed against all non-afBlia-
ted Masons, and bee leave to suggest the propriety, nay, necessity of
adoptmg a general regulation, providing that petitions shall be re-
oeived for the degrees or membership in our Chapters, only from those
who hold membership in some Lodge under the jurisdiction of the
G. L. of Iowa.
The following persons were elected officers : — M. E. Jas. R. Hart-
sock, G. H. P.J E. Horace Tuttle, K.; E. G. W. Teas, S.; Comp. J.
J. Adams, T.; Comp. T. S. Parvin, Secretary.
ZioQ Lodge met on the 7 th of Feb., 1796, at the house of Bro.
James Donaldson. ^ The Wonhipfnl Master opened a Fellow Craft's
Lodge, when Bro. Hutchinson, applying to become a member of onr
body, was balloted for, and was negatived by five black beans." ^ A
Lodge of Entered Apprentices " was then opened, and Wm. Hasper
and Ebeneier Mathew Sanford " reoeived the first degree."
March 7th, 1796. — ^ It was agreed nnanimously," says the record
of this meeting, ^ to write to the Grand Master of Upper Canada,
communicating our authority in a brotherly manner."
April 4th, 1796. — ^At this meeting Bros. Harper and Sanford ^ re-
ceived" the degrees of Fellowcraft and Master Mason; Abraham
Lovelock ^ received " the first degree on the 2d of May, and the Fel-
low-craft's and Master Mason's on the 6th of June. At the latter
meeting, '^ this being the regular night of electing officers for the en-
suing six months, the Senior Warden, Bro. Rowe, and Junior War-
den [May] stood Ballot for the Chair, when Br. May became duly
elected. After which the Master elect put Br. Howard, Secretary,
for Senior Warden, and the Brethren put up Buland, Treasurer, when
Br. Heward became duly elected. Afterwards, Br. Ruland and Br.
Donovan were put to ballot for Jr. Warden, when Br. Ruland was
duly elected. Br. Donoldson was unanimously elected Treasurer, and
Br. Donovan Secretary. Agreed unanimously that the Brethren
should dine together the 24th instant, bemg St John's day, according
to custom, and to assemble at one o'dodL"
The follawing is the record entire of the next meeting:
^ Dbtroit, 24th June, 1796.
^ Zion Lodge No. 10, under the sanction of the Orand Lodge of
Lower Canada, met in due form at the house of James Donaldson.
Brethren Present: Br. Jas. Donaldson, in the Chair,
Br. Jas. Rowe, S. W.
Br. Jas. May, J. W.,
Br. Bym, P. Master,
Br. Uoward, Sec.,
Br. Ruland, Treas.,
Br. Wheaton, S. D.,
Br. Donovan, J. D.,
Br. Sutherland, T,
Br. Lovelock.
^ The W. M. opened an apprentice lodge. It being Si John's day,
the Brethren dined somptnoiisly together, after whioh proceeded to
the installation of the new elected officers and paid them the homage
dae, agreeable to the ancient custom of Masons. After spending an
agreeable evenrng, the lodge was closed at 10 of the clock in perfect
love and harmony, and adjourned to the first Monday in July
July 1st, 1796. — ^ The W. M. opened an apprentice Lodge when it
was proposed by Br. Treasurer Donaldson to present to the Grand
Lodge, under whom we are sanctioned, a sum of two guineas for the
relief of indigent Brethren wherever found, whioh was unanimously
agreed to. It was further agreed that the Secretary should write a
regular summons to all the members of this Lodge to attend every
stated, as well as Lodges of Emergency, which is to be handed about
by every brother who shall receive the sama"
If the above regulation were adopted now, it might have a benefi-
cial affect on some Brethren.
Ajigttst 1st, 1796. — ^ It was agreed that the money sent by Dan.
Tuilos and Wm. Shaw, with petitions, should be forfeit to this Body
in consequence of their non-attendance, agreeable to resolution of last
lodge night It was further agreed that in consequence of a letter
from Solomon Gk)odrich directed to Br. Donaldson on the subject of
money due him from Br. Bowe, that Br. Howe should remit the money
or give good Beasons for his non-performanoa
The returns to the Grand Lodge for one year were signed in Lodge
Boom by the present and past officers. The Lodge dosed," &c.
Communications were held on the 5th of Sept, 3d of Oct, and 7th
of Nov., but no busbess or work was transacted.
Dec. 5th, 1796. — ^- The W. M. opened an apprentice Lodge, when
the absence of Br. Buland, as Jr. Warden, was considered by the
Lodge as a breach of the Bye-laws, and accordingly sentenced to pay
ft fine of two shillings, which rule should stand good in future tomrd
all officers absenting themselves in like manner."
^ This being the night to elect the officers of the Lodge, it was
unanimously agreed that the present officers should remain in their
difiiorent stations for the ensuing six months, and that tiie lodge should
assemble and dine together on St John's day agreeable to custom."
^ It is unanimously agreed that eaeh visiting Brotiier may be al-
lowed to Ainiiah wbatever sun he thicks proper for the benefit of in-
digent Brethren, but to contribute nothing towards the night^s expen-
ses. It is further agreed that any person offering himself as a can-
didate (thro* a member of this lodge) may be balloted for on the first
night, and if approved of, may be entered at any time by informing
and calling a Lodge of Emergency, said candidate defraying the ex-
penses of said Emergency, but the law already provided for this pur-
pose to stand good in every other respect"
" The Brethren dined sumptuously together " on St. John's day,
and ^ spent an agreeable evening." Nothing of importance was done
at the next two meetings.
March 6th, 1797. — ^^ The W. M. opened an apprentice lodge when
it was unanimously agreed that the second article of the Bye-laws
respecting fines to be paid by Brethren absenting themselves from the
Lodge should in future be strictly adhered to. It is also agreed that
any person who has already been initiated into any part of the mys'
tery of Masonry and wishes to be advanced shall pay for every degree
he obtains in this Lodge the sum of one pound five shillbgs, N. Y.
currency. Every Myon is allowed to visit this Lodge as often as he
pleases, providing always, he pays his dividend of the night's expenses
after his first visit, and subject to the resolution of the 5th of Decem-
ber last."
April 3d, 1797. — ^^ The W. M, opened an apprentice's Lodge. Re-
ceived a letter from the Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Lower
Canada, bearing date 30th January last, which was read in open
Lodge and agreed that the contents should be attended to."
June 5th, 1797. — ^ The following Brethren were elected to serve
as officers for the ensumg six months, to wit: Br. Heward, Master;
Br. Ruland, S. W.; Br. McNiff, J. W.; Br. Wheaton, Treas.; and Br.
Donovan, Sea" Mr. Nathan Williams was ^ admitted to the first
degree of Masonry."
June 21st, '97. — ^^'The W. M. opened an apprentice Lodge, and,
after the occasionalsofthe day over, dined sumptuously together. After
dinner, the present officers were installed with the homage agreeable
to the antient custom of Masons. After spending an agreeable even-
ing, the Lodge dosed in perfect love and hannony," Aa
The uuiiial senion of the Grand Chapter of Yermoiit was held at
Boyalton in August Its proceedings give eyidenoe of health and
prosperity. Grand High Priest, Philip 0. Tucker deUvered an ex-
cellent address, from which we may quote at another time.
The report of the Oommittee on Foreign Correspondence is a brief
review of the reports of other bodies. It speaks of the Grand Chap-
ter of Michigan, as follows :
^ The annual convocation of this Grand body was held at Detroit
on the 8tii day of January, 1855. Their Committee on Foreign Cor-
respondence regret not receiviDg communications from all the Grand
Chapters of the Union, and we notice with some surprise, that Ver-
mont was classed amongst the delinquents. We know that our annual
proceedings of 1854, were duly mailed and supposed they were as duly
received. We folly agree with our Michigan brethren that an interchange
of the proceedings of all the States is highly important to the further-
ance of the interests of Boyal Arch Masonry, that each may be ap-
prised of the other's doings, and all work together with that noble
emulation of who will best work and best agree. We trust there will
be no failure in friture. This Grand Chapter has appointed a com-
mittee to agree upon a system of work^ and have instructed the sub-
ordinate Chapters to conform stricUy thereto. It seems to us, that
the better way would have been to have appointed a committee to as-
certain what the work was, as prescribed by the G. G. Chapter of
1850, that being the system adopted by the G. G. Chapter in default
of any new action thereon."
The f ollowiDg is a list of the officers for the current year :
M. B. Philip C. Tucker, G. H. P.; E. John S. Webster, D. G. H.
P.; E. Thomas H. Campbell, G. K; E. Joshua Doane,G. 8.; JohnB.
HoUenbeck, G. S.; Samuel S. Brown, G. T.; Bev. 0. G. Woodbury,
Hartiand, G. C; Bev. M. A. Herrick, Woodstock, Ass't G. C; &
H. Kilbom, G. M.; C. E. Colston, Hartiand, P. H. Whitoey, Wind-
sor, Calvin Sprague, Plainfield, N. H., G. Stewards ; Samuel Wilson,
Yeigennes, G. L.; Geo. M. Hall, Swanton, Ass't. G. L.; Lewis Emmons,
Hartiand, Ass't G. L.; G. Washburn, Montpelier, Ass't G. L.; 0.
Parkhurst, Boyalton, G. 8.; George Miller, Hartiand, G. T.
This body whioh oonTened at Royalton, in Atignst, has under its
jnriBdiotion the foUo^ng subordinate coonoils: No. 1, Golom-
bofl, at St Albans; No. 2, Yergennes, at Yergennes; No. 3,
Bennington, at Bennington ; No. 4, Montpelier, at Montpelier ; No.
5, Burlington, at Burlington ; No. 6, Randolph, at Rojalton ; No. 7,
La Payette, at East Berkshire ; No. 8, Windsor, at Hartland. On
account of the death of the Most Puissant Orand Master, N. B. Has-
kell, the Deputy Orand Master Philip C. Tucker, assumed the Chair.
In his address, he gi^es a brief account of the formation of the Grand
Council and its authority. ''The Council," he says, ''whidi organ-
iied this Grand Body were, Yergennes, No. 1, Burlington, No. 2,
Montpelier, No. 3, and Randolph, No. 4. Councils Nos. 2, 3, and 4,
have applied for new charters under ibis organisation. Council No.
1, has not yet done so."
He continues : There was formerly a Council at Windsor, one at
St. Albans, and, I belieye, one at Berkshire, and one at Bennington.
The four Royal Arch Chapters with which they were associated at the
above places, are still in existence. There were other Councils, per-
haps, at places where there were other Chapters, now extinct ; but I
suppose, when those Chapters ceased their vitality, the Councils then
all passed to a like common fate.
Our Constitution declares the right of this Grand Body to the sole
government and superintendence of all Councils of Royal and Select
Masters in the State. This right can hardly be doubted. The Grand
Chapters, Grand Encampments and Grand Lodges of this and all
other States, when legitimately formed according to Masonic rule,
have universally acted upon this right as an inherent one — as one
necessary to the safe regulation of the locad bodies of their respective
orders, and without which. Masonry could not exist in its purity and
strength. The four Councils who formed this Grand Body, of course,
accede to this, and it is presumed that the prinmple will be acknowl-
edged by all other Councils within the State. Without adopting it,
the harmony and usefulness of the Order would be essentially dis-
Gamaliel Washburn was elected Most Puissant Grand Master,
Joshua Doaue, D. P. G. M.; S. H. Peirce, T. I G. M.; J. B. HoUen*
beck, G; R.; 0. Williams, G. T.; Sam. Wilson, G. 0. of the G. C;
L. B. Englesby, G. M; Rev. 0. G. Woodbury, G. C; Sam. Wilson,
G. Sec.; T. H. Campbell, G. P.; and C. E. Colston, G. Sentinel
" Two are better Uian one ; becaose thej hsTe a good reward for their labor."
When Philadelphia was about to be evacuated bj the British army,
under Sir Henry Clinton, June 18, 1778, there was a merchant, one
Hubbard Simpson, largely engaged in the sale of English goods, who
had become highly obnoxious to the American residents, for supply-
ing the British commander with mercantile facilities and with infor-
mation, that had been used to the detriment of the American
This man was in high repute with Sir Henry and his immediate
predecessor, Lord Howe. From the former he now receiTcd a notifi-
cation in time to enable him to sell his goods and depart under the
protection of the British army.
It was not possible, however, to dispose of so large a stock at short
notice. To sell upon a credit was impracticable, so far as any of the
American merchants were concerned, and as for those in the tory in-
terests, they were not to be trusted. To make a cash sale, in the
present state of the funds, was impossible. Thus Mr. Simpson re-
volved the matter in his mind till the very day preceding the evacua-
tion. A final notice from Sir Henry found him undecided, sitting in
his crowded warehouse, soon to be devoted to spoliation and fire by
the bcensed Americans.
Now, this man was a member of the Masonic fraternity. Before
the breaking out of strife, he had held a distinguished place in the
provincial liodges. Although his understanding of right and wrong,
in the present war, differed from that of the majority c^his country-
men, yet the most zealous patriot could not accuse him of inoonsit-
teney or turpitude. What he had professed to be from youth — »
warm loyalist — ^he still maintained ; and this had led him to adopt
the unpopular side in the revolutionary struggle, and to follow the
British army, even at the expense of a large part of his property.
As things now stood, he was likely to lose more. Already he had
begun to contemplate the idea of throwing open the doors and de-
parting, when a rap was heard without, and, in answer to his invita-
fion, an old friend, Mr. Jonas Lee, entered, and asked for a coe-
ference. _^______^________^____
• UghU tad BlMriowi of rkMBUMoiiTy,
23 — ^VOL. I. NO. V.
This geattemao, oome at so oritical a moment^ was a person of note
in the city — one who had soiFered more than most others for his at-
tachment to liberty — and a zealous Mason.
For three years and upward no intercourse had been held between
tiie pair, once fraternally intimate ; they had only acknowledged each
other's acquaintance by a nod of recognition when they met in the
The object of the present call was stated in a few words.
'' My old friend and brother, I have heard of your approaching
danger, and am come to offer you a seryice. We have taken oppo-
site sides in politics ; but you have sustained your choice, like my-
self, at great sacrifices ; and, while I can but regret that you are
arrayed against our common country, I yet respect your honesty of
purpose. Masonry knows no principle but duty, and this is yonr
hour of depression ; therefore, am I come. My influence is now in
the ascendant, and I hereby offer it to you in brotherly truth. For
old time's sake, I will take charge of your property, otherwise the
spoil of our soldiers, before to-morrow morning, seU it for you at the
best time and adyantage, and hold the proceeds subject to your
The grateful merchant was profuse with his thanks.
*^ None of that, brother Simpson. My own heart is a sufltcient re-
ward. You can say all that when we meet again. Time presses^
Tou are in immediate and great danger."
A clear sale was forthwith made of the whole property, amounting^
to more than fifty thousand dollars. No documentary evidences rel-
atire to the debt were retained by Mr. Simpson. Prudence pointed
out this, as the only course, that promised a successful result
At parting, while yet the boat was waiting at the pier, and the drums
of the American advanced-guard were sounding in the suburbs of the
city, Mr. Simpson took a gold piece from his purse, broke it in two
parts, and handing one to his noble-hearted friend, observed : " Tou
and I used to debate the purpose of the ancient tessera ; now we will
make it a practical question. Whoever presents you with this frag-
ment of gold, to him I authorize you to render up whatever in your
hands belongs to me. Farewell."
Years rolled by, and Jonas Lee beard no more of his old friend.
With great difficulty, and by the aid of powerful friends at Head
Quarters, he had succeeded in disposing of the property without much
loss ; and by a judicious use of the money, he had become rich. Old
age then crept upon him. His daily walks about the city began to
1)e Bhortenecl. The almond tree flonriahed. The grasshopper began
to be a burden. From jear to year, he drew nearer to his own man-
sion, and finally confined himself within his retired apartment, to wait
for the Summoner of all flesh.
One day, as he was reclining in the listlessnegs of old age, with bat
the Word of Ctod, and the person of his good wile, for companionship,
and the voices of his grand-children ringing from the next room, in
happy harmony, he was accosted by a beggarly-looking yoxmg man,
who prayed a gift of money, " for a poor shipwrecked foreigner, who
had lost his all, and barely escaped with life itself" .
Jonas Lee was not a person to refuse such a demand. He made
bim a bonntifol gift of money, clothes, and kind words. But when
the foreigner was abont to depart, he walked np to Mr. Lee's couch,
and pressing his hand with thankfulness, he dropped into it a worn
and ragged piece of metal, and asked him if he would accept that
piece of gold as a token of a poor beggar's gratitude 1
There was somethiug peculiar in the foreigner's tone, which led Mr.
Lee to draw out his spectacles and examine the ofiering intently.
What was the surprise of his wife to see him rise from his chair,
draw a similar fragment from his bosom, where it had been suspended
by a ribbon for a long time, and applying the pieces together, to hear
him triumphantly declare : " They fit, they fit I the broken tessera is
complete ! the union is perfect ! thank Ood, thank GK>d, my brother
is yet alive I"
The foreigner turned out to be the youngest son of Mr. Simp-
son, who had been shipwrecked, as he stated, to the great hazard of
his life. Preserving the golden fragment, he had landed at Phila-
delphia, ragged and poor, charged by his father with a message to
Mr. Lee. Why the former had so long delayed his claim, does not
appear. The history informs Tis, however, that he had followed the
British army through the remainder of the war ; amassed a large
fortune, by some successful government contracts ; gone to England ;
embarked in extensive speculations there ; and finally, retiring from
business immensely wealthy, was made a baronet, for his loyal
His son was received with open arms, and introduced into the first
circles of Philadelphia. Report, concerning the Masonic part of the
transaction, became public, and gave a new impetus to the Order.
Bat when a full aocoant of his stewardiship was prepared by Mr.
Lee, and the property, both principal and interest, tendered to the
young man, the proffer was met by a letter from Sir Hubbard Simp-
son, just received^ in which he declined receiving a shilling of it, and
presented it, with his warmest regards, to his old friend and brother
Jonas Lee.
DxnoiT, Dec lOtib, 1855.
Bbotbie Wnrosr : — ^Woold toq be kind enough to answer thiongli the pages
of your inTaluable jonrnal the following aueries :
1. Can a petition be withdrawn, after tne committee appointed to report* baa
done so, unfavorably, but preyious to the passing of the ballot
2. Can a petition be withdrawn after a committee has been appointed, to en-
quire into tne character of the applicant, previous to said committee reporting.
Fraternally yours,
Aooordiog to ancient usages, it is considered by many learned Ma-
sons, that a petition cannot be withdrawn after its presentation. The
Grand Lodge of Oalifomia has resolved, "• That a petition for initia-
tion or membership, presented to a sabordinate lodge, becomes the
property of the lodge, and caH on no consideration be withdrawn, bat
a ballot most in all cases be had on the report of the committee."
The committee on foreign correspondence, of the Orand Lodge of
Wisconsin, say they ^ beliere this to be sotmd masonic nsage.''
The questions of our correspondent are decided — as f$x as this
jurisdiction is concerned — ^by the Grand Lodge. The 8th section of
article 5, of tiie constitution, says:
No candidate for initiation can withdraw his petition after the same
has been referred to a committee, without tiie concurrence of tw<>-
thirds of the members present
By this we are led irresistibly to infer that a petition ma^ be
withdrawn at any time before baUot by a two-third vote.
Austin, December, 25, 1855.
Bro. Weston : — ^I haye jast completed my labors for this Masonic
year, and think it may, perhaps, be interesting to some of your
readers to know how the Order is prospering in this State.
I commenced my labors immediately after the dose of the session
of oar last annual Grand Communication, by visiting lodges that I had
officially visited the year previous, and was much pleased with the
proficiency they had made in so short a time, and with the laudable
ambition manifested to excel in the Masonic work.
During the year, I have visited all the lodges in this jurisdiction
except one. So far as regards those lodges that I was not called to
visit last year, I cannot speak so understandingly, because I do not
know what was their condition before, but suffice it to say, that they
are now doing well and are exhibiting a commendable zeal, not only in
doing good work, but in the selections of material upon which to work,
and there never was a time when Masonry was in as flourishing a con-
dition as at the present. We number among our initiates men of the
first dass, rank and condition — statesmen, farmers, clergymen, law-
yers, mechanics, gentlemen and scholars, who deem it not derogatory
to their dignity to level themselves with the Fraternity, extend their
privileges and patronize their assemblies ; and in passing from point
to point, a person is forcibly impressed with the high tone and noble
bearing of the lodges and members generally, both in city and coun*
try, through the length and breadth of our prosperous and happy State.
I was forcibly struck with the exhibitions of this principle among
our brethren in the Upper Peninsula, as well as at Mackinac, who
guard the portals of their lodges with the utmost vigflance and care ;
and at Ontonagon, I discovered the footprints of our venerable friend
and brother, the Hon. E. Smith Lee, who labored so ardently there,
as well as elsewhere, to promote the interests of our time-honored
Order in this jurisdiction, and to whom, with a host of others who
wrought in unison in removing the rubish for the building of that
stupendous monument of excellence- which has inunortalized their
names, be praise jmd excellence ascribed ; and when they fall, may it
be on duty, and may their mantles rest upon those who will do honor
to their memories, as well as to the cause they have so nobly espoused I
Brethren of the mystic tie, permit me to tender to you my thanks,
and express my gratitude, for the cordial reception and kind and gen-
erous hospitality which I have received at your hands during the time
that I have endeavored to serve you ; and may you share largely in
the benificence of our Supreme Grand Master above !
Bjzla Oogshall, O.V. it L.
Hon. E. B. Amos, Past Grand Master of the Orand Lodge
of Illinois, has receiyed the appointment of the United States Counsel
for Hamburg, Germany. Bro. A. is a native of Vermont, and in his
thirtj-sizth year.
Look out for Him. — ^A man named Samnel B. Phillips, who
professes to be a Mason, has imposed upon some members of the
Fraternity. He is an Irishman, about six feet high, fair complexion,
of genteel address, and has a defect in his left eye. He has in his
possession a Masonic diploma granted by some Lodge in Ireland, and
is an arrant impostor.
Impostors. — ^A fellow who calls himself Ansel L. Burton, but
whose real name b Ansel L. Bradbury, has been defrauding the
Brethren in Maine. He borrowed money on the strength of his being
a Mason. He professes to have been a purser in the navy. He is a
large, heavy man, with dark hair and eyes, and whiskers.
An expelled Mason, named Wm. McEinney, has been imposmg on
the Craft in Ohio. He is from Georgetown, Kentucky, (Mount Ver-
non Lodge).
"Ths Lights and Shadows of Faebmasonrt.'' — This is the
title of a volume containing about four hundred pages of miscellane-
ous matter, by Robert Morris, E. T., editor of the American Free-
mason. The pieces which it contains have been published before, and
are generally interesting. The work is published by J. W. Leonard
& Co., of New York, and its typographical appearance does credit to
that well-known and enterprising house.
The Illustrated Annual Register of Rural Affairs and
Cultivator Almanac for 1856. — This is a very neat little book of
:two hundred and eighty-eight pages, containing a large amount of
useful and practical information, such as fanners and mechanics should
desire to obtain. It is illustrated with one hundred and fifty engra-
vings, of houses, fruit, mechanical inventions, cattle, swine, &o. We
consider this the most instructive book of the kind that has come to
our knowledge, and cheerfully recommend it. It is for sale at the store
of Messrs. S. I). Elwood & Co., Jefferson Avenue, Detroit.
Macut'b Masonic Lexicon. — ^We btTe reoeiyed from the pabliaherfli
Mofls & Srother, of Philadelphia, a copy of a new and improved edition
of thifl yalnable work, which contains a well execnted engraying of tiia
author. The eminent ability of Bro. Mackey, and his long and dili-
gent study of Masoniy, have peooliarly fitted him to impart informa-
tion rejecting our Order. We regard his opinions, rdatiye to all
matters pertaining to Masonic history and jariBprndence,as yery high
authority. Among the scholars of our Association, he stands prominent
for his capacity and acquirements. Every lodge should have his
Lexicon, and each Brother who desires to obtain a large amount of
information in a small compass, and at little cost, should purehase itb
The Private Gokeesfondencb of Henet Olat, Edited bt
Oaltin Oalton, L. L. B., Professor of Public Economt,
TRiNrrr College. New Tore: A. S. Barnes & Co., 51 and 53
John Street. — This volume will be wel^med by the American
people — ^by men of all parties — as a national work. The life and
character of Henry Olay are familiar, and have caused a nation to
love him and mourn his loss. For the first time his private corres-
pondence— ^whioh reveals the workings of the inmost heart of the
great patriot— are laid before the world. This will have a strong in*
fiuence in moulding the opinions of posterity respecting the motives
which influenced his public actions.
The volume before us is beautifully printed on good paper, com-
prises six hundred and thirty-six pages, and contains letters of many
eminent men, which were addressed to Mr. Olay. It is an exceedingly
valuable contribution to American literature, and should need no re-
commendation in this country.
The work is sold by subscription only. Kerr, Morley db Co.,
Agents, Detroit
Encampments in Canada. — There are three Encampments in
Canada.— << The Hugh de Payens, at Kingston," ^ The OeofErey de St.
Aldemar," at the city of Toronto, « The William de la More," * The
Martyr,' at the city of Quebec. The officers of the Provincial Grand
Conclave of Knights Templar, are : — Grand Commander, Captain W.
T. B. McLeod Moore, Ottawa ; Deputy Grand Commander, James
Alexander Henderson, Kingston ; Grand Prior, Colonel Alexander
Gordon, B. E., Kingston ; Grand Prelate, Bev. J. F. Lundy, D. 0.
L., Grimsby ; Grand Captains Commanding Columns, Samuel Bioh-
erton HannalK, Toronto, and Thomas Douglas Harbgton, Quebec;
Grand Registrar, Samuel Deadman Fowler, Kingston ; Grand Treas-
urer, Samnel Staples Finden, Belleyille ; Grand Chamberlain, James
Fitsgibbon, Ottawa; Grand Hospitaller, Thomas Gibbs Bidont,
Toronto; Grand Erpert. Franois Richardson, Toronto; Grand Stan-
dard Bearers, Bllery Wanzer Palmer, ^ Beanseant," Kingston, and
George Dnggan, Junior, Toronto ; Grand Almoner, John George
Howard, Toronto ; Grand Director of Oeremonies, William George
Storm, Toronto ; Grand Aaid-de-Camp, Frederick W. Cumberland,
Toronto; Grand Captain of Lines, John Kerr, Kingston; Grand
Sword Bearer, Alfred Argle Campbell, Belleville ; Grand Heralds,
William Hurray Jameson, Toronto, and James Hill Rowan, Kngston.
Ofpi€?br8 for thb Ensuino Year. — Jackson Chapter, No. 3:
Benj. Porter, Jr., H. P.; J. L. Mitchell, K.; Jos. T. Titus, S.; J(^n
Gellespie, C. H.; Wm. G. TutUe, P. S.; R. 8. Cheney, R. A. C;
Chas. A. Weismore, G. M. First VaQ ; John R. King, G. M. Seoond
Yail; J. Hastings, G. M. Third Yail; A. Foster, Treasurer; A. A.
Henderson, Secretary.
Jackson Lodge, No. 17 : — ^Benj. Porter, Jr., W. M.; John Gelles-
pie, S. W.; Clark Cole, J. W.; A. Foster, Treas.; A. A. Henderson,
Sec'y.; B. F. Eggleston, S. D; J. Hastings, J. D.
Michigan Lodge, No. 50 :— R. S. Cheney, W. M.; J. L. Mitchell, S.
W.; F. Farrand, J. W.; A. Pickett, Trees.; Chas. GUbert^ Seo'y.;
Jos. F. Titus, 8. D.; B. Miller, J. D.
The Ghrand Master of Oregon, in his annual address in May
last, declares the remarkable and gratifying fact that^ since the G. L.
Session of the prerious year, not a death had occurred in the entire
In Zion Lodge No. 1, Detroit, from Nov. 10 to Deo. 10, Chas. C.
Warren, H. D. Harris, Thos. Mayberry, and Dan. Stewart
In Tyre Lodge No. 18, Coldwater, from Nov. 10 to Dec. 10, John
C. Montgomery and Dr. L. C. Marsh.
In Lansing Lodge No. 33, from 10th November to 10th Decern*
ber, J. C. Bailey.
In Detroit Lodge No. 2, S. S. Barrows, E. J. WooUej, F. Neria,
H. G. Panons, B. S. Bigelow.
In Lapeer, Nov. Ist, by Bev. W. H. Smith, Bro. I. W. Teller, to
Elizabeth H. Shafer.
Not. 15th, by Bev. Orin Whitmore, Bro. T. J. Wells, to Miss D.
At Lapeer, on the 14th of November last, Captain Charles Harris.
With regret we announce the death of this veteran, whose connten-
ance we hoped to see at the next meeting of the Grand Lodge. The
practical benefit which he experienced from masonry, when his life
was spared by men who were dead to every obligation bnt those of
our ancient institution, made him a walking evidence of the lasting
and ennobling influence of the principles and precepts of the Order.
He died in the fullness of years, at the age of sixty-six. He has gone;
but his character and reputation are left as rich legacies for his pos-
terity, and convince us that by the benefit of the pass he has gained
ready admission into the celestial Lodge above, where the Supreme
Architect of the Universe presides. The following notice appeared
in the Lapeer Democral :
^ Capt H. has been a resident of this town about 17 years, and was
highly respected as an affectionate husband, a kind parent, and a good
citizen. By a life of honest industry he had surrounded himself with
all the comforts of a thrifty and independent farmer. Sudi men,
when they die, are not only a loss to tneir families and immediate
friends, but the whole community feels the loss.
Oapt. H. was bom in Newbury, Mass., and spent his youth and
much of his manhood as a sailor. He, for many years, commanded a
merchantman in the Liverpool trade, and whue master of the brig
Beuben & Eliza, he and his whole crew were captured by the noto-
rious pirate, Gibbs. His mate and one other man made their escape.
Capt. H. and his men were brought upon deck, and the work of
death commenced ; and while he was forced to witness what he could
not prevent — the cold-blooded murder of his men, as one by one they
were dispatched, and sent unaneled into the next world — and think-
ing of home and family, that he never expected to see again, he thought
that Gibbs, as desperate and awfulljr wicked as he was, might be a
brother Mason. He made a sign which none but those who had been
ih(mgkt worthy would notice, and there, while engaged in the terrible
24 — vou L HO.V.
destruction of his brother-man — ^with his handfl all orimioiied with
human ffore, did the keen eye of the desperate wretch reoognise thai
sign, and then did his heart melt with feelings of compassion for a
brother Mason, and for the time being the demon forsook him and his
manhood returned. Oibbs, at the imminent peril of his own Ufe,
saved that of Capt Harris, who was q[>ared to liye many long years
with his fiunily and frienda
In Lansing, Deo. 6th, of Typhoid feyer, Daniel Sprague, aged 22
[The subject of the abore notice, was a worthy young man, esteemed
and beloved by a large circle of friends in Lansing. His father and
fitmily reside in New York, though he has a brother and sister in
Detroit. It seems hard for a young man to be sick and die, away
from home ; but aside from this consideration, Mr. Sprague had the
attention of kind friends, and what is better still, his sister from De-
troit was with him, the last week of his illness, to cheer him by her
presence, and to smooth his dying pillow.
He was buried with masonic honors, on the 8th, and notwithstand-
ing the inclemency of the weather, there was a large attendance, and
sympathy for the afflicted seemed to pervade the whole.
Thtu, like ahadowB gliding o'er the plain.
Or clotids that rcul saooesiive on,
Uon's busy generations Pttw,
And while we gms^ tneir forms are gone. e. w. &]
At a special Communication of Lansing lodge No. 33, of whiohthe
deceased was a member, held Thursday evening, Deo. 13, 1855,
the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted :
Whereas, It has pleased the Supreme Grand Master and Ruler of the Unirerae
to call from labor on earth to himself in Heaven, our worthy Brother Daniel
Sprague, who departed this life on the (>th day of December, ltiS5, aged 22 yean;
Be$olvfd, That in the departure of our beloved and lamented brother, his be-
reaved family have lost an affectionate and sincere friend and relative— onr
\vdsB a worthy member, and society an upright and honorable eitiasen.
Metolvod, That we sympathise most sincerely with the aged parents, brothers,
sisters and other relatives of our departed Brother in this oiflictive bereavement;
that we feel the poverty of language to administer consolation, and can only
J)oint them to the sublime and consolatory teaching of gospel grace; that we
erven tly commend them to Him who tempers the wmd to the shorn lamb; and
while we acknowledge the insufiiciency of words, however well intended to re-
pair their loss, we would bid them sorrow not as those without hope, and dii«ct
them to the glorious faith, that he is "not lost, but gone before."
Bewlved, That these resolutions be published in The AsHLAa, and in the Lan-
sing papers, and that our Secretary be directed to present them under the Seal
of ue Lodge, to the relatiyta of the deceawd.
£. B. HaaaniiLii^ w, Xi
8. P. Head, Act Sec*y.
Binra or SuBsoiiBKBir— The enterpriaa in which we hare eBgsged, of eitab>
liflhing a Masonic Magaiine in this jnriadiction^ is one of great magni*
tnde, and can be BooceflsfuUy carried on only by a liberal palvonage from the
Fraternity of the State. T|^ far onr sabacribenb with the exception of a yvrj
limited number, hare been obtained by onr personal solieitation. We now de«
sire onr patrons in each lodge, who think this periodical worthy of support, to
procure for us a few new subscribers, and send us their names at the meeting of
the Ghrand Lodge. If each lodge will furnish a few names, -the aggregate will
be a great assistance to us. Brethren, by attending to this matter, will oonfisr a
special fsTor.
Onr Febmry number may not be ianied till a &w days after theregnlar
time of pnblieation, aa we shall endesTor to give a report of bodnssi ol impor«
tance whichshall be faaasacted in the Grand Lodge.
YniTB Amokotbs BBxranxir. — ^At a meeting of the Fenton^ille Lodge, which
we attended sinee the issue of onr last number, we had the pleaeore of being
present at the raising of two candidates. The Brethren in this body have not
enjoyed the benefits of a oonTenient room. They are soon to more into new
apartments and will then have very pleasant quarters.
Erom Fentonyille we proceeded to Argentine, where we wera very hospitably
entertained by that true man and Mason, Bro. Isaac Wixom, M. D, He ia
laboring sealously for the adrancement of the Graft, and exerts that influeneey
lo which his ability and acquirements entitle him. Prosperity attend him]
BrnxnroRAiCr— Here we unexpectedly met Bro. BelaCogshall, and found him,
as usual, deroted to the business of hii^ office. He presided, during the raising
of a candidate, and sustained the high reputation which he has won as a critical
and accurate worker. We were pleased to learn from bim that the new lodge
at Owasso, of which Bro. Quaclcenbush is Master, is in a very flourishing con-
dition. We regreted exceedingly that we oould not risit its members. We at-
tended k regular communication at Birmingham, and were gratified to meet on
the level with Bro. Almon Patridge, W. M^ and other Indy Masonic Brethren.
On the 36th of last month the newly elecM offioets were to be instslled by Bro.
Jacokes of Pontiac
OixAKDAieuA AHD OxFOBD. — ^At theso plaoep ihe Breliiten gaye eridence of
seal and actirity. We were disappointed ift not seeing Bro. Jesse Decker, Mas-*
ter of the lodge. To his son, Brob Moraldus Dedker, we return thanks for his
attention. Bn». R J. Bdl, we Immd htterasted in ail mattsni pertaining to the
Ot$&i and aetire aa umnL
LAPKsm. — ^A tedious ride over bad roads carried is to this plaee. The
graeable impreanons of the jonniej irere quickl j obliterated by the kind atten-
tion, extended to tn by the Brethren. One cannot meet such Masons ss J. M.
Wattles, K. B. Eldridge and H. K. White, and go away dissatisfied. It is not
nnoonrteons to saj that the Brethren here surprised ns by their proficiency in
the work. As Ceu* as we had an opportunity of judging, they hsTe an exceedingly
aeenrate knowledge of the rituaL The lodge has just fitted np a new and pleu-
AxvoKT. — A daifs ride — the most tedious we ever experienced — carried ns from
Lapeer to this town. Bro. H. D. Fitch, W. M., extended the hand of welcome,
and will reoeire our thanks for his kindness. Under his guidance^ Almont
Lodge is rapidly progressing, having made much improTement during the last
year. ICay it continue to flourishi
KoMxo. — ^We stopped only two or three hours in this place, during which time
Bro. Sidney Eggleeton, whose hesrt is of large dimensions, laid us under obli-
gations. We also enjoyed an interview with Bros. A. B. Castle and (k Chandler.
The lodge here has an exceedingly ftice room, well equipped.
Haooxb. — We had time to see only a few Brethren here. Br. Bently, W. M.,
we were fortunate enough to find at home. His proficiency and seal are prover-
bial among the Craft in his section. May he long be continued in his present
sphere of usefulness I
Mt. CLKMxsrs. — Worshipful Master Carter gave us a courteous welcome. Our
visit here was a flying one. To Bro. Wm. J. Conger we would express thanka
for personal attentions.
Buffalo^ — In this city we spent three days, visited the Encampment, the
Chapter and three lodges. The Fraternity in this place give indubitable signs
of healthy advancement ; they are energetic, and display a true devotion to the
interests of the Order. We never saw the Past Master's degree so well conferred
any where else as we did here. It could not be done better. Among the dis-
tinguished members whom we had the pleasure of meeting, were Bros. Austin.
Evans and Famam. We were particularly fortunate in meeting Bro. H. W.
Wilson, M. D., whose disinterested endeavors in behalf of the Fraternity deservs
the highest conunendation. He has a Masonic heart "sa well as a Masonic head.
To him, and also to Bro. Jonathan Austin, our sincere than]^s are returned for
personal iavors. We hope to visit our Brethren in Buffiilo again soon.
Masonzo Lxbraat. — ^We have received a communication from Bro. Czar Jones,
respecting the Universal Masonic Library, published by J. W. Leonard & Co.,
K. Y, This work is a republication, in thirty volumes, of the old stadard works
on Masonry, from Anderson's Constitutions of 1723, to the latest works of ack-
nowledged value. The volumes average 400 pages, the whole, when completed*
covering 1,200 pages. The eight volumes already issued* contain the follow-
ing works:
VoL L—- 1. Dictionary of Symbolical Masonry, (Olivw ;) 3. Book of the Lodge,
(Oliver.) VoL IL— 1. Symbol of Glgry, (Oliver ;) 2. Spirit of Masonry, (Hutch-
inaon.) YoL IIL— 1. Illustrations of Masonry, (Preston.) YoL lY.— 1 Anti-
quity of Freemasonry, ( Oliver;) 2. Discourses on Masonry, (Harris.) YoL Y.— 1.
History of Masonry, (Oliver;) 2. Mirror for the Johannite Masons, (Oliver;) 3.
Star in Om Eatt^ (OUrer.) YoL IV.-^l. DiiqiiltttiQDS upon Masonry, (Calecftt;)
S. Mawmie Manual, ( Aahe.) Vol. YII.^l. Beyelation» of a Square, (Oliyer;) %
Jntrodnotion to Freemasonry. YoL YUL— 1. History of Initiation, (Oliyer;) 2.
History and Illnatrations of Masonry.
We need not say that the works here presented are snch as erery person
should possess. Oliver's reputation as a learned and accomplished man and
aeholar is as wide spread as the world ; and the productions of Hutchinson,
Preston; Harris and Ashe are the sources where we obtain an accurate knowl-
edge of the land marks of tho Order.
The remainiug twenty-two yolumee will be issued at the rate of two per month
and will contain the remainder of Oliver's writings, together with those of Ba-
gon, Morris, Gadicke, Clavel, Salem, Towne, Laurie, and many others of Euro-
pean aud American celebrity.
Bro. Jones, who is agent for tibia wwk, will supply those who wish to sub-
scribe for it
NuMBSB Three. — Bro. Oliver says at the building of the Temple, the number
three was peculiarly exemplified. There were three Grand Masters, three pla-
ces where the materials were prepared, and the edifice had three divisions.
Amongst the workmen were: Harodim, 300; Menatachim, 3,300; Andonirom,
30,000; Master Masons, 3,600, <ftc. And the dimensions of the Temple were in
exact proportions with the three concords in music The height was thirty cu-
bits, and the length three times greater than the breadth. The harmony and
symetry of these three dimensions were as grateful to the eye as harmony in
music is ravishing to the ear.
Ball at EIalaxazoo. — On the 20th of last month while sojourning acciden-
tally at Ealamaaoo, we had the pleasure of attending the annual ball of Fire
Company No, 2, of that delightful city. Over twenty firemen from Detroit —
principally of Eagle Company No. 2— were present by invitation. The party
was a very elegant one, and displayed to advantage the fashion and beauty of
the place. Every thing paased off pleasantly ; and on the following day the
guests from Detroit were entertained with a sumptuous dinner. The reputation
of the people of Kalamasoo for hospitality was well sustained.
' I have ever felt it my duty,** said the late Earl of Dunham, on a publio
occasion, " to support and encourage the principles and practice of Freemasonry
because it powerfully develops all sociid and benevolent affections* because it
mitigates without, and anihilates within, the virulence of political and thedcgi-
eal controversy; because it affords the only neutral ground on which all ranks and
classes can meet in perfect equality, and associate without degradation or morti-
fication, whethier for purposes of moral instruction or social intercour9eJ*
M. E, R. P. Dunlop, M. I. G. M., has appointed Comp. O. W. Chase ol
Brunswick, aa Grand Lecturer for the State of Maine, for the degrees of B^
and S. M.
OmoxBS or Kalaxaioo OBAnm Va 13» Ibr tike eniaing year 2— Oomp. W^
a Banflom,H. P.; F. Booker, King; T. 0. Biownell, Beribe; M.W. Benowg, a
H.; O.H. Biowa,P.S.; O.H. Goodale, B. A. O.; A. B. Drake* Thiid VaU; K
H. Porten Seoond Vail; A. Q.Hopkioa Finrt Vail; S.BL Porter, Secy^ ^<^
Starke J, Traaaorer.
BAT»-0aopn&— Intheleetareaiiaedattlie remal of MaMiuy in 1717, tiM
foUowing pnniahment waa inflicted on a oowan : * To be plaoed mder theesvea
of a bonae in rainy weather, till the irater mna in at hia ahooldeni and out at
biaaboea." Tbe French ratber extend thia paniahment : "Letbimbepotim-
dar a gutter, pump or ibnntain, until be ia weat finom bead to faot" Hence m
tiateer ia called an eaTea«dropper.
In early dayn^ when Maaonry waa yomg,
And heaTenly mnaie dwelt upon her tongae»
Oeleatial aweetneaa tempered every grace,
Wilb radiant glory beaming from her face;
Her flowing raiment pure aa virgin anow.
Or ikbled field where fkireat lilies grow.
A milk-white lamb ran sporting by her aide;
And innocence her manner dignified.
Her whole deportment — ^harmony and love,
Temper*d with meekness from redms above.
A biasing star T]pon ber front she wore;
An emblem of integrity she bore.
Where'er ahe trod, the sciences aroae;
Where'er she breath'd, confusion aham'd ber ibea;
Diamay'd they fled, nor dared to look bdiind.
For feea of bv were foea of bnman kind.
We have received Graham's Magazine for January. This is one of the
best periodicals in the country. The nmnber before ns is filled with interesting
and racy matter. ««_^_^_
Qp We have received (be Kaaonic Journal, Bra. Obaae, and have witfc mneh
pleaanre plaoed it on onr exchange list
A Good Toisr.^Woman— the morning star of oar youth; the day star of oar
manhood; the evening atar of our old age. God bless our stan.
We shall in our next number commence a list of the officers lately elected
by the different lodges in the State for the enauing year.
We return tbanka to Bro. Ifforria for a copy of the volume ITo. 3 of bia
valuable periodicaL
A lodge eaniiat,ai an extra oomnnmieation, npeaUamnd, or altera raso-
Intion that baa been adopted at a previouB regular ona IClosn;
It is by ibrpia, ^mbola and aUegories that Masonry eodeaTors
to imprees Tipon the mind Trise and eeriona tmths. Only by a oor-
reot understanding of the means employe*!, can we thoronghly
comprehend the leasoD tanght. Seldom, if ever, does tbe candi-
date fiiUy comprehend and appredate the beaotilhl rites of .the
Lodge. The member finds tbem a grand study which is constant-
ly revealing some hidden treasure, and shedding more light across
his path, ibideed the intelligent Mason, who baa devoted jeszs to
Uie investigation of our sdence, is snrpriaed and deUghted as he
makes discoveries where, as he thought, he had culled every gem.
The third degree, when rightly viewed, is probably the most
Bulidime and instructive in our Order. It famishes a theme for
contemplation and research, which has taxed the greatest intellecta,
wiSie it puts to the teat the moral conrage of all who pass through
28 — VOL. n. HO. VI.
its ordeal. Few, we are forced to believe, of those who have aeen
it repeatedly conferred, comprehend it. To each, it brings home
a realizing sense of that last great change which awaits us on this
earth; on each, it leaves an indellible impression never forgotten —
never erased; but only the student — only he who looks upon Mar
sonry as a lofty and ennobling sdenoe, filled with mysteries which
require much research to find them out, can properly appreciate
the symbols and rites of the third degree.
As an illustration of our remarks, we ask how many have ever
bestowed attention upon the passage of Scripture employed on
the solemn and impressive occasion — ^how many understand or can
explsun it? It is, indeed, most appropriate for the purpose for
which it is intended, but must appear like a mere fiurce to those who
look upon it as so much Greek or Hebrew. ,
The passage selected from the Bible is intended to represent
the body of an aged man as a house.
The following commentary upon it is given upon it by Rev.
Adam Clark, D. D.
** !the keepers of the hattse shall trenible-^^ — Another dgn of old
age; the hands and arms, the means of averting danger, shall be-
come paralytic.
** The strong men shaB bow themselves.^ — ^The legs, formerly
robust and able to support the body, shall totter with extr^ue
" The grinders shall cease because they are fewJ^ — The teeth
which grind the food, as the mill stone grinds the com, shall be-
come loose and ML out.
•* Those that look out of the windows be darkened?^ — ^The eyes
shall loose their fitculty of sight. Obscurity of vision is an invari-
able accompaniment of old age.
•* The doors shall be s/iiU in the streets^ when the sound of HiA
grinding is lowJ^^ — ^The doors represent the lips, and the cavity of
the mouth is called the street, because it is the way by which the
food passes to the stomach. The meaning of the expression ia, that
the teeth being gone, the old man no longer chews, but noiseless-
ly mumbles his food, and closes his lips in the act, to preserve the
particles from felling out. This is the usual mode of mastication
in the very aged.
" The sound of the grinding is very Iwjo^ — ^No noise is made
in eating, because the teeth are lost or become so infirm as not to
ihetr being closed together, and the month being kept shut
to hinder the food from falling out, the somid in eating is hardly
^^AndheshaU rise tg» ai the voice of the Hrd.^^ — So great \b
the wakefulness of old age, that its deep is disturbed even by the
chirping of the sparrow.
^And all the daughters of music shaU be brought low^ — ^The
voice becomes tremukms and feeble, and the hearmg becomes ob-
tuse. The daughters of music is a hebraism for the voice and
ear, the organs used in the production or enjoyment of musical
'' They shall be afraid of that which is Ai^."— Those heights
which, in the days of their youth, they would have ascended with
ease and alacrity, the aged now look upon with hesitation and fear.
^^ And fears shall be in the way?^ — ^They are filled with appre-
hension of imaginary dangers, which they have neither the sight
to avoid, nor the strength to overcome.
" The almond tree shall flourish?^ — ^The hair shall become gray.
The flowers of the ahnond tree are white, and hence when the
tree is flouridiing, and full of them, it is compared to the hoary
head of age.
^' Th^ grasshopper shaU be a burden.^ — ^To the imbecility of old
age, the lightest thing, even a grasshopper, becomes an oj^resssve
**And desire shall faH?^ — ^The appetites and desires of nature
cease with the departure of youth.
" Jfim goe^ to his long home?^ — ^Literally **to the house of his
age" — ^the grave, which is the last house and shelter fer the ma>
terial body.
" The mourners go about the streets?'^ — ^This refers to the east-
em custom of employing official mourners, who made public
lamentaticm in the streets for the dead.
^' The silver cord be loosedJ*^ — ^The spinal marrow, is called the
silver cord, from its silvery whiteness. The loosening of the sil-
ver cord is the cessation of all nervous sensibility.
" The golden bowl be brokenJ^ — ^The brain is called the golden
bowl from its yellow cover. Death approaching, it is unfit to per-
/ormits functions.
** The pitcher be broken cU thefountain.^^^^The pitcher meant
the vena cava, or great veins which carries the blood to the right
ventricle of the heart, here called the fountain.
^ The fohed broken at the dstem.^ — Bj the wheel k meand
the aorta, or great artery which, receiviBg its blood from the left
yentride of the heart, or cistern, distributes it through the body;
and thus ^^the duet ehall return to the earth ae it kkm, and the
epirit ehaU return to God who gave HJ*^
• ••
Masonic History. — ^In attempting to evolve a history of Free-
masonry, Ve are met at the threshhold by difficulties — arising out
of the very nature of things — that no other historian has to en*
counter. He who chronicles the rise and fidl of empires, has a
mine of materials at his command, in the written and imperishable
records of the times he would portray. Theories, sects, and reli-
^ons from the aggressive and proselyting spirit whidi ever
animates their disciples, leave an impress upon the times in which
they exist, which the lapse of centuries cannot obliterate. All along
the highway of the past, there are thickly strown the footprints of
the tlungs which h>ave been; stamped in the crimson records of
desolating war, or chiselled on the storied monument, or traced on
the teQ-tale parchment, to which the historian may turn for the
waif and woo^ out of which to weave the webb of the world's
eventful story. It is not so in regard to Freemasonry. EssentiaUy
not an intermeddling institution, receiving none into its commu-
nion but such as freely, voluntarily, and without solicitation, ask
admisffion to its benefits and privileges; keeping, through a long
succession of ages, no records of its achievements but '^the atten-
tive years, the silent tongues, and the Mthful breasts," of its vota-
ries; transmitting its tenets and its laws from one generation to
another, solely through the medium of oral tradition ; the archives
of nations furnish few or no memorials of its existence, save in the
persecutions it has endured froiu the jealousy of tyrannic power,
the intolerance of priestcraft, and the bigotry of bloated supersti-
tion. It is not wonderful, therefore, that its early history should
be to the uninitiated as a ^^ sealed book," which even the ^^ masters
in our Israel" find too feebly illuminated by the dim twilight of
our tradition to read inth accuracy and precision. — l^om an Ad-
drees by Bro. J. S, M^Mahon.
Vq 9t9» JS« C* CotRnittCl*
Oh, there is a time, in our Joyous spring of youth,
When we think not that cares and sorrows are to come ;
When life is but a round of smiles and songs of truth,—-
A peaceftU and a pleasant dream,
Beplete with childhood's glee, and sounds of home,
O'er which lore's day-star sheds her bri^test beun.
The bud then bursts its tender shell.
And the young flow'ret opens to the day;
Fond luUiibies, IUds zephyrs, swell
O'er it HOftly, in life's sweet budding May.
Then there are moments in this <niward struggling life
When our hearts do melt with lore, pure and manful lore;
We lose our grosser elements ; we cease from strife^
And are all spirit for a time;
Our thoughts are blent with angel thou^^ts above,
And upward towards a higher life we climb.
The flower then blooms In beauty bright,
And sparkling dew-drops tremble on its stem,
While odors sweet, <» pinioos Ught,
Are softly wafted from the flow'riiig gem.
Ah I there are hours of bitter grief befell us here,
Which are more dark and sorrowfrd when youth has fled ;
They weigh us down, and fill our hearts with awftil ftsir
Of something dreadAil yet to come;
The fltftil gleams of light that o'er us theu are shed.
Just light our pathway onward to the tomb.
Ah ! then, the once bright flower doth fede,
And, leaf by leaf, it scattereth at last ;
Lonely it droops in deep'ning shade,
Its odors wasted by life's winter-blast
Ha ! there are flitting moments, when we dare not think
What we may be in our more g^ding little hour ;
A chill pervades the heart — the pulses throb — we sink—
The last pale gleam of light has fled;-^
We sigh — we gasp — we lose all sense — aU power— >
We cease to sigh — to gasp — we 're dead. —
All pale and wither'd, blanched an4^ torn,
Tne flower now lies cmsh'd upon its bed ;
, ' Its sisters, bending o'er it, mourn.
And their warm tears, like pearly dew-drops, shed.
«Oos8*ASTX», Deo«mb«r 90tb, 186S.
We have, in a previoos number of Th:k Abhlab, indioated our
opinion respecting the General Grand Bodies of the United States,
From what we haTe been able to learn respecting their recent ses-
sions at Hartford, we see no reason to change our view*. Our
attention has just been attracted to this subject bj a report made
to the Grand Encampment of Ohio, in which its authors take the
ground that the mission of the General Grand Encampment is
julfilled, and that it will soon cease to exist. Their views are thus
briefly expressed:
It was unquestionably a judicious policy on the part of the
eminent knights who took upon themselves the organization of the
General Grand Encampment of the United States. There were
at that time but few encampments on this continent, and they dt-
uate in various and independ^t jurisdictions. With these few
and isolated exceptions, the entire country was, to TempUur Ma-
sonry, a vast unoccupied field. There was great reason to api>re>
hena that in a promiscuous exercise of authority in tihe propagation
of the orders in that field, a contrariety of interests might lead to
conflicting claims to jurisdiction, with no common umpire to which
the parties might resort for an authoritative adjustment of their
respective claims; and thus reproach be brought upon our hon-
ored bannersi and discord and confusion reign in oar otherwise
peaceful asylums. The prudent forecast of our fathers foresaw
these evils, and prevented them, by the organization, by common
consent, of a body with jurisdiction co-extensive with the geo-
graphical limits of our country. This jurisdiction has been wisely
ana prudently maintained, until a sufficient number of constituent
encampments being duly organized in a State to warrant the for-
mation therein of a Grand Encampment; when Templar jurisdic-
tion within soch limits has been devolved upon such State Grand
Encampments. Within the few years past this process has been
going n>rward at a greatly accelerated pace, until comparatively
uttle remains to the General Grand Encampment, beyond the new
and yet unoccupied territories. We see no reason to apprehend
that this celerity in the progress of the Christian Orders will
hereaflier tarry in the rear of the tide of population.
This view of the subject leads us to contemplate the time as-
now not &r remote, when the General Grand Encampment will
haye fuUy and honorably accomplished its misdon. It will then
be no longer a self-sustaming institution; for, ujplike natural bod-
ies, its resources and natural force are abated in proportion that
its functions are extended. When State Grand Encampments,
shall exist in the now unoccupied territories, no independent re-
flonroe will remsdn to sustain the General Orand Encampment;
and the same prudential forecast that fiity years ago prompted our
jbthers to the orgamssation of that body, will warrant us now in
antidpating its near, inevitable, and ultimate destiny. It would
seem not merely the dictate of common prudence, but the impe-
rious dntT of the Grand Encampments, to be taping their ends,
at an early day, with reference to this event. When all (or nearly
sJl) the States shsJl be possessed of their own Grand Encamp-
ments, the jurisdiction proper of the General Grand Encampment
will be circumscribed to the narrowest limits, and its pecuniary
resources proportionally diminished. It follows, of natural neceft-
fflty, th^t the body itself must then either fidl into insignificance
and neglect, or be maintained, a splendid bauble, at the expense
of its constituent bodies. Veneration for the memories of the
^reat and worthy men who, at the time, seeing its necessity, gave
K>rm and vitality to that body — ^respect for the eminent moral
worth and talents of those who have suocessivelv administered its
affairs, during its period of useftilness — and a fihal regard for the
institution itself-— all conspire to invoke at the hands of the frater-
nity, proper measures to spare that body the humiliation of such
The same remarks will apply with equal force to the General
Grand Chapter. That body is now a great expense to Royal Arch
Masons in the different States, and confers comparatively few ben-
efits, like the G. G. £., it cannot c<»iveniently meet more than
onoe in three years; and so seldom are its convocations, and so
little unanimity usually prevails respecting mooted topics, that its
labors are almost powerless for any considerable degree of good.
Under these circumstances, it is well for every Royal Arch Ma*
son to consider whether the General Grand Body should be per-
petuated— ^whether he is willing to be taxed to sustain it. We are
as willing as any one to see the organization of the National Ma*
sonic Bodies continued, if they are of suffident servioe to the Craft;
bnt we are in &vor of dissolving them as soon as they accomplish
the end for which they are designed, or become an incubus upon
the Fraternity.
• ••
Many Masons suppose that our institution consists of
nothing but the work and lectures. Those are merely the tools
by which we seek to construct the moral edifice — ^they are ^^^^
the means by which we accomplish a great moral good. Iiiu
important truth should never be forgotten.
VoB Tbb Aablab.
Vl 9n» C^Mts Jl. null.
Which it greatest, the strength of Wine, of the King, of Wodmo, or, of
Tmtbl— Dabhtb, Knro of Psbbia.
How strong Ib Wine ! it canseth all to err,
Who to calm temperance excess prefer ;
Under its inflnence the mind's undone, —
The poor man and the rich become as one,
Their thoughts are tum'd to jollity and mirth,
Sorrow and debt despise, and pride of birth;
The miserable man forgets his woes.
Neglects his kindred, mingles with his foes ;
The yirtnoos heart a Ticions course defenda,
And draws its sword against its truest friends.-—
How strong is Wine, that forceth to these things I
Ib it not greater than the power of Kings 1
The great Creator, when he form*d our race,
To aU hia creatures, each BBBign'd a place,
And man ordain'd the master of the whoto.
To rule and gorem them without control;
But men thmoselyes by man must be restrain'd.
And Khigs and Princes this great power attain'd.
Now, those who rule all sublunary things
No earthly power oontrols; and such are Kings.
The strength of Wine is not to be deny'd,
It lightens poverty, and humbles pride ;
Neither is that of Kings, whate'er its source,
Which binds so many men by will and force : •
But yet the fl^wn of Women fiur excels
The force of Wine and Kings ; with magic Bpella
She capUvates her yotary by her charms,
And he's content to die within her arms. ^
Though Wine by tirengih should rule, by wi§dom Kings,
Though Woman's heavaty partial durance brings.
Yet all their powers shall fail and fade like youui.
And Wudom, Strtnffih and Betiufy dwell with Tbuth;
For neither Beau^, mighty Kings, nor Wine
Hath power and majesty, fUr Truth 1 like thine.
* TbSm jfUmoe of poetry we reeently reeetved from Bra Joeeph Crovell, of Maine. Be
Wiltee u : " Ineloeed with this I tend yoa e oopy whidh I heve tekeo from mmaag the
rabblfh, whloh I have been overheollng theee long winter eventnge. Am It hae lun in
^lerkneet for etanoet half a oentory, I think it worthy a apare page in Turn Abklab, If yoa
■hevld hAve one, and think it worthy of preaerratloo.'*
Thy Judgments Jiut, thy precepts ever pan,
In all Ticissitodee shall still endure;
Thy fruits are not the pleasures of an hour,
And ages yet unborn shall own thy power;
For neither Beauty, mighty Kiqgs, nor Wine
Hath power and ini^esty, fidr Truth ! like Uiine.
AD else is evanescent, ftdse and frail,
All else deceives, but thou shalt nev^r fail;
At thy approach Hypocrisy shall flee,
For Wisdom, Strength and Beauty dwell with thee ;
Thou stiU shalt blossom in immortal youth
For ever, blessed be the Gk>d of Truth !
For neither Beauty, mighty Kings, nor Wine
Hath power and m^esty, flilr Truth 1 like thine.
• e»
Wbittss fob Ths Ashlai.
Sa fl^sim Jbusn.
Chaptbb v.
It was the 27th of May, H0I7 Thursday Asoensioii day. The
oapitol city of Bordeaux was filled with pageants and processions;
the splendid oeremonies of the Roman Catholic Church lost none
ol their imposing grandeur in the hands of the munificent Arch->
l>i8hop, Bertrand de Qot. The Cathedral of St. Andrews was
festooned with flowers, the columns hung with garlands and the altar
biased with gold and jewels. The Archbishop officiated, glittering
like a meteor in his gorgeous robes, and surrounded by a multitude
of priests. Therpeople gazed with reverential awe, as the majestic
Archbishop, leaning upon his crosier, pronoimced in solemn tones
bis apostolic benediction. The services being over, with slow and
dignified step, surrounded by his officers and proceeded by his
cross-bearers, the Archbishop moved down the aisle, and out at
the great portal. While crossing the square, towards his palace, a
chaplain pressed up to him, and whispered something in his ear.
A change came over his &ce, his cheek blanched, and a frown set-
tled on his brow. He dismissed his train in the hall, and retired
to his private apartments.
**My lord," said the fidr Countess of Perigord, who had pre-
ceded the Archbishop from the church, ^^thon dost look angry.
Hast aught evil happened thee since we left St. Andrews?"
**Yea; messengen have arrived from that beaat, Philip of
^Vance. Tis some new quarrel** ....
Here he was intemipted by the entrance of a page, who gave
the Archbishop a letter closed with a miken thread, the ends of
which were secured by a large waxen seal.
The prelate tore the letter roughly open, and read. The con-
tents produced a great change. He smiled, re-read the letter, and
turning to the Countess, said :
*^ This seems a repentant son of the Church, this King of France ;
we must not reject the penitent. He invites us to meet him se-
cretly, on matters that greatly interest us; and we will go.**
"But, my lord, does Philip give security for thy safe return?**
mquired the Countess in a tender voice.
"He does,** replied the prelate. And kissing the beautiful hand
of the lady, he left the apartment.
In less than half an hour, Bertrand dc Got issued forth from a
private door of the palace, mounted a strong horse, and set out in
a northerly direction. The Archbishop rode weU, and he rode
fihst. On the evemng of the second day, he drew bridle at a large
gate, above which, and towering over the surrounding trees, rose
the walls and pinnacles of a noble abbey. Dismounting, he ap-
plied for admiadon. As he entered, he inquired of the porter,
whether the Count de Puelle had arrived there thai day.
"Not an hour ago," replied the porter. "Who is it that wishes
to see him? I am to admit no one without warning.**
"TeU him it is Father Bertrand, the poor priest of St. Andrews
of Bordeaux,** replied the Archbishop, in a whining voice.
The porter withdrew, leaving the weary prelate standing in the
corridor alone. Returning in a few moments, and leading the
way through the long winding stone cloisters, the porter ushered
the Archbishop, unannounced, into a small room, closed the door,
and departed. At a table before him, entirely alone, sat Philip
the Fair, dressed in exceedingly plain garments, and looking some-
what aged and care-worn mnce the prelate had last seen him, but
Still the most splendid looking gentleman in Europe.
The prelate bowed low, but remained silent; and Philip, with-
out rising, gazed into his face with a dark and searching smile.
Bertrand de Got advanced to the table, not knowing what to
think of his strange reception, and regarded the King inquiringly;
neither uttered a word. There those two vile men were, — the one
had come to purchase, and the other to sell, his soul.
FUIip se^xied aatiflfied with the man, for he broke the siknce,
by asking in % very distinct t<«ie, not taking hifl eyes from the pre-
. late's face, —
"Wilt thou be I^ope?"
Had a thunder-bolt discharged at his feet, the astonished pre-.
late could not have been more amazed; but ho was too much ao*
customed to dealing with great things to show ail the surprise he
felt. Since his elevation to the Arch-Episcopal dignity, he had
Jived in continual disputes with Philip; nevertheless, he grappled
with the question at once, and boldly.
" Sire, considering all things, I should have thought myself the
very last man thou wouldst have chosen, or the condave would
deot. However, this much I will vouch for : should thy Majesty
so honor me, and they so &vor me, both shidl find that I am na
longer the Archbishop of Bordeaux.'*
" We care not what they find, but, my good lord, iw expect to
find a difference. It pleaseth us to see men taken in their own net
sometimes. Now, it is sm][^y because they thought thee the very
iMt man we would select, that the Catigan fiu^on have placed thy
name upon this paper. Thou wilt notice that it contains three,''
said Philip, pushing an open letter across the table to the prelate.
He added : ^From these the Orsini &ction are to choose one, and
we are to name that one. We have found thee, my lord, an unruly
Bishop, a oontumadous Archbishop; but, methinks, thou wilt
maht the very Pope we needJ*^
" Thou wUt always find me gratefol for thy Majesty's &vofi,
and submissive in all things to thy better judgment," replied the
Archbishop, blandly.
'^But we must have certaintie»^8omething more definite than
vague assurances. Five positive engagements thou must enter
into first. Stop I we will put down the conditions."
And Philip, taking the back of the letter wrote rapidly upon it.
When hehad finished, he drew the lamp towards ium, and read
*^ First, thou must reconcile us p^ectly with the Church; sec-
ond, thou must annul all eccledastical censures against our person,
ministers, subjects and alHes; third, thou must grant us three-
tenths of the church revenues, in our kingdom; fourth, thou must
authoritatively condemn the memory of Pope Bonifece VHI."
The King paused, not with the slightest appearance of doubt^
for he looked firmly into the prelate's eyesi but with that calm,
deliberate halt, employed by. orat<»r8 to render what they are
about to say more impressiye.
*^The fifth,'' said Philip, in c<»itinuation, ^^we shall keep to
ourselves for the present, bat shall acquaint thee with its import
at the proper time and place."
Bertrand de Got had bowed his head at each of the four oofOr
ditions ; when Philip finished speaking, he bowed his head onoe
more. The King saw that he was resolved to purchase, at any
price, the power which the tiara invested. So, patting the paper
towards him, he said, with one of his triomphant laaghs, —
^^ When thy Eminence signs that, thoa shalt be Pope."
The Archbishop of Bordeaux, withoat the slightest hedtationy
signed the paper. PhOip, rising, laid his hand smartly up<m the
prelate's shoulder, and said:
*^To conmience with, we congratulate thy Holiness for dedaon,
which promises well for the future.
^^Sire, it gives me joy to know that thy Majesty has penetra-
tion saffident to judge so justly of my devotion to thy servioe;
and in the anhappy differences that agitated our past interoouiae) I
have had in view thy real interests."
"Hal my Mend, we understand each other now," replied Philqs
in a sneering tone; and taking a large sealed letter firom the inner
pocket of his doublet, he added, " that goes to Rome."
The poor priest of St. Andrews eyed with great interest the
sealed packet which was to elevate him far above the kings of
Europe in power. The.King blew a sommons flyman ivory whistle,
and a courier, booted and spurred, made his appearance.
"Albretto, bear this letter to the condave."
And the interview ended.*
Both the Orsini and Catigan faction were surprised at the
nomination; but they were bound by their compact. Bertrand
de Got was elected JPope, and assumed the title of Clement Y.
His coronation took place at Lyons, in June and to the consterna-
tion of aU Europe, save Philip, he fixed his. residence at Avignon,
in France.
*Thi8 intemew, conTeraatioa, and compact, between Philip aod Bertnnd
de Got, are no flctioD, whatever, and the aathor*B imagination haa nothing to do
with them. All the hiatoriana of the Temple agree upon the tranaaction, and
their accounta bat slightly difBsr,
Bertraad de Gk>t in the chair of St Peterl Yes, a man no-
torious for his excesses, — a man who Eved m open oonoabinage with
the wife of the governor of Bordeaux, — a man whose adulterous
soul was festering in every species of sin, — stood opon the pinnade
of Christ's Church on earth, to rule the consciences of men*
Clement proceeded in all haste to execute the four specified
conditions of the bond.
To reconcile an offending monarch to the Church; to annul
ecdeaastical censures; to grant Churdi property for secular pur*
poses, was nothing very new or alarming. To condemn the mem-
ory of a defunct Pope might possibly form an unpleasant prece-
dent, but this was a very different task from the fifth condition*
What was it, but the destruction of the Order of the Temple?
Can any one doubt it, from the train of circumstances that foUowed
Bertrand de Gk)t'8 elevation to the papal authority ? Philip might
weQ be cautious, even towards the creature, whose soul he had
purchased, till he had in some measure prepared the way for a
proposal the most monstrous, the most fiightful that was ever made
by one man to another — that of assailing, condemning, and de-
stroying an Order, which had been the bulwark of Europe, the
defense of the Holy Land, and the nurse of every manly senti-
ment for centuries. It implied falsehood, injustice, oppresaon,
cruelty and murder. Philip might well keep his secret, and i^
serve his explanation of the fifth fearful condition, until the mind
of his bondman was &miliarized by degrees with the contempla-
tion of such deeds.
Why did Philip seek the destruction of the Order of the
Temple? He mounted the French- throne when only seventeen
years of age, and very soon began to show those germs of avarice,
which afterwards ripened to ftdl maturity. Philip was a cold, cal«
culating, remorseless man, and an ambitious, tyrannical prince.
His barbarous treachery to Guy de Dampierre, Duke of Flanders,
left a stain upon his memory that nothing could efface. His first
act at his trade of oppression, was to break up the great feudal
power of his barons, in order to briiig their noble revenues into
the royal treasury. But the independent barons rose ea masse^
and reedsted the encroachments; and Philip, instead of acquiring
the vast provinces of France, impoverished himself so much that
there was not a nobleman in France but was better served than
his King. Failing, his next scheme was to debase the national
ooai to ODe-seventb of its nominal vidue. The inclemeiit winter
of 1290, followed a bUgiited harrest, bread was iscaroe, and the
iron-alloyed money worthless. The wolves ravaged the oountry,
and prowled through the streets of Paris. Hnman nature could
hold ont no longer!. The peojde rose in rebellion, and roshed to
Paris, where they were joined by its trades-people. Inibriatedby
taxes borne long and impatiently, the mob pillaged the houses ci
the Ministers, and menaeed the safety of Philip. He hurried from
the Louvre, and took refuge m the strong and defensible buildings
of the Temple House. Hie Templars gare him honorable shelter
'— closed their gates upon his enemies, and, m case of an assault,
promised solemnly to protect his person to the last extremity. But
the selfish King required more. The people had followed, invest-
ed the Temple House, and swore they would stone Philip into sur-
render; whereupon he ordered the Templars to cut down and dis-
perse the people. This they refused to do ; as they were forbidden
by the most holy vows, ever to draw their swords against their fel-
low-christians, except in self-defense. However, after two days^
through the pacific influence of the Templars, the peojde were
quieted, and tranquillity was restored. The King, having escaped
a fiite he most justly deserved, returned to his palace, with hate
wrangling in his heart towards the Templars. In the mean sjHiit
of retaliation, he attributed the whole insurrection to the Order,
because their r^it rolls firom their numerous estates, that yielded
them princely revenues, had suffered in consequence of the de-
basement of the coin.
Baffled a second time, Philip dared to brave the colossal power
of the Pope. He seized the tithes of the Church throughout
France, for which act he was excommunicated by Bonifiice VTIL
In revenge he seirod the person of the Pope; and every indignity
and insult that brutish rage could devise was heaped upon the aged
PontifT. The Templars sided with the Pope; came to the rescue
and delivered him fi-om the hands of the fiendish Cologna, Philip^i
emissaries. But the poor Pope died shortly afterwards, from the
effects of ill treatment received at their hands.
This was a great crime in the eyes of Philip ; but be dissembled,
knowing that under such a man as Benedict XL it would be im-
possible to execute his scheme for the destruction of the Temple.
As no plan for taking vengeance, or stripping them of their ex-
ceeding wealth, could suggest itself so long as the tiara was worn
hf % Pontiff incl^peiideiit of the power of Franoe, he oonoentn^
ted all hia energiea, tH his strength, aUhisresooroes, and so &rhaa
[7b h9 «mimu$d,[
• ••
East SAanrAw, January 24th, 1857.
Ton see by the date of this letter, my dear AbhtiAB, that I am
in the midst of the immense tracts of pine wood lands which form
a large part of the wealth of Michigan, and which have enriched,
and are enriching, many thousands of her citizens. This place
is edtnated on Saginaw river, twenty miles from its month. Its
growth has been rapid, and it stiU continues to increase and flomv
ish in spite of the large fires which have consumed its buildings
and the great expense to which it has been subjected in converting
the wilderness into an abode of civilization and refinement. East
Saginaw commenced its existence ox years ago, and is in its swad*
dling clothes, yet it has not less than twenty-two hundred inhabi-
tants, some fine brick blocks, several elegant dwelling houses, and
society distinguished for its intelligence and refinement. Every
thing here gives indubitable evidence of progress. In addition to
the many outlays of money for improvements, the citizens have
just paid seven thousand dollars towards a machine for dredging
the river and rendering it navigable in the dry seasons.
The people here enjoy the cold winters. Social amusements
are abundant. Sleigh rides, balls and parties are firequent, and
various kinds of game afford pleasure to the sportsman. On my
way from Flint to this town, a gentleman pointed out to me a
place where, but a short time since, he saw sixteen deer cross the
plank road in less than five minutes. Bears sometimes visit the
village. Last &11, one that ventured near dwellings was pursued by
some dogs. Bruin became frightened, and instead of '^ making
tracks," as they say here, for the woods, he followed the most conspi*
cuous high-ways and by-ways ; and being pressed somewhat close-
ly by his pursuers, sought to find a safe retreat in a foundry. The
door being closed against him, he entered the window without
regard to the sash, which he broke into a hundred pieces. Finding
the asylum &r from beinga safe one, he passed through it| makin|^
his egress, as he had his ingress, through a window.
The inhabitants of this region are not shnt oat from Detroit
and the east by the snows of winter. A stage leaves here every
morning, which passes through Flint, and connects with the cars at
Fentonville in the afternoon, so that a person who leaves here in the
morning can arrive in the City of the Straits by tea-time. The
stage-ride is a cold and tedious one, which few would be tempted
to take for pleasure.
I arrived here about eight o'clock last evening, and have not
as yet seen any of the Brethren, except my warm-hearted friend,
M. G. Hesfl. I learn that the Lodge is doing finely. Harmony
prevails, and though a good deal of Masonic work is don^ the tim-
ber is good.
I left Detroit on the afternoon of the 27th of December. The
same evening I had the pleasure of presiding in Acacia Lodge at
Pontiac, and conferring the third degree. Bros. Darrow and
Eliott were present, and a goodly number of the Brethren. Bro.
Cudworth, who had just been elected W. M., I had the pleasure
of meeting.
Wednesday morning I visited Clarkston, for the first time. I
found my old friend, Bro. John Davis, alias " Uncle John," with
his great heart overflowing with kindness and good will Would
that every Lodge had members as generous and disinterested as he !
Wednesday evening found me at Fentonville, where I had the
pleasure of meeting the Brethren in the Lodge room, and holding
Masonic intercourse with them, for the "purpose of instruction.'*
Bro. Geo. Leroy has been elected W. M., and under his guidance,
I think there is no reason to doubt that the Lodge will prosper
Thursday morning I paid a short visit to Hawley, after which I
proceeded, via the Railway, to Corunna, where I met Bros. E. F.
Wade, D. Mountfort, and others. Thursday afternoon I arrived
at Owasso, where I was welcomed in New Year style by Bro. B.
O. Williams, as warm-hearted a Mason as ever lived. His hospi-
tality is rendered doubly pleasant by the genial spirit in which it is
tendered. Owasso Lodge is doing well, and is composed of the
best materials. Bro. Quackenbush is still in the East.
I arrived in the city of Flint on Friday noon. There I found
Bros. J. B. Hamilton and C. K. Williams, whose kindness will not
'he soon forgotten. Bro. W. is High Priest of the Chapter, and
W. M. of the Lodge, and deseryes great credit for his activity
and Masonic zeal. His Chapter has exalted daring the past y«ar
twenty-seven candidates — a larger amount of work, probably, than
has been done by any other similar body in the State.
Before closing this letter, I might, perhaps, appropriately say
a few words respecting the New Year, but what can be written upon
a subject which has been harped upon and harped upon till every
one is tired of it? Were it not too late, I would wish every one
a " Happy New Year." As it is, I will express the desire that all
Masons will form a new determination to perform their duty dur-
ing the next twelve months, and advance the interests of our
order. There is need of reform among the Craft, and no time is
more appropriate to institute it than this.
A. w.
• ♦•
The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the State of
Michigan, met at Masonic Hail in Detroit, on the Idth day of
January, A L. 5857, M. E. Grand High Priest, Michael Shoemaker
Among the standing committees, the following was appointed:
On charters and dispensations, F. Hall, B* Porter, jr., and W. C.
Ransom. The M. E. Grrnd High Priest then delivered a well
written and eloquent address, which may be found in another part
of this number of Thb Ashlab. We would commend it to the
careftil perusal of every Mason, as it is laden with golden thoughts
which no member of our Order can disregard, without slighting
the lessons inculcated in the several degrees. A charter was gran-
ted to Washington Chapter at Flint, which had been acting under
4iq)en8ation for nearly a year.
A petition of Companions, Horace S. Roberts, AHyn Weston,
Geo. B. Ensworth, Wm. E. Oven, Gordon Campbell, and others,
asking for a charter for a new Chapter, to be called Peninsular
Chapter, and to be held in the city of Detroit, was referred to the
standing committee. The petition was recommended by Lansing
Chapter and Jackson Chapter, in accordance with a provision of
the Constitution of the Grand Chapter of Michigan, adopted one
26 — vou n. NO. VI.
year ago. The oommittee made a report in &yor of granting the
prayer of the petitioners; which, after a lengthy and animated
debate, was adopted by a dedmye majority.
The foDowing were elected officers for the ensuing year.
Comp. 8. C. Coffinbnry, G. H. P.
** H. B. Shank, D. 6. H. P.
" P. French, G. K.
« P. Hall, G. S.
« R. S. Cheney, G. Sec
" W. H. McOmber, G. Treas.
Rev. S. S. Brown, G. CSiaplain.
" S. B. Brown, G. C. of the H.
" R. W. Landon, G. R. A. C.
" S. Blanchard, G. L. and Vis.
^The following resolution was reported by Comp. Coffinbnry,
chairman of a committee to whom was referred a portion of the
G. H. Priest's address.
Reaolvedy That is the sense of this Grand Chapter, that the
General Grand Chapter has &iled in accomplishing the object for
which it was established; that the prosperity of R. A. Masonry
in this Grand Jmisdiction, if not embarrassed, certainly is not pro-
moted by its continuance; that the General Grand Body ought to
be dissolved, and its constitution derogated.
After some discussion, the resolntion was adopted.
This brief synopsis comprises all the business of any importance
which was transacted.
'^'Solomon haying already settled himself firmly in his king-
dom, and having brought his enemies to punishment, married the
daughter of Pharaoh, King of Egypt, and he also built the walls
of Jerusalem much larger and stronger than those that had
been before, and thence forward he managed public affiiirs very
peaceably; nor was his youth any hindrance in the exercise of
justice, or in the observation of the laws, or in remembrance of
what charges his father had given him at his death, but he dis-
charged every duty with great accuracy, that might have been
expected from such as are aged, and of the greatest prudence.''
(DstjTSBaD Av Tn Amival OovTOOATiov or nn QmiVD OBArtam or Miobiaav, Jam,
lani.AL. 68(7.}
Most Excsllemt, and Excellent CoicpAinoifs:
The seasons, in their wonted course, have again brought as to
the time prescribed by the Constitution of the Grand Chapter for
its Annual Convocation; and we are now assembled in accord-
ance with its behest, to consider the action of the past and to de-
termine the course of the future.
The past year has been one of unriTalled prosperity, not only
with our beloved Institution, but in all the varied and extensive
interests of the people of the State and the nation. Peace has
reigned within our borders; — the pestilence which stalketh at
noonday has kept afar bff; the Earth has given forth her increase,
and the voice of a united and happy people is raised in thankful-
ness to the Supreme GraAd High Priest of Heaven and Earth,
for the untold blessings which, in His wise providence and for no
merit of ours. He has with so bounteous a hand bestowed upon us.
The exalted position of our people in all which constitutes true
greatness should teach us how sacredly we should regard institu-
tions which have, under the blessings of a kind Providence, pro-
duced such results; and, with hearts overflowing with gratitude^
we should return our most profound thanks to the Giver of every
good and perfect gift for having cast our lot in this favored land.
The influence of the principles of Masonry in producing these
happy results are unknown to the world at large, but there are
none others which are so universal in their application; and they
are as efiective in their operation as they are widely difiused.
The principles of our Order being farthest removed from poli-
tical questions, feelings, or prejudices, exercise the most happy
and decided influence on the stormy passions which political di^
ferences evoke. The spirit of Brotherly Love, Relief, andTruth,
operate upon the stormy passions of men like oO poured up-
on the troubled waters; and where strife, discord and hate seem
likely to exert their malign influence, and lead men to listen to
their passions rather than to their reason, the happy influence of
our principles intervene, and peace and concord rule in their stead.
Thus, "unseen and unfelt" save by the Brotherly Love and
Hanuony which it has ^' contribnted to produce,'^ has Masonry pur-
sued the even tenor of its way, and by its system of umversal
brotherhood, has exerted an influence, as limitless and as effectual
as it has been silent and unobserved.
These considerations, should lead us to a becoming diffidence
in ourselves and in our individual opinions, and should induce us in
all things to consult the Great Lights in Masonry, and to direct
our footsteps in the paths they open to our view; for if we will
allow ourselves to be guided by their wisdom, we can lay aside all
selfish considerations and be governed by those ennobling princi-
ples which never lead the judgment astray. We find in every
Lodge and Chapter the greatest diversity of bentiment on every
subject ; here is every shade of opinion on every question ; here
every political party — every form of religious worship is represent-
ed; and yet under the benign influence of Masonic principles, they
blend into a harmonious whole. If there are any exceptions to
this; if occasionaUy we find a want of fraternal spirit; if we find
that our Brethren and Companions ha^e lost sight of our land-
marks and are afloat on the sea of error, without chart or compass,
and consequently likely to be wrecked on the shoals of discord, or
cast away on the cold, bleak rock of selfishness, — we have but to
recur to the groundwork of our faith; we have but to refer him
to that duty which should be his pride, — and if he was ever worthy
the profession he has assumed, he will at once discard every un-
kind, every unselfish feeling, and heartily join his Companions in
that action which will most promote the interest of an institution
to which he owes so much.
The business transactions since our last convocation have been
but few.
In February last, the number of Companions required by the
Constitution, possessing the proper qualifications, and duly recom-
mended, applied for a dispensation for a Chapter to be located in
the City of Flint, in the County of Genesee, to be called Wash-
ington Chapter. On the twenty-seventh day of March, a dispen-
sation in due form was granted, under which our Companions
of that thriving and enterprising city have been doing work,
honorable to themselves and creditable to the Fraternity. The
application, dispensation, and all action under them will be sub-
mitted for your approval, and for such fiirther action as the good
of the Order may require.
On the twenty4liird day of Jannary, I visited Ionia, accompa-
nied by onr E. D. Orand High Priest, Comp. Shanks, our E. Grand
Seoretary, Comp. Cheney, and Comp. Porter, High Priest of
Jackson Chapter, and dniy constituted Ionia Chapter, No. 14, and
instaUed the officers. We remained with Ionia Chapter some
days, during which time there was good work done; and judging
from the specimens brought up for inspection, the conclusion is
irresistible that Ionia Chapter will very soon take rank as one of
the first Chapters in this State. The skill of her workmen, bfrt
more especially, and what is the cause of that ^kill, the truly ma-
sonic spirit manifested and the energy with which the work of love
was entered upon, — are sure auguries of success. In Ionia Chap-
ter the Companions wished to obtain not only the honors of the
Degrees, but also that knowledge which alone can make those
honors of the slightest value, without which they are worse than
useless, of no benefit to the possessor, and of discredit to the
There was in K"ovember last an application for a dispensation
fi)r a Chapter to be located at Utica, in Macomb County; as the
recommendation of the nearest Chapter (Oakland Chapter, No. 6),
was not in the form prescribed by the Constitution, the dispensa-
tion was not granted, but the Companions were assured it wotild
be, if the requirements of the Constitution were complied with.
The petition was returned, and no further action has been taken.
There was also last week an application for a dispensation for
a Chapter, to be located at Eaton Rapids, in Eaton County; but,
in view of the near approach of the meeting of the Grand Chap-
ter, they were requested to apply directly to this body.
I attended the meeting of the General Grand Chapter of Royal
Arch Masons for the United States of America, held in the City
of I Hartford, in September last; our E. Grand Scribe, Comp.
Booher, and Comp. Roberts, of Monroe Chapter, were also
The business transacted was of an unimportant character; but
some propositions were submitted for consideration and future ac-
tion which are worthy your attention. There were important
amendments to the constitution of the General Grand Chapter,
proposed, and the attei^tion and action of the several Grand Chi^
ters urgently requested. I would recommend that this Grand
Chapter give the action of the General Grand Chapter consideiv
«tion, and that yon take such action thereon as maj be deemed
for the best interest oi Royal Aieh Masonry, llie amendments pro*
posed will be found in the proceedings of the General Grand
Chapter. The action of the General Grand Chapter in reference
to the necessity of a unanimous ballot, though our work is in strict
oonfonnity thereto, will be found worthy your notice.
The wisdom of the course of this Grand Chapter, in relation
to the establishment of a uniform system of work, has been most
signally vindicated and endorsed by the action of the General
Grand Chapter, which at its last session adopted the following
resolution :
"Rs$dhedt That this General Grand Chapter having tailed to determine on
Bxxy specific mode of work, it is urgently recommended to the officers of the
Gimnd Chapters, by caref^ inyesti^Uon, to make themselres acquainted with
the ancient work of the Order, and to disseminate it among their respectiTe
This having "&iled to determine*' by the General Grand Qhap-
ter, is a most significant acknowledgment of its uselessnees; and
this is a difficulty which cannot be remedied, as all know who have
attended either of the last two sessions of that body — ^the failure
is radical, the disease incurable, and the only object which in the
least justifies such an organization cannot be accomplished.
. The spirit shown in the various subordhiate Chapters in this
State for the adoption of the work approved by this Grand Chap-
ter has been most commendable; and I would tender to the
Chapters which I have visited, and to those with whom I have
corresponded^ my warmest thanks for their efficient co-operation
in fiilly and firmly establishing a system of work, which is not only
uniform, and made authoritative by the Grand Chapter, but is also
sanctioned by time, and in accordance with the ancient and estab-
lished landmarks of the Order. If there is any feeling existing
against the work which is now in universal use in this State, it has
not been brought to my knowledge. I think all concur in the
wisdom and the necessity of the action of this Grand Chapter in
adopting and enforcing a uniform system of work and lectures.
The Royal Arch Mason who has a proper knowledge of his
duties, his obligations and his privileges, will meet all differenoea
of opinion in the true spirit of brotherhood, looking not to his own
advancement, governed by no narrow or selfish interest or preju-
dice, but by the broad, the universal, the fititemal princi]^es of
his profession; he will view all questions calmly and dispassion-
vfcely; he will hear pfttieiity, deHbente maturely, and dedde aa
he may think the interest of the great body of Royal Aroh Ma-
sonry may demand. That which is for the greatest good of the
whole is in reality best for aU, though some may yield, for the ben-
efit of the entire body, some portion, if not of their privileges, yet
of their cherished feelings and convictions.
Let US all, my Companions, be actuated by this spirit during
this session of the Grand Chapter, and our action wiQ reflect credit
upon the Institution, and do justice to our profession.
Companions : In obedience to a custom which, from its uniform
observance, has become a law in this jurisdiction, I shall proceed
to submit for your consideration a few thoughts upon our moral
obligations as men and as Masons.
In so doing, I shall regard the end which I suppose is most in^
tended to be subserved by the .obligation thus imposed upon the
presiding officer of this Grand Chapter, and submit such thoughts
as will be most worthy the attention of the uninformed and the
non-affiliated, rather than address myself to your understanding.
I shall assume, what to me appears should be the true object,
that in these addresses the end and aim should be to ^^ dispense light
and truth" to the uninformed wherever dispersed throughout the
world. Tou, my Companions, who are honored with seats in this
Grand Chapter, should, by your intimate knowledge and practice
of all the precepts of Masonry, be above the necessity of having
them pointed out to you by your presiding officer; and yet, such
is the weakness of human nature, and such also the beauty, the
purity, the sublimity of Masonic principles, that none, the most
worthy, or the most exalted, can reflect upon them without beneflt.
The fountain of Masonic knowledge furnishes a perpetual stream
of which none can partake without being strengthened and im^
proved thereby, without being thereafl^er better enabled to meet
the good and the evil of this life, and better fitted to discharge the
duties of men and Masons.
Our institution in all its teachings, in the whole force of its
litual, has a tendency to develop all that is good in man. The end
which must result from a proper understanding of Masonic prin-
•ciples is the highest moral and intellectual culture which man can
attain. From so pure a fountain no stream can flow which has
the least taint of uncleanness. Those members who are unable to
^Ximprehend its sublime teachings, and cannot reasonably rise above
the weakness inctdent to our fiJkn nature^ are to be looked upon
yrith charity, and judged leniently; but Royal Axdx Maaonry
mast be measured by no suoh standard, for their filings are not
because of their relations with the Fraternity, but in direct viola-
tion of them.
That knowledge of the principles of our Order which all should
have who have attained the sublime degree of the Royal Arch, can-
not be acquired without benefit. The close study of the precept43 of
Masonry must make an impression on any mind, and will make
itself manifest in the fraternal love which its possessor will display
towards all affiliated witli Imn. When we see pride, envy, jeal-
ously, or unkind feeling exhibited among Companions, there, we
may rest satisfied, is an nnmasonic heart or an uninstructed head —
there, is one who has received the degree of the Royal Arch with*
out the least comprehension of its beauty or its utility. The be-
nefident light of Masonic knowledge has never dawned upon his
benighted soul; he is still grovelling in the thick darkness of igno-
rance— a darkness not more deplorable, on his own account, than
on that of the Subordinate Chapter to which he may belong, and
of the Grand Chapter. From such, and such only, do those diffi-
culties arise which appear occadonly in our midst, and threaten to
disturb the harmony of our beloved Institution.
In former times, our Fraternity were Operative as well as Spec-
ulative Masons; the moral teachings were not only impressed by
symbolical, but also by actual, works. The ancient Brother was
taught to lay the fotmdation of his Masonic principles' broad
and deep as that of the Cathedral which he was buildiug ; every
step in the progress of the edifice was a lesson to his high^
and nobler nature, and he could well realize that, as the durability
and the beauty of his operative labors depended on the skill and
the time which were expended upon it, so would the result of hk
q>eoulative labors depend upon the same cause; and he would
as soon have thought, by Operative Masonry, to have built castlea
in the air, as to be true to his duty and his obligations as aSpeo^
ulative Mason without an appreciating knowledge of its work and
lectures — ^without a full understandiog of the application and the
wisdom of those principles which furnish the material for thia
moral temple, and by which aloQ.e it can be perfected.
Now, the labor of the Craft is confined to Spe<»ilatlve Maaonrj
only; and as we have lost the benefit of those symbols which oon*
0taotly addrested themselres to the eye, and, throngh that and
the experience of dailj^ labor, to the undentanding, -we should tbe
more earefiilly and heedfully imprefls our minds with the impoor-
tance of oonstruoting in onr hearts a moral and Masonic edifioe
which wiU not be overtmned by the storm of passion, nor mider-
mined by the quick-sands of temptation. If any fiul to do this,
they cannot plead ignorance as an excuse; for no Mason is so, ex*
cept throngh his own gross and culpable negligence. The design
of a perfect life is before him, his work is all laid ont on the trestle-
board, the plans are all drawn by the great Master of the Uni-
verse, the materials are all fiumished and ready at Us hand; he
has himself the fiillest confidence, nay, the absolute knowledge,
that the edifice, if constmcted according to his Masonic principles
and obligations, will be as perfect as is possible for human nature
to attain.
From the foundation to the last finishing stroke, so complete
are the plans, he never vfied be doubtful as to the design or the
material From the time of his initiation to the dose of his pil-
grimage— fi:om the cradle of Masonry to his grave — ^the Ma^n
never need hesitate as to the course he should pursue ; however
great the exigency, the principles of Masonry rise to the occasion,
and a recurrence to its teachings will always fiunish a safe and
reliable rule of guidance. There is no period of life, and no
occurrence in life to which they are not applicable; and as the
Speculative Mason advances in the degrees, he is taught to ad-
vance his idea of the necessity of, and the result attending, the
attempt to attain perfectability.
At his initiation he is taught the form, supports, covering, fur-
niture, ornaments, lights and jewels of a Lodge ; how it is situated,
and to whom dedicated. These lessons are aU emblematic of the
same operations in constructing the moral and intellectual character
of the Mason. And as the higher degrees teach him how the
Lodge or Chapter diould be finished and fimiished, so are they
emblematic of those prind^des whidi best serve to teach the unr
derstanding, to ennoble the feelings, to give that perfect selfreti
anee, yet humble trust, which are all necessary to form tiie pore
lad upright Mason.
To construct this edifice — more worthy the admiration of the
beholder than was that glorious Temple which King SokmuMi
erected, and which '^he dedicated to the Most ffigh God,'' and
more acoeptaUe to Deity than was that offering, though, as a
token of divine approval, ^^the fire oame down firom Heaven and
eonsomed the bomt offerings and the sacrifioes, and the glory ot
the Lord filled the house''; — to attain thia noble end, the moat
gloriona for which man can strive, the Ffeemason has not only the
necessaiy designs laid down on the trestle-board of life — is not
only provided with all the material, but he is also furnished with
the requisite tools and implements, and taught their use. None
are wanting, firom those necessary to measure and lay out the
work to those used to give the finishing touch to the elaborate
ornaments which' must always adorn so complete an edifice.
The Liitiate, clothed in the emblem of innocence, is fiimished
with, and taught the use of^ those tools which are necessary *%o fit
us as living stones for that spiritual building, that house not made
with hands, eternal in the heavens." He is taught that Wisdom,
Strength, and Beauty, are the supports of our Institution ; that its
oovering, the star-decked heavens, can only be reached by the
exercise of Faith, Hope, and Charity; that the Holy Bible is the
inestimable gift of God to man, and should be the rule and guide
of his faith. He is taught to regard Brotherly Love, Relief and
Truth as articles of his faith, ever to be remembered and prac-
ticed. The importance of the four cardinal virtues, — Temperance,
Fortitude, Prudence and Justice — ^are forcibly impressed upon his
mind, and their practice enjoined as part of his duty.
As he advances further, work Lb laid out to aid the onward pro-
gress of his Masonic life and its duties, and again all the tools, im-
plements and materials are fiimished him: he also realizes some of
the results flowing from the onward progress of the practice of
Masonic precepts ; Peace, Unity and Plenty are introduced, and
man's whole nature begins to acknowledge the benefits of the dis-
cipline to which he has subjected himself. His attention is now
called to the contemplation of the Heavens and the Earth, of the
planetary revolutions, and to the phenomena of nature, and he is
thereby inspired with reverence for the Deity. The different or-
ders of architecture are explained, and impress the reflective
mind with the absolute necessity of some complete syirtem in
fi:>rming the character of man. As either of the orders of
architecture, if strictiy carried out, will render the edifice com-
plete, will make it alike useful and beauti&l, so may MamMis,
under tbe quickening spirit of Masonic principles, in their
ynaoGQB ooii€liti<»i8 of life, build up a perfect oluuwoter.iii the
"^^ Order" which they have choeen, or in which their lot has
been casti and become not only uaefiil members, but each an or-
nament to society. The senses of our nature are also analyzed
for his benefit: he is taught that these convey fiur more impresdye
lessons when viewed through the medium of the greater and
leaser lights of Masonry. The liberal arts, and their importance, are
also explained to him, and their value taught by the aid of the
same great luminaries, whose light is so penetrating that no error
can escape detection, so effulgent that no plea of ignorance can
avail him who has been permitted to drink at the fount of know-
ledge, lighted by their rays. Not only are the purest of morah
enforced by the most impressive emblems, but the danger and the
folly of violating the principles of the Order are also strikingly
exemplified. The name of him who laid down his life rather than
betray his trust is held in sacred reverence, while those of his
murderers are regarded with the deepest detestation ; and all are
handed down as beacons to light us on our pilgrimage through life,
showing us what to imitate and what to avoid — all most deeply
impressed upon the mind by the solemnity with which the instruc-
tion is imparted, and that impression sought to be confirmed by
the greater light of the Christian Dispensation.
In the symbolical degrees are inculcated those principles which
are the foundation of all that is good, of all that is beautiful in
the human character, of all that which most conduces to the per-
fection of wisdom and happiness.
In the Chapter degrees, the design of the master workman is
continued, and the temple which is there commenced, is here fin-
ished— ^is here carried to its full perfection, and, after being com-
pleted, is adorned with all the lights, furniture and jewels which
the most exalted principles can furnish, and which make the moral
edifice complete in all its parts.
The working tools of the Mark Master ^^demonstrate the ad-
vantages of discipline and education^' ; and by the moral which is
enforced by their use, he is taught to be content, to curb ambition,
to repress envy, to moderate anger, and to encourage good dis-
positions, from which are derived that happiness
'^ Which nothing earthly gives or can destroy."
The Mark Master is taught the danger of relying upon the
works of any but himself; and as the Operative Mason is not
entitled to wages for work which is not his own, so the Specolfttrre
Mason, in bnildmg the nobler temple, the house not made with
hands, learns by impressiye lessons that the principles which ftnish
sad adorn his character most be real and not pretended, or their
assumption not only will not be rewarded, but will lead him to
ntter confnflion and disgrace. There again are the lessons of
heaven-bom Charity most beantifully wrought into the moral
structure so as to be made to pervade all its parts, and the worthy
Mark Master realizes that '4t is more blessed to give than to
receive," that .
" The drying of a single tetr hu more
Of honest fame, than shedding seas of gore."
The great dei^ign which pervades all nature, and teaches us to
reverence and adore the Supreme Architect of the TTniverse, and
the possible importance of that which may m our fallible judg-
ment appear useless, are most beautifully and impressively taught
us when we are reminded that, in the great plan of the Universe,
as in the building of King Solomon's Temple, the last " stone *»
wanted may be the first made. The danger of judging men or
things by appearances we can never forget, after learning that the
stone which the builders rejected, possessing merits to them un-
known, became " the head stone of the comer."
The Royal Arch Mason is taught that in the constmction of
character, as in Operative Masonry, there must be self-support,
self-reliance ; that the precepts and principles which have been in-
culcated are but the frame-work over which the "arch" of his
character is "turned." In the Chapter, he is taught to place the
key-stone, and, removing the framework and the rubbish, to let
his character stand forth in its own strength, in the full effulgence
of the noon-day sun ; and, if his practice correspond with his pro-
fession, he will do so confident that not a flaw or blemish can be
Thus will Masonic virtue, manly vigor, and humble trust, allied
with the most complete self-reliance, develop the true Mason, and
will join to promote the success of the man, and the good of
Bodety. Of such the record wOl be,
" So he stood in his integrity, Jnst and firm of purpose,
Aiding many, fearing none, a spectacle to angels and to men:
Tea^<when the shattered globe shall rock in throes of dissolution,
Still, win he stand In his integrity, sablime,— an honest man."
From the initiatoiy to the Royal Arch Degree, all the teaohinga
of Maaonry impress apon as the necessity, if we would be true
to our obligatioDS, of repressing all the worst, aU the baser, and of
cultivating all the higher and nobler, qnalities of manhood. Our
attention and reflection are condnuaily excited by the oontempli^
tion of all those attributes which tend to ennoble man, to raise him
sboYe the low and vile instincts which may have attached to
him, and to eifable him to attain that enviable state in which he
can ^^ practice all of those duties out of the Chapter which are
inculcated in it."
There is no one point outside oi our mysteries which should so
commend our Institution to our own esteem, and to the admiration
of the world, as its continued and unchangeable existence. This
result is more to be ascribed to its principles, than to the wisdom,
the number, or the worth of its members.
The merits of our Institution are not due to the high character
of her members, but very many owe their character to her teach-
ings. In the study and practice of her principles were laid the
foundation of many a manly character which, but ibr her, would
never have been reared; and of them, or upon them, was the
superstructure of character built of those known in history as the
wisest and best of men. Our Institution cannot be improved
by the most exalted wisdom, or the most eminent worth; ibr in
these qualifications the highest and the purest &11 far short of her
impressive teachings.
These thoughts should impress our minds and influence our
actions. If we cannot add to the merit of Masonic principles, we
may, and should, attempt to do them justice by our conduct, and
thus sustain the character of the Institution with the world. Ma-
sonry has (^n, perhaps always, suffered from the fisdlure of her
members to observe her principles, to carry into their lives her
sublime teachings; they have failed to let the world note that
Brotherly Love and Charity which could not but be observable
in their conduct were it to correspond with their professions.
The wisdom of goodness is nowhere more deadly Vindicated
than in Masonry. There, while the culture .of the intellectual
is everywhere advocated, the great force of the teachings are
directed to the improvement of the moral man, to the elevatk>n
of his moral character. Nowhere is it so eieariy indicated that
man^s happiness, his value, his usefulness, are in proportion to the
high moral tone wfaidi govern his words and aot8,'a» in IVecK
While to the thoughtless this may appear nnimportant, to tiie
reflective mind; to those accnstomed to trace effects to their canses^
this will at once furnish a key to the antiquity, to the unchanged
ableness, to the usefulness of Freemasonry.
There is great significance in the fiict that Masonry has ensted
so long that 'Hhe memory of man runneth not to the contrary.*^
It is the force of its prindples which has safely carried it through
all Ages, has upheld it in every clime, which has endeared it ta
men of every condition, of aU sects or creeds, without distinction
of race or color. None other of the institutions of men have the
the ^me universality as Masonry; and, not only do we find it in
all dimes and in every tongue, but we find it essentially the same
under all the different circumstances of its existence ; not only is
it the only institution whose principles and whose government are
the same in all times, all places, and all languages, but what is
more strange and more commendable, more to its credit, and
establishing most clearly all that its most ardent fiiends claim for
it, we find all differences of opinion, whether moral, religions, or
political, and all differences of condition laid aside in the sacred
precincts of our Lodges and Chapters. Tliere, the true Mason
divests himself of every feeling, of every prejudice, and in the
panoply of Masonic principles, impenetrable to every other con<
sideration, meets his Brother and Companion with true fhitemal
feeling; there we only know each other as Masons, and there we
receive those lessons of true wisdom which teach us, not only in
our intercourse with them, but with the world, to be guided by
the spirit of Brotherly Love and Charity, and, finally, to regard alt
men as brethren. Elevated by its principles above the HabiHty
which attaches to all institutions which are based upon the feelings
or interest of mankind. Masonry has endured while thrones have
fallen, dynasties have changed, kingdoms have appeared and
disappeared from the map of the world.
Its organization precluding it from mingling in any of the
various struggles of the day or age, while questions of religious
belief or of political opinion have agitated whole nations and
continents. Masonry, protected by its pure and conservative prin-
ciples, has pursued the even tenor of its way, uninterrupted and
unintermpting, and can be traced through every form of govern*
meaty throi^li every reXigioiiB creed or dogma, the same oonflenr»t
tive, selfrdymg, 8d£ezi8ti&g Lustitiitioii ; neither giving nor receiv-.
ing aught from rehgions or political dHFerences, it can, in the
ample majesty of its own identity, be traced through all the
ages of thexworld which have left us a history, till it is lost in the
mythical traditions of earliest antiquity. Through all these ageS|
in every generation, among the first, always of the noblest, names
of history, those whose high moral worth have called from the
historian an especial tribute, have been members of our Order.
From the time of the earliest records, or the most remote tradi-.
tion, to the present day, there has been no exception to this rule.
And as it applies to time, so does it to the differences known among
men; for in every country, of every creed, of every shade of politi-
cal belief the first, the noblest and the best have been Masons; and
frequently many of these differences are found in the same
Lodge or Chapter, yet with true Masons always found harmonizbg^
Under every form of government, the Mason is a freeman — ^free
in his dominion over himself his love for his kind, his charity for
all men.
"Who then is tne'i The wise, who well maintalDB
An empire o'er himself; whom neither chains,
Nor want, nor death, with slavish fear inspire;
Who holdly answers to his warm desire;
Who can Ambition's vainest gifts despise;
Firm in himself, who on himself relies;
Polished and roond, who nms his proper course.
And breaks misfortune with superior force."
Thus dad in the triple armor of Charity, Integrity, and Self-
reliance, the Mason, confident in the purity, and therefore the
immutabOity, of his principles, fears no evil, and regards all other
of the institutions of men as liable to change but that of the Fra-
ternity. If any is attempted by the over-zealous, the misguided,
or the uninformed, the attempt, striking against the conservative
rock of our principles, &lls harmless to the ground; and, if per-
sisted in, serves but to confound and put to confusion those who
would lay their sacriligious hand on the venerable structure. Hie
wisest, most reliable, and most conservative members of our Or-
der, those who always renst any attempt to remove the landmarks,
are those who are best skilled in her mysteries, who best un»
derstand her principles, and therefore most likely to l^ve the best
knowledge of her perfections. * M
Finally, my Companioivs, in our fiatemal assodalm we not
only form the most lasting and disinterested friendships, but we
leam to make ourselyee worthy of the name of " Mend." By it^
are inculcated those valuable moral tenets which elevate ua in the
soale of humanity, and which, will make our friendahip desirable^
or worthy of cultivation.
" Bsfential honor miut be in a frtond,
Not sQch as every breath fans to and fro,
Bnt bom within, its own jadge and end,
And dare not sin, though sure that none would know.
When Friendship spoke. Honesty 's understood;
For none can be a Friend that is not good."
Thus we are taught by the principles of our Order, and by the
lives of the most worthy Masons, that the attainment of know-
ledge and happiness is dependent upon our travelling the rough
and rugged paths of \'irtue; that exaltation to power is reserved
for the humble spirit; and that under the practice of his profes-
sion, every Companion will stand like the "arch," self-poised, selt
sustiuning, independent, becoming only the more firm and compact
from the pressure of the world and its temptations; or, having
fidled to profit by our teachings, his weakness will be exposed when
the supports are knocked out, and the frame-work upon which the
arch is constructed is removed. None can escape the ordeaL
When called from our labors on earth to stand before the judg-
ment-seat of the Grand High Priest of Heaven and Earth, will
the merits of our moral and spiritual building be known, and we
be judged according to our works. "Then let us, each in our
respective spheres, so improve our opportunities, that at last when
the * sheeted dead^ are stirring, when the * great white throne' is
set, and the volume of the record of our lives is opened, we may
receive from the omniscient, eternal Judge, the thrilling invita-
tion, 'Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom pre-
pared for you from the foundation of the world.' "
• ••
The Mason who neglects to attend his Lodge, anlesa
prevented by imperative duties or sicknesa, is not fiiithfrd to the
trust reposed in him. He should share the responsibilities, and
participate ■ the labors of the subordinate Lodge to which he
bdonga, ana guard with scrutiny the outer portals as well as the
gates of the inner court.
At the reoent oommmiication of the Grand Lodge of Michigan,
a charter was granted for a new Lodge, to be called Ashlab
Lodg:^ No. 91, and to be located in the city of Detroit. On the
2dd of last month the new body was constittited and consecrated
in due and andent fonsL It was opened in the room of Union
Lodge of Strict Observance, on the thu*d degree, by its W. M. Oeo.
B, Ensworth, assisted by Bro. Allyn Weston, S. W., Bro. W. E.
Oven, J. W., and Bros. L. P. Durkee, Frank Smith, Thurston and
Ross. Bro. Horace S. Roberts, delegated by the M. W. Levi
Cook, Grand Master, then made an examination of the officersi
after which he retired to the Grand Lodge which was in session in
an adjoining room. Bro. Allyn Weston, S. W., was then sent out
by the W. M. to inform the Grand Master that the members of
AawT.kTt LoDOE werc assembled and desirous of being constituted
and consecrated as a legal Lodge, and having their officers installed*
A few minutes after, the Grand Lodge entered the room, consisting
of the following members: M. W. Levi Cook, Grand Masteri
R. W. Horace S. Roberts, as Dep. Grand Master, R. W. Nathaniel
B. Carpenter, as S. G. W,, R. W. E'd. Batwell as J. G. W., R. W,
and Rev. F. A. Blades, as G. Chaplain, R. W. Jas. Fenton, G.
Sec, R. W. Orlando Bellows, as G. T., and Bro. Joseph Whiting,
«s Grand Marshall. The ceremonies of constitution, consecration
and installation were performed, after which the Grand Lodge
retired. The W. M. then delivered an excellent address, a portion
of which we shall lay before our readers at another time.
With the consent of the Lodge, Bro. Horace S. Roberts briefly
addressed them, expressing his gratification at seeing another sub-
ordinate body starting under the most favorable circumstances for
good, and wishing it Godspeed. He closed his eloquent remarks
by presentiog to the W. M. a Past Master's jewel, made of silver,
and inscribed with these words:
Bro Geo. B. EnsworUi, ft-om H. S. Roberta, Deputy Grand Master, as a mark
of his afifectioD and esteem, and more particularly as a token of his recognition
of the Masonic ability and integrity exhibited by tl)e former while W. M. of
Union Lodge of Strict Observance, No. 8. Detroit, Dec 27, A. L. 5866.
The Lodge closed in harmony. It will meet on Tuesday even-
ings ID the room of Union Lodge of Strict Observance, No. 3.
27 — NO. n. VOL- VT.
Our readers are probably aware, that an effort has recently
been made to bring into the fold of the true Grand Lodge, those
Masons who rebelled against its authority and have flinoe been
making dandestme Masons. We are pleased to hear that there is
a fiivorable prospect that the effort will be saooessfiiL Hie ** Arti>
des of Union'' are agreed upon, and await the liction of the Grand
Lodge which will meet in Jmie.
There is one conmderation involyed in the matter, which dionid
not be overlooked, and that is the pn>cess which will be adopted
to heal those who are not regular Masons. In onr own opinion
there is but one way to effect a core; it cannot properly be done by
an edict. We cannot better express onr views than by quoting the
remarks of Bro. Hyneman of the Mirror and keystone on this point.
** It may be as well to observe,'' says he, ^ that a former precedent of
healing in New Tork was not conadered as legitimate by some
of the best Masonic experience in the country. It maybe a qnet-
tion, if a similar act will not be demurred at It must be remem-
bered, that, although New York, as well as every other State, is
an independent jurisdiction, yet in the making of Freemasons, there
are certain unalterable landmarks to govern Freemasons, and, in
the observance of these, the Craft in every other jurisdiction have
an interest and a voice.
*' We refer to this subject, because it has been intimated to ns
that, on a recent occasion, a very large membership of an illegal
body was admitted into the Fraternity in a manner by many not
considered Masonic. The desire for a union may indSuenoe the
respectable committee of the Grand Lodge to waive or overtook
the most important points m the healing process ; and the R. W.
D. G. M. may also be influenced to attain the desired object by
the sacrifice of Masonic principles. We hope that this may not be
the case. We are for union — ^union based upon principle and
Masonic usage — and we conrnder that nothing is gained if a union
is formed in any other way. Principles should never be sacrificed
for expediency. Our remarks have no reference to the Phillips
body ; yet, even in relation to them, the andent and estabHshed
customs of the Order must be strictly adhered to."
DoBB MAflOiVBT Bhdeld thb GuimT f •— Mttiy outnde the pale
of our InstitatioDi, think that it seeks to shield from punishment
those members ^o are ginHy of penal offenoes. The following
aocotmt from the MoBonic Jtefnew is but a parallel to instances
which have come under our own obsenration:
^* We have a portly old friend who resides not a thousand miles
from our office, who is as true a man and citizen as he is a Mason.
A strict '* observer of the moral law" himself he desires that
others shall be the same: with large ideas of the honorable char-
acter of a ffemnne Freemason, he entertains a sovereign contempt
Ibr one who would use it to pander to his own meanness, cupidity,
Of immorality.
*^ Wen, this good old portly Brother was, a few years since, a
Biagistrate, and occasionally was required to administer justice to
petty violators of the law. On one occasion a man had been
brought before him dbuurged with some misdemeanor, and was
proved guilty. The penalty was a fine and imprisonment, allowing
some discretion in the magistrate as to the amount. In this case
justice was tempered with mercy, and the penalty was fixed at as
low a mark as the stem requirements of the law would permit.
The oonstalMe had ahready received the mitljmus to conduct the
offender to jail when the latter begged permission to speak to the
magistrate privately, which was granted.
^^Sqmre,' said the offender, ^you won't be hard with me, will
you? You know I am a Mason, and I hope therefore you will be
as easy with me as possible.' This remark aroused the otJierwise
good natnred magistrate, and he ezdaimed — ^^ WhatI do you say
you are a Freemasonf ^lam,' said he, cheered by the eflEeot
his remark had produced. *I was not aware of that,' said his
Honor, ^and it alters the case very much. Constable, hand me
back that paper.' He at once proceeded to alter his decision by
douNinff the amount of the jmey and also the period qf imprU"
omnentt The poor culprit was confounded, and at once expressed
his astonishment to the now indignant magistrate. ^9ai\ ' said the
officer, sternly, ^I was disposed to be as lenient with you as possi-
Ue, but I find there is no room for compassion. You say you are
a Mason, and if you are, you are under die greater obligations to
obey the law and conduct yourself as a good dtisen. You have
no excuse, for you have been taught better. You have violated
your duty as a Mason as well as your duty as a dtisen, and
disgraoed the Order as well as yoorself and your fiunily. Yon
richly merit, and shall receive, a double punishment to what I
had at first intended. Constable, take him to jaill "*
• ••
On the 14th day of last month the Grand Lodge of Free and
Accepted Masons of the State of Michigan, conmienced their
annual commumcation at Masonic Hall, in Detroit A large num.
ber of representatives were present, and nearly every Lodge in
the jurisdiction was represented. We cannot look upon such a
Bight as was there presented without the liveliest feelings of grati-
tude, for m it we see conclusive evidence of the benign influence
of our ancient institution. There were assembled men reflecting
every shade of opinion — ^the representatives of the various religious
sects — ^the Episcopalian, the Baptist, the Methodist, the Unitarian^
the Israelite, the TJniversalist, and many others ; there were the
lawyer, the mechanic, the physician, and the editor; there also
were the moral reformers, the champion of temperance, the advo-
cateof peace societies, the strenuous opponent of captal punishmait
who found in that subject a &vorite theme. These men differed
as much in their worldly positions and temporal condition, as they
did in their temperaments and opinions. They were gathered from
various parts of the world — ^from England, Irehmd, Scotland, Ger-
many, France, Russia, and almost every State in the Union, and
among them was the ^^ red man " of the American forests. Some
were &vored by fortune, or had prospered by their own labor and
risen to high and honorable positions in the political world, or in
their professional spheres. Judges of our Supreme Court, — ^gover-
nors,— ^members of Congress, — ^those distinguished for their know-
ledge of the law, — ^those cunning in the art of physic gave their aid
in advancing the interest of the Craft. In the lap of some there
assembled in council, the horn of plenty had poured its choicest
blessings — ample pecuniary fortunes afibrded them the gratifica-
tion of every reasonable desire — ^while by their side sat men poor
in the goods of this world, and perhaps applicants for charity which
should furnish to themsdves and fkmiUes the necessaries of life.
Fhyrical diffsreaceB were apparent and sirikixig. Hie man of
athletic frame and raddy oonntenance presented a striking oon*
trast to the thin, attenuated formw hich gave indubitable evidence
that disease, sure and unyielding, was doing its work of destruc-
tion ; men whose heads had whitened beneath ** three score yean
and ten" were side by side with those filled with the ardor of
ingenuous youth, who had just attained their majority. How met
those men thus differing in everything that pertains to life ? One
would have expected to see their various idiosyncrasies, and peou*
liar opinions, shadowed forth every instant — ^to have beheld a
ciashing of the various elements so i^parently diametrically op-
posed to each other. In any other institution, such a scene might
have been presented; but in that assembly of Masons, all met on
a level — all met as warm-hearted Brothers — each grasped the
other's hand, and distinctions of birth, wealth, country, religion
and profession were forgotten or laid adde. The various elements,
if we may so speak, blended in one harmonious whole. Is not
such a scene beautifiil in this life, and is not the institution which
thus brings together — ^which '* unites — men of every country, sect
and opinion, and conciliates true friendship among those who
might have remained at a perpetual distance" — is not such an
institution, which has been performing its good work for many
centuries, worthy of respect and esteem, and should it not be
classed among the great and best promoters of human happiness f
Answer, ye who seek to injure our society 1
The Grand Lodge was opened by M. W. Geo. C. Munro, Grand
Master, who delivered a short and appropriate address. We have
room for only the following extract : —
The Fraternal relations existiDg among the Brethren throughout this Couo-
try, form an element of strength, a bond of onion, stronger than any other;
for these alone hare been able to resist the efforts of bigotry, the force of super-
stition, the ra^e of party, and is the only relation in which men who differ in all
else, can agree. Here, side by side, mingling In the highest offices of hmnanity ,
actuated by one common spirit of brotherly love, we find minds of every order
of talent, of every variety of disposition, of every shade of belief, both religiooa
and political, and the only feeling which is manifested, is that noble spirit of
emulation, as to who best can work and best agree. How sublime the
roectacle, and how impressive the lesson ! Let us, my Brethren, neither lose
the beauty of the one, nor the value of the other. When from such results we
are deeply impressed with the importance of the principles of ^e Fraternity,
we shall most resolutely resolve to engraft them in our hearts, and show
the fruit of them in our lives. With such views of our duties, and our obli*
gations, let us approach the business before us, and in all our Ititure let us be
actuated by the pure, the high, the noble motives which must actuate the Mason
whose actions correspond with the principles of his profession.
fM tbb: ashlar.
AMMKOMBttB TO m ooiiii.fiwmw»
Seotkm 18 of Ait. 0 WBg amended so as to require all amende
flUiitB to the Ck»fllltatioii to lie eabmitAed oM^
BitttiealioB ptwiow to that at vMoh they are adopted. Seetioii7
«f Art; ¥. wa» amended 00 aa to require a oondidate to ferfd^niat
floMkawitlim the jariafiotioD of »Lo^^ before beooming eligible
iMr iiMatioii.
Seolum iMi of Art. V. iraa amended!, so that it now atanda aa
Ml0ira: ^NoeaaeofanapeaaienorezpdBionihanbeniadepablfe
hk$Bfw$Yy eilhar writteH| printed or oraj, mJeaa otherwise direoted
bf' a majority of two4hirda of tfao membem preaent at the dme of
anoh espidaUm; and npon the ooncnireaee of two4Urds of Ihi
ttendMra pwawnt at any anefa eiqndaioB, it ahall be proper tor any
Lodgoto pttbBah liie name of any expelied member, wHh tiie oanae
of aneh eipiiUon.''
Beetaon 7th of Art. V. waa amended ao aa to reqaire rejectioni
of oaadidatea to be oommmiiented to oontignona Lodgea and the
GMnd Lodge, instead of eray Lodge in the jariadicti<HL
Section 2d of Aii. YL waa amended ao aa to eatablidi the
prioe <rf a ohaitar at #90 instead of ISO, and a dispensalaoB at %M
ilMtead of IRLO.
The foQowing offleera were dected for the enaoing year ;«»
Levi CJook, G. M.; T. H. Lyon, D.6. M. ; J. C.Wood, S. Q.W.;
J. B. Hamilton, J. 6. W. ; Rev. L. H. Carson, 6. C. ; J. Faiton,
O. 8.; W. H. MoOmber, 3. T.; 8. Blanchard, G. Vis. and Lee ;
R W. Landon, 8. G. D.; B. A. Brown, J. G. D.; W. R Mills, G.
M.; J. R. Baker, G. S. B.; F. Danow, G. P.; C. Howard, G. Uler.
BXJificnoir OF atpucjlivts.
Committee on grievanoes reported the following resolations
which were adopted : —
Beiohed, That in all eaaei where the By-Law« of a Subordinate Lodfle
Syfide for baUoifaig for candidates, a single member can only object to the
tiation of candidates in the manner prorided for in those By-La/ws.-
Ee$6kfedj That at any time before the initiation of a candidate, upon the
objection of any member of the Lodge, npon the statement of his reasons for
said objection, the Lodge may determine as to whether he shall be initbted
or not.
We are pleased to anuomice that the Grand Lodge parsned
the ootirse, which we oonfidoitly h<q>ed they wonld take, with
Tppwltothenew"€tattdIiodgtf*ofQMaa^ InaoeotdlHBmwttli
« report of the comniittee on grieraiioefl^ the sobjeol ww refenred
to tfie oommittee on finre^ oorfeqMmdencei vkh instniotioiis to
report %t the next regtdar oommunioadon of the Grand Lodge,
Charters were granted to the following named Lodgee^— 'Antt
Jblbor Lodge, at Ann Arl>or, No. 80; Valley CSty Lodge, ait Grand
Ba|)id<» y o. 86; AnohorLody of 8trietObaernaw^atffalaTnatt>e»
Ko. 87 ; Bntler Lodge, at Birtier, Ko. 88 ; Mptle Lodge, ii
Bellevine, No. 89 ; Lowell Lodge, at Lowell, No. 90 ; AaUar
Lodge, at Detroit, No 91 ; Prairie Lodge, at Qaleabnrg, No. 98 ;
Star Lod^ at Jefferson, No. 98; Charity Lodge, at Detroiti
No. 94.
pxsrij. jumsDicnoK or lodgbi.
Li relation to a case whioh was referred to the committee on
jpierances, the following reeohition was reported and adopted :—>
Bsmihtd, That estih Xiodfiehas pensl Jnrisdlctloii orer Che oonduoi of aUtlis
Brethren residing within their geogn^hlcal Jnrisdictian reepecthrely
Kerertheleu, it ie recominended that, u a matter ot courtesy, all rach caaea bd
TClbrred to the Lodge of which the oflboding Brother is a member, idm itia
practicable to do so.
The following resolntions were adopted : —
RmML, That all Lodges ehartered at this oonmnmicatioa be, and th^
are hereby permitted to hold election for oiBoers of their respectiTe Lodges, at
their second commnnication after the close of this Grand Lodge ; and tlutt the
•effloers of said Lodges be installed, and the Lodges dedieated, as soon theii^
after as cixiTeoienL
Rmdud^ That it is the right of all Lodges worldng under the Jarisdictloa
-of this Grand Lodge to admit or reject risiting Brethren, as they in their discre*
tioD may deem best
Be$6hed, That the thanla of this Grand Lodge be respectftilly tendered te
the Most Worshipfbl Past Grand Master, Geo. G. Monro, and Eight WorshiplU
Deputy Grand MiBuster, Horace S. Roberts, for the able and impartial manner in
which they hare discharged their duties, and that this Grand Lodge present
Hiem a Past Master and Deputy Grand Master's Jewels respectiyely
BeHinfed, That the Grand Visitor and Leciurer be instructed to visit, during
the coming year, each Lodge in this jurisdiction, and shall perfect in the wms.
and lectures of the three Degrees, tiie Worshipful M. 8. and J. Wardens, and
that for such serrices he shall recelTC the sum of twelve hundred doilara.
which sum shall be paid by the Grand Treasurer on the warrant of the Grand
Secretary, who Is hereby authorized to issue such warrant.
The following amendment to the Constitution was duly approred,
-and ordered to lay on the table until the next session of the Grand
Amend Seodon 8 of Article HL, by striking out the v/hole i6<s
tBon and inserting the following :— •
ARTIGIjB hi, 6bo. 8. Any Oraod Officer who, during the term for which
he was chosen, withdraws from the Lodee of which he was a memher at the
time he was elected to such office, shall Uierehy vacate said office, and his seat
as a member of the Grand Lodge, unless he shall in the meantime have peti-
tioned for a new Lodge, or applied for membership to anothw* Lodge within
ttk Jurisdiction. ^
There are several subjects of interest in the proceedings of the
Grand Lodge, which we have not space to conunoit upon now^
bat which we shall fkgein refer to at an early day.
• • »
The Gbavil — Oh, the gravel the grave! It buries every
error, covers every defect, extinguishes every resentment. Prom
its peaceful bosom spring none but fond regrets and tender recol-
lections. Who can look down upon the grave even of an enemy,
and not feel a conipunctuous throb, that even he should have
warred against the mere handAil of earth that lies mouldering
before him? But the grave of those he loved, what a place for
meditation 1 Then it is that we call up, in long review, the whole
history of virtue and gentleness, and the thousand endearments
lavished upon us, almost unheeded, in the daily intercourse of
intimacy. /
•^7^9 ff> ^ ^® grave of buried love and meditate! There
settle the account with thy conscience, for every past endearment
unregarded, of that departed being, who never, never, never can-
return, to be soothed by contrition ! If thou art a child, and hast
ever added a sorrow to the soul, or a furrow to the silvered brow
of an affectionate parent; if thou art a husband, and hast caused
the fond bosom that ventured its whole lu^f^iness in thy arms, to
doubt one moment of thy kindness or thy truth; if thou art a
friend, and hast ever wronged in thought, or word, or deed, the
spirit that generously confided in thee; if thou art a lover, and
hast ever given one unmerited pang to the true heart that now
lies cold beneath thy feet: then be sure that every unkind look,
every ungracious word, every ungenerous action, will come throng-
ing back upon the memory and knocking dolefully at thy soul;,
then be sure thou wilt lie down, sorrowing and repentant on
the grave, and utter the unheard groan, and pour the unav^ling
tear, more deep, more bitter, because unheard and unaviuling.-^
Washington Irving.
A pious and jsealous Hebrew was walking through the streeU
ei Jerusalem, and his heart was sad on seeing the cross, the symbdL
of Christianity, on a building, and he spake to himself** This is »
plaoe» where the Christian worships and offers up his devotions to
the Triune God" ; and as he passed the site of the Temple, he
beheld the Mosque of the Turk on which was plaoed the Crescent^
tiie symbol of the Moslem, and he wept and spake — ^^'This sacred
spot, on which was erected the house of God, and which He coot-
secrated with the presence of the divine Shekinah, is in the posses-
sion of the pretended believers of the prophet, and they have
desecrated the holy eround.'^ His heart was oppressed with grie^
and as he passed on ne met one of the wise men of Israel, an aged
and venerable Rabbi, coming that way. He stopped him and
communicated to him what lie had seen and the sad thoughts
which had passed through his mind and the oppressive feelmss
which weighed so heavy upon his heart, and enquired of the Raboi
if God has indeed chosen Israel for his people, why has He turned
his countenance away from them ? W hv does He permit those
who do not fi)llow the law of Moses, who oelieve in fiuse prophets,
to worship in this holy city, and on the sacred spot wluch He had
chosen as a habitation here on earth ?
The Rabbi looked moum&ily upon him and replied — ^' Thou
dost not know of what thou speakest. The countenance of the Lord
has been turned away from luael because of their hearts' not undoT'-
standing aright His holy ways. The Lord has indeed chosen Israel,
only as they observe and do his eommandments, and thus has Hei
chosen all mankind, all who bear the impress of His image. To infer
that those who do not believe as you do, who do not obey the laws of
Mofle8,butbdiovem aMewahandaProphet, which in your opinion
are impositions, should not receive the &vors of an all-merci^I God,
shows a defect in your understanding, a weak appreciation of the infi-
nite love and goodness of the one Great Father. Did the Almighty
destroy the infidel nations of the earth, when He dwelt between
the Cherubim in that House which Solomon built, and which was
dedicated to His holy name ? or did He destroy Solomon who in
his old age forsook the worship of the living and true God and
bowed his knee to idols ? No. The reasons are two-fold. In the
first place, man \s a weak creature, endowed with a spark of the
divinity, he is capable of approaching almost the presence of Deity,
and yet b^ admitting one single improper thought, he may mil
from his high estate. God knows man's weakness and suffers him
to combat and live. If he is victorious he enjoys a greater degree of
bliss. The second reason is so obvious, that if you will onljy^ reflect
you will understand why He who created all numkind permits those
*Froin the Mirror and Keystone.
who an iiot of the seed of Abmham to wonMp in the I10I7 oi^
iras the poflMtaion of His ohoMQ people. Israel wm chosen to per-
petuate toe knowledge of the JMas and true God. Israel did not
nippreoiate the great trust reposed in them and the Lord toned
hw oonntenaaoe awaf from them and gare their inheritaaoe to th*
atnawer. Tet the Ijord is with yon and with me and with all who
win wey Him. Meditate npon the diversity of faitelHgenoes and
take a practioal view of liamanity. Do you and I thiu alike ob
all sabjeotaf Do not the leaves on yonder tree aU diiE^ in shap^
andocMorf The mental creations of man differ as mneh as Nature.
No two men see the same object aSke with thefar natural viskQ,
and neither are their mental peremptions the same. Hnchdqpenda
npon edacatioiii Yon may attadi mneh impctftaneeto the mamifr
and fi>nn of woralnp, bnt Me to wliom yon offer up yo«pr devotiona
feoka at the heart. If the heart is sincere, if trodi be the oMeot,
if llie intentions be good and pore, will not this sofflce with nSm
wlioseethnotaamanseeth, although the cross or the crescenti and
the types of which each is a 8ym£>l, is represented in the act of
worsmp? Retom to thy honse and stndy thysel£ Do not set op
thy judgment aa that which shonld govern Him, the Infinite and
BtemaL If thon art content with thyself be satisied. Do not
measore others according to thy understanding. If otheiB are
lumpy that is soAdent mr them. Tou are not accountable far
others, and nmther are they accountable for you. Be sntiiiBed
that the words of God are true, and that the time wiQ come ithea
all men wffl admoiviedge the Creator ot the UniverM, before
whom all hearts must bovr in reverenoe; and do yon live so that
jfTOH may be acceptable to ffim, and let your words and actiona bis
mstnnnental in hastening that important and hxppy period,''
• ••
^The wisest of Kings was not ashamed to receive his
asnstance, to seek for knowledge wherever she might be found,
and to make a proper use and improvement of it. Here, indeed,
Solon, Plato, and Pythagoras, and from them the Oreoian literati
in general, in a great measure, were obliged for their learning to
Masomry and the labors of some of our andent Brethren."
• ••
At Niles, Jan. 11th, 1857, Bro. Milton Cowley, aged 30 years.
At Detroit, Jan. 80th, Bro. Geo. Fraxer; aged 28 years.
■ •■
Yra»f Aao«« nm Bamnsv^Lwrliig Biii fltginaw, wiMra o«r aillob
fill oomtpondenee wu d«M, we proceeded ria Flint to DariBtmrgfa, wheve
we were hoeiiitftblj eoterteined bj Bko. ConwUei Devii, ux old lUiid-by of
the InstltiitloD. On the erening of our airtrel, we rode o?«r to Awtia witti
three of the Brethren, and rtoited Qnyretamd Lodge, which we firand in good
•cnditki^notwithetendingitekieBdilbrteae- Bro.Oogihe]lfliidBio.Wrighl»
W. M., gave ni a hearty weKeone. We raloned to Denrisborgh and ipeni Oni
nig^ The next morning we took the can lot PoaUee, aad theaee hf etoga
wtet to New Oaaandaigwu Heveweiawbiiilbwof theBrelhieD. Bffo.Jeii»
Beekar, the Ihithftd old eeotlnel, waa at hk peet, hale aad heerty. AtOxIMI
we were not verj fortimato in finding Biethxen. Mine hoet, Bxo. Hov^, aa
nfoal, diq^layed a emiling ooonteoaaee that gave eridvioe of a wann heart.
The ride ftom Oxford to Lapeer wae aa eoiclraoidinarj one, and we had the
atfatetima to fre«e on noee aad both eaia aoferelf . After a day^ tany te
L^ear, andflylngTialta aniong thaCraA, wenade the rest of oar tov « loOowat
AuBOMT^-Here, we ibvnd Bn>. Beaoh, W. M., actively engaged hi proina*
hig the interests of the Frateniity; ander his goldanoe the Lodge is doiBg
BoMSO.-— H. B. Castle extended a Masonic hand, and laid ns under obligsp
Itons by liis Mndness The Craft is flourishing in this place, and the Lodge is
doing good work.
VnoA Aim RooxBSTn.— We made very hasty ylslts at theae places, but
were well i^eased with what we saw, and shall endeavor to meet the Brethren
in them again at as early a day as possible.
Maboxio Blavks. — ^We are now prepared to ftimish Masonic Blanks of ail
kinds to Lodges, indnding petitions for initiatioD, for the 2d degree, for the
8d, and for membership, reports of committeeB, demits, &c., Sec Any orders
sent as by mail or otherwise will be panctnally attended to.
or We think the side degraes, and '* Female Masonry " (as it is misnamed)
are ftst losiDg gronnd. We shall say a word about them at at an early day.
17 James Buchanan and J<An G. Breckenridge, PraaidanI aad Vice Pres-
ident elect, are Masons. Both are Past Masters of Lodges.
f^ Scarcely a jeer panes in which we do not hear of tome lodelj^ Sml^
tatiye of Freemaaoxiry, ipringing iq>, blustering about for a while in i^woos
and colors, patting on all the appeantnoe of Uie real simon-pnre, and then^
after a brief life, dying off, to give place to some other simulative abmirdity.
The old newspapers and magasines are ftill of aoooonts of these '* mock tur-
tle" societies, which people, ootside of onr Order, are Tery often apt to sup-
pose form a part of Masonry, which Institution they howerer resemble only
In the secresy of their meetings. Our common-place book contains an abund-
ant list of them, from which we may, from time to time, give an extract for
the amusement of our readers. For tiie present, here is a paragraph from the
"Gentieman's Magazine," for January, 1782, concerning the "Free Sawyers**:
" An account was given in the pi^rs of a society who called themselvee
Free Sa/ieyere, snd dslm priority to the Freemasons, Gormogons, or Ancient
Hums, ss dating their standing before the Tower of Babel, s]Ueging they out
the stones for £ose mad builders, tiie Freemasons. At their meetings they
have a sflver saw laid on their table with this motto: 'Lei ii Work.*"'^Ammi'
"Is there to be found a gift of heawn more precious, more worthy our
most ardent gratitude, than that of posseesing a ibmily, a home, where virtues,
kindness and ei\joymentB are every-day guestB; where the heart *and the eye
sun themselves in a world of love ; where thoughts are lovely and enlightened;
where friends, not only by words, but by actloos, say to each other, " Thy joy,
thy sorrow, thy h<^, thy prayer is mine V "
We would call attention to the advertisement of Bro. 8. B. Elwood,
long and Ihvorably known ss one of the booksellers of Detroit. His set of
Masonic books, fm* the use of Secretaries and Treasurers of Lodges, is the
best we have seen, and we would recommend Lodges in want of new booki, to
purchase of hioL
A weekly contemporary, reoentiy announcing Br. Kane*s departure for
Europe, enthusiastically anticipated the plessant meeting he would have with
Sir Edward Parry, the &ther of Arctic enterprise in England. Inasmuch as
Sir Edward has beoi dead for several months, we hope a long time may ekpee
ere he has ** the pleasure" of such a meeting as this;— iSbiiM JoumaL
** High as wo at present may stand, firm as may be the basis on which
we may rest tar support, to-morrow we may bow before the whirwind of mis-
fortune. Virtue can claim no exemption from reproach, greatness no indemnity
•gainst calamity; as we treat others so will they treat us in turn.**
The Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania vras
held on the 27th of December last, when the officers were installed. Harmony
prevailed, evidence of prosperity among the Craft was apparent.
We are pleased to learn that Bro. Kane, the intrepid explorer of the
Arctic regicHis, is improving in heahh.
Hbiohbob Jaoxwoob, bt VAutt Cbbttov, AimroB of "Fatkbb BbI9BT-
aoPBs/' " Mabtih Mbbbtyalb," &o., &«. — Thii is a book recently pabliabed
by Phillips, Sampson &> Co., of Boston, and is in the pecaliar style of Its antbor.
It seeks to give a tratbftil pictnre of life in its humble spheres, and is quite a
•sneoeesftd effort. The story, though somewhat long, is well sustained, end
one can hardly tire of the various characters, which are drawn with spirit aid
A due regard to the reality of every day life. The book is for sale at John A.
Xerr A> Co.'s, Jeflbrson Avenue, Detroit
Bblioious Tbitth, illvstbatbd fbox Soibbcb, IB Addbbssbs abd Sbbxobs
•OB BPBCiAL occAsiOBS, BT Edwabd Hitchcocx D.D., LXJO., A>c.— This vol-
mne we have not had time to peruse with the care and attenti<m which it de-
serves. The well known and extended reputation of its author will give it a
liberal sale. The subject on which it treats is one of more than ordhiary in-
terest, and worthy the attention of every one.
The volume may be purchased at the store of John A. Kerr & Co., Jeffiirson
Avenue, Detroit.
Thb Yoiob of Iowa. — ^Thls is the title of a neat periodical published month-
ly at Cedar' Bapids. The first number, which has Just come to hand, gives
evidence of ability and tact in the editorial department, and is a good sped-
men of typography. James 8. Enos, Editor. Terms, $2 per year.
Masobio, JoiTBBAL.— We have not received a copy of this work for several
months. Bro. Chase, what is the reason 1
AsHLAB LoDGB, No. 91. — ^This body is located at Detroit, and received a
charter at the late Communication of the Grand Lodge. Officers — George B.
Ensworth, W. M.; AUyn Wevton, 8. W.; and W. £. Oven, J. W. It holds its
communicationB on Tuesday evenings, at the room of Union Lodge of Strict
Crabitt Lodob, No. 94, was chartered by the Grand Lodge at its recent
communication. The new body will hold its meetings in Masonic Hall, De-
troit. Officers— J. P. Whiting, W. M.; J. J. Bhodes, S. W., and D. B. Nich-
ols, J. W.
PbkiitsuiiAB Chaftbb op B. A. Ms., No. 16. — This body was chartered at
the last Convocation of the Grand Chapter of Michigan, and is located in the
city of Detroit. Its principal officers are: Comp. Horace S. Boberts, High
Priest; Allyn Weston, King; and €k>rdon Campbell, Scribe.
'An editor of Iowa has been fined two hundred and fifty dollars for
hug^ng a girl in meeting. ''Cheap enough!" says another of the fraternity.
"We once hugged a girl in meeting, and it has cost us a thousand a year ever
__ Life is a Journey, and it's our owtl fault if we do not make a pleasure
excursion of it.
tyiTonwhn Idbor, «Epof«ra to nvt nd ooM, deprlritioD of sofllclBni
^pMDtkies of neeatMrj and wholewme fDod, haUtail bad lodging, sloth and
ntanpamiee, an all deadly enemlM to human Ufb; but none of them are so
bad aa Tioknt and imgoferned paaaloiia. Men and women hare aurriyed all
theee, and at ktat reached an extreme old age; but H maj be safelj doubted
nHether a aincle Instanoe can be foond of a man of riolent tnd favadble tem-
per, habilnally idbject to atorma of migoTemable passion, who has arrlred at
a very adranced period ot lUb. It Is, therefore, a matter of the hlgfaete im-
portance to erery one desirous to preserve 'a somMi mind in a sonnd body,'
so that the britlie Tessel of life may glide down the stream of time smoothly
and aecnrely, instead of befaig oontlnnally tossed aboat amidst rocks and shoala
which endanger its existence, to have a special care, amidst all the ricissitndea
and trials of life, to maintain a qaki possession of his own spirit*"
tlT " Suppose, sir," said Boswell to Dr. Johnson, after having put the case
of one who was accused of forging a wiD, and who had nook himself into the
Thames before the trial of its anthentldty came on, " that a man is absolntdy
sure that if he lives a few days longer he wiD be detected in a frand, the conse-
qnenoe of which will be ntter disgrace and expulsion from society." Johnson
replied—*' Then, sir, let him go abroad to a distant country ; let him go to
some place where he is not known ; don't let him go to the devil, where he is
" By brotherty love, we are to understand that generous principle of
the soul which respects the human species as one ftunlly, created by an all-wise
Being, and placed on this globe for the mutual assistance of each other. It is
this attnetive principle, or power, that draws men together and unites them in
bodiBB pdiCte, femiUes, sodetlea, and the various orders and denomlnatfooa
among men. But as most of these are partial, contacted, or confined to a
partlciilar country, religion, or opfaiion; our order, on the contrary. Is calcu-
lated to unite mankind as one femily : high and low, rich and poor, one with
another; to adore the same God, and observe his law. All worthy members
of this society are free to visit every lodge In the world; and though he knows
not the language of the country, yet by a silent universal language of our
own, he wHI gafai admittance, and find that true fiiendship, which flows ftom
the Iwotherly love I am now describing.
" At that peaceable and harmonious meeting he vriU hear no diflpotes con-
cerning religion or politics; no swearing; no obscene, immoral, or ludicrous
discourse ; no other contention but who can work best, who can agree bast**
or lAmartine says of the oedan of Lebanon*
"After having spant a few dftys in studying these baautiftil localities, as
poetic as the places where we find them, the Sheik (chief of an Arabian
tribe), gave me his son and several Arabians to lead me to Bolomon'a cadait,
fSunous trees, which consecrate the highest summits of Lebanon, and which
have been for many centuries venerated aa the last witnesses of King Solo-
mon's glory."
Evidence of the benefits of Masonry, adduced from numerous
sources, and comprehending a variety of facts, have from time to
time been laid before oar readers. These have been given, not
only to instruct the iiiiiiiit.iii.tPfl in the history of our Order and
refute the arguments and scoffi of opponents, but to enlighten
Brethren and kindle even In their breasts a love for Freemasonry
haUowed by time, and rendered valuable by its long train of tra-
ditional lore. It is well thus to dwell upon the estimable resolts of
the Institution, traced on the pages of history, into distant ages ;
it is well thus to recall the good deeds of tbe past, and ponder
them ; it is well thus to drink of the crysttJ streama, and trace
them to the fomitain-head of a society which, dating its ooin-
roencement with the earUe«t historical record, has withstood the
attackB of internal as well as external foes, and to-day proudly
27— <voL. n. wo. vn.
rears its head among the nations of the earth, having its strongest
foothold where civilization and refinement exert the most potent
sway. The reoollection of good deeds, of heroic acts, of noble
and beneficent results, tends to create and foster in the soul, high
and holy aspirations which ennoble and purify the man and
strengthen his determination to press on in the path of rectitude.
Proofs of the immaeolateness of Masonry and its inestimable
value may be found far and near. They may be found in the
dphers and hieroglyphics of ancient monuments, exhumed from
the bowels of the earth, after being interred for many ages, and
which none but those well skilled in our art can interpret; they
may be culled from dusty tomes neglected on the shelves of public
libraries, which none but the learned and curious antiquarian
searches ; they may be discovered in the many deeds which the
pen of the Beuthful chronicler has recorded, or in the virtuous acts
which have caused the names of many men to live as examples of
goodness, long after their bodies are mouldering in the grave.
Every age — every country is pregnant with fiicts which illustrate
the value of the teachings of our Order.
There is one class of proofi (to which we shall confine our
attention in this article) that should convince even the most scep-
tical mind of the beneficent influence of Freemasonry. Upon
her roll are emblaxoned the names of the greatest and best men
whom the world has ever known. At her shrine have knelt, in
humble reverence, longs, princes, philosophers and stateanen, " who
have not deemed it derogatory to their dignity to level themselves
with the Fraternity, extend their privileges and patronize their
assemblies.'* Locks, Fbanklix, WnTonser^ Lafatettb, — ^what
a galaxy of names! Their characters and reputations live as mon-
uments of the purity and useftdness of our ancient society. Brass
and stone moulder and decay, and, in a ibw years, like the hands
which reared them, mingle with the dust; but the fame of such
men defies the ravages of time, and growing brighter with each
succeeding age, will endure until the world AvsM be no more.
The lives of such men remind us
"We can make our \\yw subUme,
And, departing, leave behind ub
Footprints on the sands of tima ;
Footprints that perhaps anothefj
flailing o'er fife's solemn main,
A Ibrlom and ship-wredDMl brother,
Seeing, shall take heart again."
The deyotion, d]g[dla7ed for Masonry by such men as we have
named, should be sufficient to convince the uninitiated of its
exalted and noble oharacter, its moral and religious usefiilness.
Tou are proud of Franklin as a philosopher and ^^pcOriotl Why
should not we be proud of him as a Mason? Tou hold Warren
in grateful remembrance, a^ a lover of his country and a brave
soldier/ Why should not we hold him in grateful remembrance
as a Mason f If these men claim your love and esteem as bene-
fiustors of their race — whom no allurements of pleasure —
no bribes of gain — ^no unworthy motive could swerve from the
path of duty, then must you acknowledge that their zealous
attachment to Masonry refutes the calumnies heaped upon it by
malignant and misguided enemies.
We live in a land of liberty — a land whose soil has been conse-
crated by the blood of heroes and martyrs — a land where
religious persecution has no foot-hold, and the laws guarantee
equal rights to all — ^the poor and the humble as well as the rich
and powerfiil. Look around you to-day. Everywhere, you
behold the marks of intelligence and refinement, the works of
art, and the productions of literature and science. All is peace
and prosperity; and beneath the approving smiles of an all-wise
Providence, plenty showers upon you the choicest blessings of
Heaven. Do not these things " afford serious reflection to the
thinking mind?'' and bear they no impress of the influence of
"On the 1st day of November, in the year 1762," says Strick-
land,* "the Predricksbxttg Lodge, in Virginia, was convened.
It was a cahn and quiet evening of Lidian summer. The sun,
that great light to rule the day, had gone down, shedding
a mellow radiance on the peaceM village. The stars, those silent
out-sentinels of heaven, lighted up their watch-fires in the absence
of night^s &ir orb, and cast their radiance along the autumn sky.
The Lodge was opened in the Entered Apprentice's degree, in
due and andent form. Every ofiicer was in his place, and the
attendant Brethren were sitting in groups around the room. The
Brethren had met for the purpose of initiating a young colonial
officer of the British army. It was a body of emergency, for the
youthftd soldier was on the eve of undertaking the arduous and
dangerous task of carrying despatches from the Governor of Yir-
- ^ - - —
"^Cinciimatii Beview.
ginia to the French oommander at Fort da Qneflne, on the Ohio
river, at that time, one of the links in that extended chain of forti
which was intended to connect the St. Lawrence with the Mexican
Golf. It was a hazardous undertaking for one who had not
reached his majority. To accomplish it, the Blue Ridge and the
Alleghany mountains must be passed — ^innumerable swamps and
rivers must be crossed — and a distance of three hundred miles
unexplored by the white man, and inhabited by numerous tribes
of savage Indians, who roamed at will in the mighty forests, must
be traversed. Though he had not reached the ordinary age
allotted to the period that marks the boundary between youth
and manhood, yet he had, in accordance with Anderson's old
constitutions, under which the Lodge was then working, arrived
at a nuxture and discreet age ; and hence, not only the spirit but
the letter of the Masonic law and usage was complied with, in his
^'The fflgnal was at length given, and then mi^t be seen
entering the Lodge room a tall, graceful youth, with manly pro-
portions, attended by a conductor. Every eye was turned upon
him as he moved along with firm and dignified bearing. Eveiy
heart responded in unison with his, as he passed through the
solemn and impressive ceremonies of that hour, and when he
advanced to record his name on the roll of Masonry, his pen
traced in bold and legible characters the name of GxonaE
Washington. There that name stands to this day.''
The evidence that the Father of his Oountry was a zealous
member of the Order, that he cherished a high regard for its prin-
ciples and precepts, and sought to promote its inter^ts, are abun-
dant and conclusive. When success crowned his efforts, and with
his valiant army he conquered a place in which there was a Lodge
composed of English soldiers, he showed his regard for our in*
stitution, by sending the jewels of the Lodge, under a guard of
honor and a flag of truce, to the British army. In the year 1784,
in a letter addressed to Brook Lodge, in Alexandria, he said :
'^I shall always feel pleasure, when it be in my power, to render
any service to Lodge No. 30, and in every act of brotherly kind-
ness to the members of it. With pleasure I received the invita-
tion of the Master and members of the Lodge to dine with them
on the approaching anniversary of St. John ; if nothing, unforeseen
at present, interferes, I wiU have the honor qf doing ity On
aaoUier oooaaion while seated in the Preddential chair, he wrote
to King Damd^a Lodge^ Newport, aa follows: ^*I receive the
welcome you gave me to Rhode Island, and with pleasure ; and
I acknowledge mj obligationB for the flattering expressions of
regard contained in your address, with grateful smcerity. Being
persuaded that a joint application of the principles on which the
Masonic Fraternity is founded, must be promotive of private
virtue and public prosperity, I shall always be ready to advance
the interests of the society, and to be considered by them as a
deserving Brother."
In 1701, the Qrand Lodge of Massachusetts presented to
Washington a copy of their constitution, accompanied by an
address, in which they said:
*^Sir: Whilst the historian is describing the career of your
glory, and the inhabitants of an extensive empire are made happy
in your unexampled exertions — ^whilst some celebrate the Hero
so distinguished in liberating United America, and others the
Patriot who presides over her councils — a band of Brothers, hav-
ing always joined the acclamations of their countrymen, now
testily their respect for those milder virtues, which have ever
graced the Man«"
In his written answer to the address, Washington said:
^^ Flattering as it may be to the human mind, and truly honor-
able as it is to receive from our fellow-dtizenB testimonials of
approbation for exertions to promote the public welfare, it is not
less pleasing to know that the milder virtues of the heart are
highly respected by a society whose i.ttocrati pbikoiples abs
It was with such views of the utiUty and purity of Masonry,
that the Father of his Country, officiating as Grand Master, laid
the corner-stone of the Capitol in 1773, and presided as the first
Worshipful Master over Alexandria Washington Lodge. The
apron he wore at that period was made by Madame Lafayette,
and presented to him by that lady. It is still preserved in the
archives of Alexandria Lodge, and is cherished by the Craft as
a precious relic
The character of Washington — ^his abiding religious &ith — his
trust in God — ^his holy patriotism — ^his unsullied honor — ^his broad
philanthropy--4hese are all known and universally admitted. No
languagei were it ever so flgorative and eloquent, could heighten
or embellishh ig fiune— oonld add one ray to his glory. His great-
est eulogy that words can express has been spoken— ^' First in
war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen." To
Washington, more than to any other man, are the people of the
United States indebted for the blessings of liberty which they this
day enjoy. In the solemn boors of our Reyoluti<Hi, when the
fonds of the Colonial treasury were exhausted — ^when the horrors
and deprivations ot war pressed upon our gallant soldiers— when
the clouds which over-hung the mom of the Republic grew dark
and threatening — when the vigor of strong men was impaired and
their hearts grew &int — when despair began to take possession of
their souls, who wcLS it^ that by his brave spirit — ^his trust in God
— \\m counsel and example — cheered the weary and disconsolate,
gave strength to the weak — courage to the timid — ^and, standing
at the helm, with proud and undaunted soul, calmly and coolly
guided the Ship of State through the troubled waters, amid the
rocks and quicksands that threatened to destroy her, to the bosom
of the quiet and tranquil ocean, where she is now pursuing her
onward course, freighted with the lives, the hopes and the happi-
ness of more than twenty t millions of human beings? Who was
it that won the imperishable fame of such glorious deeds? ^ Gr^orge
Washington^ the Mason.
Respected and beloved while living, the Father of his Country
is revered while dead. Emperors, kings, statesmen, orators, poets
and divines, have vied with each other in doing homage to his
character. Even Napoleon set apart a day for France to com-
memorate his virtues. ^'Our Washington," said Chief Justice
Marshal], ^^ is no more. The hero, the patriot and the sage ot
America, the man on whom in times of danger every eye was
turned and all hopes were placed, lives now only in his own great
actions and in the hearts of an affectionate and afficted people.^
^' His example," said Adams, *^ is now complete, and it wiU teach
wisdom and virtue to magistrates, citizens and men, not only in
the present age, but in future generations, as long as history shall
be read."
Washington left upon the government and the country the
lasting impress of his character — ^that character was eminently
Masonic All the virtues which he displayed are inooleated by
our institution ; all the noble and heroic deeds which he peifonned,
all the good qualities which he manifested, all the greatness whidi
he achieved, and all the &me which he won, were but the result
of a carefid obeenraiice of the principleB and precepts of our an-
cient society. Can you doubt that Masonry — whose liberal prin-
ciples he declared to be /otmded in the immutable laws of Thffh
and c/u^ioe-*-^a¥e him strength and courage to pass through the
trials of the Bevolntion, and exercised a powerful influence en his
character ? ** Frequently,'* says the P. G. M. of Virginia, " when
surrounded by his brilliant stafl^ he would part from the gay assem-
blage and seek the instruction of the Lodge." These words may
make a faint impression on the minds of the uninitiated ; but in
the minds of Breliiren, they should establish the conviction, that
Washingt<Hi, when his mind and soul were laden with the care of
a nation's destiny, sought comfort and encouragement at the shrine
of Masonry, as the weary and way-worn traveller on the burning
sands of the desert, seeks refreshment at the cool and shaded
As the Father of his Country was a good man, so was he a
good Mason ; approaching, as a man, nearer to perfection than his
fellows, so his character assimilates more closely than that of almost
any other member of our Order, to the Masonic standard of virtue
and greatness. Hdding him in grateful remembrance as a patriot
and a philanthropist who has conferred untold blessings upon un-
told millions of his fellow-bemgs you render a tribute to Masonry
more valuable than the loftiest panegyric ever pronounced on her
Contemplating the goodness of Washington, we are irresistibly
led to condder and aiialyEe the principles and tenets of our Order.
His example is noble and illustrious — ^let us strive to imitate it in
all our actions; his reputation is a monument of the purity and
usefulness of our Society — ^let it be to us an incentive to the per-
formance of virtuous and heroic deeds; his fiune is an invaluable
legacy — let us cherish and protect it with pure hearts and unsul-
lied hands! Then, like him, ^' shall we be fitly prepared for that
Celestial Lodge above where the Supreme Architect of the Uni-
verse presides" — then will our example, like his, cast no shadow
upon die fair &me of Freemasonry, but will shine like a bright and
effulgent light to lead the wayward and weary into paths of virtue
and pleasantness.
It is oi the ntmost importance for the interests of Masomy
that those who preside in Lodges, and all who impart a knowledge
of the forms and ceremonies, should be critically conversant with
the ritual of the lectures in the several degrees; otherwise, they
sow tares among the wheat, which spring up and bear a thousand
fold. A., for instance, gets a general knowledge of the lectures
and can repeat them with many verbal inaccurades; he instructs
B., who also commits them to memory with many words changed
or omitted or added ; B. imparts them to C. with other changes,
C. to D., and so on, till Masons living in the same jurisdiction, and
indeed sometimes in the same city, differ as widely in their recital
of the ritual as though they were separated by States and Terri-
tories. This indicates a radical defect. Uniformity should be
preserved by each Grand Lodge in its own jurisdiction, by the
adoption of some specified ritual, and its dissemination by those
who know it and are competent to teach it.
What is the best means to prevent any change in the words of
the work and lectures and transmit them to those who shall follow
us? In Massachusetts, a plan has been adopted which, in that
jurisdiction, is regarded with much &vor. The 27th of Decemb^
in each year i^ set apart for the exemplification of the work and
lectures, under the Grand Lecturers, and in the immediate pres-
ence of the Grand Lodge. Conunenting on this course, the H'ee-
mason'^s JUhgtmne utters the following language:
In this way the lectures are preserved and transmitted from
year to year with nearly verbal exactness. We have been more
or less &miUar with them for more than a third of a century, and
feel a personal pride in saying that, with perhaps a few verbal and
unimportant differences, they are given b^ the present Grand
Lecturers of this State, as thejr were onginally practised by
authority of the Grand Lodge, m the early part of the present
century, — ^when they were first introduced into this country by
the late Thos. Smith Webb, who received them from Englana
soon after they were arranged and promulgated by Preston, at
London. It was never our fortune to have received immediate
instruction from Bro. Webb, but his most exact and accomplished
pupil was one of our earliest teachers, as we think he also was of
the present Senior Grand Lecturer of this State. But however
this mav be, we are quite certain that if the former were alive, he
wonld be proud to acknowledge the latter as a sdiolar, whose
attainments and fiiithftilness honor liis instrnctor. In no part of
this oonntry have these lectures been so carefblly preserved and
transmitted, as by oar own Grand Lodge, and nowhere else do
they exist in greater pnrity than in the Lodges in this city. That
this is so, we attribute mainly to the fact, that itineratU lecturers —
the bane of pnre Masonry — ^have never found any encouragement
within the borders of our State. This has always been, — ^as we
ardently hope it may alwajB continue to be, — a sterile and forbid-
ding field to them. That a few verbal changes may have taken
place in the lectures within the half century since their adoption,
IS doubtless true, but not surprising. No man's memory is mfidli-
able. But they have been preserved with wonderful accuracy
and exactness.
The ritual adopted in this jurisdiction is that of the Baltimore
Convention, and is the same which we have generally met with in
Lidiana, Illinois and Wisconsin. Michigan, we believe, may safely
challenge comparison for uniformity of work. Travel the length
and breadth of the jurisdiction, and wherever you find a Brother
who is instructed and bright, you meet with the same words.
This result is not a matter of wonder to us. There is a means of
preserving and transmitting lectures with verbal accuracy, but it
is always liable to be abused, and should always be regulated by
the Orand Lodge or the Grand Master. Wherever Brethren see
any evil springing up in this respect, or growing, we trust they
will always be willing to exert an influence to check it. Upon
their individual exertion much must depend at all times and in all
respects, to preserve our institution firom the action of the indis-
creet and those evilly disposed.
At the last convocation of the Grand Chapter of R. A. M. oi
Michigan, a charter for a new Chapter to be located in Detroit,
was granted to a constitutional number of Companions, designa-
ting as the principal officers H. S. Roberts, Allyn Weston, and
Gordon Campbell. On Wednesday, the eleventh day of February,
the new body was constituted by M. E. Comp. S. C. Coffinbury, G.
H. P. and its officers duly installed. The Companions named in
the charter met in the room of Union Lodge of Strict Observance,
Ko. 8, and opened the Chapter in due foxin« The Grand Chapter
entered the room ccHisiflting of M, E. S. C. Coffinbury, 6. H. P.,
Ex. H. B. Towslee as D. Q. H. P., Ex. Levi Cook (Ghraad Master),
as G. K., Ex. Wm. 8. Wood as G. S., R. S. Cheney, G. Sec., and
J. S. Wolverton as G. C. H. The Chapter being constituted and its
officers installed, a dispensation was granted by the M. E. High
Priest to ballot for candidates, and ten were elected to take the
several degrees of Mark Master, Past Master, M. E. Master, and
Royal Arch. During the day and evening, the Mark Master, and
Past Master's degrees were conferred on Bros. Ed. Batwell, J. B.
Newton and J. P. Fiske, The next day, they received the M. E.
Master's degree, and in the evening were exalted to the sublime
degree of Royal Arch Mason.
The new Chapter starts under the most &vorable auspices, and
we doubt not that at the end of six months it will be in as flourish-
ing condition as any Chapter in the State.
• ••
Teub to its Allbqiai^ce. — ^Where a spirit of rebellion is rife
among some of the Lodges in Canada^ it is pleasant to learn that
the oldest Lodge on the Continent remains true in its attachment
to the Grand Lodge of England. Albion Lodge, No. 11 Beg.
Eng. No. 1 Prov. Quebec, was instituted in 1721. In a circular
which it has issued, it says it ^' deems it a duty to declare its
continued and steadfast allegiance to the United Grand Lodge
of England, tmder whose parental guidance the prosperity of the
Lodge haa been fully proven.''
The officers for the present year are
W. Bro.* Jas. Bargers, M.
W. Eadon, J. T. M.
John Alexander, S. W.
Thos. Le Blanc, J. W.
Jaques Fuchs, T.
Alex Finch, Sec.
Robert Fullerton, S. D.
Jas. A. Staton, J. D.
Frans X. Aellereve, J. G.
Chailfis Enowles, Tiler.
A special communication of the Grand Lodge of England was
held on the 19th of November last, at which a scene transpired
such as we never witnessed, and hope never to witness, in any
Grand Masonic body. Members sought to brow-beat the Grand
Master, and over-rule his decision, in a manner which should
be discountenanced by all good Masons. The Grand Master, we
think, was in the right ; he possessed a proper appreciation of his
official power and duty, and we r^oice tfiat he aufltamed the one
with decision and fiimness, and performed the other with a moral
courage worthy of imitation. As the proceedings will interest
our readers, we give a portion of them below. At a Quarterly
Communication held in September, the Grand Lodge (the Grand
Master being absent) adjourned to meet on the first of October.
The Grand Master decided, at the last communication, that the
adjourned meeting was illegal and its proceedings null and'void.
He quoted from the constitutions to show that the Grand Lodge
could not adjourn, that the time of its communications were
specified, and that it could meet at any other time only by
a special call of the Grand Master, or some one authorused to
act in his place. He summed up his remarks as' follows:
'^ I have taken some pains to ascertain the law of the case, and
I find that in my view of the law of the case, I am supported by
the opinions of the present Grand Registrar, the I^ast Grand
Re^strar, and the Grand Registrar before him (hear, hear) ; in
fact, I have all the authorities with me. I think, therefore, iu
accordance with the obligations I have taken to perform, viz., to
adhere to the ancient usages of the Craft, and maintain the law
afi, in my opinion, it stands, I can only come to the painful resolu-
tion to determine that the meeting of certain members of Grand
Lodge, held on the 1st October, was an illegal meeting, and that
all the proceedings there were null and void; and I now call upon
the Grand Secretary to take upthe business of this evening at
the point at which it had arriveiP when the Grand Lodge closed
at its Quarterly Commxinication in September." (Applause.)
Br. Heam: "Most Worshipftd Grand Master, with every
deference "...
The Grand Master: "I shall not aUow the point to be ar-
The Grand Secretary then read the minutes of proceedings
and tiie Beport of the Colonial Committea
Bro. Colonel Borlton moved that this report be adopted. ^ In
rising to propose the adoption of this report, I am bomid to so
because your lordship has sunmioned us here to do it, and it
seems to me a question which has already been decided m a regu-
lar Grand Lodge (applause), and I hope your lordship will allow
me temperately to argue tms point." (Hear, hear.)
The Grand Master : ^^I cannot allow you to do so, and I hope
that the Grand Lodge will support me in endeavoring to do my
duty in expounding the law to the best of my ability, and I shall
not submit, after so expounding the law, to have my decision con-
troverted on the present occasion." (Applausa)
Bro. Burlton: "The question is, who has the power to make
the laws of Freemasonry ? (Hear, hear, and loud applause.) It
is distinctly stated that Grand Lodge alone has the inherent
power of enacting laws. You will aUow me to read a clause."
Bro. Dobie : " Most Worshipful Sir, I rise to order."
Bro. Burlton having read from the Book of Constitutions, said :
" I respectfully submit that the Grand Lodge alone has the power
to do all this, and enact these laws and regulations for the govern-
ment of the whole Craft. It is not, therefore, unreasons^le for
us to presume that we have the power of adjourning from one
day to the other. There is no smgle by-law which says that
Grand Lodge has not such power, and under these circumstances,
I contend that it has the power — (applause) — and I think, Most
Worshipful Sir" . . .
Bro. Havers : " I rise to order." (Hisses.)
The Grand Master gave the Brother permission to speak, and
Bro. Havers proceeded : " Brethren, I could hardly imagine that
you could have stopped me in this way. (Laughter.) I have but
one object in view, and so long as the Grand Master rules that
I am in order, I shall go on — -(oh, and hear, hear) — ^and I have
now to submit to your lordship, that the Brother who has just
spoken was out of order, because you have justly ruled that you
have power to state what is the law, and that you will not allow
your decision to be discussed." (Question.)
The Grand Master : *' The Brother was speaking in order with
my permission, and I hope the Brethren will know themselves
better than to interrupt with cries of * Question, question,' under
such circumstances." (Applause and laughter.)
Bro. Havers then continued : " No one," he said, " can doubt
that Grand Lodge has the power inherent to alter its laws, but
you must make this new law first, and till it is made, you must
abide by the laws which are made."
Bro. iBurlton again attempted to address the Brethren, but was
stopped by
The Grand Master, who said : " I am bound by my solemn
obligation to maintain the laws and usages of the Craft. There
18 only one interpretation of that oath, — ^I must majntain tJiose
lawB and usages to the best of my knowledge and ability, and
enforce them aooording to my own interpretation of them. (Oh,
oh n Brethren may say ' Oh, oh ! ' bat so long as I occupy this
chair, I shall maintain order in Grand Lodge. (Applause.)
I shall interpret the laws to the best of my ability. I assert, then,
on my own responsibility, that the Wordiip^ Bro. Burlton was
following out a line of argument which is disorderly, and which
he is not competent to pursue. I therefore call upon him to
refrain.'* (Applause.)
Bro. Burlton, "It is all very well for your lordship to act
according to your own understanding, but there are other persons
here who must be allowed to interpret them according to tne best
of ^Aeir judgment (cheers), and" . . .
The Grand Master: "If the Worshipfiil Brother proceeds in
this strain, I shall have to request him to leave Grand Lodge."
Bro. Burlton: "Th^i I will only make one more remark, and
that is, we find, in page 31, Article 20 : ^ If the Grand Master
shaU almse his potoer^ "...
The boisterous applause which interrupted this passage was
such that it prevented Bro. Burlton from continuing. There were,
however, loud, and continued cries of "Read! read!" and the
result was, that the Grand Master himself read the clause, which
was as follows :
" ^If the Grand Master shall abuse his power, and render him-
self unworthy of the obedience of the Lodges, he shall be sub-
jected to some new regulation, to be dictated by the occasion ;
because, hitherto, the ancient Fraternity have had no reason to
provide for an event which they have presumed would never
happen.' By that law," condudea the Grand Master, " I am per-
fectly willing to abide." (Loud applause.)
Bro. Burlton then brought forward his motion for the adoption
of the report, but said that he did so under protest, and only to
prevent any further delay in so important a matter. (Cheers).
Bro. Dobie suggested that the clauses be put sericUimy which
was agreed to.
Bro. Binches sought to move some amendment and to read
from the Book of Constitutions, for the purpose of showing that
the Grand Master was wrong, but that officer checked him and
refused to put his amendments, as they interfered with his deci-
sion previously made. The Rev. Bro. Portal made some remarks
and concluded thus :
" Therefore, while I submit to the Grand Master in the chair,
as a member of Grand Lodge, I feel bound to maintain its dignity;
and I therefore do move ^That this Grand Lodge declines to pro-
ceed to any other business till it has been allowed to decide on
its inherent authority and prerogative.'" (Loud applause.)
Bro* Heam seconded the amendment
Bro. Rozburgti rose to move another amendment.
Bro. Warren said an amendment conld not be pat npon an .
amendment, till the first amendment was disposed of.
Bro. Roxburgh: "It has been stated by the Rer. Bro. Portal,
that the Grand Master has refused to permit Grand Lodge to
consider its own constitutionB. (Hear, hear.) That I deny.
(Applause.) Masonry is bound by its laws, and there is but one
constitutional method of amending those laws; and if the Brother
is desirous of amending them, he can do so in the proper way,
viz., by giving a substantive notice of motion, which would then
be conffldered by the Grand Lodge. So long as the Worshipful
Master occupies that chair, he is bound to maintain those lawa,
and in the exposition of them he has given his own notions in
accordance with his views of his obligation, in which I concur.
He is bound to put his own construction upon them, and to
administer them to the best of his belief That there are
Brethren who may wish to make alterations in those laws, I can
readily conceive, but I do ask the Grand Lodge to support its
own dignity, and not to stultify itself by adnutdng, by a dde
wind, alterations to its constitutions, if alterations are to be
made, let them be made legally and manfully. (Cheers.) The
Rev. Brother said the Grand Master refused to let us discuss our own
jurisdiction. I am surprised at such an observation coming from
such a quarter. The Grrand Master has laid down what ne con-
siders the existing state of the law, and the Grand Lodge has the
power to alter that law, but such alteration must be made in
a regularly appcnnted manner. . You cannot do it by a side wind.
(Hear.) I hope, for the honor of the chair and the credit of
Masonry, that the Brethren will support the chair. The law laid
down by the chair must be respected, however erroneous it may
be. To our Grand Master we nave confided our sovereigpty; he
is the King of the Craft, and he cannot put such an amendment
as Bro. Portal's,''
Bro. the Earl of Carnarvon : ^' Li accordance with the per-
mission of the Most Worshipful the Grand Master, I shall make
one or two observations. You, Sir, this evening, have said some-
thing of the House of Commons, and you have referred to some
of our customs as corresponding with theirs ; but whenever the
government or any private individual is called in question for any
act of policy, so far from stopping discussion, the government or
any private individual is the &*8t to invite it. (Ix>ud applause.)
Allow me to say that it does come with an ill grace — ^I speak with
the deepest respect, my lord, of you personally, and of your
office ; but I must speak with that freedom which characterizes
gentlemen and Freemasons ; and I now must say, that it does
come with an ill grace from the dais, when we ccmsider the ca-
cumstances of the case. Grand Lodge was adjourned in Septem-
ber without a word of opj^sition fit)m those who were in authority
upon that occasion ; and it was opened upon that adjomfnment on
the firdt of October witli the sanctioii of those who were then in
authority, having been sommoned to^ither by official ciroolare
from the Grand Secretary's office." (Loud applause.)
The Grand Master: "I must call my noble friend and Brother
to order, because he is now entering upon a course of argument
which I have decided to be disorderly."
The Earl of Carnarvon : " I see how difficult a course they
have to pursue who do not bask in the smiles of your favor and
approval (loud cheers) ; but, Sir, whether that right do exist, or
whether it do not exist, to which I lay claim — I will not say it
does exist under the circumstances of the case — ^but whether it
does or does not exist, we claim it as an inherent right. (Loud
cries of ' Question, question ! ') Whether right or wrong, I say
that there is an inherent right in every representative assemblv,
and we claim it because Grand Lodge should be inherently
supreme; and we demand the acknowleogment of that supremacy
as our safeguard against intrigue, and our guaranty for the preser-
vation of our liberties and our" . . . (the remainder of the sen-
tence was drowned in applause and cries of ^^ Order, order.'')
After some remarks by Bro. Warren, he moved that the Grand
Lodge be closed.
The Grand Master said: **I must appeal to the Grand Lodge
to support me. (Applause.) I do trust the Grand Lod^e is not
becoming a mere debating club. I do hope that resolutions will
not be brought forward which have neither sense or meaning;
such as the proposition that the Grand Lodge be now closed.
(Hear, hear.) Why, the fact is, the Grand Lodge can not be
closed except by the Grand Master. I am sorry to hear the
observations which have fallen from my noble friend and Brother
who has just addressed Grand Lodge respectmg his not finding
£eivor witn the Grand Master. I can assure mv noble friend and
Brother, that there is no member of the Grand Lodge for whom
I entertain a higher respect. (Cheers.) I have known him from
his infancy, and I have been intimate with his &mily all my life,
and not one word would I say to him which would give him
offence. But I must administer the law according to the oath
I have taken, to the best of my judgment and ability, and I regret
that such remarks should have &l]en from my noble lord. I was
tor twenty-five years a member of the House of Gonnnons, and
therefore I can neither bow to the opinion of the noble lord, nor
to that of the worthy gentleman who says he has occupied a place
in the gallery." (Laughter.)
Bro. the Karl of Carnarvon : " Most Worshipful Sir, I beg to
disclaim on my part all intentional discourtesy. You l^ve said
that you have a duty to perform to the best of your ability ; and
believe me that I should not have expressed the views to which
I have giv^i utterance upon the present occasion, had I not felt
that if I did not express my opimon, I should be a traitor to the
cause I have at heart."
We have given Boffioieiit of the discufldon for our readers to
jadge of the proceedings of the Grand Lodge. The Grand
Master was finally triumphant, and maintained the dignity and
authority of his position.
• ••
Jas. D. Caldwkll. — This Bro., now deoeased, was fonneriy
Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Ohio. In an obituary notice
of him, Bro. John D. Caldwell thus gives a succinct history of
his career:
James D. Caldwell was bom in Northumberland County,
Pennsylvania, on the 17th day of September, A. D. 1794, and
died of paralysis in his chair, at Granville, Ohio, while taking his
breakfast, on the 17th of December, A. D. 1854, in the sixtieth
year of his age. The writer of this sketch first formed his
acquaintance at Lancaster, in the &11 of 1827. Bro. Caldwell was
then a student of law in the office of the Hon. Wm. W. Lrvin, a
distinguished Mason, and P. G. Master of the State. Congenial
pursuits induced frequent companionship, which grew into a warm
and intimate friendship between us. Some misadventures in the
business of early life, determined him in the choice of the law as
a profession : this he acquired under some educational disadvan-
tages, but compensated the deficiencies by a system of laborious
application. Upon being called to the bar, he established his resi-
dence at Circleville, where he op^ied an office, and commenced
the practice of his profession. He remained in this town several
years, when he removed to Chillicothe, seeking a wider theatre
for its exerdse: and here, among the choice and refined society of
this fine old city, he found a congenial home, highly appreciated as
a professional and social member of its community. Li this place
he continued to live, trusted and esteemed, until he was struck
down with that lingering, wasting disease which terminated
his life.
"A Candidate is said to be exalted when he receives the
degree of Holy Royal Arch, the seventh in York Masonry. Ex-
alted means elevated or lifted up^ and is applicable both to a pecu-
liar ceremony of the degree, and to the fact that this degree, in
the rite in which it is practiced, constitutes tiie summit of ancient
9a Sro. £. €, CoffdAttig.
'Twas a clear May morning; each flower was gay.
And scattered bright dew drops around on its bed ;
My father and mother were going away.
To attend on the fun'ral of Old Mister Qrey,
For Old Mister Grey was dead;
And they said it would please them to take me along,
To witness the singular ftmeral throng,
And to spend, in the village, that merry May-day,
And to see the Freemasons bury Old Mister Grey.
I ask'd, " Have you, Pa, been a Freemason bred V
As the carriage went rattling away ;
** No! nol my dear child," he solemnly said,
" The curse of that folly Tests not on my head,
As it does on Old Mister Grey;
'T is a thing that is cnrs'd by our Father above,
Who guideth His flock by the light of His love,
And why He permits the dark sin, at this day,
I know not, unless to give Satan more sway/'
But now at the graveyard we Ve halted, and wait
For the fun'ral that slowly is winding its way;
*Tis coming in, now, at the old broken gate;
With banners, and rods, and insignia of state —
They are coming with Old Mister Grey.
The Masons wear gloves and aprons of white.
And some wear Jewels of silver bright.
And a snow-white apron doth softly lay
On the plain coffin-lid of Old Mister Grey.
And there stands the Master, a grave, stalwart man.
With a solemn and earnest look in his way ,
(I regarded him, then, as the chief of a clan,
That came under my faUier's terrible ban)
At the grave of old Mister Grey;
His brow is bared and his cheek deadly pale,
Though a middle-aged man, both brawny and hale ;
He pronounces a beautiful ritual now,
While the rest of the Masons all answer and bow.
He casts his clear eye abroad on the throng.
That has gathered from many a place, far away.
And raising his voice in a Amend song.
The Brethren responding, each cadence prolong,
Round the grave of Old Mister Grey.
A lamb skin he takes, and casts into the tomb.
Reminding the Masons of their final doom;
Their evergreens, now, the Brethren all wave
As they pass, and drop into the head of the grave.
28 — ^VOL. n. NO. vn.
Not a tear has been shed oyer Old Mister Grey,
For DO kindred bad he in the country around;
He was yery poor, too, so the neif^hbors all say,
And the Lod^^e have the cost of his sickness to pay,
And of laying him under the ground.
So the people all think no tears will he shed.
And si^>p6fle that the Masons are glad that he's dead;
But now all the Brethren make signs o'er the grave,
Each one clasps his hands, and makes his arms wmTe.
But see how the Master is struggling now
With some bitter thought — ^will his firmness giro way t^
Behold the great drops of sweat on his brow.
And see ! 'tis with grief that his head he doth bow
O'er the grave of Old Mister Grey.
His chin quivers strangely, — ^his lips are compressed.
And heavily swells his great iron chest; —
Then, at last the big tears down his bronzed cheeks roll,
As if they wdl'd up fh>m the depths of his soul.
They steal gently down his full manly cheek,
And hide In his whiskers of dark iron gray :
He struggles with something he has yet too speak,
For which his strong nature has proven to weak,
OV the grave of Old Mister Grey.
But hear him — ^his manhood has conquered the spell —
" Friend and Brother, a last, and a long ikrewell!"
I, too, had to weep, had to sob and to sigh,
And I saw a tear start f^om my dear father's eye.
Not only tram his ; every eye, St appears,
That gazed upon what was passing ttiat day.
As the Master wept, was melted to tears,
(T will not be forgotten, for years and for years)
O'er the grave of Old Mister Grey.
Twas the neighborhood wonder, for many a day,
How a with'r^ old man, like Old Mister Grey,
Without friends, or kindred, or earthly ties,
I>rew tears, at his ftm'ral, firom strangers' eyes,
As we hurried home, on that solemn May eve.
That followed the bright merry mom of that day,
My child-heart was mournful, very moumftil, believe,
And I had to weep and to sigh and to grieve.
When I thought of Old Mister Grey.
My kind father took my dear mother's hand,
And said he would join the mystical band ;
And when came around another Biay-day,
He flU'd the place, in the Lodg9, of Old Mister Grey
ConTAVTira, JaDoaiy Mh, 1857.
Writtsi por Thb Abhlai.
Vb ff^nn ISsfon.
Chaptee VI.
It was a cold, damp night in November, 1306. The frozen
rain fell in torrents, drenching the dark streets of Paris. There
were no sounds of life abroad, save some workmen who were
erecting a scaffold in the Place la Grfeve. On the morrow there
was to be an execution of criminals condemniBd for civil offences.
The workmen toiled on, the sounds of their heavy hammers
reaching the ears of the convicts, in the opposite prison, where
the wretched victims were cowering and shivering in the dark
«nd cold.
In a ceD, directly in range with the scaffold, were two men, who
on the morrow were to expiate long lives of crime. They stood
together, their haggard faces pressed against the iron grates,
watching the workmen through the gloom. Each was busy with
his own thoughts, and not a word was uttered. The taller of the
two turned away from the window. His movements were
attended with the rattling of chains, as he groped his way to a
rude bench and sat down. A low sob, like the wail of a broken
heart, penetrated the darkness.
" Ah 1 comrade, why dost thou weep ? Come, cheer thee ; we
will want onr best looks for the morrow," said the one from the
^' It is not that I must die, ' but after death comes judgment.'
I weep to think how much guilt there is on my soul — ^that there
•are none to shrive me — ^none to administer the consolations of our
blessed religion — ^none to inter my poor body in consecrated
ground," replied the other in a repentant tone.
" By our Lady ! is that all that vexes thee ? I am a Church-
man ; I will confess thee — ^not a bad suggestion either, brother;
it will amuse us, and help to pass the night." And moving away
from the window, he added, imitating the manner of a confessor ;
"The Alpha and Omega of our Holy Church is, that confession h
^ood for the souL Now, my son, examine thy conscience closely.
60 as to yield up to our holy keeping every act of thy life, every
secret of thy heart."
Again the dull, clanking, chilling sound of chains smote the ear
as the penitent knelt ; then the air was agitated for a few momenta
by the murmuring sound of prayer, and the poor man, in all sin-
cerity, began his confession.
'' My name is Walter di Noffodei. I have been excommuni-
cated from the Church, and expelled from the Order of the Temple
for'' ...
' " Expelled from the Temple ? Answer me, upon thy hopes of
forgiveness. Expelled from the Order of the Temple I" reiterated
the other, in breathless eagerness, and apparent anxiety.
" Yes I holy Father, by my hopes of Heaven ! Expelled from
the Temple for" . . .
" I care not what for ; because I know that if that one thing ia
managed rightly, it will save thee — shall save both of us" I inter-
rupted the other, springing up and dancing around the narrow
cell in an exstacy of joy, while his chains kept time to his move-
^'I see no cause for rejoicing," said the miserable accused^
wringing his hands and swaying to and fro with an air of de-
spondency that was pitiful.
" Jtfa foi! thou dost not know surely. Listen, and 'tis I who
will confess; and may evil beshrew me if the Ex-Prior of Mont-
faucon has not wit sufficient to turn what he knows to a good
account," replied the other as he assisted the expelled Templar
to rise.
When they were both seated, he went on.
" Three years ago, I was the Superior of the Priory of Mont-
£iucon. I had a friend, Albretto Sevira by name, who was in the
King's confidence and a great favorite. Whenever he was in our
neighborhood, he always stopped at the Priory. Once while there^
he attempted to assassinate the Count de Foix, but was prevented
by the sagacious watchfulness of that Nobleman's wolMog, and
nearly killed by the brave animal. I nursed him through a long
seige of fever and delirium. Some of the King's state secrets
came out in his ravings. I have never yet dared to breathe the
disclosures, but now they wiU serve me ; so I shall not hesitate to
to commimicate some of them at least to thee. Philip desired to
appropriate the wealth of the Templars to himself He wants a
pretext for suspicion that he may arrest theixL Thou art an
expelled member. We will concoct a story, charging them with
idolatry and apostacy; also, treasonable designs against the
government, both civil and religious. When the jailor comes in
the morning to lead us to execution, we will demand to see the
King, as we have secrets of the most fearful nature to disclose,
ooncerning the Templars. When once before His Majesty we will
•drive our own bargain. We will not open our mouths till tie
writes our pardon. Wilt thou do it, Di Noffodei ? "
'^ Yes ! a thousand times, yes I " hissed the apostate, through
Ins set teeth, as he struck with his clenched hand the spot where
was still burning the accursed word '^ TVaitorJ*^
Thus sat those two depraved wretches, up to the very hour
appointed for their execution, arranging, coloring, re-arranging
■and coloring again, their tale of hate and hell-dyed scandal that
was to be used to crush in an ignominious death the glorious
Order of the Temple. Alas, for human consistency, when the tes-
timony of two condemned criminals can consign an Order of men,
that has grown grey in good works, to death for idolatry and
The next day there was a grand banquet given to the English
Ambassadors, who had come to espouse the Prince of Wales to
Isabelle of France. At the King's right hand sat the first Maid
of Honor, Oabrielle d'Anvers. Philip was in the best of humor
and paid very marked attention to his companion — ^perhaps to
pique the Queen, but rumor said he loved the lady. Joan, with
a jealousy supremely Spanish, had ever warred agsdnst Court &vo-
rites. Beauty was no passport to her household. Of rare virtue
herself she took great care to place no temptation in the way of
her inconstant husband. Upon her advent as Queen of France,
she came supplied with attendants; but their Spanish love of
intrigue disgusted the &stidiou8 Queen, and they were dismissed.
There had been a fourth levy on the virtuous ladies of France, for
the royal household, Gabrielle d'Anvers at their head. This lady
was the niece of the Duchess of Burgundy. It was not her ianuly,
however, that raised her as the highest lady at Court, it was her
.personal appearance, or rather the want of it, which procured the
Novation. She was ibrty-eight years of age, of large and oom-
tnanding figure, and seemed almost an Amazon, in proportions ;
her complexion was florid; her eyes large, black and lustrous
(her only charm) ; her nose flat, and almost hidden between her-
great cheeks ; her hair of a reddish yellow, was worn in trizaded
carls, that gave to her face* so striking a resemblance to the ^' king^
of beasts'' that she received the sobriquet of the ^ Burgandiaa
Lioness." Tet, it was said, that Philip the Fair, the handsomest
gentleman of the day, loved Gabrielle d'Anvers.
A pompous state dinner is tiresome in its details. There were
many choice dainties eaten, and rare wines drank, and witty things-
said, through the three hours that etiquette required they should
nt at table.
After their return to the reception rooms, some sat down to
cards, some wandered in the garden, some promenaded in the
hails, and others went to the picture gallery; but Gabrielle
d'Anvers sauntered alone into a vacant room, approached the win-
dow, drew aside the silken curtains, and looked out on the doll
November sky. The voices of the revellers fell heedless upon her-
ear — she was alone with her thoughts, and such a respite was rare,
in the incessant sound of pleasure that whirled the Court to St.
Germsdne, to Yincennes, and Fontainbleu, and Rouen, then back
to the capital again. The heaitlessness of the throng disgusted
her, the persecutions of Philip were revolting to her ; and bitterly
did she repine at the fatality that brought her to Paris. The
present was nothing to her; her thoughts were of the past. Left
an orphan at an early age, she had been brought up in the family
of her aunt, the Duchess of Burgundy. The poor girl was toler-
ated because she was her Grace's niece. She had rich clothes and
dainty fare, — ^but alas! there was a famine within that naught but
affection could satisfy. They might feed and clothe the body, but
who can administer to the wants of a soul? Who can satisfy the
cravings after heart-felt tenderness, and holy, loving sympathy, in
a bereaved young heart? Who can give the life, the love, the
joy that beams in a mother's glance? Who can watch as the cold,
dead mother would have done, over her loveless one's erring foot^
step? There were no kind words — ^no soft tones of endearment
—no tender glances of love-lit eyes — ^to brighten the dark sky
of her lonely childhood. The over-grown size and lack of all
personal attractions, coupled with an extremely sensitive nature^
made her conscious of neglect, and the young heart hungered and
thirsted for love, until it burned to ashes by the bitter jest, the
cold rebufl^ and the freezing neglect that ever awaited her. The-
horses, the hotmds, the hawks, they were all petted — ^they were
caressed — ^they were loved; — oh I how she pined and envied even
their attention.
One day, the Chevalier de Molay came to the Castle of Mont
Anbon with his little son, who was to be brought up in the house-
hold of the Duke of Burgundy, as a candidate for the honors of
Knighthood. James de Molay was scarce fourteen. His cheek
was as soft as a maiden's, his clear, blue eye, expressive of every
chivalric virtue. The graceful boy became a universal &vorit6
with the ladies of the Duke's provincial court. In the bower, he
sang of love, or trummed the guitar in serenades; in the hall, he
tripped the stately minuet with the ladies; in the tilt or tourney,
with lance in rest, he bore away embroidered glove or scarf from
stalwart Knights; in the chase, he could fly the hawk, or wing
the arrow, like a true forester; in the fray, he could back the war-
horse that champed the bit, with as brave an air as the old Duke
himself. That noble boy and timid girl grew up together. Prom
the first hour that James crossed the threshhold of Mont Aubon.
Gabrielle had a champion. They wandered together in the dim
old wood in the soft, warm days of summer — or when the rain kept
them withiD, they read and talked in the silent turrets, or sat by
moonlight on the battlements, while he told her tales of the tur-
baned Paynim. He sang to her the songs of the Troubadours —
unsealed the wealth of affection in her great heart, and taught
her love. Years rolled on — ^the dreams of childhood quickened
into passionate fondness ; they were conscious that they were all
in all to each other; their eyes had confessed it — their hearts had
been burthened with it, — ^yet their lips had never breathed it,
James was on the verge of manhood. He awoke to reflection.
He, the portionless yoimger son, with nothing but his good name
and broadsword to help him on in the world — ^he in love with the
splendidly-dowered niece of the Duke of Burgundy. He forgot
her want of beauty — ^the contumely that had been heaped upon
her by her femily — ^the tale of sorrow, of neglect, and agony that
she had poured into his pitying ear. His pride told him there
was an impassible barrier between them — rank and riches aiTayed
against pride and poverty. He deteiinined to enter the Order of
the Temple, and dedicate his sword and life to the service of God.
Gkibrielle, with her lips, encouraged him in so laudible a resolu-
tion, while her heart was signing the death-warrant to her dearest
hopes. She worshipped him with an idolatry, a self-abnegatioii^ an
intenaitj, that none but the desolate and orphaned can offer to
their heart's idol. She know that his vows mnst eternally sepa-
rate thenif and her only hope was that the grave might close over
her broken heart. But, alas! Death does not always come to
those who wait and watch and pray for the pulseless sleep he
Gabrielle started from her deep reverie in the deep recess of
the window at the Louvre. There are strange voices in the room
— a name is pronounced that s^ds the life-current crowding to her
heart I There is no escape fbr her ; and she smks cowering behind
the voluminous folds of the silk^ cuitains.
Chaptek VII.
The Isle of Cyprus lies like an emerald set in opal clouds on a
field of asure, teeming with every variety of landscape, — ^vineyards
and olive-plantations blush into ripeness on the mountain's side-
woodland, glade and meadow lie in soft shadows in the valley —
citron and orange trees, fragrant with blossoms, gleam like white-
robed brides in the warm light of a tropical moon.
That eminence whidi overlooks the quaint old city of Limisso
is crowned by the grey towers of the Temple House, whose base
is 'washed by the ever-heaving waters of the turbulent Mediterra-
nean. The night air, burthened with the fragrance of blossoming
flowers, steals through the cool apartments of the Temple House.
In a room, whose shape is a vast parallelogram, the Knights
Templars had met in solemn Encampment.
The doors of the inner entrance were rolled back, and the
Pursuivant announced:
^'The Grand Master of the Most Valiant and Magnanimous
Order of the Temple."
The Knights all rose, and stood with uncovered heads, as Sir
James de Molay entered the Encampment. The Grand Master
was taller than the race of men in general, and this, added to a
lofty carriage and impressive manner, seemed to lift him oom-
mandingly above his companions. His features were noble, and
of the Roman cast. His face was a perfect oval, and though that
of a man who had borne three score winters, it still wore the
proofi of a beauty once pre-enunent, and still retained a freshness
that spoke of a conscience free from remorse. His eyes were of a
mild, holy blue, declarative of more than human goodness. His
forehead was large and lofty, of great breadth and compass. His
hair, thick still, descended from behind his head in waving rolls:
while his beard of silvery whiteness was spread out massively on
his broad chest, and swept to his waist. He was dressed in the
costume of the Temple. The princely bearing of the Grand Mas-
ter, coupled with the immaculate beauty of his dress, seemed to
awe the Knights into the consciousness, that there was a man
whose life was worthy to be emulated by them alL
Sir James de Molay advanced to the throne, waved the Knights
to their seats, and bowing to the assemblage, took a letter from
the Grand Commander, and read:
"Beloved Son, peace, health, and apostolic benediction.
"To the Most Potent Grand Master of the Temple: To
all the Preceptors, and others, who by the favor of God hold au<
thority over that right arm of our Holy Church; Clement V,,
called to be the Vicar of Christ, and in virtue of his office heir to
the Apostolic See, sendeth greeting :
"My brethren, it has been shown to us that Jerusalem, the dty
of our Saviour's life and passion, again lieth in the power of the
Moslem; that the Infidel mock at the rites of our holy religion,
even in the land where the sacred mysteries were first instituted ;
and that the Christians of Syria cry unto their brethren for aid.
"Wherefore, as the Knights of the Temple have never spared
their blood in defence of the Holy Sepulchre, and have ever been
the shield and buckler of the Church, again we look to them for
that assistance which has never faUed us. Therefore we command
thee, by the plenitude of our apostolic power, to meet us in coun-
cil, at our palace, with as much despatch and secrecy as possible,
that we may concert together for the deliverance of Palestine, to
spread once more the crimson banner of the cross, and to march
against the persecutors of the Faith.
"Therefore, by the authority of St. Peter, from whom we hold
the ^Keys of Heaven,' whereby we open, and no man can shut;
we shut, and no man can open ; we ordain that all those who, in
heart and truth, obey this, our holy mandate, shall have claim to
those indulgences needfrd for the flesh in the toilsome warfare, also
absolution for those sins which they have heretofore committed,
and set before them an abundance of the honors of this life, and
in the world to come life everlasting.
^' Given at Avignon, under our h&nd and seal, this, the second
day after the Blessed Feast of Ascension, in the Year of Grace
The contents of the Pope^s letter produced a most enthusiastic
response. The faces of the veteran Knights gleamed with fervent
joy at the assurance that they should no longer rest upon their
arms in inglorious ease; that once again the war-horse should
bound beneath them — once again their ears should drink in the
sound of martial music, of braying trumpet, and the shrill clarion's
thrilling charge — once again their eyes shoulji behold the sacred
banner of their ancient Order unfolded beneath the cloudless skies
of Syria — once again their white mantles should trail through the
dust of the Holy City — once again "they should crowd the road
to death as to a festival," and win glory or heaven. All was fervor
and excitement; — armor was reburnished — ^long-tried swords of
true Damascus steel flashed from their scabbards in the sunlight —
heavy iron maces, and battle-axes that Cceur de Lion would not
scorn to ^deld, lances, daggers, shields, and javelins were taken
from the armory and prepared for use.
After all the preparations were affected. Sir James de Molay,
taking a large amount of treasure, and accompanied by a retinue
of sixty noble Knights, embarked for France, to concert with
Clement measures for the recovery of the Holy Sepulchre. They
arrived in Paris during the month of August. After depositing
the treasure in the Temple House, Sir James de Molay paid a visit
of ceremony to Philip the Fair. The King received him with
open arms, and every demonstration of favor.
The birth day of Robert, the King's fourth son, whom the
Grand Master had held at the baptismal font, was near at hand,
and Philip pressed the Grand Master to remain until after the fes-
tivities were over. Sir James de Molay complied, little dreaming
that he stood upon the verge of a volcano, whose irruption was to
overwhelm him and the Order he served. The Grand Master, to
bespeak the muiiificence of the Temple, had a splendid suit of
armor, inlaid with gold, prepared to present to the young Prince
upon his birth-day.
[Ik>be continued.]
Expulsion from the rights and benefits of Masonry is the
severest penalty which can be inflicted by our institution. That
sentence places a man without the pale of the Order, and again
makes him a profane with a lasting stigma resting upon his moral
character. No Mason can converse with him upon the arcana of
our society ; he is as completely shut out from 6very Lodge aa
though he had never taken a degree. Such being the nature of
the penalty, it becomes us to consider well how and when it
should be exercised.
At the recent communication of the Grand Lodge of Michigan,
an amendment was made to the constitution so that one clause now
reads as follows:
No case of suspension or expulsion shall be made public in any
way, either written, printed or oral, unless otherwise directed by
a majority of two-thirds of the members present at the time of
such expulsion; and upon a concurrence of two-thirds of the
members present at any such expulsion, it shall be proper for any
Lodge to publish the name of any expelled member, with the
cause of such expulsion.
The enacting of such a clause seems to us to be contrary to
right, and liable to jeopardize the best interests of members of
the Order.
Expulsion is a punishment which does not effect merely the
the relations of a Brother with his Lodge, but his relations with
the whole Fraternity. For this reason, as well as others, the
power of expulsion has been, and still is, vested in the Grand
Lodge. This is done by the English constitutions. In many juris^
dictions, the sentence of the subordinate has to be confirmed by
a direct vote of the superior, while in others the judgment is
affirmed by the higher body if there be no appeal taken to it by the
party convicted. The latter course has been adopted in Michigan,
All cases of suspension or expulsion are reported to the Grand
Lodge and are regarded by that body as valid if "there be no
appeal by the accused ; and it has been the custom to publish the
names of the unfortunate men thus ejected from the Order, in the
report of the proceedings of the Grand Lodge. This course
appears to be the most judicious one. What i& the effect of
the clause in the constitution which we are now considering?
We cannot betieve it deprives a Brother of the right of appeal,
jet it renders an appeal of far less valne than it otherwise would
be, and may deprive it, in a great measure, of its efficacy for good.
Members of Lodges are men possessed of the prejudices and
passions of men. They sometimes get into disputes and diffi-
culties, through honest differences of opinions as to right and
wrong. Suppose in a case of some excitement a Lodge should
try and convict a member of some Masom'c offence; suppose two-
thirds were in favor of conviction, and one-third were convinced
that he was innocent. The contest is hard fought and acrimo-
nious. The accused is expelled, and a notice of his expulsion and
the reasons for it are immediately published in all the leading
papers in the State, by order of the Lodge. That man's charac-
ter is thus branded wherever he is known with a stam as lasting as
that caused by the infliction of almost any penalty prescribed by
law. After he has been thus branded before the world for nine
months, he, at a meeting of the Grand Lodge, appeals to that
body, which, after a full and &ir hearing of the case, sets aside the
judgment of the subordinate body as erroneous, and it may be
malicious. How is the Brother's injury to be effaced — ^how is the
damage done to his character in the estimation of the world, to
be removed — ^how is his good reputation to be regained? He
cannot be reinstated in die good will and estimation of the public
in one case out of a hundred, if he can in one in a thousand. The
Grand Lodge, and that body alone, Bh6uld have the right to pub-
lish to the world the names of expelled members, and the causes
of their expulsion.
It is to be hoped that each Lodge will take the foregoing
remarks into serious consideration, and will not publish to the
world ai^y notice of a Brother's suspension or expulsion until the
Grand Lodge shall have confirmed the sentence as correct and just.
Otherwise, an irreparable injury may be inilicted.
tS^ Be kind one to aiiother. This injunction Masons should
heed at all times; ^' not only while in the Lodge, but when abroad
in the world." We should not speak evil of each other, but
reprove the tongue of the slanderer, wherever we heiu' it wag.
It is a small member, yet a dangerous <m«, and may not on^
inflict a Bting, but do a lasting injury to the innocent man.
"After this I passed two years of severe probation, for tke
Masters were inefficient, and the Brethren began to be very slaok
in their attendance; in fact, at the close of the year, our Lodge
was flora de combat. The latter of the worthies were inordinately
addicted to the prevailing convivialities of the age, and introduced
amongst us the exploded custom of drinking and smoking in open
Lodge, an evil practice destructive of all scientific investigation.
I admit that he was not a solitary exception to the standing order,
that, *no Brother do presume to come into the Lodge intoxicated,
or on any account whatever to call for wine or liquors in open
Lodge, but to address himself to the stewards or wardens, who if
they think it necessary, will give their orders accordingly,' for
there were many existing Lodges whose sole business appeared to
be sensual indulgence, but they were carefully avoided by every
sincere friend of the Order. Many protests were entered against
the practice by the remaining few discreet members of our Lodge*
without effect: the nuisance was not abated; and even the lecture
— ^when we had the good fortune to hear one — ^was delivered
amidst volumes of smoke, which rivalled in intensity the reeking
impurities of a btmung prairie, and interrupted by frequent calls
to the landlord for beer and strong waters, and the jingling of
pots and glasses ! Forgetting the favette Unguis of the old myste-
ries, the enjoyment of every Brother seemed to centre in himself
alone ; and this unhallowed triad of lecturing, smoking, and drink-
ing at one and the same time, bestrode the Brethren like the old
man of the sea on the neck of Sinbad, and they possessed no
means of liberation but by dissolving their connection with the
Lodge; and thus the Institution was deprived of some of its most
valuable members.
"This R. W. M., whose name, for various reasons, I have pur-
posely omitted to mention, as if determined to give the Lodge its
coup de grace^ introduced a contest for superiority between the
old and several young members, who understood very imperfectly
the true principles of the Order, and entered warmly into the dis-
pute for the sake of excitement and mischief The juniors were
at first always defeated in the niiSierous'motions and subjects of
discussion which they nightly poured forth upon the Lodge, with
as little judgment as Sancho Panza exliibited in the application
of his proverbs; but being encouraged by the Master, they sue-
ceeded in procuring an accession to their numbers by the intro-
duction of candidates for initiation, till, at length, the old members
were in a minority. The undisguised marks of triumph which the
juniors displayed, so disgusted the more sedate Brethren, that they
dropped off gradually, until the Lodge was left to the sole maa-
agement of the injudicious Master and his superficial associates.
I need not tell you the result. After the paeans of victory had
subsided, and the excitement of the contest was at an end, these
boon companions found Masonry but a dull affidr, and soon foUowed
the example of those worthy Brethren whom they had driven
from the Lodge, by discontinuing their attendance; until, at
length, we received a summons, dated 17th October, 1776, and
signed 'Samuel Spencer, Grand Secretary,' requiring us, under the
penalty of erasure, to show cause, at the ensuing Quarterly Com-
munication, why the Lodge had not been represented in Grand
Lodge for the last two years, and no subscriptions paid. Fortu-
nately, the remaining few members who had fidthfully adhered to
the Lodge amidst all its fluctuations, — ^if not by actual attendance,
at least by continuing on the books, — ^interfered, and by inviting
an active and scientific member, Bro. James Heseltine, who had
served the ofiice of Warden under Bro. Entick, to take the chair,
restored the peace and unanimity of the Lodge.
^'Many of the continental fiindes and innovations, extracted
from the Jewish Tahnuds, and introduced into their surreptitious
Masonry, were much talked of in our Lodges at this period; and
some of them were actually incorporated into our symbolical
ritual, which was one reason why an authorized mode of working
was considered by all genuine Masons to be essentially necessary.
The rage of Bomething new in England, as formerly in Athens,
was not easily suppressed, and a knowledge of these traditions
was deemed indispensible for every Brother who was ambitious of
enjoying the reputation of being an adept in Masonry. One of
these traditions you will like to hear, as it continued for a great
length of time a cherished figment amongst us. It refers to the
history of the Foundation Stone of Solomon's Temple, which was
traced in the legend from Enoch through Noah, Abraham, and
Solomon, to the apostate Emperor Julian by the following process.
They described it as a double cube, every side, except the base on
which it stood, being inscribed. The first face of the cube was
said to have been engraved by Noah with an instrument of por-
phyry when the Ark was building; the second, by Abraham, with
t?ie horn of the ram — credat Judseus! — which was substituted for
his son on Mount Moriah! the third, with a porphyry tool by
Moses; the fourth, by Joshua; and the fifth by Hiram Abif^
before it was deposited in its final bed at the north-east angle of
the Temple. Having been placed by Enoch in the basement of
his subterranean edifice, it was discovered by Noah, and used as
an anchor to fix the Ark on Mount Ararat. Abraham took it
thence to Mount Moriah, where it constituted the altar on which he
offered Isaac. It formed the pillow of Jacob when he saw his celes-
tial vison of the ladder, and accompanied him in all his wanderings.
He bequeathed it to Joseph in Egypt, who directed it to be placed
over his grave. Moses took it with him, at the great deliverance,
into the wilderness of Arabia. He stood upon this remarkable
stone when the Red Sea was divided, and when the Amalekitea
were defeated; knelt on it when the Tables of the Law were de-
livered on Mount Sinai; and finally commended it to the care
of Joshua, who built his altar on it at Mount Ebal. It was depos-
ited in the Sanctuary at Shilo, until the Temple was erected at
Jerusalem, when Solomon directed it to be placed in the founda-
tion as the chief comernstone. Here it remained undisturbed
either by Zerubbabel or Herod, as it was destined to defeat the
idbane attempt, of Julian to rebuild the Temple, which it effected
by destroying his workmen through the agency of fire.
*' A fiimilar fiction about the Rod of Moses was also imported
firom the Continent, which was traced firom the Paradisiacal Tree
of Knowledge ; another about the iastitution of Templary, which,
as it was said, had its origin in Egypt before the Exodus; that
Moses and Aaron, having been initiated into its mysteries, brought
it with them into Judaea; that thence it passed through the two
St. Johns to the Crusades, &c. ; and a fourth, about the imaginary
travels of Peleg, and the erection of his triangular Temple. We
had another, which recounted the pseudo-history of Hiram AbifiT;
and many umilar ones, which it would be a waste of time to men-
tion. It may be necessary to add, that these fables were not
countenanced by any but some young aud inexperienced Brethren,
who were ambitious of being accounted cleverer and brighter
Masons than their fellows. And 70a would have been astonished
to see the absurd airs of importance which the possessors of these
fiibuloos conceits assoraed when the conversation of a Lodge
happened to turn upon the abstruse subject of oabalistical acquire*
Grand Lodgb of Massachusktts. — ^The annual communication
of this body was held in Boston, the 30th day of December last.
One of the main features of the gathering, was the installation of
offici>r!4. I3ro. Winslow Lewis, who had served as Gi-and Master
for two years, retired from office, and was succeeded by Bro. John
T. Heard, late S. G. W. Bro. Lewis has, by his activity, zeal, and
display of Masonic intelligence, left a bright work upon the annala
of Masonry in the old Bay State. On retiring from office, he
delivered a very appropriate address. His station is now occupied
by a Brother of education and Masonic ability, who will undoubt-
edly perform the duties of the high office which he now occupies,
in a manner conducive to the best interests of the Craft, and credr
itable to hunself. He advises the Grand Lodge to take into consid-
eration the expediency of printing its records, including those of
St. John's and Massachusetts Grand Lodges. In another place,
we give an extract from his address, relative to the '^ annual feast '*
of the Craft.
• ••
Thb Grand Chapter op New York held a Convocation at
Albany, on the 3d of February last, M. E. Comp. Chas. L. Church,
G. H. P., presiding. The proceeddings were harmonious and
such as will conduce to the interest of the Craft. The following
were elected officers: P. P. Murphy, Grand High Priest; J. M.
Austin, M. D., Dep. G. H. Priest; Sylvester Gilbert, Grand King;
A. Willard, M. D., Grand Scribe; J. O. Cole, Grand Secretary;
Wm. Seymour, Grand Treasurer; Rev. Salem Town, LL. D., Gd.
Chaplain; Rev. O. Starkie, Assistant Grand Chaplain.; G. N.
TVUliams, Grand Captain of Host; Jesse P. Mitchell, Grand
R. A. C.
I am lonely, I am weary,
Weary of the hoxirs that bring
No relief to break the dreary
Chahis that round my spirit cling.
There was once a fairy spirit
Smiling on the path I trod,
Wooing onward, wooing near it,
Till ambition grew a god !
Ah, thdee momenta! I remember
How they thrilled me to the core !
How, like west winds in September,
They were laden with a store
Of perfume, and thought, and passion,
Centered in life's idol star, —
In a star whose fickle orbit
Wandered off in regions far!
Tears of sadness, years of sorrow.
How they bum into my heart!
Gay I seem, but every morrow
Lends new pangs to every smart I
Clouds and storms hang ever o'er me,
In the thorny way I go;
And the fates still hold before me
Their intensest cup of woe !
Vet the sunshine and the feeling
Of the young, the fiiir, and gay,
O'er my spirit will come stealing
Sometimes, like the lis:ht of day
In a cavern, whose uncertain
Vapors cloak in dark and gloom —
Lifting up the murky curtain
Off my spirit's withered bloom !
'Tis but the flashing of the setting
Sun, ere he sinks to rest
In his couch of splendor, fretting
All the hangings in the west;
Tet a hope, like sunbeams, flashes
Now and then across the sea.
And, amid the storm that crashes.
Whispers sweetest words to me I
It was Sir William Temple who so well said, ^' The first
ingredient in conversation is truth; the next, good sense; the
third, good humor; and the fourth, wit.''
30 — ^voL. n. NO. vn.
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